'twofauth_export_format_sub'=>'Export data using the 2FAuth json schema',
'twofauth_export_format_desc'=>'You should prefer this option if you need to create a backup that can be restored. This format takes care of the icons.',
'twofauth_export_format_url'=>'The schema definition is described here:',
'twofauth_export_schema'=>'2FAuth export schema',
'otpauth_export_format'=>'otpauth URIs',
'otpauth_export_format_sub'=>'Export data as a list of otpauth URIs',
'otpauth_export_format_desc'=>'otpauth URI is the most common format used to exchange 2FA data, for example in the form of a QR code when you enable 2FA on a web site. Select this if you want to switch from 2FAuth.',
'i_m_lucky_legend'=>'The "Try my luck" button try to get the official icon of the given service. Enter actual service name without ".xyz" extension and try to avoid typo. (beta feature)',
'help'=>'The key used to generate your security codes'
'plain_text'=>'Plain text',
'label'=>'Choose the type of <abbr title="One-Time Password">OTP</abbr> to create',
'help'=>'Time-based OTP or HMAC-based OTP or Steam OTP'
'help'=>'The number of digits of the generated security codes'
'help'=>'The algorithm used to secure your security codes'
'placeholder'=>'Default is 30',
'help'=>'The period of validity of the generated security codes in second'
'placeholder'=>'Default is 0',
'help'=>'The initial counter value',
'help_lock'=>'It is risky to edit the counter as you can desynchronize the account with the verification server of the service. Use the lock icon to enable modification, but only if you know for you are doing'
'help'=>'The url of an external image to use as the account icon'
'options_help'=>'You can leave the following options blank if you don\'t know how to set them. The most commonly used values will be applied.',
'solution'=>'You need to grant permission to use your device camera. If you already denied and your browser do not prompt you again, please refers to the browser documentation to find out how to grant permission.',
'click_camera_icon'=>'It is usually done by clicking on a slashed camera icon in or next to the browser\'s address bar',
'submitted_data_parsed_now_accounts_are_awaiting_import'=>'The following 2FA accounts were found in the migration resource. So far none of them have been added to 2FAuth.',
'use_buttons_to_save_or_discard'=>'Use the available buttons to permanently save them to your 2FA collection or discard them.',
'do_not_set_password_or_encryption'=>'Do NOT enable Password protection or Encryption when you export data from a 2FA app otherwise 2FAuth will not be able to decipher them.',