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/*! 2FAuth version 5.0.4 - Copyright (c) 2023 Bubka - https://github.com/Bubka/2FAuth */ const hd = "modulepreload" , gd = function ( e , t ) { return new URL ( e , t ) . href } , Ao = { } , re = function ( t , n , r ) { if ( ! n || n . length === 0 ) return t ( ) ; const s = document . getElementsByTagName ( "link" ) ; return Promise . all ( n . map ( a => { if ( a = gd ( a , r ) , a in Ao ) return ; Ao [ a ] = ! 0 ; const i = a . endsWith ( ".css" ) , o = i ? '[rel="stylesheet"]' : "" ; if ( ! ! r ) for ( let u = s . length - 1 ; u >= 0 ; u -- ) { const f = s [ u ] ; if ( f . href === a && ( ! i || f . rel === "stylesheet" ) ) return } else if ( document . querySelector ( ` link[href=" ${ a } "] ${ o } ` ) ) return ; const c = document . createElement ( "link" ) ; if ( c . rel = i ? "stylesheet" : hd , i || ( c . as = "script" , c . crossOrigin = "" ) , c . href = a , document . head . appendChild ( c ) , i ) return new Promise ( ( u , f ) => { c . addEventListener ( "load" , u ) , c . addEventListener ( "error" , ( ) => f ( new Error ( ` Unable to preload CSS for ${ a } ` ) ) ) } ) } ) ) . then ( ( ) => t ( ) ) . catch ( a => { const i = new Event ( "vite:preloadError" , { cancelable : ! 0 } ) ; if ( i . payload = a , window . dispatchEvent ( i ) , ! i . defaultPrevented ) throw a } ) } ; function Ei ( e , t ) { const n = Object . create ( null ) , r = e . split ( "," ) ; for ( let s = 0 ; s < r . length ; s ++ ) n [ r [ s ] ] = ! 0 ; return t ? s => ! ! n [ s . toLowerCase ( ) ] : s => ! ! n [ s ] } const _e = { } , In = [ ] , vt = ( ) => { } , vd = ( ) => ! 1 , yd = /^on[^a-z]/ , Vs = e => yd . test ( e ) , xi = e => e . startsWith ( "onUpdate:" ) , Te = Object . assign , ki = ( e , t ) => { const n = e . indexOf ( t ) ; n > - 1 && e . splice ( n , 1 ) } , bd = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty , le = ( e , t ) => bd . call ( e , t ) , W = Array . isArray , $n = e => zr ( e ) === "[object Map]" , Yn = e => zr ( e ) === "[object Set]" , So = e => zr ( e ) === "[object Date]" , ne = e => typeof e == "function" , Le = e => typeof e == "string" , _r = e => typeof e == "symbol" , ve = e => e !== null && typeof e == "object" , Ec = e => ve ( e ) && ne ( e . then ) && ne ( e . catch ) , xc = Object . prototype . toString , zr = e => xc . call ( e ) , wd = e => zr ( e ) . slice ( 8 , - 1 ) , kc = e => zr ( e ) === "[object Object]" , Ai = e => Le ( e ) && e !== "NaN" && e [ 0 ] !== "-" && "" + parseInt ( e , 10 ) === e , ys = Ei ( ",key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted" ) , Us = e => { const t = Object . create ( null ) ; return n => t [ n ] || ( t [ n ] = e ( n ) ) } , _d = /-(\w)/g , At = Us ( e => e . replace ( _d , ( t , n ) => n ? n . toUpperCase ( ) : "" ) ) , Ed = /\B([A-Z])/g , wn = Us ( e => e . replace ( Ed , "-$1" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) , Ks = Us ( e => e . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + e . slice ( 1 ) ) , va = Us ( e => e ? ` on ${ Ks ( e ) } ` : "" ) , Er = ( e , t ) => ! Object . is ( e , t ) , bs = ( e , t ) => { for ( let n = 0 ; n < e . length ; n ++ ) e [ n ] ( t ) } , Os = ( e , t , n ) => { Object . defineProperty ( e , t , { configurable : ! 0 , enumerable : ! 1 , value : n } ) } , Ac = e => { const t = parseFloat ( e ) ; return isNaN ( t ) ? e : t } , xd = e => { const t = Le ( e ) ? Number ( e ) : NaN ; return isNaN ( t ) ? e : t } ; let Co ; const ja = ( ) => Co || ( Co = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : { } ) ; function Dn ( e ) { if ( W ( e ) ) { const t = { } ; for ( let n = 0 ; n < e . length ; n ++ ) { const r = e [ n ] , s = Le ( r ) ? Cd ( r ) : Dn ( r ) ; if ( s ) for ( const a in s ) t [ a ] = s [ a ] } return t } else { if ( Le ( e ) ) return e ; if ( ve ( e ) ) return e } } const kd = /;(?![^(]*\))/g , Ad = /:([^]+)/ , Sd = /\/\*[^]*?\*\//g ; function Cd ( e ) { const t = { } ; return e . replace ( Sd , "" ) . split ( kd ) . forEach ( n => { if ( n ) { const r = n . split ( Ad ) ; r . length > 1 && ( t [ r [ 0 ] . trim ( ) ] = r [ 1 ] . trim ( ) ) } } ) , t } function Oe ( e ) { let t = "" ; if ( Le ( e ) ) t = e ; else if ( W ( e ) ) for ( let n = 0 ; n < e . length ; n ++ ) { const r = Oe ( e [ n ] ) ; r && ( t += r + " " ) } else if ( ve ( e ) ) for ( const n in e ) e [ n ] && ( t += n + " " ) ; return t . trim ( ) } const Od = "itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly" , Td = Ei ( Od ) ; function Sc ( e ) { return ! ! e || e === "" } function Ld ( e , t ) { if ( e . length !== t . length ) return ! 1 ; let n = ! 0 ; for ( let r = 0 ; n && r < e . length ; r ++ ) n = Br ( e [ r ] , t [ r ] ) ; return n } function Br ( e , t ) { if ( e === t ) return ! 0 ; let n = So ( e ) , r = So ( t ) ; if ( n || r ) return n && r ? e . getTime ( ) === t . getTime ( ) : ! 1 ; if ( n = _r ( e ) , r = _r ( t ) , n || r ) return e === t ; if ( n = W ( e ) , r = W ( t ) , n || r ) return n && r ? Ld ( e , t ) : ! 1 ; if ( n = ve ( e ) , r = ve ( t ) , n || r ) { if ( ! n || ! r ) return ! 1 ; const s = Object . keys ( e ) . length , a = Object . keys ( t ) . length ; if ( s !== a ) return ! 1 ; for ( const i in e ) { const o = e . hasOwnProperty ( i ) , l = t . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ; if ( o && ! l || ! o && l || ! Br ( e [ i ] , t [ i ] ) ) return ! 1 } } return String ( e ) === String ( t ) } function Si ( e , t ) { return e . findIndex ( n => Br ( n , t ) ) } const Ae = e => Le ( e ) ? e : e == null ? "" : W ( e ) || ve ( e ) && ( e . toString === xc || ! ne ( e . toString ) ) ? JSON . stringify ( e , Cc , 2 ) : String ( e ) , Cc = ( e , t ) => t && t . _ _v _isRef ? Cc ( e , t . value ) : $n ( t ) ? { [ ` Map( ${ t . size } ) ` ] : [ ... t . entries ( ) ] . reduce ( ( n , [ r , s ] ) => ( n [ ` ${ r } => ` ] = s , n ) , { } ) } : Yn ( t ) ? { [ ` Set( ${ t
2023-12-29 00:32:51 +01:00
* vue - router v4 . 2.4
* ( c ) 2023 Eduardo San Martin Morote
* @ license MIT
2024-02-23 15:31:08 +01:00
* /const Ln=typeof window<"u";function mh(e){return e.__esModule||e[Symbol.toStringTag]==="Module"}const pe=Object.assign;function Ca(e,t){const n={};for(const r in t){const s=t[r];n[r]=yt(s)?s.map(e):e(s)}return n}const gr=()=>{},yt=Array.isArray,hh=/ \ / $ / , gh = e => e . replace ( hh , "" ) ; function Oa ( e , t , n = "/" ) { let r , s = { } , a = "" , i = "" ; const o = t . indexOf ( "#" ) ; let l = t . indexOf ( "?" ) ; return o < l && o >= 0 && ( l = - 1 ) , l > - 1 && ( r = t . slice ( 0 , l ) , a = t . slice ( l + 1 , o > - 1 ? o : t . length ) , s = e ( a ) ) , o > - 1 && ( r = r || t . slice ( 0 , o ) , i = t . slice ( o , t . length ) ) , r = wh ( r ? ? t , n ) , { fullPath : r + ( a && "?" ) + a + i , path : r , query : s , hash : i } } function vh ( e , t ) { const n = t . query ? e ( t . query ) : "" ; return t . path + ( n && "?" ) + n + ( t . hash || "" ) } function pl ( e , t ) { return ! t || ! e . toLowerCase ( ) . startsWith ( t . toLowerCase ( ) ) ? e : e . slice ( t . length ) || "/" } function yh ( e , t , n ) { const r = t . matched . length - 1 , s = n . matched . length - 1 ; return r > - 1 && r === s && jn ( t . matched [ r ] , n . matched [ s ] ) && Fu ( t . params , n . params ) && e ( t . query ) === e ( n . query ) && t . hash === n . hash } function jn ( e , t ) { return ( e . aliasOf || e ) === ( t . aliasOf || t ) } function Fu ( e , t ) { if ( Object . keys ( e ) . length !== Object . keys ( t ) . length ) return ! 1 ; for ( const n in e ) if ( ! bh ( e [ n ] , t [ n ] ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } function bh ( e , t ) { return yt ( e ) ? ml ( e , t ) : yt ( t ) ? ml ( t , e ) : e === t } function ml ( e , t ) { return yt ( t ) ? e . length === t . length && e . every ( ( n , r ) => n === t [ r ] ) : e . length === 1 && e [ 0 ] === t } function wh ( e , t ) { if ( e . startsWith ( "/" ) ) return e ; if ( ! e ) return t ; const n = t . split ( "/" ) , r = e . split ( "/" ) , s = r [ r . length - 1 ] ; ( s === ".." || s === "." ) && r . push ( "" ) ; let a = n . length - 1 , i , o ; for ( i = 0 ; i < r . length ; i ++ ) if ( o = r [ i ] , o !== "." ) if ( o === ".." ) a > 1 && a -- ; else break ; return n . slice ( 0 , a ) . join ( "/" ) + "/" + r . slice ( i - ( i === r . length ? 1 : 0 ) ) . join ( "/" ) } var Rr ; ( function ( e ) { e . pop = "pop" , e . push = "push" } ) ( Rr || ( Rr = { } ) ) ; var vr ; ( function ( e ) { e . back = "back" , e . forward = "forward" , e . unknown = "" } ) ( vr || ( vr = { } ) ) ; function _h ( e ) { if ( ! e ) if ( Ln ) { const t = document . querySelector ( "base" ) ; e = t && t . getAttribute ( "href" ) || "/" , e = e . replace ( /^\w+:\/\/[^\/]+/ , "" ) } else e = "/" ; return e [ 0 ] !== "/" && e [ 0 ] !== "#" && ( e = "/" + e ) , gh ( e ) } const Eh = /^[^#]+#/ ; function xh ( e , t ) { return e . replace ( Eh , "#" ) + t } function kh ( e , t ) { const n = document . documentElement . getBoundingClientRect ( ) , r = e . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; return { behavior : t . behavior , left : r . left - n . left - ( t . left || 0 ) , top : r . top - n . top - ( t . top || 0 ) } } const sa = ( ) => ( { left : window . pageXOffset , top : window . pageYOffset } ) ; function Ah ( e ) { let t ; if ( "el" in e ) { const n = e . el , r = typeof n == "string" && n . startsWith ( "#" ) , s = typeof n == "string" ? r ? document . getElementById ( n . slice ( 1 ) ) : document . querySelector ( n ) : n ; if ( ! s ) return ; t = kh ( s , e ) } else t = e ; "scrollBehavior" in document . documentElement . style ? window . scrollTo ( t ) : window . scrollTo ( t . left != null ? t . left : window . pageXOffset , t . top != null ? t . top : window . pageYOffset ) } function hl ( e , t ) { return ( history . state ? history . state . position - t : - 1 ) + e } const ei = new Map ; function Sh ( e , t ) { ei . set ( e , t ) } function Ch ( e ) { const t = ei . get ( e ) ; return ei . delete ( e ) , t } let Oh = ( ) => location . protocol + "//" + location . host ; function Hu ( e , t ) { const { pathname : n , search : r , hash : s } = t , a = e . indexOf ( "#" ) ; if ( a > - 1 ) { let o = s . includes ( e . slice ( a ) ) ? e . slice ( a ) . length : 1 , l = s . slice ( o ) ; return l [ 0 ] !== "/" && ( l = "/" + l ) , pl ( l , "" ) } return pl ( n , e ) + r + s } function Th ( e , t , n , r ) { let s = [ ] , a = [ ] , i = null ; const o = ( { state : d } ) => { const m = Hu ( e , location ) , g = n . value , v = t . value ; let S = 0 ; if ( d ) { if ( n . value = m , t . value = d , i && i === g ) { i = null ; return } S = v ? d . position - v . position : 0 } else r ( m ) ; s . forEach ( b => { b ( n . value , g , { delta : S , type : Rr . pop , direction : S ? S > 0 ? vr . forward : vr . back : vr . unknown } ) } ) } ; function l ( ) { i = n . value } function c ( d ) { s . push ( d ) ; const m = ( ) => { const g = s . indexOf ( d ) ; g > - 1 && s . splice ( g , 1 ) } ; return a . push ( m ) , m } function u ( ) { const { history : d } = window ; d . state && d . replaceState ( pe ( { } , d . state , { scroll : sa ( ) } ) , "" ) } function f ( ) { for ( const d of a ) d ( ) ; a = [ ] , window . removeEventListener ( "popstate" , o ) , window . removeEventListener ( "beforeunload" , u ) } return window . addEventListener ( "popstate" , o ) , window . addEventListener ( "beforeunload" , u , { passive : ! 0 } ) , { pauseListeners : l , listen : c , destroy : f } } function gl ( e , t , n , r = ! 1 , s = ! 1 ) { return { back : e , current : t , forward : n , replaced : r , position : window . history . length , scroll : s ? sa ( ) : null } } function Lh ( e ) { const { history : t , location : n } = window , r = { value : Hu ( e , n ) } , s = { value : t . state } ; s . value || a ( r . value , { back : null , current : r . value , forward : null , position : t . length - 1 , replace
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* pinia v2 . 1.6
* ( c ) 2023 Eduardo San Martin Morote
* @ license MIT
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* / l e t o f ; c o n s t i a = e = > o f = e , l f = S y m b o l ( ) ; f u n c t i o n r i ( e ) { r e t u r n e & & t y p e o f e = = " o b j e c t " & & O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . t o S t r i n g . c a l l ( e ) = = = " [ o b j e c t O b j e c t ] " & & t y p e o f e . t o J S O N ! = " f u n c t i o n " } v a r y r ; ( f u n c t i o n ( e ) { e . d i r e c t = " d i r e c t " , e . p a t c h O b j e c t = " p a t c h o b j e c t " , e . p a t c h F u n c t i o n = " p a t c h f u n c t i o n " } ) ( y r | | ( y r = { } ) ) ; f u n c t i o n N 1 ( ) { c o n s t e = T c ( ! 0 ) , t = e . r u n ( ( ) = > m e ( { } ) ) ; l e t n = [ ] , r = [ ] ; c o n s t s = q s ( { i n s t a l l ( a ) { i a ( s ) , s . _ a = a , a . p r o v i d e ( l f , s ) , a . c o n f i g . g l o b a l P r o p e r t i e s . $ p i n i a = s , r . f o r E a c h ( i = > n . p u s h ( i ) ) , r = [ ] } , u s e ( a ) { r e t u r n ! t h i s . _ a & & ! M 1 ? r . p u s h ( a ) : n . p u s h ( a ) , t h i s } , _ p : n , _ a : n u l l , _ e : e , _ s : n e w M a p , s t a t e : t } ) ; r e t u r n s } c o n s t c f = ( ) = > { } ; f u n c t i o n P l ( e , t , n , r = c f ) { e . p u s h ( t ) ; c o n s t s = ( ) = > { c o n s t a = e . i n d e x O f ( t ) ; a > - 1 & & ( e . s p l i c e ( a , 1 ) , r ( ) ) } ; r e t u r n ! n & & C i ( ) & & L c ( s ) , s } f u n c t i o n S n ( e , . . . t ) { e . s l i c e ( ) . f o r E a c h ( n = > { n ( . . . t ) } ) } c o n s t I 1 = e = > e ( ) ; f u n c t i o n s i ( e , t ) { e i n s t a n c e o f M a p & & t i n s t a n c e o f M a p & & t . f o r E a c h ( ( n , r ) = > e . s e t ( r , n ) ) , e i n s t a n c e o f S e t & & t i n s t a n c e o f S e t & & t . f o r E a c h ( e . a d d , e ) ; f o r ( c o n s t n i n t ) { i f ( ! t . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( n ) ) c o n t i n u e ; c o n s t r = t [ n ] , s = e [ n ] ; r i ( s ) & & r i ( r ) & & e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( n ) & & ! k e ( r ) & & ! Q t ( r ) ? e [ n ] = s i ( s , r ) : e [ n ] = r } r e t u r n e } c o n s t $ 1 = S y m b o l ( ) ; f u n c t i o n F 1 ( e ) { r e t u r n ! r i ( e ) | | ! e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( $ 1 ) } c o n s t { a s s i g n : Y t } = O b j e c t ; f u n c t i o n H 1 ( e ) { r e t u r n ! ! ( k e ( e ) & & e . e f f e c t ) } f u n c t i o n D 1 ( e , t , n , r ) { c o n s t { s t a t e : s , a c t i o n s : a , g e t t e r s : i } = t , o = n . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] ; l e t l ; f u n c t i o n c ( ) { o | | ( n . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] = s ? s ( ) : { } ) ; c o n s t u = c p ( n . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] ) ; r e t u r n Y t ( u , a , O b j e c t . k e y s ( i | | { } ) . r e d u c e ( ( f , d ) = > ( f [ d ] = q s ( t e ( ( ) = > { i a ( n ) ; c o n s t m = n . _ s . g e t ( e ) ; r e t u r n i [ d ] . c a l l ( m , m ) } ) ) , f ) , { } ) ) } r e t u r n l = u f ( e , c , t , n , r , ! 0 ) , l } f u n c t i o n u f ( e , t , n = { } , r , s , a ) { l e t i ; c o n s t o = Y t ( { a c t i o n s : { } } , n ) , l = { d e e p : ! 0 } ; l e t c , u , f = [ ] , d = [ ] , m ; c o n s t g = r . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] ; ! a & & ! g & & ( r . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] = { } ) , m e ( { } ) ; l e t v ; f u n c t i o n S ( w ) { l e t O ; c = u = ! 1 , t y p e o f w = = " f u n c t i o n " ? ( w ( r . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] ) , O = { t y p e : y r . p a t c h F u n c t i o n , s t o r e I d : e , e v e n t s : m } ) : ( s i ( r . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] , w ) , O = { t y p e : y r . p a t c h O b j e c t , p a y l o a d : w , s t o r e I d : e , e v e n t s : m } ) ; c o n s t H = v = S y m b o l ( ) ; Q n ( ) . t h e n ( ( ) = > { v = = = H & & ( c = ! 0 ) } ) , u = ! 0 , S n ( f , O , r . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] ) } c o n s t b = a ? f u n c t i o n ( ) { c o n s t { s t a t e : O } = n , H = O ? O ( ) : { } ; t h i s . $ p a t c h ( R = > { Y t ( R , H ) } ) } : c f ; f u n c t i o n _ ( ) { i . s t o p ( ) , f = [ ] , d = [ ] , r . _ s . d e l e t e ( e ) } f u n c t i o n P ( w , O ) { r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( ) { i a ( r ) ; c o n s t H = A r r a y . f r o m ( a r g u m e n t s ) , R = [ ] , N = [ ] ; f u n c t i o n V ( a e ) { R . p u s h ( a e ) } f u n c t i o n y e ( a e ) { N . p u s h ( a e ) } S n ( d , { a r g s : H , n a m e : w , s t o r e : F , a f t e r : V , o n E r r o r : y e } ) ; l e t S e ; t r y { S e = O . a p p l y ( t h i s & & t h i s . $ i d = = = e ? t h i s : F , H ) } c a t c h ( a e ) { t h r o w S n ( N , a e ) , a e } r e t u r n S e i n s t a n c e o f P r o m i s e ? S e . t h e n ( a e = > ( S n ( R , a e ) , a e ) ) . c a t c h ( a e = > ( S n ( N , a e ) , P r o m i s e . r e j e c t ( a e ) ) ) : ( S n ( R , S e ) , S e ) } } c o n s t x = { _ p : r , $ i d : e , $ o n A c t i o n : P l . b i n d ( n u l l , d ) , $ p a t c h : S , $ r e s e t : b , $ s u b s c r i b e ( w , O = { } ) { c o n s t H = P l ( f , w , O . d e t a c h e d , ( ) = > R ( ) ) , R = i . r u n ( ( ) = > H e ( ( ) = > r . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] , N = > { ( O . f l u s h = = = " s y n c " ? u : c ) & & w ( { s t o r e I d : e , t y p e : y r . d i r e c t , e v e n t s : m } , N ) } , Y t ( { } , l , O ) ) ) ; r e t u r n H } , $ d i s p o s e : _ } , F = R t ( x ) ; r . _ s . s e t ( e , F ) ; c o n s t Z = r . _ a & & r . _ a . r u n W i t h C o n t e x t | | I 1 , q = r . _ e . r u n ( ( ) = > ( i = T c ( ) , Z ( ( ) = > i . r u n ( t ) ) ) ) ; f o r ( c o n s t w i n q ) { c o n s t O = q [ w ] ; i f ( k e ( O ) & & ! H 1 ( O ) | | Q t ( O ) ) a | | ( g & & F 1 ( O ) & & ( k e ( O ) ? O . v a l u e = g [ w ] : s i ( O , g [ w ] ) ) , r . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] [ w ] = O ) ; e l s e i f ( t y p e o f O = = " f u n c t i o n " ) { c o n s t H = P ( w , O ) ; q [ w ] = H , o . a c t i o n s [ w ] = O } } r e t u r n Y t ( F , q ) , Y t ( o e ( F ) , q ) , O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( F , " $ s t a t e " , { g e t : ( ) = > r . s t a t e . v a l u e [ e ] , s e t : w = > { S ( O = > { Y t ( O , w ) } ) } } ) , r . _ p . f o r E a c h ( w = > { Y t ( F , i . r u n ( ( ) = > w ( { s t o r e : F , a p p : r . _ a , p i n i a : r , o p t i o n s : o } ) ) ) } ) , g & & a & & n . h y d r a t e & & n . h y d r a t e ( F . $ s t a t e , g ) , c = ! 0 , u = ! 0 , F } f u n c t i o n V r ( e , t , n ) { l e t r , s ; c o n s t a = t y p e o f t = = " f u n c t i o n " ; t y p e o f e = = " s t r i n g " ? ( r = e , s = a ? n : t ) : ( s = e , r = e . i d ) ; f u n c t i o n i ( o , l ) { c o n s t c = q p ( ) ; r e t u r n o = o | | ( c ? e t ( l f , n u l l ) : n u l l ) , o & & i a ( o ) , o = o f , o . _ s . h a s ( r ) | | ( a ? u f ( r , t , s , o ) : D 1 ( r , s , o ) ) , o . _ s . g e t ( r ) } r e t u r n i . $ i d = r , i } f u n c t i o n f f ( e , t ) { r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n e . a p p l y ( t , a r g u m e n t s ) } } c o n s t { t o S t r i n g : z 1 } = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e , { g e t P r o t o t y p e O f : r o } = O b j e c t , o a = ( e = > t = > { c o n s t n = z 1 . c a l l ( t ) ; r e t u r n e [ n ] | | ( e [ n ] = n . s l i c e ( 8 , - 1 ) . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) ) } ) ( O b j e c t . c r e a t e ( n u l l ) ) , S t = e = > ( e = e . t o L o w e r C a s e ( ) , t = > o a ( t ) = = = e ) , l a = e = > t = > t y p e o f t = = = e , { i s A r r a y : t r } = A r r a y , M r = l a ( " u n d e f i n e d " ) ; f u n c t i o n B 1 ( e ) { r e t u r n e ! = = n u l l & & ! M r ( e ) & & e . c o n s t r u c t o r ! = = n u l l & & ! M r ( e . c o n s t r u c t o r ) & & u t ( e . c o n s t r u c t o r . i s B u f f e r ) & & e . c o n s t r u c t o r . i s B u f f e r ( e ) } c o n s t d f = S t ( " A r r a y B u f f e r " ) ; f u n c t i o n j 1 ( e ) { l e t t ; r e t u r n t y p e o f A r r a y B u f f e r < " u " & & A r r a y B u f f e r . i s V i e w ? t = A r r a y B u f f e r . i s V i e w ( e ) : t = e & & e . b u f f e r & & d f ( e . b u f f e r ) , t } c o n s t V 1 = l a ( " s t
` ).forEach(function(i){s=i.indexOf(":"),n=i.substring(0,s).trim().toLowerCase(),r=i.substring(s+1).trim(),!(!n||t[n]&&I2[n])&&(n==="set-cookie"?t[n]?t[n].push(r):t[n]=[r]:t[n]=t[n]?t[n]+", "+r:r)}),t},Fl=Symbol("internals");function lr(e){return e&&String(e).trim().toLowerCase()}function xs(e){return e===!1||e==null?e:k.isArray(e)?e.map(xs):String(e)}function F2(e){const t=Object.create(null),n=/([^ \s ,;=]+) \s *(?:= \s *([^,;]+))?/g;let r;for(;r=n.exec(e);)t[r[1]]=r[2];return t}const H2=e=>/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9^ ` | ~ , ! # $ % & ' * + . ] + $ / . test ( e . trim ( ) ) ; function Pa ( e , t , n , r , s ) { if ( k . isFunction ( r ) ) return r . call ( this , t , n ) ; if ( s && ( t = n ) , ! ! k . isString ( t ) ) { if ( k . isString ( r ) ) return t . indexOf ( r ) !== - 1 ; if ( k . isRegExp ( r ) ) return r . test ( t ) } } function D2 ( e ) { return e . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /([a-z\d])(\w*)/g , ( t , n , r ) => n . toUpperCase ( ) + r ) } function z2 ( e , t ) { const n = k . toCamelCase ( " " + t ) ; [ "get" , "set" , "has" ] . forEach ( r => { Object . defineProperty ( e , r + n , { value : function ( s , a , i ) { return this [ r ] . call ( this , t , s , a , i ) } , configurable : ! 0 } ) } ) } class da { constructor ( t ) { t && this . set ( t ) } set ( t , n , r ) { const s = this ; function a ( o , l , c ) { const u = lr ( l ) ; if ( ! u ) throw new Error ( "header name must be a non-empty string" ) ; const f = k . findKey ( s , u ) ; ( ! f || s [ f ] === void 0 || c === ! 0 || c === void 0 && s [ f ] !== ! 1 ) && ( s [ f || l ] = xs ( o ) ) } const i = ( o , l ) => k . forEach ( o , ( c , u ) => a ( c , u , l ) ) ; return k . isPlainObject ( t ) || t instanceof this . constructor ? i ( t , n ) : k . isString ( t ) && ( t = t . trim ( ) ) && ! H2 ( t ) ? i ( $2 ( t ) , n ) : t != null && a ( n , t , r ) , this } get ( t , n ) { if ( t = lr ( t ) , t ) { const r = k . findKey ( this , t ) ; if ( r ) { const s = this [ r ] ; if ( ! n ) return s ; if ( n === ! 0 ) return F2 ( s ) ; if ( k . isFunction ( n ) ) return n . call ( this , s , r ) ; if ( k . isRegExp ( n ) ) return n . exec ( s ) ; throw new TypeError ( "parser must be boolean|regexp|function" ) } } } has ( t , n ) { if ( t = lr ( t ) , t ) { const r = k . findKey ( this , t ) ; return ! ! ( r && this [ r ] !== void 0 && ( ! n || Pa ( this , this [ r ] , r , n ) ) ) } return ! 1 } delete ( t , n ) { const r = this ; let s = ! 1 ; function a ( i ) { if ( i = lr ( i ) , i ) { const o = k . findKey ( r , i ) ; o && ( ! n || Pa ( r , r [ o ] , o , n ) ) && ( delete r [ o ] , s = ! 0 ) } } return k . isArray ( t ) ? t . forEach ( a ) : a ( t ) , s } clear ( t ) { const n = Object . keys ( this ) ; let r = n . length , s = ! 1 ; for ( ; r -- ; ) { const a = n [ r ] ; ( ! t || Pa ( this , this [ a ] , a , t , ! 0 ) ) && ( delete this [ a ] , s = ! 0 ) } return s } normalize ( t ) { const n = this , r = { } ; return k . forEach ( this , ( s , a ) => { const i = k . findKey ( r , a ) ; if ( i ) { n [ i ] = xs ( s ) , delete n [ a ] ; return } const o = t ? D2 ( a ) : String ( a ) . trim ( ) ; o !== a && delete n [ a ] , n [ o ] = xs ( s ) , r [ o ] = ! 0 } ) , this } concat ( ... t ) { return this . constructor . concat ( this , ... t ) } toJSON ( t ) { const n = Object . create ( null ) ; return k . forEach ( this , ( r , s ) => { r != null && r !== ! 1 && ( n [ s ] = t && k . isArray ( r ) ? r . join ( ", " ) : r ) } ) , n } [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) } toString ( ) { return Object . entries ( this . toJSON ( ) ) . map ( ( [ t , n ] ) => t + ": " + n ) . join ( `
` )}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"AxiosHeaders"}static from(t){return t instanceof this?t:new this(t)}static concat(t,...n){const r=new this(t);return n.forEach(s=>r.set(s)),r}static accessor(t){const r=(this[Fl]=this[Fl]={accessors:{}}).accessors,s=this.prototype;function a(i){const o=lr(i);r[o]||(z2(s,i),r[o]=!0)}return k.isArray(t)?t.forEach(a):a(t),this}}da.accessor(["Content-Type","Content-Length","Accept","Accept-Encoding","User-Agent","Authorization"]);k.freezeMethods(da.prototype);k.freezeMethods(da);const Mt=da;function Ra(e,t){const n=this||ao,r=t||n,s=Mt.from(r.headers);let a=r.data;return k.forEach(e,function(o){a=o.call(n,a,s.normalize(),t?t.status:void 0)}),s.normalize(),a}function Sf(e){return!!(e&&e.__CANCEL__)}function Kr(e,t,n){ce.call(this,e??"canceled",ce.ERR_CANCELED,t,n),this.name="CanceledError"}k.inherits(Kr,ce,{__CANCEL__:!0});function B2(e,t,n){const r=n.config.validateStatus;!n.status||!r||r(n.status)?e(n):t(new ce("Request failed with status code "+n.status,[ce.ERR_BAD_REQUEST,ce.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE][Math.floor(n.status/100)-4],n.config,n.request,n))}const j2=xt.isStandardBrowserEnv?function(){return{write:function(n,r,s,a,i,o){const l=[];l.push(n+"="+encodeURIComponent(r)),k.isNumber(s)&&l.push("expires="+new Date(s).toGMTString()),k.isString(a)&&l.push("path="+a),k.isString(i)&&l.push("domain="+i),o===!0&&l.push("secure"),document.cookie=l.join("; ")},read:function(n){const r=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|; \\ s*)("+n+")=([^;]*)"));return r?decodeURIComponent(r[3]):null},remove:function(n){this.write(n,"",Date.now()-864e5)}}}():function(){return{write:function(){},read:function(){return null},remove:function(){}}}();function V2(e){return/^([a-z][a-z \d + \- .]*:)? \/ \/ /i.test(e)}function U2(e,t){return t?e.replace(/ \/ + $ /,"")+"/"+t.replace(/^ \/ +/,""):e}function Cf(e,t){return e&&!V2(t)?U2(e,t):t}const K2=xt.isStandardBrowserEnv?function(){const t=/(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent),n=document.createElement("a");let r;function s(a){let i=a;return t&&(n.setAttribute("href",i),i=n.href),n.setAttribute("href",i),{href:n.href,protocol:n.protocol?n.protocol.replace(/: $ /,""):"",host:n.host,search:n.search?n.search.replace(/^ \? /,""):"",hash:n.hash?n.hash.replace(/^#/,""):"",hostname:n.hostname,port:n.port,pathname:n.pathname.charAt(0)==="/"?n.pathname:"/"+n.pathname}}return r=s(window.location.href),function(i){const o=k.isString(i)?s(i):i;return o.protocol===r.protocol&&o.host===r.host}}():function(){return function(){return!0}}();function W2(e){const t=/^([-+ \w ]{1,25})(:? \/ \/ |:)/.exec(e);return t&&t[1]||""}function q2(e,t){e=e||10;const n=new Array(e),r=new Array(e);let s=0,a=0,i;return t=t!==void 0?t:1e3,function(l){const c=Date.now(),u=r[a];i||(i=c),n[s]=l,r[s]=c;let f=a,d=0;for(;f!==s;)d+=n[f++],f=f%e;if(s=(s+1)%e,s===a&&(a=(a+1)%e),c-i<t)return;const m=u&&c-u;return m?Math.round(d*1e3/m):void 0}}function Hl(e,t){let n=0;const r=q2(50,250);return s=>{const a=s.loaded,i=s.lengthComputable?s.total:void 0,o=a-n,l=r(o),c=a<=i;n=a;const u={loaded:a,total:i,progress:i?a/i:void 0,bytes:o,rate:l||void 0,estimated:l&&i&&c?(i-a)/l:void 0,event:s};u[t?"download":"upload"]=!0,e(u)}}const Y2=typeof XMLHttpRequest<"u",G2=Y2&&function(e){return new Promise(function(n,r){let s=e.data;const a=Mt.from(e.headers).normalize(),i=e.responseType;let o;function l(){e.cancelToken&&e.cancelToken.unsubscribe(o),e.signal&&e.signal.removeEventListener("abort",o)}k.isFormData(s)&&(xt.isStandardBrowserEnv||xt.isStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv?a.setContentType(!1):a.setContentType("multipart/form-data;",!1));let c=new XMLHttpRequest;if(e.auth){const m=e.auth.username||"",g=e.auth.password?unescape(encodeURIComponent(e.auth.password)):"";a.set("Authorization","Basic "+btoa(m+":"+g))}const u=Cf(e.baseURL,e.url);c.open(e.method.toUpperCase(),xf(u,e.params,e.paramsSerializer),!0),c.timeout=e.timeout;function f(){if(!c)return;const m=Mt.from("getAllResponseHeaders"in c&&c.getAllResponseHeaders()),v={data:!i||i==="text"||i==="json"?c.responseText:c.response,status:c.status,statusText:c.statusText,headers:m,config:e,request:c};B2
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function Cg(){throw new TypeError( ` Invalid attempt to destructure non - iterable instance .
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}var Jl=function(){},co={},If={}, $ f=null,Ff={mark:Jl,measure:Jl};try{typeof window<"u"&&(co=window),typeof document<"u"&&(If=document),typeof MutationObserver<"u"&&( $ f=MutationObserver),typeof performance<"u"&&(Ff=performance)}catch{}var Og=co.navigator||{},Xl=Og.userAgent,Ql=Xl===void 0?"":Xl,nn=co,xe=If,Zl= $ f,os=Ff;nn.document;var zt=!!xe.documentElement&&!!xe.head&&typeof xe.addEventListener=="function"&&typeof xe.createElement=="function",Hf=~Ql.indexOf("MSIE")||~Ql.indexOf("Trident/"),ls,cs,us,fs,ds, $ t="___FONT_AWESOME___",ui=16,Df="fa",zf="svg-inline--fa",yn="data-fa-i2svg",fi="data-fa-pseudo-element",Tg="data-fa-pseudo-element-pending",uo="data-prefix",fo="data-icon",ec="fontawesome-i2svg",Lg="async",Pg=["HTML","HEAD","STYLE","SCRIPT"],Bf=function(){try{return!0}catch{return!1}}(),Ee="classic",Ce="sharp",po=[Ee,Ce];function qr(e){return new Proxy(e,{get:function(n,r){return r in n?n[r]:n[Ee]}})}var Nr=qr((ls={}, $ e(ls,Ee,{fa:"solid",fas:"solid","fa-solid":"solid",far:"regular","fa-regular":"regular",fal:"light","fa-light":"light",fat:"thin","fa-thin":"thin",fad:"duotone","fa-duotone":"duotone",fab:"brands","fa-brands":"brands",fak:"kit","fa-kit":"kit"}), $ e(ls,Ce,{fa:"solid",fass:"solid","fa-solid":"solid",fasr:"regular","fa-regular":"regular",fasl:"light","fa-light":"light"}),ls)),Ir=qr((cs={}, $ e(cs,Ee,{solid:"fas",regular:"far",light:"fal",thin:"fat",duotone:"fad",brands:"fab",kit:"fak"}), $ e(cs,Ce,{solid:"fass",regular:"fasr",light:"fasl"}),cs)), $ r=qr((us={}, $ e(us,Ee,{fab:"fa-brands",fad:"fa-duotone",fak:"fa-kit",fal:"fa-light",far:"fa-regular",fas:"fa-solid",fat:"fa-thin"}), $ e(us,Ce,{fass:"fa-solid",fasr:"fa-regular",fasl:"fa-light"}),us)),Rg=qr((fs={}, $ e(fs,Ee,{"fa-brands":"fab","fa-duotone":"fad","fa-kit":"fak","fa-light":"fal","fa-regular":"far","fa-solid":"fas","fa-thin":"fat"}), $ e(fs,Ce,{"fa-solid":"fass","fa-regular":"fasr","fa-light":"fasl"}),fs)),Mg=/fa(s|r|l|t|d|b|k|ss|sr|sl)?[ \- \ ]/,jf="fa-layers-text",Ng=/Font ?Awesome ?([56 ]*)(Solid|Regular|Light|Thin|Duotone|Brands|Free|Pro|Sharp|Kit)?.*/i,Ig=qr((ds={}, $ e(ds,Ee,{900:"fas",400:"far",normal:"far",300:"fal",100:"fat"}), $ e(ds,Ce,{900:"fass",400:"fasr",300:"fasl"}),ds)),Vf=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], $ g=Vf.concat([11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]),Fg=["class","data-prefix","data-icon","data-fa-transform","data-fa-mask"],mn={GROUP:"duotone-group",SWAP_OPACITY:"swap-opacity",PRIMARY:"primary",SECONDARY:"secondary"},Fr=new Set;Object.keys(Ir[Ee]).map(Fr.add.bind(Fr));Object.keys(Ir[Ce]).map(Fr.add.bind(Fr));var Hg=[].concat(po,Wr(Fr),["2xs","xs","sm","lg","xl","2xl","beat","border","fade","beat-fade","bounce","flip-both","flip-horizontal","flip-vertical","flip","fw","inverse","layers-counter","layers-text","layers","li","pull-left","pull-right","pulse","rotate-180","rotate-270","rotate-90","rotate-by","shake","spin-pulse","spin-reverse","spin","stack-1x","stack-2x","stack","ul",mn.GROUP,mn.SWAP_OPACITY,mn.PRIMARY,mn.SECONDARY]).concat(Vf.map(function(e){return"".concat(e,"x")})).concat( $ g.map(function(e){return"w-".concat(e)})),br=nn.FontAwesomeConfig||{};function Dg(e){var t=xe.querySelector("script["+e+"]");if(t)return t.getAttribute(e)}function zg(e){return e===""?!0:e==="false"?!1:e==="true"?!0:e}if(xe&&typeof xe.querySelector=="function"){var Bg=[["data-family-prefix","familyPrefix"],["data-css-prefix","cssPrefix"],["data-family-default","familyDefault"],["data-style-default","styleDefault"],["data-replacement-class","replacementClass"],["data-auto-replace-svg","autoReplaceSvg"],["data-auto-add-css","autoAddCss"],["data-auto-a11y","autoA11y"],["data-search-pseudo-elements","searchPseudoElements"],["data-observe-mutations","observeMutations"],["data-mutate-approach","mutateApproach"],["data-keep-original-source","keepOriginalSource"],["data-measure-performance","measurePerformance"],["data-show-missing-icons","showMissingIcons"]];Bg.forEach(function(e){var t=lo(e,2),n=t[0],r=t[1],s=zg(Dg(n));s!=null&&(br[r]=s)})}var Uf={styleDefault:"solid",familyDefault:"classic",cssPrefix:Df
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transform - origin : top right ;
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left : var ( -- fa - left , 0 ) ;
right : auto ;
top : var ( -- fa - top , 0 ) ;
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - layers - scale , 0.25 ) ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - layers - scale , 0.25 ) ) ;
- webkit - transform - origin : top left ;
transform - origin : top left ;
. fa - 1 x {
font - size : 1 em ;
. fa - 2 x {
font - size : 2 em ;
. fa - 3 x {
font - size : 3 em ;
. fa - 4 x {
font - size : 4 em ;
. fa - 5 x {
font - size : 5 em ;
. fa - 6 x {
font - size : 6 em ;
. fa - 7 x {
font - size : 7 em ;
. fa - 8 x {
font - size : 8 em ;
. fa - 9 x {
font - size : 9 em ;
. fa - 10 x {
font - size : 10 em ;
. fa - 2 xs {
font - size : 0.625 em ;
line - height : 0.1 em ;
vertical - align : 0.225 em ;
. fa - xs {
font - size : 0.75 em ;
line - height : 0.0833333337 em ;
vertical - align : 0.125 em ;
. fa - sm {
font - size : 0.875 em ;
line - height : 0.0714285718 em ;
vertical - align : 0.0535714295 em ;
. fa - lg {
font - size : 1.25 em ;
line - height : 0.05 em ;
vertical - align : - 0.075 em ;
. fa - xl {
font - size : 1.5 em ;
line - height : 0.0416666682 em ;
vertical - align : - 0.125 em ;
. fa - 2 xl {
font - size : 2 em ;
line - height : 0.03125 em ;
vertical - align : - 0.1875 em ;
. fa - fw {
text - align : center ;
width : 1.25 em ;
. fa - ul {
list - style - type : none ;
margin - left : var ( -- fa - li - margin , 2.5 em ) ;
padding - left : 0 ;
. fa - ul > li {
position : relative ;
. fa - li {
left : calc ( var ( -- fa - li - width , 2 em ) * - 1 ) ;
position : absolute ;
text - align : center ;
width : var ( -- fa - li - width , 2 em ) ;
line - height : inherit ;
. fa - border {
border - color : var ( -- fa - border - color , # eee ) ;
border - radius : var ( -- fa - border - radius , 0.1 em ) ;
border - style : var ( -- fa - border - style , solid ) ;
border - width : var ( -- fa - border - width , 0.08 em ) ;
padding : var ( -- fa - border - padding , 0.2 em 0.25 em 0.15 em ) ;
. fa - pull - left {
float : left ;
margin - right : var ( -- fa - pull - margin , 0.3 em ) ;
. fa - pull - right {
float : right ;
margin - left : var ( -- fa - pull - margin , 0.3 em ) ;
. fa - beat {
- webkit - animation - name : fa - beat ;
animation - name : fa - beat ;
- webkit - animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
- webkit - animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
- webkit - animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , ease - in - out ) ;
animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , ease - in - out ) ;
. fa - bounce {
- webkit - animation - name : fa - bounce ;
animation - name : fa - bounce ;
- webkit - animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
- webkit - animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
- webkit - animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , cubic - bezier ( 0.28 , 0.84 , 0.42 , 1 ) ) ;
animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , cubic - bezier ( 0.28 , 0.84 , 0.42 , 1 ) ) ;
. fa - fade {
- webkit - animation - name : fa - fade ;
animation - name : fa - fade ;
- webkit - animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
- webkit - animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
- webkit - animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , cubic - bezier ( 0.4 , 0 , 0.6 , 1 ) ) ;
animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , cubic - bezier ( 0.4 , 0 , 0.6 , 1 ) ) ;
. fa - beat - fade {
- webkit - animation - name : fa - beat - fade ;
animation - name : fa - beat - fade ;
- webkit - animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
- webkit - animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
- webkit - animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , cubic - bezier ( 0.4 , 0 , 0.6 , 1 ) ) ;
animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , cubic - bezier ( 0.4 , 0 , 0.6 , 1 ) ) ;
. fa - flip {
- webkit - animation - name : fa - flip ;
animation - name : fa - flip ;
- webkit - animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
- webkit - animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
- webkit - animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , ease - in - out ) ;
animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , ease - in - out ) ;
. fa - shake {
- webkit - animation - name : fa - shake ;
animation - name : fa - shake ;
- webkit - animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
- webkit - animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
- webkit - animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , linear ) ;
animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , linear ) ;
. fa - spin {
- webkit - animation - name : fa - spin ;
animation - name : fa - spin ;
- webkit - animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
animation - delay : var ( -- fa - animation - delay , 0 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
- webkit - animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 2 s ) ;
animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 2 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
- webkit - animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , linear ) ;
animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , linear ) ;
. fa - spin - reverse {
-- fa - animation - direction : reverse ;
. fa - pulse ,
. fa - spin - pulse {
- webkit - animation - name : fa - spin ;
animation - name : fa - spin ;
- webkit - animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
animation - direction : var ( -- fa - animation - direction , normal ) ;
- webkit - animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
animation - duration : var ( -- fa - animation - duration , 1 s ) ;
- webkit - animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
animation - iteration - count : var ( -- fa - animation - iteration - count , infinite ) ;
- webkit - animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , steps ( 8 ) ) ;
animation - timing - function : var ( -- fa - animation - timing , steps ( 8 ) ) ;
@ media ( prefers - reduced - motion : reduce ) {
. fa - beat ,
. fa - bounce ,
. fa - fade ,
. fa - beat - fade ,
. fa - flip ,
. fa - pulse ,
. fa - shake ,
. fa - spin ,
. fa - spin - pulse {
- webkit - animation - delay : - 1 ms ;
animation - delay : - 1 ms ;
- webkit - animation - duration : 1 ms ;
animation - duration : 1 ms ;
- webkit - animation - iteration - count : 1 ;
animation - iteration - count : 1 ;
- webkit - transition - delay : 0 s ;
transition - delay : 0 s ;
- webkit - transition - duration : 0 s ;
transition - duration : 0 s ;
@ - webkit - keyframes fa - beat {
0 % , 90 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
45 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - beat - scale , 1.25 ) ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - beat - scale , 1.25 ) ) ;
@ keyframes fa - beat {
0 % , 90 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
45 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - beat - scale , 1.25 ) ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - beat - scale , 1.25 ) ) ;
@ - webkit - keyframes fa - bounce {
0 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
10 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - start - scale - x , 1.1 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - start - scale - y , 0.9 ) ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - start - scale - x , 1.1 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - start - scale - y , 0.9 ) ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
30 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - jump - scale - x , 0.9 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - jump - scale - y , 1.1 ) ) translateY ( var ( -- fa - bounce - height , - 0.5 em ) ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - jump - scale - x , 0.9 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - jump - scale - y , 1.1 ) ) translateY ( var ( -- fa - bounce - height , - 0.5 em ) ) ;
50 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - land - scale - x , 1.05 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - land - scale - y , 0.95 ) ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - land - scale - x , 1.05 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - land - scale - y , 0.95 ) ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
57 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( var ( -- fa - bounce - rebound , - 0.125 em ) ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( var ( -- fa - bounce - rebound , - 0.125 em ) ) ;
64 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
100 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
@ keyframes fa - bounce {
0 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
10 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - start - scale - x , 1.1 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - start - scale - y , 0.9 ) ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - start - scale - x , 1.1 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - start - scale - y , 0.9 ) ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
30 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - jump - scale - x , 0.9 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - jump - scale - y , 1.1 ) ) translateY ( var ( -- fa - bounce - height , - 0.5 em ) ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - jump - scale - x , 0.9 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - jump - scale - y , 1.1 ) ) translateY ( var ( -- fa - bounce - height , - 0.5 em ) ) ;
50 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - land - scale - x , 1.05 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - land - scale - y , 0.95 ) ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - bounce - land - scale - x , 1.05 ) , var ( -- fa - bounce - land - scale - y , 0.95 ) ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
57 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( var ( -- fa - bounce - rebound , - 0.125 em ) ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( var ( -- fa - bounce - rebound , - 0.125 em ) ) ;
64 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
100 % {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 , 1 ) translateY ( 0 ) ;
@ - webkit - keyframes fa - fade {
50 % {
opacity : var ( -- fa - fade - opacity , 0.4 ) ;
@ keyframes fa - fade {
50 % {
opacity : var ( -- fa - fade - opacity , 0.4 ) ;
@ - webkit - keyframes fa - beat - fade {
0 % , 100 % {
opacity : var ( -- fa - beat - fade - opacity , 0.4 ) ;
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
50 % {
opacity : 1 ;
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - beat - fade - scale , 1.125 ) ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - beat - fade - scale , 1.125 ) ) ;
@ keyframes fa - beat - fade {
0 % , 100 % {
opacity : var ( -- fa - beat - fade - opacity , 0.4 ) ;
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 ) ;
50 % {
opacity : 1 ;
- webkit - transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - beat - fade - scale , 1.125 ) ) ;
transform : scale ( var ( -- fa - beat - fade - scale , 1.125 ) ) ;
@ - webkit - keyframes fa - flip {
50 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate3d ( var ( -- fa - flip - x , 0 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - y , 1 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - z , 0 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - angle , - 180 deg ) ) ;
transform : rotate3d ( var ( -- fa - flip - x , 0 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - y , 1 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - z , 0 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - angle , - 180 deg ) ) ;
@ keyframes fa - flip {
50 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate3d ( var ( -- fa - flip - x , 0 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - y , 1 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - z , 0 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - angle , - 180 deg ) ) ;
transform : rotate3d ( var ( -- fa - flip - x , 0 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - y , 1 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - z , 0 ) , var ( -- fa - flip - angle , - 180 deg ) ) ;
@ - webkit - keyframes fa - shake {
0 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( - 15 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( - 15 deg ) ;
4 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 15 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 15 deg ) ;
8 % , 24 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( - 18 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( - 18 deg ) ;
12 % , 28 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 18 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 18 deg ) ;
16 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( - 22 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( - 22 deg ) ;
20 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 22 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 22 deg ) ;
32 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( - 12 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( - 12 deg ) ;
36 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 12 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 12 deg ) ;
40 % , 100 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 0 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 0 deg ) ;
@ keyframes fa - shake {
0 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( - 15 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( - 15 deg ) ;
4 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 15 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 15 deg ) ;
8 % , 24 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( - 18 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( - 18 deg ) ;
12 % , 28 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 18 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 18 deg ) ;
16 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( - 22 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( - 22 deg ) ;
20 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 22 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 22 deg ) ;
32 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( - 12 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( - 12 deg ) ;
36 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 12 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 12 deg ) ;
40 % , 100 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 0 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 0 deg ) ;
@ - webkit - keyframes fa - spin {
0 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 0 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 0 deg ) ;
100 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ;
@ keyframes fa - spin {
0 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 0 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 0 deg ) ;
100 % {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 360 deg ) ;
. fa - rotate - 90 {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 90 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 90 deg ) ;
. fa - rotate - 180 {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 180 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 180 deg ) ;
. fa - rotate - 270 {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( 270 deg ) ;
transform : rotate ( 270 deg ) ;
. fa - flip - horizontal {
- webkit - transform : scale ( - 1 , 1 ) ;
transform : scale ( - 1 , 1 ) ;
. fa - flip - vertical {
- webkit - transform : scale ( 1 , - 1 ) ;
transform : scale ( 1 , - 1 ) ;
. fa - flip - both ,
. fa - flip - horizontal . fa - flip - vertical {
- webkit - transform : scale ( - 1 , - 1 ) ;
transform : scale ( - 1 , - 1 ) ;
. fa - rotate - by {
- webkit - transform : rotate ( var ( -- fa - rotate - angle , none ) ) ;
transform : rotate ( var ( -- fa - rotate - angle , none ) ) ;
. fa - stack {
display : inline - block ;
vertical - align : middle ;
height : 2 em ;
position : relative ;
width : 2.5 em ;
. fa - stack - 1 x ,
. fa - stack - 2 x {
bottom : 0 ;
left : 0 ;
margin : auto ;
position : absolute ;
right : 0 ;
top : 0 ;
z - index : var ( -- fa - stack - z - index , auto ) ;
. svg - inline -- fa . fa - stack - 1 x {
height : 1 em ;
width : 1.25 em ;
. svg - inline -- fa . fa - stack - 2 x {
height : 2 em ;
width : 2.5 em ;
. fa - inverse {
color : var ( -- fa - inverse , # fff ) ;
. sr - only ,
. fa - sr - only {
position : absolute ;
width : 1 px ;
height : 1 px ;
padding : 0 ;
margin : - 1 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
clip : rect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
white - space : nowrap ;
border - width : 0 ;
. sr - only - focusable : not ( : focus ) ,
. fa - sr - only - focusable : not ( : focus ) {
position : absolute ;
width : 1 px ;
height : 1 px ;
padding : 0 ;
margin : - 1 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
clip : rect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
white - space : nowrap ;
border - width : 0 ;
. svg - inline -- fa . fa - primary {
fill : var ( -- fa - primary - color , currentColor ) ;
opacity : var ( -- fa - primary - opacity , 1 ) ;
. svg - inline -- fa . fa - secondary {
fill : var ( -- fa - secondary - color , currentColor ) ;
opacity : var ( -- fa - secondary - opacity , 0.4 ) ;
. svg - inline -- fa . fa - swap - opacity . fa - primary {
opacity : var ( -- fa - secondary - opacity , 0.4 ) ;
. svg - inline -- fa . fa - swap - opacity . fa - secondary {
opacity : var ( -- fa - primary - opacity , 1 ) ;
. svg - inline -- fa mask . fa - primary ,
. svg - inline -- fa mask . fa - secondary {
fill : black ;
. fad . fa - inverse ,
. fa - duotone . fa - inverse {
color : var ( -- fa - inverse , # fff ) ;
2024-02-23 15:31:08 +01:00
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