1.**If your host is not Windows**: since the container runs without root as user `1000:1000`, you need to fix the ownership and permissions of that directory:
1. Access it at [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000)
You can stop it with `CTRL+C`.
- You can also run it in the background by replacing `-it --rm` with `-d`.
- You can set environment variables available (see the [.env.example](.env.example)) with `-e`, for example `-e APP_NAME=2FAuth`.
- You can also use the [docker-compose.yml](docker-compose.yml) with `docker-compose` and modify it as you wish.
### Use an existing SQLite file
If you already have an SQLite file, move it to `/yourpath/2fauth/database.sqlite` on your host before starting the container. Don't forget to fix its ownership and permissions if you run on *nix:
You can also build a specific commit (see [master's commits](https://github.com/Bubka/2FAuth/commits/master)) by appending the commit hash with `#<commit-hash>` to the command. For example: