'token_legend'=>'Personal Access Tokens allow any app to authenticate to the 2Fauth API. You should specify the access token as a Bearer token in the authorization header of consumer apps requests.',
'generate_new_token'=>'Generate a new token',
'token_revoked'=>'Token successfully revoked',
'revoking_a_token_is_permanent'=>'Revoking a token is permanent',
'revoke'=>'Are you sure you want to revoke this token?',
'make_sure_copy_token'=>'Make sure to copy your personal access token now. You won’t be able to see it again!',
'data_input'=>'Data input',
'edit_settings'=>'Edit settings',
'setting_saved'=>'Settings saved',
'new_token'=>'New token',
'some_translation_are_missing'=>'Some translations are missing using the browser preferred language?',
'help_translate_2fauth'=>'Help translate 2FAuth',
'help'=>'Language used to translate the 2FAuth user interface. Named languages are complete, set the one of your choice to override your browser preference.'
'label'=>'Time zone',
'help'=>'The time zone applied to all dates and times displayed in the application'
'label'=>'Show generated <abbr title="One-Time Password">OTP</abbr> as dot',
'help'=>'Replace generated password caracters with *** to ensure confidentiality. Do not affect the copy/paste feature'
'help'=>'Click on a generated password to copy it automatically hides it from the screen'
'label'=>'Auto close <abbr title="One-Time Password">OTP</abbr>',
'help'=>'Automatically hide on-screen password after a timeout. This avoids unnecessary requests for fresh passwords if you forget to close the password view.'
'label'=>'Copy <abbr title="One-Time Password">OTP</abbr> on display',
'help'=>'Automatically copy a generated password right after it appears on screen. Due to browsers limitations, only the first <abbr title="Time-based One-Time Password">TOTP</abbr> password will be copied, not the rotating ones'
'label'=>'Use basic QR code reader',
'help'=>'If you experiences issues when capturing QR codes enables this option to switch to a more basic but more reliable QR code reader'
'label'=>'Display mode',
'help'=>'Choose whether you want accounts to be displayed as a list or as a grid'
'label'=>'Password formatting',
'help'=>'Change how the passwords are displayed by grouping digits to ease readability and memorization'
'pair'=>'by Pair',
'pair_legend'=>'Group digits two by two',
'trio_legend'=>'Group digits three by three',
'half_legend'=>'Split digits into two equals groups',
'trio'=>'by Trio',
'half'=>'by Half',
'help'=>'Force a specific theme or apply the theme defined in your system/browser preferences'
'label'=>'Show icons',
'help'=>'Show icons accounts in the main view'
'label'=>'Get official icons',
'help'=>'(Try to) Get the official icon of the 2FA issuer when adding an account'
'label'=>'Auto lock',
'help'=>'Log out the user automatically in case of inactivity. Has no effect when authentication is handled by a proxy and no custom logout url is specified.'
'label'=>'Default group',
'help'=>'The group to which the newly created accounts are associated',
'label'=>'View default group on copy',
'help'=>'Always return to the default group when an OTP is copied',