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return [
| Settings Language Lines
| The following language lines are used during authentication for various
| messages that we need to display to the user. You are free to modify
| these language lines according to your application's requirements.
'settings' => 'Settings',
'preferences' => 'Preferences',
'account' => 'Account',
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'webauthn' => 'WebAuthn',
'tokens' => 'Tokens',
'options' => 'Options',
'user_preferences' => 'User preferences',
'admin_settings' => 'Admin settings',
'confirm' => [
'administration' => 'Administration',
'administration_legend' => 'While previous settings are user settings (every user can set its own preferences), following settings are global and apply to all users. Only an administrator can view and edit those settings.',
'you_are_administrator' => 'You are an administrator',
'general' => 'General',
'security' => 'Security',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'change_password' => 'Change password',
'personal_access_tokens' => 'Personal access tokens',
'token_legend' => 'Personal Access Tokens allow any app to authenticate to the 2Fauth API. You should specify the access token as a Bearer token in the authorization header of consumer apps requests.',
'generate_new_token' => 'Generate a new token',
'revoke' => 'Revoke',
'token_revoked' => 'Token successfully revoked',
'revoking_a_token_is_permanent' => 'Revoking a token is permanent',
'confirm' => [
'revoke' => 'Are you sure you want to revoke this token?',
'make_sure_copy_token' => 'Make sure to copy your personal access token now. You won’t be able to see it again!',
'data_input' => 'Data input',
'forms' => [
'edit_settings' => 'Edit settings',
'setting_saved' => 'Settings saved',
'new_token' => 'New token',
'some_translation_are_missing' => 'Some translations are missing using the browser preferred language?',
'help_translate_2fauth' => 'Help translate 2FAuth',
'language' => [
'label' => 'Language',
'help' => 'Language used to translate the 2FAuth user interface. Named languages are complete, set the one of your choice to override your browser preference.'
'show_otp_as_dot' => [
'label' => 'Show generated one-time passwords as dot',
'help' => 'Replace generated password caracters with *** to ensure confidentiality. Do not affect the copy/paste feature'
'close_otp_on_copy' => [
'label' => 'Close <abbr title="One-Time Password">OTP</abbr> after copy',
'help' => 'Clicking a generated password to copy it automatically hide it from the screen'
'copy_otp_on_display' => [
'label' => 'Copy <abbr title="One-Time Password">OTP</abbr> on display',
'help' => 'Automatically copy a generated password right after it appears on screen. Due to browsers limitations, only the first <abbr title="Time-based One-Time Password">TOTP</abbr> password will be copied, not the rotating ones'
'use_basic_qrcode_reader' => [
'label' => 'Use basic QR code reader',
'help' => 'If you experiences issues when capturing QR codes enables this option to switch to a more basic but more reliable QR code reader'
'display_mode' => [
'label' => 'Display mode',
'help' => 'Choose whether you want accounts to be displayed as a list or as a grid'
'password_format' => [
'label' => 'Password formatting',
'help' => 'Change how the passwords are displayed by grouping digits to ease readability and memorization'
'pair' => 'by Pair',
'pair_legend' => 'Group digits two by two',
'trio_legend' => 'Group digits three by three',
'half_legend' => 'Split digits into two equals groups',
'trio' => 'by Trio',
'half' => 'by Half',
'grid' => 'Grid',
'list' => 'List',
'theme' => [
'label' => 'Theme',
'help' => 'Force a specific theme or apply the theme defined in your system/browser preferences'
'light' => 'Light',
'dark' => 'Dark',
'automatic' => 'Auto',
'show_accounts_icons' => [
'label' => 'Show icons',
'help' => 'Show icons accounts in the main view'
'get_official_icons' => [
'label' => 'Get official icons',
'help' => '(Try to) Get the official icon of the 2FA issuer when adding an account'
'auto_lock' => [
'label' => 'Auto lock',
'help' => 'Log out the user automatically in case of inactivity. Has no effect when authentication is handled by a proxy and no custom logout url is specified.'
'use_encryption' => [
'label' => 'Protect sensible data',
'help' => 'Sensitive data, the 2FA secrets and emails, are stored encrypted in database. Be sure to backup the APP_KEY value of your .env file (or the whole file) as it serves as key encryption. There is no way to decypher encrypted data without this key.',
'default_group' => [
'label' => 'Default group',
'help' => 'The group to which the newly created accounts are associated',
'useDirectCapture' => [
'label' => 'Direct input',
'help' => 'Choose whether you want to be prompted to choose an input mode among those available or if you want to directly use the default input mode',
'defaultCaptureMode' => [
'label' => 'Default input mode',
'help' => 'Default input mode used when the Direct input option is On',
'remember_active_group' => [
'label' => 'Remember group filter',
'help' => 'Save the last group filter applied and restore it on your next visit',
'disable_registration' => [
'label' => 'Disable registration',
'help' => 'Prevent new user registration',
'otp_generation' => [
'label' => 'Show Password',
'help' => 'Set how and when <abbr title="One-Time Passwords">OTPs</abbr> are displayed.<br/>',
'otp_generation_on_request' => 'After a click/tap',
'otp_generation_on_request_legend' => 'Alone, in its own view',
'otp_generation_on_request_title' => 'Click an account to get a password in a dedicated view',
'otp_generation_on_home' => 'Constantly',
'otp_generation_on_home_legend' => 'All of them, on home',
'otp_generation_on_home_title' => 'Show all passwords in the main view, without doing anything',
'never' => 'Never',
'on_otp_copy' => 'On security code copy',
'1_minutes' => 'After 1 minute',
'5_minutes' => 'After 5 minutes',
'10_minutes' => 'After 10 minutes',
'15_minutes' => 'After 15 minutes',
'30_minutes' => 'After 30 minutes',
'1_hour' => 'After 1 hour',
'1_day' => 'After 1 day',
'livescan' => 'QR code livescan',
'upload' => 'QR code upload',
'advanced_form' => 'Advanced form',