2020-10-14 23:19:41 +02:00
< ? php
return [
| Authentication Language Lines
| The following language lines are used during authentication for various
| messages that we need to display to the user . You are free to modify
| these language lines according to your application ' s requirements .
2020-10-15 15:15:29 +02:00
// Laravel
'failed' => 'Diese Kombination aus Zugangsdaten wurde nicht in unserer Datenbank gefunden.' ,
2022-05-23 11:51:48 +02:00
'password' => 'Das Passwort ist falsch.' ,
2020-10-15 15:15:29 +02:00
'throttle' => 'Zu viele Loginversuche. Versuchen Sie es bitte in :seconds Sekunden nochmal.' ,
2020-10-14 23:19:41 +02:00
2020-10-15 15:15:29 +02:00
// 2FAuth
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'sign_out' => 'Abmelden' ,
'sign_in' => 'Anmelden' ,
2022-05-23 11:51:48 +02:00
'sign_in_using' => 'Anmelden mit' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'sign_in_using_security_device' => 'Sign in using a security device' ,
2022-06-01 00:02:14 +02:00
'login_and_password' => 'benutzername & passwort' ,
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'register' => 'Registrieren' ,
'welcome_back_x' => 'Willkommen zurück, {0}' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'autolock_triggered' => 'Automatische Sperre ausgelöst' ,
2022-07-13 14:43:12 +02:00
'autolock_triggered_punchline' => 'The event watched by the Auto Lock feature has fired. You\'ve been automatically disconnected.' ,
'change_autolock_in_settings' => 'You can change the behavior of the Autolock feature in Settings > Options tab.' ,
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'already_authenticated' => 'Bereits angemeldet' ,
2022-05-23 11:51:48 +02:00
'authentication' => 'Authentication' ,
'maybe_later' => 'Vielleicht später' ,
'user_account_controlled_by_proxy' => 'User account made available by an authentication proxy.<br />Manage the account at proxy level.' ,
'auth_handled_by_proxy' => 'Authentication handled by a reverse proxy, below settings are disabled.<br />Manage authentication at proxy level.' ,
2020-10-14 23:19:41 +02:00
'confirm' => [
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'logout' => 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sich abmelden möchten?' ,
2022-05-23 11:51:48 +02:00
'revoke_device' => 'Are you sure you want to revoke this device?' ,
'delete_account' => 'Are you sure you want to delete your account?' ,
'webauthn' => [
'security_device' => 'a security device' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'security_devices' => 'Sicherheitsgeräte' ,
2022-05-23 11:51:48 +02:00
'security_devices_legend' => 'Authentication devices you can use to sign in 2FAuth, like security keys (i.e Yubikey) or smartphones with biometric capabilities (i.e. Apple FaceId/TouchId)' ,
'enhance_security_using_webauthn' => ' You can enhance the security of your 2 FAuth account by enabling WebAuthn authentication .< br />< br />
WebAuthn allows you to use trusted devices ( like Yubikeys or smartphones with biometric capabilities ) to sign in quickly and more securely . ' ,
'use_security_device_to_sign_in' => 'Get ready to authenticate using (one of) your security devices. Plug your key in, remove face mask or gloves, etc.' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'lost_your_device' => 'Haben Sie Ihr Gerät verloren?' ,
'recover_your_account' => 'Konto wiederherstellen' ,
'account_recovery' => 'Kontowiederherstellung' ,
2022-05-23 11:51:48 +02:00
'recovery_punchline' => '2FAuth will send you a recovery link to this email address. Click the link in the received email to register a new security device.<br /><br />Ensure you open the email on a device you fully own.' ,
'send_recovery_link' => 'Send recovery link' ,
'account_recovery_email_sent' => 'Account recovery email sent!' ,
'disable_all_other_devices' => 'Disable all other devices except this one' ,
'register_a_new_device' => 'Register a new device' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'register_a_device' => 'Register a device' ,
2022-05-23 11:51:48 +02:00
'device_successfully_registered' => 'Device successfully registered' ,
'device_revoked' => 'Device successfully revoked' ,
'revoking_a_device_is_permanent' => 'Revoking a device is permanent' ,
'recover_account_instructions' => 'Click the button below to register a new security device to recover your account. Just follow your browser instructions.' ,
'invalid_recovery_token' => 'Invalid recovery token' ,
'rename_device' => 'Rename device' ,
'my_device' => 'My device' ,
'unknown_device' => 'Unknown device' ,
'use_webauthn_only' => [
'label' => 'Use WebAuthn only' ,
'help' => ' Make WebAuthn the only available method to sign in 2 FAuth . This is the recommended setup to take advantage of the WebAuthn enhanced security .< br />
In case of device lost you will always be able to register a new security device to recover your account . '
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'need_a_security_device_to_enable_options' => 'Fügen Sie mindestens ein Gerät hinzu, um diese Optionen zu aktivieren' ,
2022-05-23 11:51:48 +02:00
'use_webauthn_as_default' => [
'label' => 'Use WebAuthn as default sign in method' ,
'help' => ' Set the 2 FAuth sign in form to propose the WebAuthn authentication at first . The Login / password method is then available as an alternative / fallback solution .< br />
This has no effect if you only use WebAuthn . '
2020-10-14 23:19:41 +02:00
'forms' => [
'name' => 'Name' ,
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'login' => 'Anmeldung' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'webauthn_login' => 'WebAuthn Anmeldung' ,
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'email' => 'E-Mail' ,
'password' => 'Passwort' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'reveal_password' => 'Reveal password' ,
'hide_password' => 'Hide password' ,
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'confirm_password' => 'Passwort bestätigen' ,
'confirm_new_password' => 'Neues Passwort bestätigen' ,
'dont_have_account_yet' => 'Sie haben noch keinen Account?' ,
'already_register' => 'Schon registriert?' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'authentication_failed' => 'Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen' ,
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'forgot_your_password' => 'Passwort vergessen?' ,
'request_password_reset' => 'Zurücksetzen' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'reset_your_password' => 'Reset your password' ,
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'reset_password' => 'Password zurücksetzen' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'disabled_in_demo' => 'Funktion ist im Demo-Modus deaktiviert' ,
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'new_password' => 'Neues Passwort' ,
2020-10-14 23:19:41 +02:00
'current_password' => [
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'label' => 'Aktuelles Passwort' ,
'help' => 'Geben Sie Ihr aktuelles Passwort ein, um zu bestätigen, dass Sie es sind'
2020-10-14 23:19:41 +02:00
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'change_password' => 'Passwort ändern' ,
'send_password_reset_link' => 'Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts senden' ,
'password_successfully_changed' => 'Passwort erfolgreich geändert' ,
'edit_account' => 'Account bearbeiten' ,
'profile_saved' => 'Profil erfolgreich aktualisiert!' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'welcome_to_demo_app_use_those_credentials' => 'Willkommen bei der 2FAuth Demo.<br><br>Sie können sich mit der E-Mail-Adresse <strong>demo@2fauth.app</strong> und dem Passwort <strong>demo</strong> anmelden' ,
'welcome_to_testing_app_use_those_credentials' => 'Willkommen bei der 2FAuth Testinstanz.<br><br>Verwenden Sie die E-Mail-Adresse <strong>testing@2fauth.app</strong> und das Passwort <strong>password</strong>' ,
'register_punchline' => 'Welcome to <b>2FAuth</b>.<br/>You need an account to go further, please register yourself.' ,
2021-03-04 20:49:22 +01:00
'reset_punchline' => '2FAuth sendet Ihnen einen Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an diese Adresse. Klicken Sie auf den Link in der erhaltenen E-Mail, um ein neues Passwort festzulegen.' ,
2022-10-14 15:54:24 +02:00
'name_this_device' => 'Dieses Gerät benennen' ,
'delete_account' => 'Konto löschen' ,
'delete_your_account' => 'Ihr Konto Löschen' ,
'delete_your_account_and_reset_all_data' => 'Dies wird 2FAuth zurücksetzen. Ihr Benutzerkonto sowie alle 2FA-Daten werden gelöscht. Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.' ,
'user_account_successfully_deleted' => 'Benutzerkonto wurde erfolgreich gelöscht' ,
'has_lower_case' => 'Has lower case' ,
'has_upper_case' => 'Has upper case' ,
'has_special_char' => 'Has special char' ,
'has_number' => 'Has number' ,
'is_long_enough' => '8 characters min.' ,
'mandatory_rules' => 'Mandatory' ,
'optional_rules_you_should_follow' => 'Recommanded (highly)' ,
'caps_lock_is_on' => 'Caps lock is On' ,
2020-10-14 23:19:41 +02:00