Complete the Import view with Aegis and 2FAS migrations support

Close #128
This commit is contained in:
Bubka 2022-10-11 12:09:46 +02:00
parent ed19b482cd
commit e99c684018
4 changed files with 130 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import {
} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
import {
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ library.add(
Vue.component('font-awesome-icon', FontAwesomeIcon)

View File

@ -5,124 +5,130 @@
<h1 class="title has-text-grey-dark">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.import') }}
<div v-if="exportedAccounts.length == 0">
<div class="block is-size-7-mobile" v-html="$t('twofaccounts.import.import_legend')"></div>
<!-- scan button that launch camera stream -->
<div class="block">
<button tabindex="0" class="button is-link is-rounded" @click="capture()">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.forms.scan_qrcode') }}
<div v-if="exportedAccounts.length == 0">
<div class="block is-size-7-mobile" v-html="$t('twofaccounts.import.import_legend')"></div>
<h5 class="title is-5 mb-3 has-text-grey">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.qr_code') }}</h5>
<!-- scan button that launch camera stream -->
<div class="block">
<div class="buttons mb-0">
<button tabindex="0" class="button is-link is-rounded mr-0" @click="capture()">
<span class="icon">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'camera']" />
<span>{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.scan') }}</span>
<!-- upload a qr code (with basic file field and backend decoding) -->
<div class="block">
<span class="p-2 mb-2">{{ $t('commons.or') }}</span>
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- upload a qr code (with basic file field and backend decoding) -->
<!-- <div class="block"> -->
<label role="button" tabindex="0" class="button is-link is-rounded is-outlined" ref="qrcodeInputLabel" @keyup.enter="$">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.upload') }}
<input aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" class="file-input" type="file" accept="image/*" v-on:change="submitQrCode" ref="qrcodeInput">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.forms.upload_qrcode') }}
<field-error :form="form" field="qrcode" />
<p class="help">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.supported_formats_for_qrcode_upload') }}</p>
<!-- upload a file -->
<div class="block">
<label role="button" tabindex="0" class="button is-link is-rounded is-outlined" ref="fileInputLabel" @keyup.enter="$">
<input aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" class="file-input" type="file" accept="text/plain,application/json,text/csv,.2fas" v-on:change="submitFile" ref="fileInput">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.upload_a_file') }}
<field-error :form="uploadForm" field="file" />
<p class="help">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.supported_formats_for_file_upload') }}</p>
<field-error :form="uploadForm" field="qrcode" />
<p class="help">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.supported_formats_for_qrcode_upload') }}</p>
<h5 class="title is-5 mb-3 has-text-grey">{{ $t('commons.file') }}</h5>
<!-- upload a file -->
<div class="block mb-6">
<label role="button" tabindex="0" class="button is-link is-rounded is-outlined" ref="fileInputLabel" @keyup.enter="$">
<input aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" class="file-input" type="file" accept="text/plain,application/json,text/csv,.2fas" v-on:change="submitFile" ref="fileInput">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.upload') }}
<field-error :form="uploadForm" field="file" />
<p class="help">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.supported_formats_for_file_upload') }}</p>
<!-- Supported migration resources -->
<h5 class="title is-5 mb-3 has-text-grey-dark">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.supported_migration_formats') }}</h5>
<div class="field is-grouped is-grouped-multiline pt-0">
<div class="control">
<div class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag is-dark">Google Auth</span>
<span class="tag is-black">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.qr_code') }}</span>
<!-- Supported migration resources -->
<h5 class="title is-5 mb-3">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.supported_migration_formats') }}</h5>
<div class="field is-grouped is-grouped-multiline pt-0">
<div class="control">
<div class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag is-dark">Google Auth</span>
<span class="tag is-black">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.qr_code') }}</span>
<div class="control">
<div class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag is-dark">Aegis Auth</span>
<span class="tag is-black">JSON</span>
<div class="control">
<div class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag is-dark">Aegis Auth</span>
<span class="tag is-black">JSON</span>
<div class="control">
<div class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag is-dark">Aegis Auth</span>
<span class="tag is-black">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.plain_text') }}</span>
<div class="control">
<div class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag is-dark">Aegis Auth</span>
<span class="tag is-black">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.plain_text') }}</span>
<div class="control">
<div class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag is-dark">2FAS Auth</span>
<span class="tag is-black">JSON</span>
<div class="control">
<div class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag is-dark">2FAS Auth</span>
<span class="tag is-black">JSON</span>
<div v-else>
<div v-for="(account, index) in exportedAccounts" :key="" class="group-item has-text-light is-size-5 is-size-6-mobile">
<div class="is-flex is-justify-content-space-between">
<!-- Account name -->
<div v-if=" > -2 && account.imported !== 0" class="is-flex-grow-1 has-ellipsis is-clickable" @click="previewAccount(index)" :title="$t('twofaccounts.import.generate_a_test_password')">
<img v-if="account.icon && $root.appSettings.showAccountsIcons" class="import-icon" :src="'/storage/icons/' + account.icon" :alt="$t('twofaccounts.icon_for_account_x_at_service_y', {account: account.account, service: account.service})">
{{ account.account }}
<div v-else class="is-flex-grow-1 has-ellipsis">{{ account.account }}</div>
<!-- buttons -->
<div v-if="account.imported === -1" class="tags is-flex-wrap-nowrap">
<!-- discard button -->
<button class="button tag is-dark has-text-grey-light" @click="discardAccount(index)" :title="$t('twofaccounts.import.discard_this_account')">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'trash']" />
<!-- import button -->
<button v-if=" > -2" class="button tag is-link" @click="createAccount(index)" :title="$t('twofaccounts.import.import_this_account')">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.to_import') }}
<!-- result label -->
<div v-else class="has-nowrap">
<span v-if="account.imported === 1" class="has-text-success">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.imported') }} <font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'check']" />
<span v-else class="has-text-danger">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.failure') }} <font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'times']" />
<span class="is-size-7" v-html="$t('twofaccounts.import.do_not_set_password_or_encryption')"></span>
<div v-else>
<div v-for="(account, index) in exportedAccounts" :key="" class="group-item has-text-light is-size-5 is-size-6-mobile">
<div class="is-flex is-justify-content-space-between">
<!-- Account name -->
<div v-if=" > -2 && account.imported !== 0" class="is-flex-grow-1 has-ellipsis is-clickable" @click="previewAccount(index)" :title="$t('twofaccounts.import.generate_a_test_password')">
<img v-if="account.icon && $root.appSettings.showAccountsIcons" class="import-icon" :src="'/storage/icons/' + account.icon" :alt="$t('twofaccounts.icon_for_account_x_at_service_y', {account: account.account, service: account.service})">
{{ account.account }}
<div class="is-size-6 is-size-7-mobile">
<!-- service name -->
<div class="is-family-primary has-text-grey">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.issuer') }}: {{ account.service }}</div>
<!-- reasons to invalid G-Auth data -->
<div v-if=" === -2" class="has-text-danger">
<font-awesome-icon class="mr-1" :icon="['fas', 'times-circle']" />{{ account.secret }}
<!-- possible duplicates -->
<div v-if=" === -1 && account.imported !== 1 && !account.errors" class="has-text-warning">
<font-awesome-icon class="mr-1" :icon="['fas', 'exclamation-circle']" />{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.possible_duplicate') }}
<!-- errors during account creation -->
<ul v-if="account.errors">
<li v-for="(error) in account.errors" :key="error" class="has-text-danger">{{ error }}</li>
<div v-else class="is-flex-grow-1 has-ellipsis">{{ account.account }}</div>
<!-- buttons -->
<div v-if="account.imported === -1" class="tags is-flex-wrap-nowrap">
<!-- discard button -->
<button class="button tag is-dark has-text-grey-light" @click="discardAccount(index)" :title="$t('twofaccounts.import.discard_this_account')">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'trash']" />
<!-- import button -->
<button v-if=" > -2" class="button tag is-link" @click="createAccount(index)" :title="$t('twofaccounts.import.import_this_account')">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.to_import') }}
<!-- result label -->
<div v-else class="has-nowrap">
<span v-if="account.imported === 1" class="has-text-success">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.imported') }} <font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'check']" />
<span v-else class="has-text-danger">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.failure') }} <font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'times']" />
<!-- discard links -->
<div v-if="importableCount > 0" class="mt-2 is-size-7 is-pulled-right">
<button v-if="duplicateCount" @click="discardDuplicates()" class="has-text-grey button is-small is-ghost">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.discard_duplicates') }} ({{duplicateCount}})</button>
<button @click="discardAccounts()" class="has-text-grey button is-small is-ghost">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.discard_all') }}</button>
<div v-if="importedCount == exportedAccounts.length" class="mt-2 is-size-7 is-pulled-right">
<button @click="exportedAccounts = []" class="has-text-grey button is-small is-ghost">{{ $t('commons.clear') }}</button>
<div class="is-size-6 is-size-7-mobile">
<!-- service name -->
<div class="is-family-primary has-text-grey">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.issuer') }}: {{ account.service }}</div>
<!-- reasons to invalid G-Auth data -->
<div v-if=" === -2" class="has-text-danger">
<font-awesome-icon class="mr-1" :icon="['fas', 'times-circle']" />{{ account.secret }}
<!-- possible duplicates -->
<div v-if=" === -1 && account.imported !== 1 && !account.errors" class="has-text-warning">
<font-awesome-icon class="mr-1" :icon="['fas', 'exclamation-circle']" />{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.possible_duplicate') }}
<!-- errors during account creation -->
<ul v-if="account.errors">
<li v-for="(error) in account.errors" :key="error" class="has-text-danger">{{ error }}</li>
<div v-if="isFetching && exportedAccounts.length === 0" class="has-text-centered">
<span class="is-size-4">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'spinner']" spin />
<!-- discard links -->
<div v-if="importableCount > 0" class="mt-2 is-size-7 is-pulled-right">
<button v-if="duplicateCount" @click="discardDuplicates()" class="has-text-grey button is-small is-ghost">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.discard_duplicates') }} ({{duplicateCount}})</button>
<button @click="discardAccounts()" class="has-text-grey button is-small is-ghost">{{ $t('twofaccounts.import.discard_all') }}</button>
<div v-if="importedCount == exportedAccounts.length" class="mt-2 is-size-7 is-pulled-right">
<button @click="exportedAccounts = []" class="has-text-grey button is-small is-ghost">{{ $t('commons.clear') }}</button>
<div v-if="isFetching && exportedAccounts.length === 0" class="has-text-centered">
<span class="is-size-4">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'spinner']" spin />
<!-- footer -->
<vue-footer :showButtons="true">
@ -342,9 +348,12 @@
.catch(error => {
if( error.response.status !== 422 ) {
this.$notify({type: 'is-danger', text: this.$t( })
if( error.response.status === 422 ) {
if ( == undefined) {
this.$notify({type: 'is-danger', text: this.$t('errors.invalid_2fa_data') })
else this.$notify({type: 'is-danger', text:})
this.isFetching = false
@ -363,9 +372,16 @@
.catch(error => {
if( error.response.status !== 422 ) {
this.$notify({type: 'is-danger', text: this.$t( })
if( error.response.status === 422 ) {
if ( == undefined) {
this.$notify({type: 'is-danger', text: this.$t('errors.invalid_2fa_data') })
else this.$notify({type: 'is-danger', text:})
// if( error.response.status !== 422 ) {
// this.$notify({type: 'is-danger', text: this.$t( })
// }

View File

@ -64,4 +64,6 @@
'check_for_update_help' => 'Automatically check (once a week) and warn when a new release of 2FAuth is published on Github',
'2fauth_description' => 'A web app to manage your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) accounts and generate their security codes',
'image_of_qrcode_to_scan' => 'Image of a QR code to scan',
'file' => 'File',
'or' => 'OR',

View File

@ -134,12 +134,13 @@
'import' => [
'import' => 'Import',
'to_import' => 'Import',
'import_legend' => '2FAuth can import data from various 2FA apps.<br />Use the Export feature of these apps to get a migration resource (a QR code or a file) and submit it using your preferred method below.',
'upload_a_file' => 'Upload a file',
'import_legend' => '2FAuth can import data from various 2FA apps.<br />Use the Export feature of these apps to get a migration resource (a QR code or a file) and load it using your preferred method below.',
'upload' => 'Upload',
'scan' => 'Scan',
'supported_formats_for_qrcode_upload' => 'Accepted: jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, gif, svg, or webp',
'supported_formats_for_file_upload' => 'Accepted: Plain text, json, 2fas',
'supported_migration_formats' => 'Supported migration formats',
'qr_code' => 'QR code',
'qr_code' => 'QR Code',
'plain_text' => 'Plain text',
'issuer' => 'Issuer',
'imported' => 'Imported',
@ -154,6 +155,7 @@
'possible_duplicate' => 'An account with the exact same data already exists',
'invalid_account' => '- invalid account -',
'invalid_service' => '- invalid service -',
'do_not_set_password_or_encryption' => 'Do NOT set a password or encryption On when you export data from a 2FA app.',