"totp", "OTPHP\HOTP" => "hotp" ]; private const IMAGELINK_STORAGE_PATH = 'imagesLink/'; private const ICON_STORAGE_PATH = 'public/icons/'; public function __construct() { //$this->token = $otpType === TOTP::create($secret) : HOTP::create($secret); } /** * Creates an account using an otpauth URI * * @param string $uri * @param bool $saveToDB Whether or not the created account should be saved to DB * * @return \App\TwoFAccount The created account */ public function createFromUri(string $uri, bool $saveToDB = true ) : TwoFAccount { // Instanciate the token $this->initTokenWith($uri); // Create the account $twofaccount = new TwoFAccount; $twofaccount->legacy_uri = $uri; $this->fillWithToken($twofaccount); if ( $saveToDB ) { $twofaccount->save(); Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccount #%d created (from URI)', $twofaccount->id)); } return $twofaccount; } /** * Creates an account using a list of parameters * * @param array $data * @param bool $saveToDB Whether or not the created account should be saved to DB * * @return \App\TwoFAccount The created account */ public function createFromParameters(array $data, bool $saveToDB = true) : TwoFAccount { // Instanciate the token $this->initTokenWith($data); // Create and fill the account $twofaccount = new TwoFAccount; $twofaccount->legacy_uri = $this->token->getProvisioningUri(); $twofaccount->icon = Arr::get($data, 'icon', null); $this->fillWithToken($twofaccount); if ( $saveToDB ) { $twofaccount->save(); Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccount #%d created (from parameters)', $twofaccount->id)); } return $twofaccount; } /** * Updates an account using a list of parameters * * @param \App\TwoFAccount $twofaccount The account * @param array $data The parameters * * @return \App\TwoFAccount The updated account */ public function update(TwoFAccount $twofaccount, array $data) : TwoFAccount { // Instanciate the token $this->initTokenWith($data); $this->fillWithToken($twofaccount); $twofaccount->icon = Arr::get($data, 'icon', null); $twofaccount->save(); Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccount #%d updated', $twofaccount->id)); return $twofaccount; } /** * Returns a One-Time Password (with its parameters) for the specified account * * @param \App\TwoFAccount|TwoFAccountDto|int|string $data Data defining an account * * @return OtpDto an OTP DTO * * @throws InvalidSecretException The secret is not a valid base32 encoded string * @throws UndecipherableException The secret cannot be deciphered */ public function getOTP($data) : OtpDto { $this->initTokenWith($data); $OtpDto = new OtpDto(); // Early exit if the model returned an undecipherable secret if (strtolower($this->token->getSecret()) === __('errors.indecipherable')) { Log::error('Secret cannot be deciphered, OTP generation aborted'); throw new UndecipherableException(); } try { if ( $this->tokenOtpType() === 'totp' ) { $OtpDto->generated_at = time(); $OtpDto->otp_type = 'totp'; $OtpDto->password = $this->token->at($OtpDto->generated_at); $OtpDto->period = $this->token->getParameter('period'); } else if ( $this->tokenOtpType() === 'hotp' ) { $counter = $this->token->getCounter(); $OtpDto->otp_type = 'hotp'; $OtpDto->password = $this->token->at($counter); $OtpDto->counter = $counter + 1; } } catch (\Assert\AssertionFailedException|\Assert\InvalidArgumentException|\Exception|\Throwable $ex) { // Currently a secret issue is the only possible exception thrown by OTPHP for this stack // so it is Ok to send the corresponding 2FAuth exception. // If the token package change it could be necessary to throw a more generic exception. throw new InvalidSecretException($ex->getMessage()); } Log::info(sprintf('New %s generated', $OtpDto->otp_type)); return $OtpDto; } /** * Returns a generated otpauth URI for the specified account * * @param \App\TwoFAccount|TwoFAccountDto|int $data Data defining an account */ public function getURI($data) : string { $this->initTokenWith($data); return $this->token->getProvisioningUri(); } /** * Withdraw one or more twofaccounts from their group * * @param int|array|string $ids twofaccount ids to free */ public function withdraw($ids) : void { // $ids as string could be a comma-separated list of ids // so in this case we explode the string to an array $ids = $this->commaSeparatedToArray($ids); // whereIn() expects an array $ids = is_array($ids) ? $ids : func_get_args(); if ($ids) { TwoFAccount::whereIn('id', $ids) ->update( ['group_id' => NULL] ); Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccounts #%s withdrawn', implode(',#', $ids))); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart else Log::info('No TwoFAccount to withdraw'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * Delete one or more twofaccounts * * @param int|array|string $ids twofaccount ids to delete * * @return int The number of deleted */ public function delete($ids) : int { // $ids as string could be a comma-separated list of ids // so in this case we explode the string to an array $ids = $this->commaSeparatedToArray($ids); $deleted = TwoFAccount::destroy($ids); return $deleted; } // ######################################################################################################################## // ######################################################################################################################## // ######################################################################################################################## // ######################################################################################################################## /** * */ private function commaSeparatedToArray($ids) { $regex = "/^\d+(,{1}\d+)*$/"; if (preg_match($regex, $ids)) { $ids = explode(',', $ids); } return $ids; } /** * Inits the Token */ private function initTokenWith($data) : void { // init with a TwoFAccount instance if ( is_object($data) && get_class($data) === 'App\TwoFAccount' ) { $this->initTokenWithTwoFAccount($data); } // init with a TwoFAccountDto instance else if ( is_object($data) && get_class($data) === 'App\Services\Dto\TwoFAccountDto' ) { $this->initTokenWithParameters($data); } // init with an account ID else if ( is_integer($data) ) { // we should have an ID $twofaccount = TwoFAccount::findOrFail($data); $this->initTokenWithTwoFAccount($twofaccount); } // init with an array of property else if( is_array($data) ) { $dto = $this->mapArrayToDto($data); $this->initTokenWithParameters($dto); } // or with a string that should be an otpauth URI else { $this->initTokenWithUri($data); } } /** * Maps array items to a TwoFAccountDto instance * * @param array $array The array to map * * @returns TwoFAccountDto */ private function mapArrayToDto($array) : TwoFAccountDto { $dto = new TwoFAccountDto(); try { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $dto->$key = ! Arr::has($array, $key) ?: $value; } } catch (\TypeError $ex) { throw new InvalidOtpParameterException($ex->getMessage()); } return $dto; } /** * Instanciates the token with a TwoFAccount * * @param \App\TwoFAccount $twofaccount * * @param bool $usingUri Whether or not the token should be fed with the account uri */ private function initTokenWithTwoFAccount(TwoFAccount $twofaccount) : void { $dto = new TwoFAccountDto(); $dto->otp_type = $twofaccount->otp_type; $dto->account = $twofaccount->account; $dto->service = $twofaccount->service; $dto->icon = $twofaccount->icon; $dto->secret = $twofaccount->secret; $dto->algorithm = $twofaccount->algorithm; $dto->digits = $twofaccount->digits; if ( $twofaccount->period ) $dto->period = $twofaccount->period; if ( $twofaccount->counter ) $dto->counter = $twofaccount->counter; $this->initTokenWithParameters($dto); } /** * Instanciates the token object by parsing an otpauth URI * * @throws ValidationException The URI is not a valid otpauth URI */ private function initTokenWithUri(string $uri) : void { try { $this->token = Factory::loadFromProvisioningUri($uri); } catch (\Assert\AssertionFailedException|\Assert\InvalidArgumentException|\Exception|\Throwable $ex) { throw ValidationException::withMessages([ 'uri' => __('validation.custom.uri.regex', ['attribute' => 'uri']) ]); } // As loadFromProvisioningUri() accept URI without label (nor account nor service) we check // that the account is set if ( ! $this->token->getLabel() ) { Log::error('URI passed to initTokenWithUri() must contain a label'); throw ValidationException::withMessages([ 'label' => __('validation.custom.label.required') ]); } } /** * Instanciates the token object by passing a list of parameters * * @throws ValidationException otp type not supported * @throws InvalidOtpParameterException invalid otp parameters */ private function initTokenWithParameters(TwoFAccountDto $dto) : void { // Check OTP type again to ensure the upcoming OTPHP instanciation if ( ! in_array($dto->otp_type, $this->supportedOtpTypes, true) ) { Log::error(sprintf('%s is not an OTP type supported by the current token', $dto->otp_type)); throw ValidationException::withMessages([ 'otp_type' => __('validation.custom.otp_type.in', ['attribute' => 'otp type']) ]); } try { if ( $dto->otp_type === 'totp' ) { $this->token = TOTP::create( $dto->secret ); if ($dto->period) $this->token->setParameter('period', $dto->period); } else if ( $dto->otp_type === 'hotp' ) { $this->token = HOTP::create( $dto->secret ); if ($dto->counter) $this->token->setParameter('counter', $dto->counter); } if ($dto->algorithm) $this->token->setParameter('algorithm', $dto->algorithm); if ($dto->digits) $this->token->setParameter('digits', $dto->digits); // if ($dto->epoch) $this->token->setParameter('epoch', $dto->epoch); if ($dto->service) $this->token->setIssuer($dto->service); if ($dto->account) $this->token->setLabel($dto->account); } catch (\Assert\AssertionFailedException|\Assert\InvalidArgumentException|\Exception|\Throwable $ex) { throw new InvalidOtpParameterException($ex->getMessage()); } } /** * Fills a TwoFAccount with token's parameters */ private function fillWithToken(TwoFAccount &$twofaccount) : void { $twofaccount->otp_type = $this->tokenOtpType(); $twofaccount->account = $this->token->getLabel(); $twofaccount->secret = $this->token->getSecret(); $twofaccount->service = $this->token->getIssuer(); $twofaccount->algorithm = $this->token->getDigest(); $twofaccount->digits = $this->token->getDigits(); $twofaccount->period = $this->token->hasParameter('period') ? $this->token->getParameter('period') : null; $twofaccount->counter = $this->token->hasParameter('counter') ? $this->token->getParameter('counter') : null; if ( $this->token->hasParameter('image') ) { $twofaccount->icon = $this->storeTokenImageAsIcon(); } } /** * Returns the otp_type that matchs the token instance class */ private function tokenOtpType() : string { return $this->supportedOtpTypes[get_class($this->token)]; } /** * Gets the image resource pointed by the token image parameter and store it as an icon * * @return string|null The filename of the stored icon or null if the operation fails */ private function storeTokenImageAsIcon() { try { $remoteImageURL = $this->token->getParameter('image'); $path_parts = pathinfo($remoteImageURL); $newFilename = Str::random(40) . '.' . $path_parts['extension']; $imageFile = self::IMAGELINK_STORAGE_PATH . $newFilename; $iconFile = self::ICON_STORAGE_PATH . $newFilename; Storage::disk('local')->put($imageFile, file_get_contents($remoteImageURL)); if ( in_array(Storage::mimeType($imageFile), ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/webp', 'image/bmp']) && getimagesize(storage_path() . '/app/' . $imageFile) ) { // Should be a valid image Storage::move($imageFile, $iconFile); Log::info(sprintf('Icon file %s stored', $newFilename)); } else { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart Storage::delete($imageFile); throw new \Exception; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } return $newFilename; } catch (\Assert\AssertionFailedException|\Assert\InvalidArgumentException|\Exception|\Throwable $ex) { return null; } } }