import { defineStore } from 'pinia' import { useUserStore } from '@/stores/user' import { useNotifyStore } from '@/stores/notify' import twofaccountService from '@/services/twofaccountService' import { saveAs } from 'file-saver' export const useTwofaccounts = defineStore({ id: 'twofaccounts', state: () => { return { items: [], selectedIds: [], filter: '', } }, getters: { filtered(state) { const user = useUserStore() return state.items.filter( item => { if (parseInt(user.preferences.activeGroup) > 0 ) { return ((item.service ? item.service.toLowerCase().includes(state.filter.toLowerCase()) : false) || item.account.toLowerCase().includes(state.filter.toLowerCase())) && (item.group_id == parseInt(user.preferences.activeGroup)) } else { return ((item.service ? item.service.toLowerCase().includes(state.filter.toLowerCase()) : false) || item.account.toLowerCase().includes(state.filter.toLowerCase())) } } ) }, /** * Lists unique periods used by twofaccounts in the collection * ex: The items collection has 3 accounts with a period of 30s and 5 accounts with a period of 40s * => The method will return [30, 40] */ periods(state) { return state.items.filter(acc => acc.otp_type == 'totp').map(function(item) { return { period: item.period, generated_at: item.otp?.generated_at } }).filter((value, index, self) => index === self.findIndex((t) => ( t.period === value.period ))).sort() }, orderedIds(state) { return => }, isEmpty(state) { return state.items.length == 0 }, count(state) { return state.items.length }, filteredCount(state) { return state.filtered.length }, selectedCount(state) { return state.selectedIds.length }, hasNoneSelected(state) { return state.selectedIds.length == 0 }, }, actions: { /** * Refreshes the accounts collection using the backend */ async fetch() { await twofaccountService.getAll(! useUserStore().preferences.getOtpOnRequest).then(response => { this.items = }) }, /** * Tells if the store is up-to-date with the backend */ async isUpToDateWithBackend() { let isUpToDate = true await twofaccountService.getAll().then(response => { isUpToDate = === this.items.length this.items.forEach((item) => { let matchingBackendItem = => === if (matchingBackendItem == undefined) { isUpToDate = false return; } for (const field in item) { if (item[field] != matchingBackendItem[field]) { isUpToDate = false return; } } }) }) return isUpToDate }, /** * Adds an account to the current selection */ select(id) { for (var i=0 ; i < this.selectedIds.length ; i++) { if ( this.selectedIds[i] === id ) { this.selectedIds.splice(i,1); return } } this.selectedIds.push(id) }, /** * Selects all accounts */ selectAll() { this.selectedIds = => }, /** * Selects no account */ selectNone() { this.selectedIds = [] }, /** * Deletes selected accounts */ async deleteSelected() { if(confirm(trans('twofaccounts.confirm.delete')) && this.selectedIds.length > 0) { await twofaccountService.batchDelete(this.selectedIds.join()) .then(response => { ids.forEach(function(id) { this.items = this.items.filter(a => !== id) }) useNotifyStore().success({ text: trans('twofaccounts.accounts_deleted') }) }) this.refresh() } }, /** * Exports selected accounts to a json file */ export() { twofaccountService.export(this.selectedIds.join(), {responseType: 'blob'}) .then((response) => { var blob = new Blob([], {type: "application/json;charset=utf-8"}); saveAs.saveAs(blob, "2fauth_export.json"); }) }, /** * Saves the accounts order to db */ saveOrder() { twofaccountService.saveOrder(this.orderedIds) }, /** * Sorts accounts ascending */ sortAsc() { this.items.sort((a, b) => a.service > b.service ? 1 : -1) this.saveOrder() }, /** * Sorts accounts descending */ sortDesc() { this.items.sort((a, b) => a.service < b.service ? 1 : -1) this.saveOrder() }, /** * Gets the IDs of all accounts that match the given period * @param {*} period * @returns {Array} IDs of matching accounts */ accountIdsWithPeriod(period) { return this.items.filter(a => a.period == period).map(item => }, }, })