*/ public function authentications() { return $this->morphMany(AuthLog::class, 'authenticatable')->latest('id'); } /** * Get authentications for the provided timespan (in month) * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ public function authenticationsByPeriod(int $period = 1) { $from = Carbon::now()->subMonths($period); return $this->authentications->filter(function (AuthLog $authentication) use ($from) { return $authentication->login_at >= $from || $authentication->logout_at >= $from; }); } /** * Get the user's latest authentication * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphOne<\App\Models\AuthLog, $this> */ public function latestAuthentication() { return $this->morphOne(AuthLog::class, 'authenticatable')->latestOfMany('login_at'); } /** * Get the user's latest authentication datetime */ public function lastLoginAt() : ?Carbon { return $this->authentications()->first()?->login_at; } /** * Get the user's latest successful login datetime */ public function lastSuccessfulLoginAt() : ?Carbon { return $this->authentications()->whereLoginSuccessful(true)->first()?->login_at; } /** * Get the ip address of user's latest login */ public function lastLoginIp() : ?string { return $this->authentications()->first()?->ip_address; } /** * Get the ip address of user's latest successful login */ public function lastSuccessfulLoginIp() : ?string { return $this->authentications()->whereLoginSuccessful(true)->first()?->ip_address; } /** * Get the user's previous login datetime */ public function previousLoginAt() : ?Carbon { return $this->authentications()->skip(1)->first()?->login_at; } /** * Get the ip address of user's previous login */ public function previousLoginIp() : ?string { return $this->authentications()->skip(1)->first()?->ip_address; } /** * The notification channels to be used for notifications */ public function notifyAuthLogVia() : array { return ['mail']; } }