self::TOTP, 'OTPHP\HOTP' => self::HOTP, ]; /** * model's array form. * * @var string[] */ protected $fillable = [ // 'service', // 'account', // 'otp_type', // 'digits', // 'secret', // 'algorithm', // 'counter', // 'period', // 'icon' ]; /** * The table associated with the model. * * @var string */ protected $table = 'twofaccounts'; /** * The accessors to append to the model's array form. * * @var array */ public $appends = []; /** * The model's default values for attributes. * * @var array */ protected $attributes = [ 'digits' => 6, 'algorithm' => self::SHA1, ]; /** * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays. * * @var array */ protected $hidden = []; /** * The attributes that should be cast. * * @var array */ protected $casts = []; /** * The event map for the model. * * @var array */ protected $dispatchesEvents = [ 'deleted' => TwoFAccountDeleted::class, ]; /** * Override The "booting" method of the model * * @return void */ protected static function boot() { parent::boot(); static::saving(function (TwoFAccount $twofaccount) { if (! $twofaccount->legacy_uri) { $twofaccount->legacy_uri = $twofaccount->getURI(); } if ($twofaccount->otp_type == TwoFAccount::TOTP && ! $twofaccount->period) { $twofaccount->period = TwoFAccount::DEFAULT_PERIOD; } if ($twofaccount->otp_type == TwoFAccount::HOTP && ! $twofaccount->counter) { $twofaccount->counter = TwoFAccount::DEFAULT_COUNTER; } }); static::created(function (object $model) { Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccount ID #%d created for user ID #%s', $model->id, $model->user_id)); }); static::updated(function (object $model) { Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccount ID #%d updated by user ID #%s', $model->id, $model->user_id)); }); static::deleted(function (object $model) { Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccount ID #%d deleted ', $model->id)); }); } /** * Settings for @spatie/eloquent-sortable package * * @var array */ public $sortable = [ 'order_column_name' => 'order_column', 'sort_when_creating' => true, ]; /** * The OTP generator. * Instanciated as null to keep the model light * * @var \OTPHP\OTPInterface|null */ protected $generator = null; /** * Get the user that owns the twofaccount. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo<\App\Models\User, \App\Models\TwoFAccount> */ public function user() { return $this->belongsTo(\App\Models\User::class); } /** * Scope a query to only include orphan (userless) accounts. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function scopeOrphans($query) { return $query->where('user_id', null); } /** * Get legacy_uri attribute * * @param string $value * @return string */ public function getLegacyUriAttribute($value) { return $this->decryptOrReturn($value); } /** * Set legacy_uri attribute * * @param string $value * @return void */ public function setLegacyUriAttribute($value) { // Encrypt if needed $this->attributes['legacy_uri'] = $this->encryptOrReturn($value); } /** * Get account attribute * * @param string $value * @return string */ public function getAccountAttribute($value) { return $this->decryptOrReturn($value); } /** * Set account attribute * * @param string $value * @return void */ public function setAccountAttribute($value) { // Encrypt when needed $this->attributes['account'] = $this->encryptOrReturn($value); } /** * Get secret attribute * * @param string $value * @return string */ public function getSecretAttribute($value) { return $this->decryptOrReturn($value); } /** * Set secret attribute * * @param string $value * @return void */ public function setSecretAttribute($value) { // Encrypt when needed $this->attributes['secret'] = $this->encryptOrReturn(Helpers::PadToBase32Format($value)); } /** * Set digits attribute * * @param string $value * @return void */ public function setDigitsAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['digits'] = ! $value ? 6 : $value; } /** * Set algorithm attribute * * @param string $value * @return void */ public function setAlgorithmAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['algorithm'] = ! $value ? self::SHA1 : strtolower($value); } /** * Set period attribute * * @param string $value * @return void */ public function setPeriodAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['period'] = ! $value && $this->otp_type === self::TOTP ? self::DEFAULT_PERIOD : $value; } /** * Set counter attribute * * @param string $value * @return void */ public function setCounterAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['counter'] = blank($value) && $this->otp_type === self::HOTP ? self::DEFAULT_COUNTER : $value; } /** * Returns a One-Time Password with its parameters * * @return TotpDto|HotpDto * * @throws InvalidSecretException The secret is not a valid base32 encoded string * @throws UndecipherableException The secret cannot be deciphered * @throws UnsupportedOtpTypeException The defined OTP type is not supported * @throws InvalidOtpParameterException One OTP parameter is invalid */ public function getOTP(?int $time = null) { Log::info(sprintf('OTP requested for TwoFAccount (%s)', $this->id ? 'id:' . $this->id : 'preview')); // Early exit if the model has an undecipherable secret if (strtolower($this->secret) === __('errors.indecipherable')) { Log::error('Secret cannot be deciphered, OTP generation aborted'); throw new UndecipherableException(); } $this->initGenerator(); try { if ($this->otp_type === self::HOTP) { $OtpDto = new HotpDto(); $OtpDto->otp_type = $this->otp_type; $counter = $this->generator->getParameter('counter'); $OtpDto->password = $this->generator->at($counter); $OtpDto->counter = $this->counter = $counter + 1; // The updated HOTP counter must be saved to db for persisted account only if ($this->id) { $this->save(); } } else { $OtpDto = new TotpDto(); $OtpDto->otp_type = $this->otp_type; $OtpDto->generated_at = $time ?: time(); $OtpDto->password = $this->otp_type === self::TOTP ? $this->generator->at($OtpDto->generated_at) : SteamTotp::getAuthCode(base64_encode(Base32::decodeUpper($this->secret))); $OtpDto->period = $this->period; } Log::info(sprintf('New OTP generated for TwoFAccount (%s)', $this->id ? 'id:' . $this->id : 'preview')); return $OtpDto; } catch (\Exception|\Throwable $ex) { Log::error('An error occured, OTP generation aborted'); // Currently a secret issue is the only possible exception thrown by OTPHP for this stack // so it is Ok to send the corresponding 2FAuth exception. // If the generator package change it could be necessary to throw a more generic exception. throw new InvalidSecretException($ex->getMessage()); } } /** * Fill the model using an array of OTP parameters. * Missing parameters will be set with default values * * @return $this */ public function fillWithOtpParameters(array $parameters, bool $skipIconFetching = false) { $this->otp_type = strtolower(Arr::get($parameters, 'otp_type')); $this->account = Arr::get($parameters, 'account'); $this->service = Arr::get($parameters, 'service'); $this->icon = Arr::get($parameters, 'icon'); $this->secret = Arr::get($parameters, 'secret'); $this->algorithm = strtolower(Arr::get($parameters, 'algorithm', self::SHA1)); $this->digits = Arr::get($parameters, 'digits', self::DEFAULT_DIGITS); $this->period = Arr::get($parameters, 'period', $this->otp_type == self::TOTP ? self::DEFAULT_PERIOD : null); $this->counter = Arr::get($parameters, 'counter', $this->otp_type == self::HOTP ? self::DEFAULT_COUNTER : null); $this->initGenerator(); // The generator could have been initialized without a secret, in that case it generates one on the fly. // The secret attribute has thus to be updated $this->secret = $this->secret ?: $this->generator->getSecret(); if ($this->otp_type === self::STEAM_TOTP || strtolower($this->service) === 'steam') { $this->enforceAsSteam(); } if (! $this->icon && ! $skipIconFetching) { $this->icon = $this->getDefaultIcon(); } Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccount filled with OTP parameters')); return $this; } /** * Fill the model by parsing an otpauth URI * * @return $this */ public function fillWithURI(string $uri, bool $isSteamTotp = false, bool $skipIconFetching = false) { // First we instanciate the OTP generator try { $this->generator = Factory::loadFromProvisioningUri($isSteamTotp ? str_replace('otpauth://steam', 'otpauth://totp', $uri) : $uri); } catch (\Exception|\Throwable $ex) { throw ValidationException::withMessages([ 'uri' => __('validation.custom.uri.regex', ['attribute' => 'uri']), ]); } // As loadFromProvisioningUri() accept URI without label (nor account nor service) we check // that the account is set if (! $this->generator->getLabel()) { Log::error('URI passed to fillWithURI() must contain a label'); throw ValidationException::withMessages([ 'label' => __('validation.custom.label.required'), ]); } $this->otp_type = $this->getGeneratorOtpType(); $this->account = $this->generator->getLabel(); $this->secret = $this->generator->getSecret(); $this->service = $this->generator->getIssuer(); $this->algorithm = $this->generator->getDigest(); $this->digits = $this->generator->getDigits(); $this->period = $this->generator->hasParameter('period') ? $this->generator->getParameter('period') : null; $this->counter = $this->generator->hasParameter('counter') ? $this->generator->getParameter('counter') : null; $this->legacy_uri = $uri; if ($isSteamTotp || strtolower($this->service) === 'steam') { $this->enforceAsSteam(); } if ($this->generator->hasParameter('image')) { self::setIcon($this->generator->getParameter('image')); } if (! $this->icon && ! $skipIconFetching) { $this->icon = $this->getDefaultIcon(); } Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccount filled with an URI')); return $this; } /** * Compare 2 TwoFAccounts */ public function equals(self $other) : bool { return $this->service === $other->service && $this->account === $other->account && $this->icon === $other->icon && $this->otp_type === $other->otp_type && $this->secret === $other->secret && $this->digits === $other->digits && $this->algorithm === $other->algorithm && $this->period === $other->period && $this->counter === $other->counter; } /** * Sets model attributes to STEAM values */ private function enforceAsSteam() : void { $this->otp_type = self::STEAM_TOTP; $this->service = 'Steam'; $this->digits = 5; $this->algorithm = self::SHA1; $this->period = 30; Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccount configured as Steam account')); } /** * Returns the OTP type of the instanciated OTP generator * * @return mixed */ private function getGeneratorOtpType() { return Arr::get($this->generatorClassMap, get_class($this->generator)); } /** * Returns an otpauth URI built with model attribute values */ public function getURI() : string { $this->initGenerator(); return $this->generator->getProvisioningUri(); } /** * Instanciates the OTP generator with model attribute values * * @throws UnsupportedOtpTypeException The defined OTP type is not supported * @throws InvalidOtpParameterException One OTP parameter is invalid */ private function initGenerator() : void { try { switch ($this->otp_type) { case self::TOTP: $this->generator = TOTP::create( $this->secret, $this->period ?: self::DEFAULT_PERIOD, $this->algorithm ?: self::DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, $this->digits ?: self::DEFAULT_DIGITS ); break; case self::STEAM_TOTP: $this->generator = TOTP::create($this->secret, 30, self::SHA1, 5); break; case self::HOTP: $this->generator = HOTP::create( $this->secret, $this->counter ?: self::DEFAULT_COUNTER, $this->algorithm ?: self::DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, $this->digits ?: self::DEFAULT_DIGITS ); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOtpTypeException(); } if ($this->service) { $this->generator->setIssuer($this->service); } if ($this->account) { $this->generator->setLabel($this->account); } } catch (UnsupportedOtpTypeException $exception) { Log::error(sprintf('%s is not an OTP type supported by the current generator', $this->otp_type)); throw $exception; } catch (\Exception|\Throwable $exception) { throw new InvalidOtpParameterException($exception->getMessage()); } } /** * Store and set the provided icon * * @param \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface|\Illuminate\Http\File|\Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile|string|resource $data * @param string|null $extension The resource extension, without the dot */ public function setIcon($data, $extension = null) : void { $isRemoteData = Str::startsWith($data, ['http://', 'https://']) && Validator::make( [$data], ['url'] )->passes(); if ($isRemoteData) { $icon = $this->storeRemoteImageAsIcon($data); } else { $icon = $extension ? $this->storeFileDataAsIcon($data, $extension) : null; } $this->icon = $icon ?: $this->icon; } /** * Store img data as an icon file. * * @param \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface|\Illuminate\Http\File|\Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile|string|resource $content * @param string $extension The file extension, without the dot * @return string|null The filename of the stored icon or null if the operation fails */ private function storeFileDataAsIcon($content, $extension) : string|null { $filename = self::getUniqueFilename($extension); if (Storage::disk('icons')->put($filename, $content)) { if (self::isValidIcon($filename, 'icons')) { Log::info(sprintf('Image "%s" successfully stored for import', $filename)); return $filename; } else { Storage::disk('icons')->delete($filename); } } return null; } /** * Generate a unique filename * * @return string The filename */ private function getUniqueFilename(string $extension) : string { return Str::random(40) . '.' . $extension; } /** * Validate a file is a valid image * * @param string $filename * @param string $disk */ private function isValidIcon($filename, $disk) : bool { return in_array(Storage::disk($disk)->mimeType($filename), [ 'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/webp', 'image/bmp', 'image/x-ms-bmp', 'image/svg+xml', ]) && (Storage::disk($disk)->mimeType($filename) !== 'image/svg+xml' ? getimagesize(Storage::disk($disk)->path($filename)) : true); } /** * Gets the image resource pointed by the image url and store it as an icon * * @return string|null The filename of the stored icon or null if the operation fails */ private function storeRemoteImageAsIcon(string $url) : string|null { try { $path_parts = pathinfo($url); $newFilename = self::getUniqueFilename($path_parts['extension']); try { $response = Http::retry(3, 100)->get($url); if ($response->successful()) { Storage::disk('imagesLink')->put($newFilename, $response->body()); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { Log::error(sprintf('Cannot fetch imageLink at "%s"', $url)); } if (self::isValidIcon($newFilename, 'imagesLink')) { // Should be a valid image, we move it to the icons disk if (Storage::disk('icons')->put($newFilename, Storage::disk('imagesLink')->get($newFilename))) { Storage::disk('imagesLink')->delete($newFilename); } Log::info(sprintf('Icon file "%s" stored', $newFilename)); } else { Storage::disk('imagesLink')->delete($newFilename); throw new \Exception('Unsupported mimeType or missing image on storage'); } return Storage::disk('icons')->exists($newFilename) ? $newFilename : null; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart catch (\Exception|\Throwable $ex) { Log::error(sprintf('Icon storage failed: %s', $ex->getMessage())); return null; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * Triggers logo fetching if necessary * * @return string|null The icon */ private function getDefaultIcon() { // $logoService = App::make(LogoService::class); return (bool) Auth::user()?->preferences['getOfficialIcons'] ? App::make(LogoService::class)->getIcon($this->service) : null; } /** * Returns an acceptable value */ private function decryptOrReturn(mixed $value) : mixed { // Decipher when needed if (Settings::get('useEncryption') && $value) { try { return Crypt::decryptString($value); } catch (Exception $ex) { return __('errors.indecipherable'); } } else { return $value; } } /** * Encrypt a value */ private function encryptOrReturn(mixed $value) : mixed { // should be replaced by laravel 8 attribute encryption casting return Settings::get('useEncryption') ? Crypt::encryptString($value) : $value; } /** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function buildSortQuery() { return static::query()->where('user_id', $this->user_id); } }