'用户名或密码错误', 'password' => '提供的密码不正确', 'throttle' => '您尝试的登录次数过多,请 :seconds 秒后再试。', // 2FAuth 'sign_out' => '退出', 'sign_in' => '登录', 'sign_in_using' => '登录使用', 'login_and_password' => '使用密码登录', 'register' => '注册', 'welcome_back_x' => '欢迎回来!{0}!', 'autolock_triggered' => 'Auto lock triggered', 'autolock_triggered_punchline' => 'The event watched by the Auto Lock feature has fired. You\'ve been automatically disconnected.', 'change_autolock_in_settings' => 'You can change the behavior of the Autolock feature in Settings > Options tab.', 'already_authenticated' => '已验证', 'authentication' => '身份认证', 'maybe_later' => '以后再说', 'user_account_controlled_by_proxy' => 'User account made available by an authentication proxy.
Manage the account at proxy level.', 'auth_handled_by_proxy' => 'Authentication handled by a reverse proxy, below settings are disabled.
Manage authentication at proxy level.', 'confirm' => [ 'logout' => '确定要退出吗?', 'revoke_device' => 'Are you sure you want to revoke this device?', 'delete_account' => 'Are you sure you want to delete your account?', ], 'webauthn' => [ 'security_device' => 'a security device', 'security_devices' => 'Security devices', 'security_devices_legend' => 'Authentication devices you can use to sign in 2FAuth, like security keys (i.e Yubikey) or smartphones with biometric capabilities (i.e. Apple FaceId/TouchId)', 'enhance_security_using_webauthn' => 'You can enhance the security of your 2FAuth account by enabling WebAuthn authentication.

WebAuthn allows you to use trusted devices (like Yubikeys or smartphones with biometric capabilities) to sign in quickly and more securely.', 'use_security_device_to_sign_in' => 'Get ready to authenticate using (one of) your security devices. Plug your key in, remove face mask or gloves, etc.', 'lost_your_device' => 'Lost your device?', 'recover_your_account' => 'Recover your account', 'account_recovery' => 'Account recovery', 'recovery_punchline' => '2FAuth will send you a recovery link to this email address. Click the link in the received email to register a new security device.

Ensure you open the email on a device you fully own.', 'send_recovery_link' => 'Send recovery link', 'account_recovery_email_sent' => 'Account recovery email sent!', 'disable_all_other_devices' => 'Disable all other devices except this one', 'register_a_new_device' => 'Register a new device', 'device_successfully_registered' => 'Device successfully registered', 'device_revoked' => 'Device successfully revoked', 'revoking_a_device_is_permanent' => 'Revoking a device is permanent', 'recover_account_instructions' => 'Click the button below to register a new security device to recover your account. Just follow your browser instructions.', 'invalid_recovery_token' => 'Invalid recovery token', 'rename_device' => 'Rename device', 'my_device' => 'My device', 'unknown_device' => 'Unknown device', 'use_webauthn_only' => [ 'label' => 'Use WebAuthn only', 'help' => 'Make WebAuthn the only available method to sign in 2FAuth. This is the recommended setup to take advantage of the WebAuthn enhanced security.
In case of device lost you will always be able to register a new security device to recover your account.' ], 'need_a_security_device_to_enable_options' => 'Set at least one device to enable these options', 'use_webauthn_as_default' => [ 'label' => 'Use WebAuthn as default sign in method', 'help' => 'Set the 2FAuth sign in form to propose the WebAuthn authentication at first. The Login/password method is then available as an alternative/fallback solution.
This has no effect if you only use WebAuthn.' ], ], 'forms' => [ 'name' => '用户名', 'login' => '登录', 'webauthn_login' => 'WebAuthn login', 'email' => '电子邮件', 'password' => '密码', 'confirm_password' => '确认密码', 'confirm_new_password' => '确认新密码', 'dont_have_account_yet' => '还没有账号?', 'already_register' => '已经注册?', 'authentication_failed' => 'Authentication failed', 'forgot_your_password' => '忘记密码?', 'request_password_reset' => '重置', 'reset_password' => '重置密码', 'disabled_in_demo' => 'Feature disabled in Demo mode', 'new_password' => '新密码', 'current_password' => [ 'label' => '当前密码', 'help' => 'Fill in your current password to confirm that it\'s you' ], 'change_password' => 'Change password', 'send_password_reset_link' => 'Send password reset link', 'password_successfully_changed' => 'Password successfully changed', 'edit_account' => '编辑账户', 'profile_saved' => '帐户资料更新成功', 'welcome_to_demo_app_use_those_credentials' => 'Welcome to the 2FAuth demo.

You can connect using the email address demo@2fauth.app and the password demo', 'welcome_to_testing_app_use_those_credentials' => 'Welcome to the 2FAuth testing instance.

Use email address testing@2fauth.app and password password', 'register_punchline' => 'Welcome to 2FAuth.
You need an account to go further. Fill this form to register yourself, and please, choose a strong password, 2FA data are sensitives.', 'reset_punchline' => '2FAuth will send you a password reset link to this address. Click the link in the received email to set a new password.', 'name_this_device' => 'Name this device', 'delete_account' => 'Delete account', 'delete_your_account' => 'Delete your account', 'delete_your_account_and_reset_all_data' => 'This will reset 2FAuth. Your user account will be deleted as well as all 2FA data. There is no going back.', 'user_account_successfully_deleted' => 'User account successfully deleted', ], ];