The converted accounts */ public function migrate(mixed $migrationPayload) : Collection { $otpauthURIs = preg_split('~\R~', $migrationPayload); $otpauthURIs = Arr::where($otpauthURIs, function ($value, $key) { return Str::startsWith($value, ['otpauth://totp/', 'otpauth://hotp/']); }); if (count($otpauthURIs) < 1) { Log::error('No valid OtpAuth URI found in the migration'); throw new InvalidMigrationDataException('migration'); } foreach ($otpauthURIs as $key => $uri) { try { $twofaccounts[$key] = new TwoFAccount; $twofaccounts[$key]->fillWithURI($uri); } catch (\Exception $exception) { Log::error(sprintf('Cannot instanciate a TwoFAccount object with OTP parameters from imported item #%s', $key)); Log::debug($exception->getMessage()); // The token failed to generate a valid account so we create a fake account to be returned. $fakeAccount = new TwoFAccount(); $fakeAccount->id = TwoFAccount::FAKE_ID; $fakeAccount->otp_type = substr($uri, 10, 4); // Only basic fields are filled to limit the risk of another exception. $fakeAccount->account = __('twofaccounts.import.invalid_account'); $fakeAccount->service = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'issuer', FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED) ?? __('twofaccounts.import.invalid_service'); // The secret field is used to pass the error, not very clean but will do the job for now. $fakeAccount->secret = $exception->getMessage(); $twofaccounts[$key] = $fakeAccount; } } return collect($twofaccounts); } }