*/ protected $tfas; /** * @var string */ const TFA_JSON = 'tfa.json'; /** * @var string */ const TFA_URL = 'https://2fa.directory/api/v3/tfa.json'; public function __construct() { $this->setTfaCollection(); } /** * Fetch a logo for the given service and save it as an icon * * @param string|null $serviceName Name of the service to fetch a logo for * @return string|null The icon filename or null if no logo has been found */ public function getIcon(?string $serviceName) { $logoFilename = $this->getLogo(strval($serviceName)); if ($logoFilename) { $iconFilename = Str::random(40) . '.svg'; return $this->copyToIcons($logoFilename, $iconFilename) ? $iconFilename : null; } else { return null; } } /** * Return the logo's filename for a given service * * @param string $serviceName Name of the service to fetch a logo for * @return string|null The logo filename or null if no logo has been found */ protected function getLogo(string $serviceName) { $domain = $this->tfas->get($this->cleanDomain(strval($serviceName))); $logoFilename = $domain . '.svg'; if ($domain && ! Storage::disk('logos')->exists($logoFilename)) { $this->fetchLogo($logoFilename); } return Storage::disk('logos')->exists($logoFilename) ? $logoFilename : null; } /** * Build and set the TFA directoy collection */ protected function setTfaCollection() : void { // We fetch a fresh tfaDirectory if necessary to prevent too many API calls if (Storage::disk('logos')->exists(self::TFA_JSON)) { if (time() - Storage::disk('logos')->lastModified(self::TFA_JSON) > 86400) { $this->cacheTfaDirectorySource(); } } else { $this->cacheTfaDirectorySource(); } $this->tfas = Storage::disk('logos')->exists(self::TFA_JSON) ? new Collection(json_decode(Storage::disk('logos')->get(self::TFA_JSON))) : collect([]); } /** * Fetch and cache fresh TFA.Directory data using the https://2fa.directory API */ protected function cacheTfaDirectorySource() : void { try { $response = Http::withOptions([ 'proxy' => config('2fauth.config.outgoingProxy'), ])->retry(3, 100)->get(self::TFA_URL); $coll = collect(json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($response->body()), true)) /* @phpstan-ignore-line */ ->mapWithKeys(function ($item, $key) { return [ strtolower(head($item)) => $item[1]['domain'], ]; }); Storage::disk('logos')->put(self::TFA_JSON, $coll->toJson()) ? Log::info('Fresh tfa.json saved to logos dir') : Log::notice('Cannot save tfa.json to logos dir'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error('Caching of tfa.json failed:' . $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Fetch and cache a logo from 2fa.Directory repository * * @param string $logoFile Logo filename to fetch */ protected function fetchLogo(string $logoFile) : void { try { $response = Http::withOptions([ 'proxy' => config('2fauth.config.outgoingProxy'), ])->retry(3, 100)->get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/2factorauth/twofactorauth/master/img/' . $logoFile[0] . '/' . $logoFile); if ($response->successful()) { Storage::disk('logos')->put($logoFile, $response->body()) ? Log::info(sprintf('Logo "%s" saved to logos dir.', $logoFile)) : Log::notice(sprintf('Cannot save logo "%s" to logos dir', $logoFile)); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { Log::error(sprintf('Fetching of logo "%s" failed.', $logoFile)); } } /** * Prepare and make some replacement to optimize logo fetching * * @return string Optimized domain name */ protected function cleanDomain(string $domain) : string { return strtolower(str_replace(['+'], ['plus'], $domain)); } /** * Copy a logo file to the icons disk with a new name * * @param string $logoFilename * @param string $iconFilename * @return bool Weither the copy succed or not */ protected function copyToIcons($logoFilename, $iconFilename) : bool { return Storage::disk('icons')->put($iconFilename, Storage::disk('logos')->get($logoFilename)); } }