import { defineStore } from 'pinia' import authService from '@/services/authService' import router from '@/router' import { useColorMode } from '@vueuse/core' import { useTwofaccounts } from '@/stores/twofaccounts' import { useGroups } from '@/stores/groups' import { useNotifyStore } from '@/stores/notify' export const useUserStore = defineStore({ id: 'user', state: () => { return { name: undefined, email: undefined, preferences: window.defaultPreferences, isAdmin: false, } }, getters: { isAuthenticated() { return != undefined } }, actions: { /** * Initializes the store for the given user * * @param {object} user */ async loginAs(user) { this.$patch(user) await this.initDataStores() this.applyUserPrefs() }, /** * Initializes the user's data stores */ async initDataStores() { const accounts = useTwofaccounts() const groups = useGroups() if (this.isAuthenticated) { await accounts.fetch() groups.fetch() } else { accounts.$reset() groups.$reset() } }, /** * Logs the user out or moves to proxy logout url */ logout(options = {}) { const { kicked } = options // async appLogout(evt) { if (this.$2fauth.config.proxyAuth) { if (this.$2fauth.config.proxyLogoutUrl) { location.assign(this.$2fauth.config.proxyLogoutUrl) } else return false } else { return authService.logout().then(() => { this.reset() if (kicked) { const notify = useNotifyStore() notify.clear() notify.warn({ text: trans('auth.autolock_triggered_punchline'), duration:-1 }) } }) } }, /** * Resets all user data */ reset() { this.$reset() this.initDataStores() this.applyUserPrefs() router.push({ name: 'login' }) }, /** * Applies user theme */ applyTheme() { const mode = useColorMode({ attribute: 'data-theme', }) mode.value = this.preferences.theme == 'system' ? 'auto' : this.preferences.theme }, /** * Applies user language */ applyLanguage() { const { isSupported, language } = useNavigatorLanguage() if (isSupported) { loadLanguageAsync(this.preferences.lang == 'browser' ? language.value.slice(0, 2) : this.preferences.lang) } else loadLanguageAsync('en') }, /** * Applies both user theme & language */ applyUserPrefs() { this.applyTheme() this.applyLanguage() } }, })