update( ['group_id' => NULL] ); Log::info(sprintf('TwoFAccounts #%s withdrawn', implode(',#', $ids))); } /** * Delete one or more twofaccounts * * @param int|array|string $ids twofaccount ids to delete * * @return int The number of deleted */ public static function delete($ids) : int { // $ids as string could be a comma-separated list of ids // so in this case we explode the string to an array $ids = self::commaSeparatedToArray($ids); Log::info(sprintf('Deletion of TwoFAccounts #%s requested', is_array($ids) ? implode(',#', $ids) : $ids )); $deleted = TwoFAccount::destroy($ids); return $deleted; } /** * Convert Google Authenticator migration URI to a set of TwoFAccount objects * * @param string $migrationUri migration uri provided by Google Authenticator export feature * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection The converted accounts */ public static function convertMigrationFromGA($migrationUri) : Collection { try { $migrationData = base64_decode(urldecode(Str::replace('otpauth-migration://offline?data=', '', $migrationUri))); $protobuf = new Payload(); $protobuf->mergeFromString($migrationData); $otpParameters = $protobuf->getOtpParameters(); } catch (Exception $ex) { Log::error("Protobuf failed to get OTP parameters from provided migration URI"); Log::error($ex->getMessage()); throw new InvalidGoogleAuthMigration(); } foreach ($otpParameters->getIterator() as $key => $otp_parameters) { try { $parameters = array(); $parameters['otp_type'] = GAuthValueMapping::OTP_TYPE[OtpType::name($otp_parameters->getType())]; $parameters['service'] = $otp_parameters->getIssuer(); $parameters['account'] = str_replace($parameters['service'].':', '', $otp_parameters->getName()); $parameters['secret'] = Base32::encodeUpper($otp_parameters->getSecret()); $parameters['algorithm'] = GAuthValueMapping::ALGORITHM[Algorithm::name($otp_parameters->getAlgorithm())]; $parameters['digits'] = GAuthValueMapping::DIGIT_COUNT[DigitCount::name($otp_parameters->getDigits())]; $parameters['counter'] = $parameters['otp_type'] === TwoFAccount::HOTP ? $otp_parameters->getCounter() : null; $parameters['period'] = $parameters['otp_type'] === TwoFAccount::TOTP ? $otp_parameters->getPeriod() : null; $twofaccounts[$key] = new TwoFAccount; $twofaccounts[$key]->fillWithOtpParameters($parameters); } catch (Exception $exception) { Log::error(sprintf('Cannot instanciate a TwoFAccount object with OTP parameters from imported item #%s', $key)); Log::error($exception->getMessage()); // The token failed to generate a valid account so we create a fake account to be returned. $fakeAccount = new TwoFAccount(); $fakeAccount->id = -2; $fakeAccount->otp_type = $fakeAccount::TOTP; // Only basic fields are filled to limit the risk of another exception. $fakeAccount->account = $otp_parameters->getName(); $fakeAccount->service = $otp_parameters->getIssuer(); // The secret field is used to pass the error, not very clean but will do the job for now. $fakeAccount->secret = $exception->getMessage(); $twofaccounts[$key] = $fakeAccount; } } return self::markAsDuplicate(collect($twofaccounts)); } /** * */ private static function commaSeparatedToArray($ids) { if(is_string($ids)) { $regex = "/^\d+(,{1}\d+)*$/"; if (preg_match($regex, $ids)) { $ids = explode(',', $ids); } } return $ids; } /** * Return the given collection with items marked as Duplicates (using id=-1) if a similar record exists in database * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ private static function markAsDuplicate($twofaccounts) : Collection { $storage = TwoFAccount::all(); $twofaccounts = $twofaccounts->map(function ($twofaccount, $key) use ($storage) { if ($storage->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($twofaccount) { return $value->secret == $twofaccount->secret && $value->service == $twofaccount->service && $value->account == $twofaccount->account && $value->otp_type == $twofaccount->otp_type && $value->digits == $twofaccount->digits && $value->algorithm == $twofaccount->algorithm; })) { $twofaccount->id = -1; } return $twofaccount; }); return $twofaccounts; } }