<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Filename & Format |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The default filename | */ 'filename' => '_ide_helper.php', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Models filename |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The default filename for the models helper file | */ 'models_filename' => '_ide_helper_models.php', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Where to write the PhpStorm specific meta file |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | PhpStorm also supports the directory `.phpstorm.meta.php/` with arbitrary | files in it, should you need additional files for your project; e.g. | `.phpstorm.meta.php/laravel_ide_Helper.php'. | */ 'meta_filename' => '.phpstorm.meta.php', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Fluent helpers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Set to true to generate commonly used Fluent methods | */ 'include_fluent' => true, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Factory Builders |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Set to true to generate factory generators for better factory() | method auto-completion. | | Deprecated for Laravel 8 or latest. | */ 'include_factory_builders' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Write Model Magic methods |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Set to false to disable write magic methods of model | */ 'write_model_magic_where' => true, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Write Model External Eloquent Builder methods |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Set to false to disable write external eloquent builder methods | */ 'write_model_external_builder_methods' => true, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Write Model relation count properties |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Set to false to disable writing of relation count properties to model DocBlocks. | */ 'write_model_relation_count_properties' => true, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Write Eloquent Model Mixins |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This will add the necessary DocBlock mixins to the model class | contained in the Laravel Framework. This helps the IDE with | auto-completion. | | Please be aware that this setting changes a file within the /vendor directory. | */ 'write_eloquent_model_mixins' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Helper files to include |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Include helper files. By default not included, but can be toggled with the | -- helpers (-H) option. Extra helper files can be included. | */ 'include_helpers' => false, 'helper_files' => [ base_path() . '/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/helpers.php', ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Model locations to include |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Define in which directories the ide-helper:models command should look | for models. | | glob patterns are supported to easier reach models in sub-directories, | e.g. `app/Services/* /Models` (without the space) | */ 'model_locations' => [ 'app', ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Models to ignore |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Define which models should be ignored. | */ 'ignored_models' => [ ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Models hooks |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Define which hook classes you want to run for models to add custom information | | Hooks should implement Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Contracts\ModelHookInterface. | */ 'model_hooks' => [ // App\Support\IdeHelper\MyModelHook::class ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Extra classes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | These implementations are not really extended, but called with magic functions | */ 'extra' => [ 'Eloquent' => ['Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder', 'Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder'], 'Session' => ['Illuminate\Session\Store'], ], 'magic' => [], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Interface implementations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | These interfaces will be replaced with the implementing class. Some interfaces | are detected by the helpers, others can be listed below. | */ 'interfaces' => [ ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Support for camel cased models |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | There are some Laravel packages (such as Eloquence) that allow for accessing | Eloquent model properties via camel case, instead of snake case. | | Enabling this option will support these packages by saving all model | properties as camel case, instead of snake case. | | For example, normally you would see this: | | * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon $created_at | * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon $updated_at | | With this enabled, the properties will be this: | | * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon $createdAt | * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon $updatedAt | | Note, it is currently an all-or-nothing option. | */ 'model_camel_case_properties' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Property Casts |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Cast the given "real type" to the given "type". | */ 'type_overrides' => [ 'integer' => 'int', 'boolean' => 'bool', ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Include DocBlocks from classes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Include DocBlocks from classes to allow additional code inspection for | magic methods and properties. | */ 'include_class_docblocks' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Force FQN usage |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Use the fully qualified (class) name in docBlock, | event if class exists in a given file | or there is an import (use className) of a given class | */ 'force_fqn' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Use generics syntax |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Use generics syntax within DocBlocks, | e.g. `Collection<User>` instead of `Collection|User[]`. | */ 'use_generics_annotations' => true, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Additional relation types |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Sometimes it's needed to create custom relation types. The key of the array | is the Relationship Method name. The value of the array is the canonical class | name of the Relationship, e.g. `'relationName' => RelationShipClass::class`. | */ 'additional_relation_types' => [], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Additional relation return types |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When using custom relation types its possible for the class name to not contain | the proper return type of the relation. The key of the array is the relationship | method name. The value of the array is the return type of the relation ('many' | or 'morphTo'). | e.g. `'relationName' => 'many'`. | */ 'additional_relation_return_types' => [], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Run artisan commands after migrations to generate model helpers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The specified commands should run after migrations are finished running. | */ 'post_migrate' => [ // 'ide-helper:models --nowrite', ], ];