*/ private Collection $settings; /** * Cache duration * * @var int */ private int $minutes = 10; /** * Name of the cache item where options are persisted */ public const CACHE_ITEM_NAME = 'adminOptions'; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->settings = Cache::remember(self::CACHE_ITEM_NAME, now()->addMinutes($this->minutes), function () { self::build(); return $this->settings; }); } /** * Get a setting * * @param string $setting A single setting name * @return mixed string|int|boolean|null */ public function get($setting) { return $this->settings->get($setting); } /** * Get all settings * * @return Collection the Settings collection */ public function all() : Collection { return $this->settings; } /** * Set a setting * * @param string|array $setting A single setting name or an associative array of name:value settings * @param string|int|bool|null $value The value for single setting */ public function set($setting, $value = null) : void { $settings = is_array($setting) ? $setting : [$setting => $value]; foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { if ($setting === 'useEncryption') { $this->setEncryptionTo($value); } $settings[$setting] = $this->replaceBoolean($value); } foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { Option::updateOrCreate(['key' => $setting], ['value' => $value]); Log::notice(sprintf('App setting %s set to %s', var_export($setting, true), var_export($this->restoreType($value), true))); } self::buildAndCache(); } /** * Delete a setting * * @param string $name The setting name */ public function delete(string $name) : void { Option::where('key', $name)->delete(); Log::notice(sprintf('App setting %s reset to default', var_export($name, true))); self::buildAndCache(); } /** * Determine if the given setting has been edited * * @param string $key * @return bool */ public function isEdited($key) : bool { return DB::table('options')->where('key', $key)->exists(); } /** * Set the settings collection * * @return void */ private function build() { // Get a collection of saved options $options = DB::table('options')->pluck('value', 'key'); $options->transform(function ($item, $key) { return $this->restoreType($item); }); // Merge customized values with app default values $settings = collect(config('2fauth.settings'))->merge($options); /** @phpstan-ignore-line */ $this->settings = $settings; } /** * Build and cache the options collection * * @return void */ private function buildAndCache() { self::build(); Cache::put(self::CACHE_ITEM_NAME, $this->settings, now()->addMinutes($this->minutes)); } /** * Replaces boolean by a patterned string as appstrack/laravel-options package does not support var type * * @param mixed $value * @return string */ private function replaceBoolean(mixed $value) { return is_bool($value) ? '{{' . $value . '}}' : $value; } /** * Replaces patterned string that represent booleans with real booleans * * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ private function restoreType(mixed $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = is_float($value + 0) ? (float) $value : (int) $value; } if ($value === '{{}}') { return false; } elseif ($value === '{{1}}') { return true; } else { return $value; } } /** * Enable or Disable encryption of 2FAccounts sensible data * * @return void * * @throws DbEncryptionException Something failed, everything have been rolled back */ private function setEncryptionTo(bool $state) : void { // We don't want the records to be encrypted/decrypted multiple successive times $isInUse = $this->get('useEncryption'); if ($isInUse === ! $state) { if ($this->updateRecords($state)) { if ($state) { Log::notice('Sensible data are now encrypted'); } else { Log::notice('Sensible data are now decrypted'); } } else { Log::warning('Some data cannot be encrypted/decrypted, the useEncryption setting remain unchanged'); throw new DbEncryptionException($state === true ? __('errors.error_during_encryption') : __('errors.error_during_decryption')); } } } /** * Encrypt/Decrypt accounts in database * * @param bool $encrypted Whether the record should be encrypted or not * @return bool Whether the operation completed successfully */ private function updateRecords(bool $encrypted) : bool { $success = true; $twofaccounts = DB::table('twofaccounts')->get(); $twofaccounts->each(function ($item, $key) use (&$success, $encrypted) { try { $item->legacy_uri = $encrypted ? Crypt::encryptString($item->legacy_uri) : Crypt::decryptString($item->legacy_uri); $item->account = $encrypted ? Crypt::encryptString($item->account) : Crypt::decryptString($item->account); $item->secret = $encrypted ? Crypt::encryptString($item->secret) : Crypt::decryptString($item->secret); } catch (Exception $ex) { $success = false; // Exit the each iteration return false; } }); if ($success) { // The whole collection has now its sensible data encrypted/decrypted // We update the db using a transaction that can rollback everything if an error occured DB::beginTransaction(); try { $twofaccounts->each(function ($item, $key) { DB::table('twofaccounts') ->where('id', $item->id) ->update([ 'legacy_uri' => $item->legacy_uri, 'account' => $item->account, 'secret' => $item->secret, ]); }); DB::commit(); return true; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart catch (Throwable $ex) { DB::rollBack(); return false; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } else { return false; } } }