'Kredensial ini tidak cocok dengan catatan kami.', 'password' => 'Kata sandi yand diberikan salah.', 'throttle' => 'Terlalu banyak upaya log masuk. Silakan coba lagi dalam :seconds detik.', // 2FAuth 'sign_out' => 'Keluar', 'sign_in' => 'Masuk', 'sign_in_using' => 'Masuk dengan', 'or_continue_with' => 'You can also continue with:', 'sign_in_using_security_device' => 'Masuk menggunakan sebuah perangkat keamanan', 'login_and_password' => 'masuk & kata sandi', 'register' => 'Mendaftar', 'welcome_to_2fauth' => 'Welcome to 2FAuth', 'autolock_triggered' => 'Kunci otomatis dipicu', 'autolock_triggered_punchline' => 'Peristiwa yang di awasi oleh fitur Kunci Otomatis telah di picu. Jika anda terputus otomatis.', 'already_authenticated' => 'Telah terotentikasi', 'authentication' => 'Otentikasi', 'maybe_later' => 'Mungkin nanti', 'user_account_controlled_by_proxy' => 'User account made available by an authentication proxy.
Manage the account at proxy level.', 'auth_handled_by_proxy' => 'Otentikasi ditangani oleh sebuah reverse proxy, pengaturan dibawah dimatikan.
Atur otentikasi pada level proxy.', 'confirm' => [ 'logout' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin keluar?', 'revoke_device' => 'Anda yakin ingin menghapus perangkat ini?', 'delete_account' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus akun anda?', ], 'webauthn' => [ 'security_device' => 'sebuah perangkat keamanan', 'security_devices' => 'Perangkat keamanan', 'security_devices_legend' => 'Perangkat otentikasi yang dapat anda gunakan untuk masuk ke 2FAuth, seperti kunci kemanan(cth. Yubikey) atau smartphone dengan kemampuan biometrik (cth. Apple FaceId/TouchId)', 'enhance_security_using_webauthn' => 'Anda dapat meningkatkan keamanan pada akun 2FAuth anda dengan menyalakan otentikasi WebAuthn.

WebAuthn memungkinkan anda untuk menggunakan perangkat terpercaya (seperti Yubikeys atau smartphone dengan kemampuan biometric) untuk masuk dengan cepat dan lebih aman.', 'use_security_device_to_sign_in' => 'Get ready to authenticate using (one of) your security devices. Plug your key in, remove face mask or gloves, etc.', 'lost_your_device' => 'Lost your device?', 'recover_your_account' => 'Recover your account', 'account_recovery' => 'Account recovery', 'recovery_punchline' => '2FAuth will send you a recovery link to this email address. Click the link in the received email and follow the instructions.

Ensure you open the email on a device you fully own.', 'send_recovery_link' => 'Send recovery link', 'account_recovery_email_sent' => 'Account recovery email sent!', 'disable_all_security_devices' => 'Disable all security devices', 'disable_all_security_devices_help' => 'All your security devices will be revoked. Use this option if you have lost one or its security has been compromised.', 'register_a_new_device' => 'Register a new device', 'register_a_device' => 'Register a device', 'device_successfully_registered' => 'Device successfully registered', 'device_revoked' => 'Device successfully revoked', 'revoking_a_device_is_permanent' => 'Revoking a device is permanent', 'recover_account_instructions' => 'To recover your account, 2FAuth resets some Webauthn settings so you will be able to sign in using your email and password.', 'invalid_recovery_token' => 'Invalid recovery token', 'webauthn_login_disabled' => 'Webauthn login disabled', 'invalid_reset_token' => 'This reset token is invalid.', 'rename_device' => 'Rename device', 'my_device' => 'My device', 'unknown_device' => 'Unknown device', 'use_webauthn_only' => [ 'label' => 'Use WebAuthn only', 'help' => 'Make WebAuthn the only authorized method to log into your 2FAuth account. This is the recommended setup to take advantage of the WebAuthn enhanced security.

In case of device lost, you will be able to recover your account by resetting this option and signing in using your email and password.

Attention! The Email & Password form remains available despite this option being enabled, but it will always return an \'Authentication failed\' response.' ], 'need_a_security_device_to_enable_options' => 'Set at least one device to enable the following options', 'options' => 'Options', ], 'forms' => [ 'name' => 'Name', 'login' => 'Login', 'webauthn_login' => 'WebAuthn login', 'email' => 'Email', 'password' => 'Password', 'reveal_password' => 'Reveal password', 'hide_password' => 'Hide password', 'confirm_password' => 'Confirm password', 'new_password' => 'New password', 'confirm_new_password' => 'Confirm new password', 'dont_have_account_yet' => 'Don\'t have your account yet?', 'already_register' => 'Already registered?', 'authentication_failed' => 'Authentication failed', 'forgot_your_password' => 'Forgot your password?', 'request_password_reset' => 'Reset it', 'reset_your_password' => 'Reset your password', 'reset_password' => 'Reset password', 'disabled_in_demo' => 'Feature disabled in Demo mode', 'new_password' => 'New password', 'current_password' => [ 'label' => 'Current password', 'help' => 'Fill in your current password to confirm that it\'s you' ], 'change_password' => 'Change password', 'send_password_reset_link' => 'Send password reset link', 'password_successfully_reset' => 'Password successfully reset', 'edit_account' => 'Edit account', 'profile_saved' => 'Profile successfully updated!', 'welcome_to_demo_app_use_those_credentials' => 'Welcome to the 2FAuth demo.

You can connect using the email address demo@2fauth.app and the password demo', 'welcome_to_testing_app_use_those_credentials' => 'Welcome to the 2FAuth testing instance.

Use email address testing@2fauth.app and password password', 'register_punchline' => 'Welcome to 2FAuth.
You need an account to go further, please register yourself.', 'reset_punchline' => '2FAuth will send you a password reset link to this address. Click the link in the received email to set a new password.', 'name_this_device' => 'Name this device', 'delete_account' => 'Delete account', 'delete_your_account' => 'Delete your account', 'delete_your_account_and_reset_all_data' => 'Your user account will be deleted as well as all your 2FA data. There is no going back.', 'reset_your_password_to_delete_your_account' => 'If you always used SSO to sign in, sign out then use the reset password feature to get a password so you can fill this form.', 'deleting_2fauth_account_does_not_impact_provider' => 'Deleting your 2FAuth account has no impact on your external SSO account.', 'user_account_successfully_deleted' => 'User account successfully deleted', 'has_lower_case' => 'Has lower case', 'has_upper_case' => 'Has upper case', 'has_special_char' => 'Has special char', 'has_number' => 'Has number', 'is_long_enough' => '8 characters min.', 'mandatory_rules' => 'Mandatory', 'optional_rules_you_should_follow' => 'Recommanded (highly)', 'caps_lock_is_on' => 'Caps lock is On', ], ];