$this->alert('2FAuth installation');
if ($this->option('no-interaction')) {
$this->info('(Running in no-interaction mode)');
$this->info('Start processing');
try {
if ((! $this->envFileExists || $this->confirm('Existing .env file found. Do you wish to review its vars?', true)) && ! $this->option('no-interaction')) {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->line('Sorry, something went wrong :(');
$this->components->info('See the error log at storage/logs/laravel.log for the full stack trace.');
$this->line('Fix the error and rerun the \'2fauth:install\' command to complete installation.');
$this->line('As a reminder, you can always install/upgrade manually following the guide at:');
$this->line('You can also ask for some help at:');
$this->info(config('2fauth.repository') . '/issues');
return self::FAILURE;
$this->output->success('Installation complete successfully');
$this->line('Visit ' . config('app.url') . ' to start using 2FAuth');
$this->line('.▀█▀.█▄█.█▀█.█▄.█.█▄▀ █▄█.█▀█.█─█');
$this->line('─.█.─█▀█.█▀█.█.▀█.█▀▄ ─█.─█▄█.█▄█ for using 2FAuth');
$this->line('Want to support its development?');
$this->line('You can Buy me a coffee =>');
$this->line('You can sponsor me on GitHub =>');
return self::SUCCESS;
* Runs the passport:install command silently
protected function installPassport() : void
$this->components->task('Setting up Passport', function () : void {
* Runs the config:cache command silently
protected function cacheConfig() : void
$this->components->task('Caching config', function () : void {
* Runs the storage:link command silently
protected function createStorageLink() : void
if (! file_exists(public_path('storage'))) {
$this->components->task('Creating storage link', function () : void {
* Lets the user set the main environment variables
protected function setMainEnvVars() : void
while (true) {
$appUrl = trim($this->ask('URL of this 2FAuth instance', config('app.url')), '/');
if (filter_var($appUrl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
} else {
$this->components->error('This is not a valid URL, please retry');
$urlPath = parse_url($appUrl, PHP_URL_PATH);
if ($urlPath && $urlPath != '/') {
$urlPath = trim($urlPath, '/');
$this->components->info('2Fauth will be served under subdirectory /' . $urlPath);
$this->dotenvEditor->setKey('APP_SUBDIRECTORY', $urlPath);
$this->dotenvEditor->setKey('APP_URL', $appUrl);
* Prompts user for valid database credentials and sets them to .env file.
protected function setDbEnvVars() : void
$config = [
'DB_HOST' => '',
'DB_PORT' => '',
'DB_USERNAME' => '',
'DB_PASSWORD' => '',
$config['DB_CONNECTION'] = $this->choice(
'Type of database',
'mysql' => 'MySQL/MariaDB',
'pgsql' => 'PostgreSQL',
'sqlsrv' => 'SQL Server',
'sqlite' => 'SQLite',
if ($config['DB_CONNECTION'] === 'sqlite') {
$databasePath = $this->dotenvEditor->getValue('DB_CONNECTION') != 'sqlite'
? database_path('database.sqlite')
: config('database.connections.sqlite.database');
$config['DB_DATABASE'] = $this->ask('Absolute path to the DB file', $databasePath);
} else {
$defaultName = $this->dotenvEditor->getValue('DB_DATABASE') ?: '2fauth';
$databaseName = $this->dotenvEditor->getValue('DB_CONNECTION') == 'sqlite'
? '2fauth'
: $defaultName;
$config['DB_HOST'] = $this->ask('Database host', config('database.connections.' . $config['DB_CONNECTION'] . '.host'));
$config['DB_PORT'] = (string) $this->ask('Database port', config('database.connections.' . $config['DB_CONNECTION'] . '.port'));
$config['DB_DATABASE'] = $this->ask('Database name', $databaseName);
$config['DB_USERNAME'] = $this->ask('Database user', config('database.connections.' . $config['DB_CONNECTION'] . '.username'));
$config['DB_PASSWORD'] = (string) $this->secret('Database password', config('database.connections.' . $config['DB_CONNECTION'] . '.password'));
// $config['DB_PASSWORD'] = (string) $this->secret('Database password', true);
// Set the config so that the next DB attempt uses refreshed credentials
'database.default' => $config['DB_CONNECTION'],
'database.connections.' . $config['DB_CONNECTION'] . '.database' => $config['DB_DATABASE'],
'database.connections.' . $config['DB_CONNECTION'] . '.host' => $config['DB_HOST'],
'database.connections.' . $config['DB_CONNECTION'] . '.port' => $config['DB_PORT'],
'database.connections.' . $config['DB_CONNECTION'] . '.username' => $config['DB_USERNAME'],
'database.connections.' . $config['DB_CONNECTION'] . '.password' => $config['DB_PASSWORD'],
* Runs db migration with --force option
protected function migrateDatabase() : mixed
if (! $this->confirmToProceed()) {
return 1;
return $this->call('migrate', ['--force' => $this->option('force')]);
* Clears some caches
protected function clearCaches() : void
$this->components->task('Clearing caches', function () : void {
* Loads the existing env file or creates it
protected function loadEnvFile() : void
$this->envFileExists = file_exists(base_path('.env'));
if (! $this->envFileExists && $this->option('no-interaction')) {
throw new Exception('--no-interaction option cannot be used during first install');
if (! $this->envFileExists) {
$this->input->setOption('force', true);
$this->components->task('Preparing .env file', static function () : void {
if (! file_exists(base_path('.env'))) {
copy(base_path('.env.example'), base_path('.env'));
* Generates an app key if necessary
protected function maybeGenerateAppKey() : void
$key = config('app.key');
$this->components->task($key ? 'Retrieving app key' : 'Generating app key', function () use (&$key) : void {
if (! $key) {
// Generate the key manually to prevent some clashes with `php artisan key:generate`
$key = $this->generateRandomKey();
$this->dotenvEditor->setKey('APP_KEY', $key);
config('app.key', $key);
* Generates a random key for the application.
protected function generateRandomKey() : string
return 'base64:' . base64_encode(Encrypter::generateKey(config('app.cipher')));