It has priority for use, if the group is valid // - No group is passed => We try to identify a destination group through user preferences $group = null; if(! is_null($targetGroup)) { if ($targetGroup instanceof Group && $targetGroup->exists && $targetGroup->user_id == $user->id) { $group = $targetGroup; } else { $group = Group::where('id', (int) $targetGroup) ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->first(); } } if (! $group) { $group = self::defaultGroup($user); } if ($group) { $ids = is_array($ids) ? $ids : [$ids]; $twofaccounts = TwoFAccount::find($ids); if ($user->cannot('updateEach', [(new TwoFAccount), $twofaccounts])) { throw new AuthorizationException(); } $group->twofaccounts()->saveMany($twofaccounts); $group->loadCount('twofaccounts'); Log::info(sprintf('Twofaccounts #%s assigned to group %s (ID #%s)', implode(',', $ids), var_export($group->name, true), $group->id)); } else { Log::info('Cannot find a group to assign the TwoFAccounts to'); } } /** * Prepends the pseudo group named 'All' to a group collection * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection $groups * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ public static function prependTheAllGroup(Collection $groups, User $user) { $theAllGroup = new Group([ 'name' => __('commons.all'), ]); $theAllGroup->id = 0; $theAllGroup->twofaccounts_count = $user->twofaccounts->count(); return $groups->prepend($theAllGroup); } /** * Set owner of given groups * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection $groups */ public static function setUser(Collection $groups, User $user) : void { $groups->each(function ($group, $key) use ($user) { $group->user_id = $user->id; $group->save(); }); } /** * Determines the default group of the given user * * @return \App\Models\Group|null The group or null if it does not exist */ private static function defaultGroup(User $user) { $id = $user->preferences['defaultGroup'] === -1 ? (int) $user->preferences['activeGroup'] : (int) $user->preferences['defaultGroup']; return Group::where('id', $id) ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->first(); } }