*/ protected $policies = [ TwoFAccount::class => TwoFAccountPolicy::class, Group::class => GroupPolicy::class, ]; /** * Register the service provider. * * @return void * * @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException */ public function register() : void { $this->app->singleton( WebauthnCredentialBroker::class, static function ($app) { if (! $config = $app['config']['auth.passwords.webauthn']) { throw new RuntimeException('You must set the [webauthn] key broker in [auth] config.'); } $key = $app['config']['app.key']; if (Str::startsWith($key, 'base64:')) { $key = base64_decode(substr($key, 7)); } return new WebauthnCredentialBroker( new DatabaseTokenRepository( $app['db']->connection($config['connection'] ?? null), $app['hash'], $config['table'], $key, $config['expire'], $config['throttle'] ?? 0 ), $app['auth']->createUserProvider($config['provider'] ?? null) ); } ); } /** * Register any authentication / authorization services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { $this->registerPolicies(); // Register a custom provider for reverse-proxy authentication Auth::provider('remote-user', function ($app, array $config) { // Return an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\UserProvider... return new RemoteUserProvider; }); // Register a custom driver for reverse-proxy authentication Auth::extend('reverse-proxy', function ($app, string $name, array $config) { // Return an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard... return new ReverseProxyGuard(Auth::createUserProvider($config['provider'])); }); // Previously we were using a custom user provider derived from the Larapass user provider // in order to honor the "useWebauthnOnly" user option. // Since Laragear\WebAuthn now replaces DarkGhostHunter\Larapass, the new approach is // simplier: We overload the 'eloquent-webauthn' registration from Laragear\WebAuthn\WebAuthnServiceProvider // with a custom closure that uses the "useWebauthnOnly" user option Auth::provider( 'eloquent-webauthn', static function (\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app, array $config) : \Laragear\WebAuthn\Auth\WebAuthnUserProvider { return new \Laragear\WebAuthn\Auth\WebAuthnUserProvider( $app->make('hash'), $config['model'], $app->make(\Laragear\WebAuthn\Assertion\Validator\AssertionValidator::class), Settings::get('useWebauthnOnly') ? false : true ); } ); // Normally we should set the Passport routes here using Passport::routes(). // If so the passport routes would be set for both 'web' and 'api' middlewares without // possibility to exclude the web middleware (we can only pass additional middlewares to Passport::routes()) // // The problem is that 2Fauth front-end uses the Laravel FreshApiToken to consum its API as a first party app. // So we have a laravel_token cookie added to each response to perform the authentication. // // Don't know why but when passing through the web middleware the requests to Personal Access Tokens management routes return // responses with inconsistent cookies that make the next request unauthorized. // To avoid this the Passport routes for PAT management are set in the /routes/api.php file } }