'资源未找到', 'error_occured' => '发生错误:', 'cannot_register_more_user' => '您不能注册多个用户', 'refresh' => '刷新', 'no_valid_otp' => '此二维码中没有有效的OTP资源', 'something_wrong_with_server' => '服务器发生内部错误', 'Unable_to_decrypt_uri' => '无法解密uri', 'not_a_supported_otp_type' => '不支持此OTP格式', 'cannot_create_otp_without_secret' => '无法在没有密码的情况下创建一个OTP', 'data_of_qrcode_is_not_valid_URI' => '此QR码的数据不是有效的OTP Auth URI:', 'wrong_current_password' => '当前密码错误,没有发生任何更改', 'error_during_encryption' => '加密失败,您的数据库仍未受到保护', 'error_during_decryption' => 'Decryption failed, your database is still protected. This is mainly caused by an integrity issue of encrypted data for one or more accounts.', 'qrcode_cannot_be_read' => 'This QR code is unreadable', 'too_many_ids' => 'too many ids were included in the query parameter, max 100 allowed', 'delete_user_setting_only' => 'Only user-created setting can be deleted', 'indecipherable' => '*indecipherable*', 'cannot_decipher_secret' => 'The secret cannot be deciphered. This is mainly caused by a wrong APP_KEY set in the .env configuration file of 2Fauth or a corrupted data stored in database.', 'https_required' => 'HTTPS context required', 'browser_does_not_support_webauthn' => 'Your device does not support webauthn. Try again later using a more modern browser', 'aborted_by_user' => 'Aborted by user', 'security_device_unsupported' => 'Security device unsupported', 'unsupported_with_reverseproxy' => 'Not applicable when using an auth proxy', 'user_deletion_failed' => 'User account deletion failed, no data have been deleted', 'auth_proxy_failed' => 'Proxy authentication failed', 'auth_proxy_failed_legend' => '2Fauth is configured to run behind an authentication proxy but your proxy does not return the expected header. Check your configuration and try again.', 'invalid_google_auth_migration' => 'Invalid or unreadable Google Authenticator data', 'unsupported_otp_type' => 'Unsupported OTP type', ];