usesDatabase = Settings::get('storeIconsInDatabase'); $this->setDisk(); } /** * The storage disk instance */ protected function disk() : Filesystem|MockInterface { return Storage::disk($this->disk); } /** * Set the storage disk to use * * @return $this */ public function setDisk(string $diskName = 'icons') { $this->disk = $diskName; return $this; } /** * Whether or not database replication is enabled on the store. * This should always equals the 'storeIconsInDatabase' setting */ public function usesDatabase() : bool { return $this->usesDatabase; } /** * Toggle database replication */ public function setDatabaseReplication(bool $usesDatabase) : void { if ($this->usesDatabase != $usesDatabase) { if ($usesDatabase) { $this->clearDatabase(); $this->mirrorDiskToDatabase(); } else { $this->mirrorDatabaseToDisk(); $this->clearDatabase(); } $this->usesDatabase = $usesDatabase; } } /** * Insert all registered icons into the database */ protected function mirrorDiskToDatabase() : void { DB::beginTransaction(); try { foreach ($this->registeredIcons() as $filename) { if ($content = $this->get($filename)) { $this->storeToDatabase($filename, $content); } } DB::commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); throw new FailedIconStoreDatabaseTogglingException; } } /** * Save all database records as file in the disk */ protected function mirrorDatabaseToDisk() : void { foreach (Icon::all() as $icon) { if (! $this->storeToDisk($icon->name, $icon->content)) { throw new FailedIconStoreDatabaseTogglingException; } } } /** * Get the list of all icon names registered in the TwoFAccount table * * @return Collection */ protected function registeredIcons() { return TwoFAccount::whereNotNull('icon')->pluck('icon'); } /** * Get the content of a given icon resource, prior to the database record */ public function get(string $name) : ?string { return $this->usesDatabase ? Icon::find($name)?->content : $this->disk()->get($name); } /** * Get the mime-type of a given icon resource */ public function mimeType(string $name) : string|false { if ($this->usesDatabase && $this->missingInDisk($name)) { $this->storeToDisk($name, $this->get($name)); } return $this->disk()->mimeType($name); } /** * Delete all icons from the storage */ public function clear() : bool { $diskCleared = $this->clearDisk(); if ($diskCleared && $this->usesDatabase) { $this->clearDatabase(); } return $diskCleared; } /** * Delete all icons on the disk */ protected function clearDisk() : bool { $filesForDelete = Arr::where($this->disk()->files(), function (string $filename) { return Str::endsWith($filename, ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'webp', 'svg']); }); return $this->disk()->delete($filesForDelete); } /** * Delete all icons from the database */ protected function clearDatabase() : void { Icon::truncate(); } /** * Delete the given icons from the storage */ public function delete(array|string $names) : bool { $names = is_array($names) ? $names : func_get_args(); $deletedFromDisk = $this->disk()->delete($names); if ($deletedFromDisk && $this->usesDatabase) { Icon::destroy($names); return Icon::whereIn('name', $names)->count() == 0; } return $deletedFromDisk; } /** * Create the given icon in the storage */ public function store(string $name, string $content) : bool { $storedToDisk = $this->storeToDisk($name, $content); if ($this->usesDatabase) { return $this->storeToDatabase($name, $content); } return $storedToDisk; } /** * Create the given icon in the disk */ protected function storeToDisk(string $name, string $content) : bool { return $this->disk()->put($name, $content); } /** * Create the given icon in the database */ protected function storeToDatabase(string $name, string $content) : bool { $icon = Icon::firstOrNew(['name' => $name]); $icon->content = $content; return $icon->save(); } /** * Determines if an icon exists in the store, prior to the database. * If a database record does not have the corresponding file in disk, it will create it. */ public function exists(string $name) : bool { if ($this->usesDatabase) { $exists = $this->existsInDatabase($name); if ($exists && $this->missingInDisk($name)) { $this->storeToDisk($name, $this->get($name)); } return $exists; } else { return $this->existsInDisk($name); } } /** * Determine if an icon exists in the database */ protected function existsInDatabase(string $name) : bool { return Icon::find($name) != null; } /** * Determine if an icon exists in the database */ protected function existsInDisk(string $name) : bool { return $this->disk()->exists($name); } /** * Determine if an icon is missing in the database */ protected function missingInDisk(string $name) : bool { return ! $this->existsInDisk($name); } }