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synced 2025-03-01 16:51:10 +01:00
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<script setup>
import SettingTabs from '@/layouts/SettingTabs.vue'
import userService from '@/services/userService'
import { webauthnService } from '@/services/webauthn/webauthnService'
import { useUserStore } from '@/stores/user'
import { useNotifyStore } from '@/stores/notify'
import { UseColorMode } from '@vueuse/components'
import Spinner from '@/components/Spinner.vue'
const $2fauth = inject('2fauth')
const user = useUserStore()
const notify = useNotifyStore()
const router = useRouter()
const returnTo = useStorage($2fauth.prefix + 'returnTo', 'accounts')
const credentials = ref([])
const isFetching = ref(false)
const isRemoteUser = ref(false)
onMounted(() => {
watch(() => user.preferences.useWebauthnOnly, () => {
userService.updatePreference('useWebauthnOnly', user.preferences.useWebauthnOnly).then(response => {
notify.success({ text: trans('settings.forms.setting_saved') })
* Register a new security device
function register() {
if (isRemoteUser == true) {
notify.warn({text: trans('errors.unsupported_with_reverseproxy') })
return false
webauthnService.register().then((response) => {
router.push({ name: 'settings.webauthn.editCredential', params: { credentialId: JSON.parse(response.config.data).id } })
.catch(error => {
if ('webauthn' in error) {
if (error.name == 'is-warning') {
notify.warn({ text: trans(error.message) })
else notify.alert({ text: trans(error.message) })
else if( error.response?.status === 422 ) {
notify.alert({ text: error.response.data.message })
else {
* revoke a credential
function revokeCredential(credentialId) {
if(confirm(trans('auth.confirm.revoke_device'))) {
userService.revokeWebauthnDevice(credentialId).then(response => {
// Remove the revoked credential from the collection
credentials.value = credentials.value.filter(a => a.id !== credentialId)
// Then we disable the useWebauthnOnly preference which is relevant
// only when at least one device is registered
if (credentials.value.length == 0) {
user.preferences.useWebauthnOnly = false
notify.success({ text: trans('auth.webauthn.device_revoked') })
* Always display a printable name
function displayName(credential) {
return credential.alias ? credential.alias : trans('auth.webauthn.my_device') + ' (#' + credential.id.substring(0, 10) + ')'
* Get all credentials from backend
function fetchCredentials() {
isFetching.value = true
userService.getWebauthnDevices({returnError: true})
.then(response => {
credentials.value = response.data
.catch(error => {
if( error.response.status === 405 ) {
// The backend returns a 405 response for routes with the
// rejectIfReverseProxy middleware
isRemoteUser.value = true
else {
.finally(() => {
isFetching.value = false
onBeforeRouteLeave((to) => {
if (! to.name.startsWith('settings.')) {
<SettingTabs :activeTab="'settings.webauthn.devices'" />
<div class="options-tabs">
<div v-if="isRemoteUser" class="notification is-warning has-text-centered" v-html="$t('auth.auth_handled_by_proxy')" />
<h4 class="title is-4 has-text-grey-light">{{ $t('auth.webauthn.security_devices') }}</h4>
<div class="is-size-7-mobile">
{{ $t('auth.webauthn.security_devices_legend')}}
<div class="mt-3">
<a tabindex="0" @click="register" @keyup.enter="register">
<FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fas', 'plus-circle']" /> {{ $t('auth.webauthn.register_a_new_device')}}
<!-- credentials list -->
<div v-if="credentials.length > 0" class="field">
<div v-for="credential in credentials" :key="credential.id" class="group-item is-size-5 is-size-6-mobile">
{{ displayName(credential) }}
<!-- revoke link -->
<UseColorMode v-slot="{ mode }">
<button class="button tag is-pulled-right" :class="mode === 'dark' ? 'is-dark':'is-white'" @click="revokeCredential(credential.id)" :title="$t('settings.revoke')">
{{ $t('settings.revoke') }}
<!-- edit link -->
<!-- <RouterLink :to="{ name: '' }" class="has-text-grey pl-1" :title="$t('commons.rename')">
<FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fas', 'pen-square']" />
</RouterLink> -->
<div class="mt-2 is-size-7 is-pulled-right">
{{ $t('auth.webauthn.revoking_a_device_is_permanent')}}
<Spinner :isVisible="isFetching && credentials.length === 0" />
<h4 class="title is-4 pt-6 has-text-grey-light">{{ $t('settings.options') }}</h4>
<div class="field">
{{ $t('auth.webauthn.need_a_security_device_to_enable_options')}}
<!-- use webauthn only -->
:disabled="isRemoteUser || credentials.length === 0"
<!-- footer -->
<VueFooter :showButtons="true">
<ButtonBackCloseCancel :returnTo="{ name: returnTo }" action="close" />
</template> |