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return [
| Admin Language Lines
| The following language lines are used during authentication for various
| messages that we need to display to the user. You are free to modify
| these language lines according to your application's requirements.
'admin' => '管理员',
'app_setup' => '应用设置',
'registrations' => '注册',
'users' => '用户',
'users_legend' => '管理在您的实例上注册的用户或创建新的用户。',
'admin_settings' => '管理员设置',
'create_new_user' => '创建新用户',
'new_user' => '新用户',
'search_user_placeholder' => '用户名,电子邮件...',
'quick_filters_colons' => '快速筛选:',
'user_created' => '用户创建成功',
'confirm' => [
'delete_user' => '您确定要删除这个用户吗?没有回头路。',
'request_password_reset' => '您确定要重置此用户的密码吗?',
'purge_password_reset_request' => 'Are you sure you want to revoke the previous request?',
'delete_account' => '您确定要删除该用户吗?',
'edit_own_account' => '这是您自己的帐户。您确定吗?',
'change_admin_role' => '这将会对此用户的权限产生重大影响。您确定吗?',
'demote_own_account' => '您将不再是管理员。真的确定吗?'
'logs' => '日志',
'administration_legend' => '以下设置是全局设置,适用于所有用户。',
'user_management' => '用户管理',
'oauth_provider' => 'OAuth 提供者',
'account_bound_to_x_via_oauth' => '此帐户通过 OAuth 绑定到 :provider 帐户',
'last_seen_on_date' => '最后活跃::date',
'registered_on_date' => '注册于 :date',
'updated_on_date' => '更新于 :date',
'access' => '访问',
'password_requested_on_t' => 'A password reset request exists for this user (request sent at :datetime), which means that the user has not yet changed their password but the link they received is still valid. This may be a request from the user themselves or from an administrator.',
'password_request_expired' => 'A password reset request exists for this user but has expired, meaning that the user has not changed their password in time. This may be a request from the user themselves or from an administrator.',
'resend_email' => '重新发送电子邮件',
'resend_email_title' => '重新发送密码重置邮件给用户',
'resend_email_help' => '使用 <b>重新发送电子邮件</b> 向用户发送新密码重置邮件,以便他可以设置新密码。 这将保留当前密码,且之前的请求都将被撤销。',
'reset_password' => '重置密码',
'reset_password_help' => 'Use <b>Reset password</b> to force a password reset (this will set a temporary password) before sending a password reset email to the user so they can set a new password. Any previous request will be revoked.',
'reset_password_title' => '重置用户的密码',
'password_successfully_reset' => '密码重置成功',
'user_has_x_active_pat' => ':count 个有效的令牌',
'user_has_x_security_devices' => ':count 个安全设备 (安全钥匙)',
'revoke_all_pat_for_user' => '吊销用户的所有令牌',
'revoke_all_devices_for_user' => '吊销用户的所有安全设备',
'danger_zone' => '危险选项',
'delete_this_user_legend' => '用户帐户及其所有2FA 数据将被删除。',
'this_is_not_soft_delete' => '这不是软删除,没有退路。',
'delete_this_user' => '删除这个用户',
'user_role_updated' => '用户角色已更新',
'pats_succesfully_revoked' => '用户的令牌已成功吊销。',
'security_devices_succesfully_revoked' => '用户的安全设备已成功吊销。',
'variables' => '变量',
'cache_cleared' => '已清除缓存',
'cache_optimized' => '已优化缓存',
'check_now' => '立即检查',
'view_on_github' => '在 GitHub 上查看',
'x_is_available' => '新版本 :version 可用!',
'successful_login_on' => 'Successful login on <span class="light-or-darker">:login_at</span>',
'successful_logout_on' => 'Successful logout on <span class="light-or-darker">:login_at</span>',
'failed_login_on' => 'Failed login on <span class="light-or-darker">:login_at</span>',
'viewed_on' => 'Viewed on <span class="light-or-darker">:login_at</span>',
'last_accesses' => 'Last accesses',
'see_full_log' => 'See full log',
'browser_on_platform' => ':browser on :platform',
'access_log_has_more_entries' => 'The access log contains more entries.',
'access_log_legend_for_user' => 'Full access log for user :username',
'show_last_month_log' => 'Show entries from the last month',
'show_three_months_log' => 'Show entries from the last 3 months',
'show_six_months_log' => 'Show entries from the last 6 months',
'show_one_year_log' => 'Show entries from the last year',
'sort_by_date_asc' => 'Show least recent first',
'sort_by_date_desc' => 'Show most recent first',
'forms' => [
'use_encryption' => [
'label' => '保护敏感数据',
'help' => '敏感数据、2FA 秘钥和电子邮件会被加密存储在数据库中。请务必备份您在 .env 中设置的 APP_KEY 的值(或备份整个文件)。没有此密钥将无法解码已加密的数据。',
'restrict_registration' => [
'label' => '限制注册',
'help' => '只允许有限范围的电子邮件地址进行注册。这两条规则都可以同时使用。这对通过SSO进行注册没有影响。',
'restrict_list' => [
'label' => '过滤列表',
'help' => '此列表中的电子邮件将被允许注册。用管道分隔("|")',
'restrict_rule' => [
'label' => '过滤规则',
'help' => '与此正则表达式匹配的电子邮件将被允许注册',
'disable_registration' => [
'label' => '禁用注册',
'help' => '防止新用户注册。除非被覆盖(见下文),否则这也会影响到SSO,所以新用户将无法通过 SSO 登录',
'enable_sso' => [
'label' => '启用单点登录 (SSO)',
'help' => '允许访问者通过单点登录方案使用外部ID进行身份验证',
'keep_sso_registration_enabled' => [
'label' => '保持启用 SSO 注册',
'help' => '在注册已禁用时允许新用户通过 SSO 登录',
'is_admin' => [
'label' => '管理员',
'help' => '授予用户管理员权限。管理员有权管理整个应用,如: 设置和其他用户,但不能生成不属于他们的2FA 密码。'
'test_email' => [
'label' => '电子邮件配置测试',
'help' => '发送测试邮件来控制您的实例的电子邮件配置。 有一个正常的工作配置是很必要的,否则用户将无法请求重置密码。',
'email_will_be_send_to_x' => '电子邮件将被发送到 <span class="is-family-code has-text-info">:email</span>',
'cache_management' => [
'label' => '缓存管理',
'help' => '有时缓存需要清除,例如在更改环境变量或更新后。您可以在此处这样做。',
]; |