Josh 68e3a8d100 Add the spinner component to App.vue instead of Accounts.vue so that is usable from all pages.
Update showSpinner function to accept the message to be displayed, defaults to 'loading' if none is provided.
2023-04-24 23:09:50 +12:00

666 lines
30 KiB

<!-- Group switch -->
<div class="container groups" v-if="showGroupSwitch">
<div class="columns is-centered">
<div class="column is-one-third-tablet is-one-quarter-desktop is-one-quarter-widescreen is-one-quarter-fullhd">
<div class="columns is-multiline">
<div class="column is-full" v-for="group in groups" v-if="group.twofaccounts_count > 0" :key="group.id">
<button class="button is-fullwidth" :class="{'is-dark has-text-light is-outlined':$root.showDarkMode}" @click="setActiveGroup(group.id)">{{ group.name }}</button>
<div class="columns is-centered">
<div class="column has-text-centered">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'groups' }" >{{ $t('groups.manage_groups') }}</router-link>
<vue-footer :showButtons="true">
<!-- Close Group switch button -->
<p class="control">
<button class="button is-rounded" :class="{'is-dark' : $root.showDarkMode}" @click="closeGroupSwitch()">{{ $t('commons.close') }}</button>
<!-- Group selector -->
<div class="container group-selector" v-if="showGroupSelector">
<div class="columns is-centered is-multiline">
<div class="column is-full has-text-centered">
{{ $t('groups.move_selected_to') }}
<div class="column is-one-third-tablet is-one-quarter-desktop is-one-quarter-widescreen is-one-quarter-fullhd">
<div class="columns is-multiline">
<div class="column is-full" v-for="group in groups" :key="group.id">
<button class="button is-fullwidth" :class="{'is-link' : moveAccountsTo === group.id, 'is-dark has-text-light is-outlined':$root.showDarkMode}" @click="moveAccountsTo = group.id">
<span v-if="group.id === 0" class="is-italic">
{{ $t('groups.no_group') }}
<span v-else>
{{ group.name }}
<div class="columns is-centered">
<div class="column has-text-centered">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'groups' }" >{{ $t('groups.manage_groups') }}</router-link>
<vue-footer :showButtons="true">
<!-- Move to selected group button -->
<p class="control">
<button class="button is-link is-rounded" @click="moveAccounts()">{{ $t('commons.move') }}</button>
<!-- Cancel button -->
<p class="control">
<button class="button is-rounded" :class="{'is-dark' : $root.showDarkMode}" @click="showGroupSelector = false">{{ $t('commons.cancel') }}</button>
<!-- header -->
<div class="header" v-if="this.showAccounts || this.showGroupSwitch">
<div class="columns is-gapless is-mobile is-centered">
<div class="column is-three-quarters-mobile is-one-third-tablet is-one-quarter-desktop is-one-quarter-widescreen is-one-quarter-fullhd">
<!-- search -->
<div role="search" class="field">
<div class="control has-icons-right">
<input ref="searchBox" id="txtSearch" type="search" tabindex="1" :aria-label="$t('commons.search')" :title="$t('commons.search')" class="input is-rounded is-search" v-model="search">
<span class="icon is-small is-right">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'search']" v-if="!search" />
<button tabindex="1" :title="$t('commons.clear_search')" class="clear-selection delete" v-if="search" @click="search = '' "></button>
<!-- toolbar -->
<div v-if="editMode" class="toolbar has-text-centered">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column">
<!-- selected label -->
<span class="has-text-grey mr-1">{{ selectedAccounts.length }}&nbsp;{{ $t('commons.selected') }}</span>
<!-- deselect all -->
<button @click="clearSelected" class="clear-selection delete mr-4" :style="{visibility: selectedAccounts.length > 0 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}" :title="$t('commons.clear_selection')"></button>
<!-- select all button -->
<button @click="selectAll" class="button mr-5 has-line-height p-1 is-ghost has-text-grey" :title="$t('commons.select_all')">
<span>{{ $t('commons.all') }}</span>
<font-awesome-icon class="ml-1" :icon="['fas', 'check-square']" />
<!-- sort asc/desc buttons -->
<button @click="sortAsc" class="button has-line-height p-1 is-ghost has-text-grey" :title="$t('commons.sort_ascending')">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'sort-alpha-down']" />
<button @click="sortDesc" class="button has-line-height p-1 is-ghost has-text-grey" :title="$t('commons.sort_descending')">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'sort-alpha-up']" />
<!-- group switch toggle -->
<div v-else class="has-text-centered">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column" v-if="!showGroupSwitch">
<button :title="$t('groups.show_group_selector')" tabindex="1" class="button is-text is-like-text" :class="{'has-text-grey' : !$root.showDarkMode}" @click.stop="toggleGroupSwitch">
{{ activeGroupName }} ({{ filteredAccounts.length }})&nbsp;
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'caret-down']" />
<div class="column" v-else>
<button :title="$t('groups.hide_group_selector')" tabindex="1" class="button is-text is-like-text" :class="{'has-text-grey' : !$root.showDarkMode}" @click.stop="toggleGroupSwitch">
{{ $t('groups.select_accounts_to_show') }}
<!-- modal -->
<modal v-model="showTwofaccountInModal">
<otp-displayer ref="OtpDisplayer"></otp-displayer>
<!-- show accounts list -->
<div class="container" v-if="this.showAccounts" :class="editMode ? 'is-edit-mode' : ''">
<!-- accounts -->
<!-- <vue-pull-refresh :on-refresh="onRefresh" :config="{
errorLabel: 'error',
startLabel: '',
readyLabel: '',
loadingLabel: 'refreshing'
}" > -->
<draggable v-model="filteredAccounts" @start="drag = true" @end="saveOrder" ghost-class="ghost" handle=".tfa-dots" animation="200" class="accounts">
<transition-group class="columns is-multiline" :class="{ 'is-centered': $root.userPreferences.displayMode === 'grid' }" type="transition" :name="!drag ? 'flip-list' : null">
<div :class="[$root.userPreferences.displayMode === 'grid' ? 'tfa-grid' : 'tfa-list']" class="column is-narrow" v-for="account in filteredAccounts" :key="account.id">
<div class="tfa-container">
<transition name="slideCheckbox">
<div class="tfa-cell tfa-checkbox" v-if="editMode">
<div class="field">
<input class="is-checkradio is-small" :class="$root.showDarkMode ? 'is-white':'is-info'" :id="'ckb_' + account.id" :value="account.id" type="checkbox" :name="'ckb_' + account.id" v-model="selectedAccounts">
<label tabindex="0" :for="'ckb_' + account.id" v-on:keypress.space.prevent="selectAccount(account.id)"></label>
<div tabindex="0" class="tfa-cell tfa-content is-size-3 is-size-4-mobile" @click="showAccount(account)" @keyup.enter="showAccount(account)" role="button">
<div class="tfa-text has-ellipsis">
<img :src="$root.appConfig.subdirectory + '/storage/icons/' + account.icon" v-if="account.icon && $root.userPreferences.showAccountsIcons" :alt="$t('twofaccounts.icon_for_account_x_at_service_y', {account: account.account, service: account.service})">
{{ displayService(account.service) }}<font-awesome-icon class="has-text-danger is-size-5 ml-2" v-if="$root.appSettings.useEncryption && account.account === $t('errors.indecipherable')" :icon="['fas', 'exclamation-circle']" />
<span class="is-family-primary is-size-6 is-size-7-mobile has-text-grey ">{{ account.account }}</span>
<transition name="fadeInOut">
<div class="tfa-cell tfa-edit has-text-grey" v-if="editMode">
<!-- <div class="tags has-addons"> -->
<router-link :to="{ name: 'editAccount', params: { twofaccountId: account.id }}" class="tag is-rounded mr-1" :class="$root.showDarkMode ? 'is-dark' : 'is-white'">
{{ $t('commons.edit') }}
<router-link :to="{ name: 'showQRcode', params: { twofaccountId: account.id }}" class="tag is-rounded" :class="$root.showDarkMode ? 'is-dark' : 'is-white'" :title="$t('twofaccounts.show_qrcode')">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'qrcode']" />
<!-- </div> -->
<transition name="fadeInOut">
<div class="tfa-cell tfa-dots has-text-grey" v-if="editMode">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'bars']" />
<!-- </vue-pull-refresh> -->
<vue-footer :showButtons="true" :editMode="editMode" v-on:exit-edit="setEditModeTo(false)">
<!-- New item buttons -->
<p class="control" v-if="!editMode">
<button class="button is-link is-rounded is-focus" @click="start">
<span>{{ $t('commons.new') }}</span>
<span class="icon is-small">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'qrcode']" />
<!-- Manage button -->
<p class="control" v-if="!editMode">
<button class="button is-rounded" :class="{'is-dark' : $root.showDarkMode}" @click="setEditModeTo(true)">{{ $t('commons.manage') }}</button>
<!-- move button -->
<p class="control" v-if="editMode">
:disabled='selectedAccounts.length == 0' class="button is-rounded"
:class="[{'is-outlined': $root.showDarkMode||selectedAccounts.length == 0}, selectedAccounts.length == 0 ? 'is-dark': 'is-link']"
@click="showGroupSelector = true"
:title="$t('groups.move_selected_to_group')" >
{{ $t('commons.move') }}
<!-- delete button -->
<p class="control" v-if="editMode">
:disabled='selectedAccounts.length == 0' class="button is-rounded"
:class="[{'is-outlined': $root.showDarkMode||selectedAccounts.length == 0}, selectedAccounts.length == 0 ? 'is-dark': 'is-link']"
@click="destroyAccounts" >
{{ $t('commons.delete') }}
<!-- export button -->
<p class="control" v-if="editMode">
:disabled='selectedAccounts.length == 0' class="button is-rounded"
:class="[{'is-outlined': $root.showDarkMode||selectedAccounts.length == 0}, selectedAccounts.length == 0 ? 'is-dark': 'is-link']"
:title="$t('twofaccounts.export_selected_to_json')" >
{{ $t('commons.export') }}
* Accounts view
* route: '/account' (alias: '/')
* The main view of 2FAuth that list all existing account recorded in DB.
* Available feature in this view :
* - {{OTP}} generation
* - Account fetching :
* ~ Search
* ~ Filtering (by group)
* - Accounts management :
* ~ Sorting
* ~ QR code recovering
* ~ Mass association to group
* ~ Mass account deletion
* ~ Access to account editing
* Behavior :
* - The view has 2 modes (toggle is done with the 'manage' button) :
* ~ The View mode (the default one)
* ~ The Edit mode
* - User are automatically pushed to the start view if there is no account to list.
* - The view is affected by :
* ~ 'userPreferences.showAccountsIcons' toggle the icon visibility
* ~ 'userPreferences.displayMode' change the account appearance
* Input :
* - The 'initialEditMode' props : allows to load the view directly in Edit mode
import Modal from '../components/Modal'
import OtpDisplayer from '../components/OtpDisplayer'
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import Form from './../components/Form'
import objectEquals from 'object-equals'
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
export default {
return {
accounts : [],
groups : [],
selectedAccounts: [],
search: '',
editMode: this.initialEditMode,
drag: false,
showTwofaccountInModal : false,
showGroupSwitch: false,
showGroupSelector: false,
moveAccountsTo: false,
form: new Form({
value: this.$root.userPreferences.activeGroup,
computed: {
* The actual list of displayed accounts
filteredAccounts: {
get: function() {
return this.accounts.filter(
item => {
if( parseInt(this.$root.userPreferences.activeGroup) > 0 ) {
return ((item.service ? item.service.toLowerCase().includes(this.search.toLowerCase()) : false) ||
item.account.toLowerCase().includes(this.search.toLowerCase())) &&
(item.group_id == parseInt(this.$root.userPreferences.activeGroup))
else {
return ((item.service ? item.service.toLowerCase().includes(this.search.toLowerCase()) : false) ||
set: function(reorderedAccounts) {
this.accounts = reorderedAccounts
* Returns whether or not the accounts should be displayed
showAccounts() {
return this.accounts.length > 0 && !this.showGroupSwitch && !this.showGroupSelector ? true : false
* Returns the name of a group
activeGroupName() {
let g = this.groups.find(el => el.id === parseInt(this.$root.userPreferences.activeGroup))
if(g) {
return g.name
else {
return this.$t('commons.all')
props: ['initialEditMode', 'toRefresh'],
mounted() {
document.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyListener)
// we don't have to fetch fresh data so we try to load them from localstorage to avoid display latency
if( !this.toRefresh && !this.$route.params.isFirstLoad ) {
const accounts = this.$storage.get('accounts', null) // use null as fallback if localstorage is empty
if( accounts ) this.accounts = accounts
const groups = this.$storage.get('groups', null) // use null as fallback if localstorage is empty
if( groups ) this.groups = groups
// we fetch fresh data whatever. The user will be notified to reload the page if there are any data changes
// stop OTP generation on modal close
this.$on('modalClose', function() {
destroyed () {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keyListener)
components: {
methods: {
* Route user to the appropriate submitting view
start() {
if( this.$root.userPreferences.useDirectCapture && this.$root.userPreferences.defaultCaptureMode === 'advancedForm' ) {
this.$router.push({ name: 'createAccount' })
else if( this.$root.userPreferences.useDirectCapture && this.$root.userPreferences.defaultCaptureMode === 'livescan' ) {
this.$router.push({ name: 'capture' })
else {
this.$router.push({ name: 'start' })
* Fetch accounts from db
fetchAccounts(forceRefresh = false) {
let accounts = []
this.selectedAccounts = []
this.axios.get('api/v1/twofaccounts').then(response => {
response.data.forEach((data) => {
if ( this.accounts.length > 0 && !objectEquals(accounts, this.accounts) && !forceRefresh ) {
this.$notify({ type: 'is-dark', text: '<span class="is-size-7">' + this.$t('commons.some_data_have_changed') + '</span><br /><a href="." class="button is-rounded is-warning is-small">' + this.$t('commons.reload') + '</a>', duration:-1, closeOnClick: false })
else if( this.accounts.length === 0 && accounts.length === 0 ) {
// No account yet, we force user to land on the start view.
this.$storage.set('accounts', this.accounts)
this.$router.push({ name: 'start' });
else {
this.accounts = accounts
this.$storage.set('accounts', this.accounts)
* Show account with a generated {{OTP}} rotation
showAccount(account) {
// In Edit mode clicking an account do not show the otpDisplayer but select the account
if(this.editMode) {
else {
* Select an account while in edit mode
selectAccount(accountId) {
for (var i=0 ; i<this.selectedAccounts.length ; i++) {
if ( this.selectedAccounts[i] === accountId ) {
* Get a fresh OTP for the provided account
getOTP(accountId) {
this.axios.get('api/v1/twofaccounts/' + accountId + '/otp').then(response => {
this.$notify({ type: 'is-success', text: this.$t('commons.copied_to_clipboard')+ ' '+response.data })
* Save the account order in db
saveOrder() {
this.drag = false
this.axios.post('/api/v1/twofaccounts/reorder', {orderedIds: this.accounts.map(a => a.id)})
* Delete accounts selected from the Edit mode
async destroyAccounts() {
if(confirm(this.$t('twofaccounts.confirm.delete'))) {
let ids = []
this.selectedAccounts.forEach(id => ids.push(id))
let that = this
await this.axios.delete('/api/v1/twofaccounts?ids=' + ids.join())
.then(response => {
ids.forEach(function(id) {
that.accounts = that.accounts.filter(a => a.id !== id)
this.$notify({ type: 'is-success', text: this.$t('twofaccounts.accounts_deleted') })
// we fetch the accounts again to prevent the js collection being
// desynchronize from the backend php collection
* Export selected accounts
exportAccounts() {
let ids = []
this.selectedAccounts.forEach(id => ids.push(id))
this.axios.get('/api/v1/twofaccounts/export?ids=' + ids.join(), {responseType: 'blob'})
.then((response) => {
var blob = new Blob([response.data], {type: "application/json;charset=utf-8"});
saveAs.saveAs(blob, "2fauth_export.json");
* Move accounts selected from the Edit mode to another group or withdraw them
async moveAccounts() {
let accountsIds = []
this.selectedAccounts.forEach(id => accountsIds.push(id))
// Backend will associate all accounts with the selected group in the same move
// or withdraw the accounts if destination is 'no group' (id = 0)
if(this.moveAccountsTo === 0) {
await this.axios.patch('/api/v1/twofaccounts/withdraw?ids=' + accountsIds.join() )
else await this.axios.post('/api/v1/groups/' + this.moveAccountsTo + '/assign', {ids: accountsIds} )
// we fetch the accounts again to prevent the js collection being
// desynchronize from the backend php collection
this.showGroupSelector = false
this.$notify({ type: 'is-success', text: this.$t('twofaccounts.accounts_moved') })
* Get the existing group list
fetchGroups() {
let groups = []
this.axios.get('api/v1/groups').then(response => {
response.data.forEach((data) => {
if ( !objectEquals(groups, this.groups) ) {
this.groups = groups
this.$storage.set('groups', this.groups)
* Set the provided group as the active group
setActiveGroup(id) {
// In memomry saving
this.form.value = this.$root.userPreferences.activeGroup = id
// In db saving if the user set 2FAuth to memorize the active group
if( this.$root.userPreferences.rememberActiveGroup ) {
this.form.put('/api/v1/user/preferences/activeGroup', {returnError: true})
.then(response => {
// everything's fine
.catch(error => {
this.$router.push({ name: 'genericError', params: { err: error.response } })
* Toggle the group switch visibility
toggleGroupSwitch: function(event) {
if (event) {
this.showGroupSwitch ? this.closeGroupSwitch() : this.openGroupSwitch()
* show the group switch which allow to select a group to activate
openGroupSwitch: function(event) {
this.showGroupSwitch = true
* hide the group switch
closeGroupSwitch: function(event) {
this.showGroupSwitch = false
* Toggle the accounts list between View mode and Edit mode
setEditModeTo(state) {
this.selectedAccounts = []
this.editMode = state
displayService(service) {
return service ? service : this.$t('twofaccounts.no_service')
clearSelected() {
this.selectedAccounts = []
selectAll() {
if(this.editMode) {
let that = this
this.accounts.forEach(function(account) {
if ( !that.selectedAccounts.includes(account.id) ) {
sortAsc() {
this.accounts.sort((a, b) => a.service > b.service ? 1 : -1)
sortDesc() {
this.accounts.sort((a, b) => a.service < b.service ? 1 : -1)
keyListener : function(e) {
if (e.key === "f" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
const searchBox = document.getElementById('txtSearch');
if (searchBox != undefined) {
.flip-list-move {
transition: transform 0.5s;
.ghost {
opacity: 1;
/*background: hsl(0, 0%, 21%);*/