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synced 2025-02-26 07:12:39 +01:00
330 lines
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330 lines
15 KiB
<!-- Quick form -->
<form @submit.prevent="createAccount" @keydown="form.onKeydown($event)" v-if="showQuickForm">
<div class="container preview has-text-centered">
<div class="columns is-mobile">
<div class="column">
<label class="add-icon-button" v-if="!tempIcon">
<input class="file-input" type="file" accept="image/*" v-on:change="uploadIcon" ref="iconInput">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'image']" size="2x" />
<button class="delete delete-icon-button is-medium" v-if="tempIcon" @click.prevent="deleteIcon"></button>
<token-displayer ref="QuickFormTokenDisplayer" v-bind="form.data()" @increment-hotp="incrementHotp">
<div class="columns is-mobile" v-if="form.errors.any()">
<div class="column">
<p v-for="field in form.errors.errors" class="help is-danger">
<li v-for="(error, index) in field">{{ error }}</li>
<div class="columns is-mobile">
<div class="column quickform-footer">
<div class="field is-grouped is-grouped-centered">
<div class="control">
<v-button :isLoading="form.isBusy" >{{ $t('commons.save') }}</v-button>
<div class="control">
<button type="button" class="button is-text" @click="cancelCreation">{{ $t('commons.cancel') }}</button>
<!-- Full form -->
<form-wrapper :title="$t('twofaccounts.forms.new_account')" v-if="showAdvancedForm">
<form @submit.prevent="createAccount" @keydown="form.onKeydown($event)">
<!-- qcode fileupload -->
<div class="field">
<div class="file is-black is-small">
<label class="file-label" :title="$t('twofaccounts.forms.use_qrcode.title')">
<input class="file-input" type="file" accept="image/*" v-on:change="uploadQrcode" ref="qrcodeInput">
<span class="file-cta">
<span class="file-icon">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'qrcode']" size="lg" />
<span class="file-label">{{ $t('twofaccounts.forms.prefill_using_qrcode') }}</span>
<field-error :form="form" field="qrcode" class="help-for-file" />
<!-- service -->
<form-field :form="form" fieldName="service" inputType="text" :label="$t('twofaccounts.service')" :placeholder="$t('twofaccounts.forms.service.placeholder')" autofocus />
<!-- account -->
<form-field :form="form" fieldName="account" inputType="text" :label="$t('twofaccounts.account')" :placeholder="$t('twofaccounts.forms.account.placeholder')" />
<!-- icon upload -->
<div class="field">
<label class="label">{{ $t('twofaccounts.icon') }}</label>
<div class="file is-dark">
<label class="file-label">
<input class="file-input" type="file" accept="image/*" v-on:change="uploadIcon" ref="iconInput">
<span class="file-cta">
<span class="file-icon">
<font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'image']" />
<span class="file-label">{{ $t('twofaccounts.forms.choose_image') }}</span>
<span class="tag is-black is-large" v-if="tempIcon">
<img class="icon-preview" :src="'/storage/icons/' + tempIcon" >
<button class="delete is-small" @click.prevent="deleteIcon"></button>
<field-error :form="form" field="icon" class="help-for-file" />
<!-- otp type -->
<form-toggle class="has-uppercased-button" :form="form" :choices="otpTypes" fieldName="otpType" :label="$t('twofaccounts.forms.otp_type.label')" :help="$t('twofaccounts.forms.otp_type.help')" :hasOffset="true" />
<div v-if="form.otpType">
<!-- secret -->
<label class="label" v-html="$t('twofaccounts.forms.secret.label')"></label>
<div class="field has-addons">
<p class="control">
<span class="select">
<select v-model="form.secretIsBase32Encoded">
<option v-for="format in secretFormats" :value="format.value">{{ format.text }}</option>
<p class="control is-expanded">
<input class="input" type="text" v-model="form.secret">
<div class="field">
<field-error :form="form" field="secret" class="help-for-file" />
<p class="help" v-html="$t('twofaccounts.forms.secret.help')"></p>
<h2 class="title is-4 mt-5 mb-2">{{ $t('commons.options') }}</h2>
<p class="help mb-4">
{{ $t('twofaccounts.forms.options_help') }}
<!-- digits -->
<form-toggle :form="form" :choices="digitsChoices" fieldName="digits" :label="$t('twofaccounts.forms.digits.label')" :help="$t('twofaccounts.forms.digits.help')" />
<!-- algorithm -->
<form-toggle :form="form" :choices="algorithms" fieldName="algorithm" :label="$t('twofaccounts.forms.algorithm.label')" :help="$t('twofaccounts.forms.algorithm.help')" />
<!-- TOTP period -->
<form-field v-if="form.otpType === 'totp'" :form="form" fieldName="totpPeriod" inputType="text" :label="$t('twofaccounts.forms.totpPeriod.label')" :placeholder="$t('twofaccounts.forms.totpPeriod.placeholder')" :help="$t('twofaccounts.forms.totpPeriod.help')" />
<!-- HOTP counter -->
<form-field v-if="form.otpType === 'hotp'" :form="form" fieldName="hotpCounter" inputType="text" :label="$t('twofaccounts.forms.hotpCounter.label')" :placeholder="$t('twofaccounts.forms.hotpCounter.placeholder')" :help="$t('twofaccounts.forms.hotpCounter.help')" />
<vue-footer :showButtons="true">
<p class="control">
<v-button :isLoading="form.isBusy" class="is-rounded" >{{ $t('commons.create') }}</v-button>
<p class="control" v-if="form.otpType && form.secret">
<button type="button" class="button is-success is-rounded" @click="previewAccount">{{ $t('twofaccounts.forms.test') }}</button>
<p class="control">
<button type="button" class="button is-text is-rounded" @click="cancelCreation">{{ $t('commons.cancel') }}</button>
<!-- modal -->
<modal v-model="ShowTwofaccountInModal">
<token-displayer ref="AdvancedFormTokenDisplayer" v-bind="form.data()" @increment-hotp="incrementHotp">
* Create form view
* route: '/account/create'
* Offer the user to define, preview and store an account. The form has 2 designs :
* - The 'Quick Form', a read only design fed with $route.params.decodedUri passed by the Start view.
* - The 'Advanced Form', a fully editable form, that let user define all field and OTP parameters.
* ~ A qrcode can be used to automatically fill the form
* ~ If an 'image' parameter is embeded in the qrcode, the remote image is downloaded and preset in the icon field
* Both design use the tokenDisplayer component to preview the account with a token rotation.
* input : [optional, for the Quick Form] an URI previously decoded by the Start view
* submit : post account data to php backend to create the account
import Modal from '../../components/Modal'
import Form from './../../components/Form'
import TokenDisplayer from '../../components/TokenDisplayer'
export default {
data() {
return {
showQuickForm: false,
showAdvancedForm: false,
ShowTwofaccountInModal : false,
tempIcon: '',
form: new Form({
service: '',
account: '',
otpType: '',
uri: '',
icon: '',
secret: '',
secretIsBase32Encoded: 0,
algorithm: '',
digits: null,
hotpCounter: null,
totpPeriod: null,
imageLink: '',
qrcode: null,
otpTypes: [
{ text: 'TOTP', value: 'totp' },
{ text: 'HOTP', value: 'hotp' },
digitsChoices: [
{ text: 6, value: 6 },
{ text: 7, value: 7 },
{ text: 8, value: 8 },
{ text: 9, value: 9 },
{ text: 10, value: 10 },
secretFormats: [
{ text: this.$t('twofaccounts.forms.plain_text'), value: 0 },
{ text: 'Base32', value: 1 }
algorithms: [
{ text: 'sha1', value: 'sha1' },
{ text: 'sha256', value: 'sha256' },
{ text: 'sha512', value: 'sha512' },
{ text: 'md5', value: 'md5' },
watch: {
tempIcon: function(val) {
if( this.showQuickForm ) {
this.$refs.QuickFormTokenDisplayer.internal_icon = val
mounted: function () {
if( this.$route.params.decodedUri ) {
// the Start view provided an uri so we parse it and prefill the quick form
this.axios.post('/api/twofaccounts/preview', { uri: this.$route.params.decodedUri }).then(response => {
this.tempIcon = response.data.icon ? response.data.icon : null
this.showQuickForm = true
.catch(error => {
if( error.response.status === 422 ) {
this.$router.push({ name: 'genericError', params: { err: this.$t('errors.cannot_create_otp_with_those_parameters') } });
} else {
this.showAdvancedForm = true
// stop TOTP generation on modal close
this.$on('modalClose', function() {
components: {
methods: {
async createAccount() {
// set current temp icon as account icon
this.form.icon = this.tempIcon
await this.form.post('/api/twofaccounts')
if( this.form.errors.any() === false ) {
this.$router.push({name: 'accounts', params: { InitialEditMode: false }});
previewAccount() {
cancelCreation: function() {
if( this.form.service && this.form.uri ) {
if( confirm(this.$t('twofaccounts.confirm.cancel')) === false ) {
// clean possible uploaded temp icon
this.$router.push({name: 'accounts', params: { InitialEditMode: false }});
async uploadQrcode(event) {
let imgdata = new FormData();
imgdata.append('qrcode', this.$refs.qrcodeInput.files[0]);
imgdata.append('inputFormat', 'fileUpload');
// First we get the uri encoded in the qrcode
const { data } = await this.form.upload('/api/qrcode/decode', imgdata)
// Then the otp described by the uri
this.axios.post('/api/twofaccounts/preview', { uri: data.uri }).then(response => {
this.form.secretIsBase32Encoded = 1
this.tempIcon = response.data.icon ? response.data.icon : null
this.form.uri = '' // we don't want the uri because the user can change any otp parameter in the form
async uploadIcon(event) {
// clean possible already uploaded temp icon
let imgdata = new FormData();
imgdata.append('icon', this.$refs.iconInput.files[0]);
const { data } = await this.form.upload('/api/icon/upload', imgdata)
this.tempIcon = data;
deleteIcon(event) {
if(this.tempIcon) {
this.axios.delete('/api/icon/delete/' + this.tempIcon)
this.tempIcon = ''
incrementHotp(payload) {
// The quick form or the preview feature has incremented the HOTP counter so we get the new value from
// the component.
// This could desynchronized the HOTP verification server and our local counter if the user never verified the HOTP but this
// is acceptable (and HOTP counter can be edited by the way)
this.form.hotpCounter = payload.nextHotpCounter
this.form.uri = payload.nextUri
</script> |