mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 09:11:12 +01:00
440 lines
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440 lines
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<script setup>
import twofaccountService from '@/services/twofaccountService'
import groupService from '@/services/groupService'
import Spinner from '@/components/Spinner.vue'
import TotpLooper from '@/components/TotpLooper.vue'
import GroupSwitch from '@/components/GroupSwitch.vue'
import DestinationGroupSelector from '@/components/DestinationGroupSelector.vue'
import SearchBox from '@/components/SearchBox.vue'
import Toolbar from '@/components/Toolbar.vue'
import OtpDisplay from '@/components/OtpDisplay.vue'
import ActionButtons from '@/components/ActionButtons.vue'
import { UseColorMode } from '@vueuse/components'
import { useUserStore } from '@/stores/user'
import { useNotifyStore } from '@/stores/notify'
import { useBusStore } from '@/stores/bus'
import { useTwofaccounts } from '@/stores/twofaccounts'
import { useGroups } from '@/stores/groups'
import { useAppSettingsStore } from '@/stores/appSettings'
import { useDisplayablePassword } from '@/composables/helpers'
const $2fauth = inject('2fauth')
const notify = useNotifyStore()
const user = useUserStore()
const bus = useBusStore()
const router = useRouter()
const appSettings = useAppSettingsStore()
const { copy, copied } = useClipboard({ legacy: true })
const twofaccounts = useTwofaccounts()
const groups = useGroups()
const showOtpInModal = ref(false)
const showGroupSwitch = ref(false)
const showDestinationGroupSelector = ref(false)
const isDragging = ref(false)
const otpDisplay = ref(null)
watch(showOtpInModal, (val) => {
if (val == false) {
* Returns whether or not the accounts should be displayed
const showAccounts = computed(() => {
return twofaccounts.isNotEmpty && !showGroupSwitch.value && !showDestinationGroupSelector.value
onMounted(() => {
// we don't have to fetch fresh data so we try to load them from localstorage to avoid display latency
// if( user.preferences.getOtpOnRequest && !this.toRefresh && !this.$route.params.isFirstLoad ) {
// const accounts = this.$storage.get('accounts', null) // use null as fallback if localstorage is empty
// if( accounts ) this.accounts = accounts
// const groups = this.$storage.get('groups', null) // use null as fallback if localstorage is empty
// if( groups ) this.groups = groups
// }
// We fetch fresh data whatever. The user will be notified to reload the page if there are any data changes
// if (twofaccounts.count === 0) {
// // No account yet, we force user to land on the start view.
// router.push({ name: 'start' });
// }
// stop OTP generation on modal close
// this.$on('modalClose', function() {
// this.$refs.OtpDisplayer.clearOTP()
// })
* Runs some updates after accounts assignement/withdrawal
function postGroupAssignementUpdate() {
// we fetch the accounts again to prevent the js collection being
// desynchronize from the backend php collection
notify.info({ text: trans('twofaccounts.accounts_moved') })
* Shows rotating OTP for the provided account
function showOTP(account) {
// In Management mode, clicking an account does not show the otpDisplay, it selects the account
if(bus.inManagementMode) {
else {
showOtpInModal.value = true
* Shows an OTP in a modal or directly copies it to the clipboard
function showOrCopy(account) {
if (!user.preferences.getOtpOnRequest && account.otp_type.includes('totp')) {
else {
* Copies a string to the clipboard
function copyToClipboard (password) {
if (copied) {
if(user.preferences.kickUserAfter == -1) {
notify.info({ text: trans('commons.copied_to_clipboard') })
* Gets a fresh OTP from backend and copies it
async function getAndCopyOTP(account) {
twofaccountService.getOtpById(account.id).then(response => {
let otp = response.data
if (otp.otp_type == 'hotp') {
let hotpToIncrement = accounts.value.find((acc) => acc.id == account.id)
// TODO : à koi ça sert ?
if (hotpToIncrement != undefined) {
hotpToIncrement.counter = otp.counter
<GroupSwitch v-if="showGroupSwitch" v-model:showGroupSwitch="showGroupSwitch" />
<!-- header -->
<div class="header" v-if="showAccounts || showGroupSwitch">
<div class="columns is-gapless is-mobile is-centered">
<div class="column is-three-quarters-mobile is-one-third-tablet is-one-quarter-desktop is-one-quarter-widescreen is-one-quarter-fullhd">
<!-- search -->
<SearchBox v-model:keyword="twofaccounts.filter"/>
<!-- toolbar -->
<Toolbar v-if="bus.inManagementMode"
<!-- group switch toggle -->
<div v-else class="has-text-centered">
<div class="columns">
<UseColorMode v-slot="{ mode }">
<div class="column" v-if="showGroupSwitch">
<button id="btnHideGroupSwitch" :title="$t('groups.hide_group_selector')" tabindex="1" class="button is-text is-like-text" :class="{'has-text-grey' : mode != 'dark'}" @click.stop="showGroupSwitch = !showGroupSwitch">
{{ $t('groups.select_accounts_to_show') }}
<div class="column" v-else>
<button id="btnShowGroupSwitch" :title="$t('groups.show_group_selector')" tabindex="1" class="button is-text is-like-text" :class="{'has-text-grey' : mode != 'dark'}" @click.stop="showGroupSwitch = !showGroupSwitch">
{{ groups.current }} ({{ twofaccounts.filteredCount }})
<FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fas', 'caret-down']" />
<!-- modal -->
<Modal v-model="showOtpInModal">
@please-close-me="showOtpInModal = false">
<!-- show accounts list -->
<div class="container" v-if="showAccounts" :class="bus.inManagementMode ? 'is-edit-mode' : ''">
<!-- accounts -->
<!-- <vue-pull-refresh :on-refresh="onRefresh" :config="{
errorLabel: 'error',
startLabel: '',
readyLabel: '',
loadingLabel: 'refreshing'
}" > -->
<!-- <draggable v-model="twofaccounts.filtered" @start="isDragging = true" @end="() => {isDragging = false; twofaccounts.saveOrder()}" ghost-class="ghost" handle=".tfa-dots" animation="200" class="accounts"> -->
<div class="accounts">
<!-- <transition-group class="columns is-multiline" :class="{ 'is-centered': user.preferences.displayMode === 'grid' }" type="transition" :name="!isDragging ? 'flip-list' : null"> -->
<span class="columns is-multiline">
<div :class="[user.preferences.displayMode === 'grid' ? 'tfa-grid' : 'tfa-list']" class="column is-narrow" v-for="account in twofaccounts.filtered" :key="account.id">
<div class="tfa-container">
<!-- <transition name="slideCheckbox"> -->
<div class="tfa-cell tfa-checkbox" v-if="bus.inManagementMode">
<div class="field">
<UseColorMode v-slot="{ mode }">
<input class="is-checkradio is-small" :class="mode == 'dark' ? 'is-white':'is-info'" :id="'ckb_' + account.id" :value="account.id" type="checkbox" :name="'ckb_' + account.id" v-model="twofaccounts.selectedIds">
<label tabindex="0" :for="'ckb_' + account.id" v-on:keypress.space.prevent="twofaccounts.select(account.id)"></label>
<!-- </transition> -->
<div tabindex="0" class="tfa-cell tfa-content is-size-3 is-size-4-mobile" @click.exact="showOrCopy(account)" @keyup.enter="showOrCopy(account)" @click.ctrl="getAndCopyOTP(account)" role="button">
<div class="tfa-text has-ellipsis">
<img class="tfa-icon" :src="$2fauth.config.subdirectory + '/storage/icons/' + account.icon" v-if="account.icon && user.preferences.showAccountsIcons" :alt="$t('twofaccounts.icon_for_account_x_at_service_y', {account: account.account, service: account.service})">
{{ account.service ? account.service : $t('twofaccounts.no_service') }}<FontAwesomeIcon class="has-text-danger is-size-5 ml-2" v-if="appSettings.useEncryption && account.account === $t('errors.indecipherable')" :icon="['fas', 'exclamation-circle']" />
<span class="has-ellipsis is-family-primary is-size-6 is-size-7-mobile has-text-grey ">{{ account.account }}</span>
<!-- <transition name="popLater"> -->
<div v-show="user.preferences.getOtpOnRequest == false && !bus.inManagementMode" class="has-text-right">
<span v-if="account.otp != undefined && isRenewingOTPs" class="has-nowrap has-text-grey has-text-centered is-size-5">
<FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fas', 'circle-notch']" spin />
<span v-else-if="account.otp != undefined && isRenewingOTPs == false" class="always-on-otp is-clickable has-nowrap has-text-grey is-size-5 ml-4" @click="copyToClipboard(account.otp.password)" @keyup.enter="copyToClipboard(account.otp.password)" :title="$t('commons.copy_to_clipboard')">
{{ useDisplayablePassword(account.otp.password) }}
<span v-else>
<!-- get hotp button -->
<UseColorMode v-slot="{ mode }">
<button class="button tag" :class="mode == 'dark' ? 'is-dark' : 'is-white'" @click="showOTP(account)" :title="$t('twofaccounts.import.import_this_account')">
{{ $t('commons.generate') }}
<!-- <dots v-if="account.otp_type.includes('totp')" @hook:mounted="turnDotsOnFromCache(account.period)" :class="'condensed'" :ref="'dots_' + account.period"></dots> -->
<!-- </transition> -->
<!-- <transition name="fadeInOut"> -->
<div class="tfa-cell tfa-edit has-text-grey" v-if="bus.inManagementMode">
<UseColorMode v-slot="{ mode }">
<RouterLink :to="{ name: 'editAccount', params: { twofaccountId: account.id }}" class="tag is-rounded mr-1" :class="mode == 'dark' ? 'is-dark' : 'is-white'">
{{ $t('commons.edit') }}
<RouterLink :to="{ name: 'showQRcode', params: { twofaccountId: account.id }}" class="tag is-rounded" :class="mode == 'dark' ? 'is-dark' : 'is-white'" :title="$t('twofaccounts.show_qrcode')">
<FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fas', 'qrcode']" />
<!-- </transition> -->
<!-- <transition name="fadeInOut"> -->
<div class="tfa-cell tfa-dots has-text-grey" v-if="bus.inManagementMode">
<FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fas', 'bars']" />
<!-- </transition> -->
<!-- </transition-group> -->
<!-- </draggable> -->
<!-- </vue-pull-refresh> -->
<VueFooter :showButtons="true" v-on:management-mode-exited="twofaccounts.selectNone()">
@move-button-clicked="showDestinationGroupSelector = true"
<!-- totp loopers -->
<!-- <span v-if="!user.preferences.getOtpOnRequest">
v-for="period in periods"
v-on:loop-started="setCurrentStep(period.period, $event)"
v-on:stepped-up="setCurrentStep(period.period, $event)"
</span> -->
* Accounts view
* route: '/account' (alias: '/')
* The main view of 2FAuth that list all existing account recorded in DB.
* Available feature in this view :
* - {{OTP}} generation
* - Account fetching :
* ~ Search
* ~ Filtering (by group)
* - Accounts management :
* ~ Sorting
* ~ QR code recovering
* ~ Mass association to group
* ~ Mass account deletion
* ~ Access to account editing
* Behavior :
* - The view has 2 modes (toggle is done with the 'manage' button) :
* ~ The View mode (the default one)
* ~ The Edit mode
* - User are automatically pushed to the start view if there is no account to list.
* - The view is affected by :
* ~ 'userPreferences.showAccountsIcons' toggle the icon visibility
* ~ 'userPreferences.displayMode' change the account appearance
// export default {
// data(){
// return {
// stepIndexes: {},
// isRenewingOTPs: false
// }
// },
// computed: {
* Returns an array of all totp periods present in the twofaccounts list
// periods() {
// return !user.preferences.getOtpOnRequest ?
// this.accounts.filter(acc => acc.otp_type == 'totp').map(function(item) {
// return {period: item.period, generated_at: item.otp.generated_at}
// // return item.period
// }).filter((value, index, self) => index === self.findIndex((t) => (
// t.period === value.period
// ))).sort()
// : null
// },
// },
// props: ['toRefresh'],
// methods: {
// setCurrentStep(period, stepIndex) {
// this.stepIndexes[period] = stepIndex
// this.turnDotsOn(period, stepIndex)
// },
// turnDotsOnFromCache(period, stepIndex) {
// if (this.stepIndexes[period] != undefined) {
// this.turnDotsOn(period, this.stepIndexes[period])
// }
// },
// turnDotsOn(period, stepIndex) {
// this.$refs['dots_' + period].forEach((dots) => {
// dots.turnOn(stepIndex)
// })
// },
* Fetch all accounts set with the given period to get fresh OTPs
// async updateTotps(period) {
// this.isRenewingOTPs = true
// this.axios.get('api/v1/twofaccounts?withOtp=1&ids=' + this.accountIdsWithPeriod(period).join(',')).then(response => {
// response.data.forEach((account) => {
// const index = this.accounts.findIndex(acc => acc.id === account.id)
// this.accounts[index].otp = account.otp
// this.$refs.loopers.forEach((looper) => {
// if (looper.period == period) {
// looper.generatedAt = account.otp.generated_at
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// looper.startLoop()
// })
// }
// })
// })
// })
// .finally(() => {
// this.isRenewingOTPs = false
// })
// },
* Return an array of all accounts (ids) set with the given period
// accountIdsWithPeriod(period) {
// return this.accounts.filter(a => a.period == period).map(item => item.id)
// },
* Get a fresh OTP for the provided account
// getOTP(accountId) {
// this.axios.get('api/v1/twofaccounts/' + accountId + '/otp').then(response => {
// this.$notify({ type: 'is-success', text: this.$t('commons.copied_to_clipboard')+ ' '+response.data })
// })
// },
// }
// };
<style scoped>
.flip-list-move {
transition: transform 0.5s;
.ghost {
opacity: 1;
/*background: hsl(0, 0%, 21%);*/