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return [
| Admin Language Lines
| The following language lines are used during authentication for various
| messages that we need to display to the user. You are free to modify
| these language lines according to your application's requirements.
'admin' => 'Administrador',
'app_setup' => 'Configuración de la aplicación',
'auth' => 'Auth',
'registrations' => 'Registros',
'users' => 'Usuarios',
'users_legend' => 'Administre los usuarios registrados en su instancia o cree otros nuevos.',
'admin_settings' => 'Ajustes de administración',
'create_new_user' => 'Crear un usuario',
'new_user' => 'Nuevo usuario',
'search_user_placeholder' => 'Nombre de usuario, email...',
'quick_filters_colons' => 'Filtros rápidos:',
'user_created' => 'usuario creado correctamente',
'confirm' => [
'delete_user' => '¿Está seguro que desea eliminar este usuario? No hay vuelta atrás.',
'request_password_reset' => '¿Está seguro de que desea restablecer la contraseña de este usuario?',
'purge_password_reset_request' => '¿Está seguro que desea revocar la solicitud anterior?',
'delete_account' => '¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este usuario?',
'edit_own_account' => 'Esta es tu propia cuenta. ¿Estás seguro?',
'change_admin_role' => 'Esto tendrá graves impactos en los permisos de este usuario. ¿Estás seguro?',
'demote_own_account' => 'Ya no serás administrador. ¿Estás seguro?'
'logs' => 'Registros',
'administration_legend' => 'Los siguientes ajustes son globales y se aplican a todos los usuarios.',
'user_management' => 'Gestión de usuarios',
'oauth_provider' => 'Proveedor OAuth',
'account_bound_to_x_via_oauth' => 'Esta cuenta está vinculada a una cuenta :provider a través de OAuth',
'last_seen_on_date' => 'Visto por última vez :date',
'registered_on_date' => 'Registrado :date',
'updated_on_date' => 'Actualizado :date',
'access' => 'Acceso',
'password_requested_on_t' => 'A password reset request exists for this user (request sent at :datetime), which means that the user has not yet changed their password but the link they received is still valid. This may be a request from the user themselves or from an administrator.',
'password_request_expired' => 'A password reset request exists for this user but has expired, meaning that the user has not changed their password in time. This may be a request from the user themselves or from an administrator.',
'resend_email' => 'Resend email',
'resend_email_title' => 'Resend a password reset email to the user',
'resend_email_help' => 'Use <b>Resend email</b> to send a new password reset email to the user so he can set a new password. This will leave its current password as is and any previous request will be revoked.',
'reset_password' => 'Reset password',
'reset_password_help' => 'Use <b>Reset password</b> to force a password reset (this will set a temporary password) before sending a password reset email to the user so they can set a new password. Any previous request will be revoked.',
'reset_password_title' => 'Reset the user\'s password',
'password_successfully_reset' => 'Password successfully reset',
'user_has_x_active_pat' => ':count active token(s)',
'user_has_x_security_devices' => ':count security device(s) (passkeys)',
'revoke_all_pat_for_user' => 'Revoke all user\'s tokens',
'revoke_all_devices_for_user' => 'Revoke all user\'s security devices',
'danger_zone' => 'Danger Zone',
'delete_this_user_legend' => 'The user account will be deleted as well as all its 2FA data.',
'this_is_not_soft_delete' => 'This is not a soft delete, there is no going back.',
'delete_this_user' => 'Delete this user',
'user_role_updated' => 'User role updated',
'pats_succesfully_revoked' => 'User\'s PATs successfully revoked',
'security_devices_succesfully_revoked' => 'User\'s security devices successfully revoked',
'variables' => 'Variables',
'cache_cleared' => 'Cache cleared',
'cache_optimized' => 'Cache optimized',
'check_now' => 'Check now',
'view_on_github' => 'View on Github',
'x_is_available' => ':version is available',
'successful_login_on' => 'Successful login on <span class="light-or-darker">:login_at</span>',
'successful_logout_on' => 'Successful logout on <span class="light-or-darker">:login_at</span>',
'failed_login_on' => 'Failed login on <span class="light-or-darker">:login_at</span>',
'viewed_on' => 'Viewed on <span class="light-or-darker">:login_at</span>',
'last_accesses' => 'Last accesses',
'see_full_log' => 'See full log',
'browser_on_platform' => ':browser on :platform',
'access_log_has_more_entries' => 'The access log contains more entries.',
'access_log_legend_for_user' => 'Full access log for user :username',
'show_last_month_log' => 'Show entries from the last month',
'show_three_months_log' => 'Show entries from the last 3 months',
'show_six_months_log' => 'Show entries from the last 6 months',
'show_one_year_log' => 'Show entries from the last year',
'sort_by_date_asc' => 'Show least recent first',
'sort_by_date_desc' => 'Show most recent first',
'single_sign_on' => 'Single Sign-On (SSO)',
'forms' => [
'use_encryption' => [
'label' => 'Protect sensitive data',
'help' => 'Sensitive data, the 2FA secrets and emails, are stored encrypted in database. Be sure to backup the APP_KEY value of your .env file (or the whole file) as it serves as key encryption. There is no way to decypher encrypted data without this key.',
'restrict_registration' => [
'label' => 'Restrict registration',
'help' => 'Make registration only available to a limited range of email addresses. Both rules can be used simultaneously. This has no effect on registration via SSO.',
'restrict_list' => [
'label' => 'Filtering list',
'help' => 'Emails in this list will be allowed to register. Separate addresses with a pipe ("|")',
'restrict_rule' => [
'label' => 'Filtering rule',
'help' => 'Emails matching this regular expression will be allowed to register',
'disable_registration' => [
'label' => 'Disable registration',
'help' => 'Prevent new user registration. Unless overridden (see below), this affects SSO as well, so new users won\'t be able to sign in via SSO',
'enable_sso' => [
'label' => 'Enable SSO',
'help' => 'Allow visitors to authenticate using an external ID via the Single Sign-On scheme',
'use_sso_only' => [
'label' => 'Use SSO only',
'help' => 'Make SSO the only available method to log in to 2FAuth. Password login and Webauthn are then disabled for regular users. Administrators are not affected by this restriction.',
'keep_sso_registration_enabled' => [
'label' => 'Keep SSO registration enabled',
'help' => 'Allow new users to sign in for the first time via SSO whereas registration is disabled',
'is_admin' => [
'label' => 'Is administrator',
'help' => 'Give administrator rights to the user. Administrators have permissions to manage the whole app, i.e. settings and other users, but cannot generate password for a 2FA they don\'t own.'
'test_email' => [
'label' => 'Email configuration test',
'help' => 'Send a test email to control your instance\'s email configuration. It is important to have a working configuration, otherwise users will not be able to request a reset password.',
'email_will_be_send_to_x' => 'The email will be send to <span class="is-family-code has-text-info">:email</span>',
'health_endpoint' => [
'label' => 'Health endpoint',
'help' => 'URL you can visit to check the health of this 2FAuth instance. This URL can be used to set up a Docker HEALTHCHECK or a Kubernetes HTTPS Liveness probe.',
'cache_management' => [
'label' => 'Cache management',
'help' => 'Sometimes cache needs to be cleared, for instance after a change to environment variables or an update. You can do it from here.',
]; |