mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 02:02:09 +01:00
357 lines
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357 lines
15 KiB
<figure class="image is-64x64" :class="{ 'no-icon': !internal_icon }" style="display: inline-block">
<img :src="'/storage/icons/' + internal_icon" v-if="internal_icon" :alt="$t('twofaccounts.icon_to_illustrate_the_account')">
<p class="is-size-4 has-text-grey-light has-ellipsis">{{ internal_service }}</p>
<p class="is-size-6 has-text-grey has-ellipsis">{{ internal_account }}</p>
<p class="is-size-1 has-text-white is-clickable" :title="$t('commons.copy_to_clipboard')" v-clipboard="() => internal_password.replace(/ /g, '')" v-clipboard:success="clipboardSuccessHandler">{{ displayedOtp }}</p>
<ul class="dots" v-show="isTimeBased(internal_otp_type)">
<li v-for="n in 10" :key="n"></li>
<ul v-show="isHMacBased(internal_otp_type)">
<li>counter: {{ internal_counter }}</li>
export default {
name: 'OtpDisplayer',
data() {
return {
internal_id: null,
internal_otp_type: '',
internal_account: '',
internal_service: '',
internal_icon: '',
internal_secret: null,
internal_digits: null,
internal_algorithm: null,
internal_period: null,
internal_counter: null,
internal_password : '',
internal_uri : '',
lastActiveDot: null,
remainingTimeout: null,
firstDotToNextOneTimeout: null,
dotToDotInterval: null
props: {
otp_type : String,
account : String,
service : String,
icon : String,
secret : String,
digits : Number,
algorithm : String,
period : null,
counter : null,
image : String,
qrcode : null,
uri : String
computed: {
displayedOtp() {
let pwd = this.internal_password
if (this.internal_otp_type !== 'steamtotp') {
const spacePosition = Math.ceil(this.internal_password.length / 2)
pwd = this.internal_password.substr(0, spacePosition) + " " + this.internal_password.substr(spacePosition)
return this.$root.appSettings.showOtpAsDot ? pwd.replace(/[0-9]/g, '●') : pwd
mounted: function() {
methods: {
isTimeBased: function(otp_type) {
return (otp_type === 'totp' || otp_type === 'steamtotp')
isHMacBased: function(otp_type) {
return otp_type === 'hotp'
async show(id) {
// 3 possible cases :
// - Trigger when user ask for an otp of an existing account: the ID is provided so we fetch the account data
// from db but without the uri.
// This prevent the uri (a sensitive data) to transit via http request unnecessarily. In this
// case this.otp_type is sent by the backend.
// - Trigger when user use the Quick Uploader and preview the account: No ID but we have an URI.
// - Trigger when user use the Advanced form and preview the account: We should have all OTP parameter
// to obtain an otp, including Secret and otp_type which are required
this.internal_otp_type = this.otp_type
this.internal_account = this.account
this.internal_service = this.service
this.internal_icon = this.icon
this.internal_secret = this.secret
this.internal_digits = this.digits
this.internal_algorithm = this.algorithm
this.internal_period = this.period
this.internal_counter = this.counter
if( id ) {
this.internal_id = id
const { data } = await this.axios.get('api/v1/twofaccounts/' + this.internal_id)
this.internal_service = data.service
this.internal_account = data.account
this.internal_icon = data.icon
this.internal_otp_type = data.otp_type
if( this.isHMacBased(data.otp_type) && data.counter ) {
this.internal_counter = data.counter
// We force the otp_type to be based on the uri
if( this.uri ) {
this.internal_uri = this.uri
this.internal_otp_type = this.uri.slice(0, 15 ).toLowerCase() === "otpauth://totp/" ? 'totp' : 'hotp';
if( this.internal_id || this.uri || this.secret ) { // minimun required vars to get an otp from the backend
try {
if(this.isTimeBased(this.internal_otp_type)) {
await this.startTotpLoop()
else if(this.isHMacBased(this.internal_otp_type)) {
await this.getHOTP()
else this.$router.push({ name: 'genericError', params: { err: this.$t('errors.not_a_supported_otp_type') } });
this.$parent.isActive = true
catch(error) {
getOtp: async function() {
try {
let request, password
if(this.internal_id) {
request = {
method: 'get',
url: '/api/v1/twofaccounts/' + this.internal_id + '/otp'
else if(this.internal_uri) {
request = {
method: 'post',
url: '/api/v1/twofaccounts/otp',
data: {
uri: this.internal_uri
else {
request = {
method: 'post',
url: '/api/v1/twofaccounts/otp',
data: {
service : this.internal_service,
account : this.internal_account,
icon : this.internal_icon,
otp_type : this.internal_otp_type,
secret : this.internal_secret,
digits : this.internal_digits,
algorithm : this.internal_algorithm,
period : this.internal_period,
counter : this.internal_counter,
await this.axios(request).then(response => {
if(this.$root.appSettings.copyOtpOnDisplay) {
password = response.data
return password
catch(error) {
if (error.response.status === 422) {
this.$emit('validation-error', error.response)
throw error
startTotpLoop: async function() {
let otp = await this.getOtp()
this.internal_password = otp.password
this.internal_otp_type = otp.otp_type
let generated_at = otp.generated_at
let period = otp.period
let elapsedTimeInCurrentPeriod,
// |<----period p----->|
// | | |
// |------- ··· ------------|--------|----------|---------->
// | | | |
// unix T0 Tp.start Tgen_at Tp.end
// | | |
// elapsedTimeInCurrentPeriod--|<------>| |
// (in ms) | | |
// ● ● ● ● ●|● ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ |
// | | || |
// | | |<-------->|--remainingTimeBeforeEndOfPeriod (for remainingTimeout)
// durationBetweenTwoDots-->|-|< ||
// (for dotToDotInterval) | | >||<---durationFromFirstToNextDot (for firstDotToNextOneTimeout)
// |
// |
// dotIndex
// The elapsed time from the start of the period that contains the OTP generated_at timestamp and the OTP generated_at timestamp itself
elapsedTimeInCurrentPeriod = generated_at % period
// Switch off all dots
dots = this.$el.querySelector('.dots')
while (dots.querySelector('[data-is-active]')) {
// We determine the position of the closest dot next to the generated_at timestamp
let relativePosition = (elapsedTimeInCurrentPeriod * 10) / period
let dotIndex = (Math.floor(relativePosition) +1)
// We switch the dot on
this.lastActiveDot = dots.querySelector('li:nth-child(' + dotIndex + ')');
this.lastActiveDot.setAttribute('data-is-active', true);
// Main timeout that run until the end of the period
remainingTimeBeforeEndOfPeriod = period - elapsedTimeInCurrentPeriod
let self = this; // because of the setInterval/setTimeout closures
this.remainingTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, remainingTimeBeforeEndOfPeriod*1000);
// During the remainingTimeout countdown we have to show a next dot every durationBetweenTwoDots seconds
// except for the first next dot
durationBetweenTwoDots = period / 10 // we have 10 dots
durationFromFirstToNextDot = (Math.ceil(elapsedTimeInCurrentPeriod / durationBetweenTwoDots) * durationBetweenTwoDots) - elapsedTimeInCurrentPeriod
this.firstDotToNextOneTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
if( durationFromFirstToNextDot > 0 ) {
dotIndex += 1
self.dotToDotInterval = setInterval(function() {
dotIndex += 1
}, durationBetweenTwoDots*1000)
}, durationFromFirstToNextDot*1000)
getHOTP: async function() {
let otp = await this.getOtp()
this.internal_password = otp.password
this.internal_counter = otp.counter
// returned counter & uri are incremented
this.$emit('increment-hotp', { nextHotpCounter: otp.counter, nextUri: otp.uri })
clearOTP: function() {
this.internal_id = this.remainingTimeout = this.dotToDotInterval = this.firstDotToNextOneTimeout = this.elapsedTimeInCurrentPeriod = this.internal_counter = null
this.internal_service = this.internal_account = this.internal_icon = this.internal_otp_type = this.internal_secret = ''
this.internal_password = '... ...'
try {
this.$el.querySelector('.dots li:first-child').setAttribute('data-is-active', true);
catch(e) {
// we do not throw anything
stopLoop: function() {
if( this.isTimeBased(this.internal_otp_type) ) {
activateNextDot: function() {
if(this.lastActiveDot.nextSibling !== null) {
this.lastActiveDot.nextSibling.setAttribute('data-is-active', true)
this.lastActiveDot = this.lastActiveDot.nextSibling
clipboardSuccessHandler ({ value, event }) {
if(this.$root.appSettings.kickUserAfter == -1) {
else if(this.$root.appSettings.closeOtpOnCopy) {
this.$parent.isActive = false
this.$notify({ type: 'is-success', text: this.$t('commons.copied_to_clipboard') })
clipboardErrorHandler ({ value, event }) {
console.log('error', value)
copyAndNotify (strToCopy) {
// see https://web.dev/async-clipboard/ for futur Clipboard API usage.
// The API should allow to copy the password on each trip without user interaction.
// For now too many browsers don't support the clipboard-write permission
// (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Permissions#browser_support)
this.$notify({ type: 'is-success', text: this.$t('commons.copied_to_clipboard') })
beforeDestroy () {
</script> |