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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Kusakabe Si. All Rights Reserved.
package gencfg
import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
func printNMCinfig() {
tconfig := NMCfg{}
tconfig.EdgeNodes = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]edge_raw_info)
tconfig.EdgeNodes[mtypes.Vertex(1)] = edge_raw_info{Endpoint: "1.example.com:3456"}
tconfig.EdgeNodes[mtypes.Vertex(2)] = edge_raw_info{Endpoint: "2.example.com:4567"}
tconfig.DistanceMatrix = `X 1 2
1 0 1
2 1 0`
toprint, _ := yaml.Marshal(tconfig)
func GenNMCfg(NMCinfigPath string, enableP2P bool, printExample bool) (err error) {
NMCfg := NMCfg{}
if printExample {
err = mtypes.ReadYaml(NMCinfigPath, &NMCfg)
if err != nil {
return err
err = os.MkdirAll(NMCfg.ConfigOutputDir, 0o700)
if err != nil {
return err
files, err := os.ReadDir(NMCfg.ConfigOutputDir)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(files) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(NMCfg.ConfigOutputDir + " not empty")
if NMCfg.EdgeConfigTemplate != "" {
var econfig mtypes.EdgeConfig
err = mtypes.ReadYaml(NMCfg.EdgeConfigTemplate, &econfig)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error read config: %v\t%v\n", NMCfg.EdgeConfigTemplate, err)
return err
if len(NMCfg.NetworkName) > 10 {
return fmt.Errorf("name too long")
allowed := "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-"
for _, c := range []byte(NMCfg.NetworkName) {
if !strings.Contains(allowed, string(c)) {
return fmt.Errorf("name can only contain %v", allowed)
g, _ := path.NewGraph(0, false, mtypes.GraphRecalculateSetting{}, mtypes.NTPInfo{}, mtypes.LoggerInfo{LogInternal: false})
edges := []mtypes.PongMsg{}
if NMCfg.DistanceMatrix != "" {
edges, err = path.ParseDistanceMatrix(NMCfg.DistanceMatrix)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
for S, edgeinfoS := range NMCfg.EdgeNodes {
for D, edgeinfoD := range NMCfg.EdgeNodes {
if S == D {
if len(edgeinfoS.Endpoint)+len(edgeinfoD.Endpoint) == 0 {
edges = append(edges, mtypes.PongMsg{
Src_nodeID: S,
Dst_nodeID: D,
Timediff: 1,
TimeToAlive: 99999,
AdditionalCost: 0,
g.UpdateLatencyMulti(edges, false, false)
all_verts := g.Vertices()
MaxNodeID := mtypes.Vertex(0)
edge_infos := make(map[mtypes.Vertex]edge_info)
for NodeID, edgeinfo := range NMCfg.EdgeNodes {
endpoint := edgeinfo.Endpoint
if _, has := all_verts[NodeID]; !has {
return fmt.Errorf("not found in DistanceMatrix: NodeID %v", NodeID)
if !all_verts[NodeID] {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate definition: NodeID %v ", NodeID)
if endpoint != "" {
_, _, err = conn.LookupIP(endpoint, conn.EnabledAf46, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
pri, pub := device.RandomKeyPair()
edge_infos[NodeID] = edge_info{
Endpoint: endpoint,
PrivKey: pri.ToString(),
PubKey: pub.ToString(),
ConnectedEdge: make(map[mtypes.Vertex]bool),
all_verts[NodeID] = false
if NodeID > MaxNodeID {
MaxNodeID = NodeID
for nid, notinconf := range all_verts {
if notinconf {
return fmt.Errorf("NodeID %v exists in DistanceMatrix but not in config", nid)
for _, edge := range edges {
s := edge.Src_nodeID
d := edge.Dst_nodeID
if len(edge_infos[s].Endpoint)+len(edge_infos[d].Endpoint) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("there are an edge between node [%v , %v], but non of them have endpoint", s, d)
edge_infos[s].ConnectedEdge[d] = true
edge_infos[d].ConnectedEdge[s] = true
if NMCfg.EdgeNode.MacPrefix != "" {
_, err = tap.GetMacAddr(NMCfg.EdgeNode.MacPrefix, uint32(MaxNodeID))
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
pbyte := mtypes.RandomBytes(4, []byte{0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd})
pbyte[0] &^= 0b00000001
pbyte[0] |= 0b00000010
NMCfg.EdgeNode.MacPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", pbyte[0], pbyte[1], pbyte[2], pbyte[3])
dist, next, err := g.FloydWarshall(false)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
if NMCfg.DistanceMatrix != "" && !enableP2P {
nhTableStr, _ := yaml.Marshal(next)
all_vert := g.Vertices()
if NMCfg.DistanceMatrix != "" {
for u := range all_vert {
for v := range all_vert {
if u != v {
path, err := g.Path(u, v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't find path from %v to %v: %v", u, v, err)
fmt.Printf("%d -> %d\t%3f\t%v\n", u, v, dist[u][v], path)
econfig, err := GetExampleEdgeConf(NMCfg.EdgeConfigTemplate, false)
if err != nil {
if enableP2P {
econfig.DynamicRoute.AdditionalCost = 1000
econfig.DynamicRoute.P2P.UseP2P = enableP2P
econfig.DynamicRoute.SuperNode.UseSuperNode = false
econfig.NextHopTable = next
if enableP2P {
econfig.NextHopTable = make(mtypes.NextHopTable)
ModeIDmax := 0
for id, _ := range NMCfg.NetworkName {
if ModeIDmax < id {
ModeIDmax = id
IPv4Block := NMCfg.EdgeNode.IPv4Range
if IPv4Block != "" {
_, _, err = tap.GetIP(4, IPv4Block, uint32(ModeIDmax))
if err != nil {
return err
IPv6Block := NMCfg.EdgeNode.IPv6Range
if IPv6Block != "" {
_, _, err = tap.GetIP(6, IPv6Block, uint32(ModeIDmax))
if err != nil {
return err
IPv6LLBlock := NMCfg.EdgeNode.IPv6LLRange
if IPv6LLBlock != "" {
_, _, err = tap.GetIP(6, IPv6LLBlock, uint32(ModeIDmax))
if err != nil {
return err
econfig.DynamicRoute.NTPConfig.Servers = make([]string, 0)
econfig.DynamicRoute.SuperNode.PSKey = ""
econfig.DynamicRoute.SuperNode.EndpointV4 = ""
econfig.DynamicRoute.SuperNode.EndpointV6 = ""
econfig.DynamicRoute.SuperNode.PubKeyV4 = ""
econfig.DynamicRoute.SuperNode.PubKeyV6 = ""
econfig.DynamicRoute.SuperNode.EndpointEdgeAPIUrl = ""
var pskdb device.PSKDB
for NodeID, Edge := range edge_infos {
econfig.Interface.MacAddrPrefix = NMCfg.EdgeNode.MacPrefix
econfig.Interface.IPv4CIDR = NMCfg.EdgeNode.IPv4Range
econfig.Interface.IPv6CIDR = NMCfg.EdgeNode.IPv6Range
econfig.Interface.IPv6LLPrefix = NMCfg.EdgeNode.IPv6LLRange
econfig.PrivKey = Edge.PrivKey
econfig.NodeID = NodeID
idstr := fmt.Sprintf("%0"+strconv.Itoa(len(MaxNodeID.ToString()))+"d", NodeID)
econfig.NodeName = NMCfg.NetworkName + idstr
PersistentKeepalive := uint32(30)
econfig.ListenPort = 0
if Edge.Endpoint != "" {
ps := strings.Split(Edge.Endpoint, ":")
pss := ps[len(ps)-1]
port, err := strconv.ParseUint(pss, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return err
econfig.ListenPort = int(port)
PersistentKeepalive = 0
econfig.Peers = make([]mtypes.PeerInfo, 0)
for CNodeID, _ := range Edge.ConnectedEdge {
econfig.Peers = append(econfig.Peers, mtypes.PeerInfo{
NodeID: CNodeID,
PubKey: edge_infos[CNodeID].PubKey,
PSKey: pskdb.GetPSK(NodeID, CNodeID).ToString(),
EndPoint: edge_infos[CNodeID].Endpoint,
PersistentKeepalive: PersistentKeepalive,
Static: true,
mtypesBytes, _ := yaml.Marshal(econfig)
ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(NMCfg.ConfigOutputDir, NMCfg.NetworkName+"_edge"+idstr+".yaml"), mtypesBytes, 0o600)
fmt.Println(filepath.Join(NMCfg.ConfigOutputDir, NMCfg.NetworkName+"_edge"+idstr+".yaml"))
return nil