2021-12-03 23:02:05 +00:00

549 lines
13 KiB

package path
import (
orderedmap ""
yaml ""
const Infinity = float64(99999)
func (g *IG) GetCurrentTime() time.Time {
return time.Now().Add(g.ntp_offset).Round(0)
type Latency struct {
ping float64
ping_old float64
additionalCost float64
validUntil time.Time
type Fullroute struct {
Next mtypes.NextHopTable `yaml:"NextHopTable"`
Dist mtypes.DistTable `yaml:"DistanceTable"`
// IG is a graph of integers that satisfies the Graph interface.
type IG struct {
Vert map[mtypes.Vertex]bool
edges map[mtypes.Vertex]map[mtypes.Vertex]*Latency
edgelock *sync.RWMutex
StaticMode bool
JitterTolerance float64
JitterToleranceMultiplier float64
SuperNodeInfoTimeout time.Duration
RecalculateCoolDown time.Duration
TimeoutCheckInterval time.Duration
recalculateTime time.Time
dlTable mtypes.DistTable
nhTable mtypes.NextHopTable
NhTableHash [32]byte
NhTableExpire time.Time
IsSuperMode bool
loglevel mtypes.LoggerInfo
ntp_wg sync.WaitGroup
ntp_info mtypes.NTPinfo
ntp_offset time.Duration
ntp_servers orderedmap.OrderedMap // serverurl:lentancy
func NewGraph(num_node int, IsSuperMode bool, theconfig mtypes.GraphRecalculateSetting, ntpinfo mtypes.NTPinfo, loglevel mtypes.LoggerInfo) *IG {
g := IG{
edgelock: &sync.RWMutex{},
StaticMode: theconfig.StaticMode,
JitterTolerance: theconfig.JitterTolerance,
JitterToleranceMultiplier: theconfig.JitterToleranceMultiplier,
RecalculateCoolDown: mtypes.S2TD(theconfig.RecalculateCoolDown),
TimeoutCheckInterval: mtypes.S2TD(theconfig.TimeoutCheckInterval),
ntp_info: ntpinfo,
g.Vert = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]bool, num_node)
g.edges = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]map[mtypes.Vertex]*Latency, num_node)
g.IsSuperMode = IsSuperMode
g.loglevel = loglevel
return &g
func (g *IG) GetWeightType(x float64) (y float64) {
x = math.Abs(x)
y = x
if g.JitterTolerance > 0.001 && g.JitterToleranceMultiplier > 1 {
t := g.JitterTolerance
r := g.JitterToleranceMultiplier
y = math.Pow(math.Ceil(math.Pow(x/t, 1/r)), r) * t
return y
func (g *IG) ShouldUpdate(u mtypes.Vertex, v mtypes.Vertex, newval float64) bool {
oldval := math.Abs(g.OldWeight(u, v, false) * 1000)
newval = math.Abs(newval * 1000)
if g.IsSuperMode {
if g.JitterTolerance > 0.001 && g.JitterToleranceMultiplier >= 1 {
diff := math.Abs(newval - oldval)
x := math.Max(oldval, newval)
t := g.JitterTolerance
r := g.JitterToleranceMultiplier
return diff > t+x*(r-1) //
return oldval == newval
} else {
return g.GetWeightType(oldval) != g.GetWeightType(newval)
func (g *IG) CheckAnyShouldUpdate() bool {
vert := g.Vertices()
for u, _ := range vert {
for v, _ := range vert {
if u != v {
newVal := g.Weight(u, v, false)
if g.ShouldUpdate(u, v, newVal) {
return true
return false
func (g *IG) RecalculateNhTable(checkchange bool) (changed bool) {
if g.StaticMode {
if bytes.Equal(g.NhTableHash[:], make([]byte, 32)) {
changed = checkchange
if !g.CheckAnyShouldUpdate() {
if g.recalculateTime.Add(g.RecalculateCoolDown).Before(time.Now()) {
dist, next, _ := g.FloydWarshall(false)
changed = false
if checkchange {
for src, dsts := range next {
for dst, old_next := range dsts {
nexthop := g.Next(src, dst)
if old_next != nexthop {
changed = true
break CheckLoop
g.dlTable, g.nhTable = dist, next
g.recalculateTime = time.Now()
func (g *IG) RemoveVirt(v mtypes.Vertex, recalculate bool, checkchange bool) (changed bool) { //Waiting for test
delete(g.Vert, v)
delete(g.edges, v)
for u, _ := range g.edges {
delete(g.edges[u], v)
g.NhTableHash = [32]byte{}
if recalculate {
changed = g.RecalculateNhTable(checkchange)
func (g *IG) UpdateLatency(src mtypes.Vertex, dst mtypes.Vertex, val float64, TimeToAlive float64, SuperAdditionalCost float64, recalculate bool, checkchange bool) (changed bool) {
return g.UpdateLatencyMulti([]mtypes.PongMsg{{
Src_nodeID: src,
Dst_nodeID: dst,
Timediff: val,
AdditionalCost: SuperAdditionalCost,
TimeToAlive: TimeToAlive,
}}, recalculate, checkchange)
func (g *IG) UpdateLatencyMulti(pong_info []mtypes.PongMsg, recalculate bool, checkchange bool) (changed bool) {
should_update := false
for _, pong_msg := range pong_info {
u := pong_msg.Src_nodeID
v := pong_msg.Dst_nodeID
w := pong_msg.Timediff
additionalCost := pong_msg.AdditionalCost
if additionalCost < 0 {
additionalCost = 0
g.Vert[u] = true
g.Vert[v] = true
if _, ok := g.edges[u]; !ok {
g.recalculateTime = time.Time{}
g.edges[u] = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]*Latency)
should_update = should_update || g.ShouldUpdate(u, v, w)
if _, ok := g.edges[u][v]; ok {
g.edges[u][v].ping = w
g.edges[u][v].validUntil = time.Now().Add(mtypes.S2TD(pong_msg.TimeToAlive))
g.edges[u][v].additionalCost = additionalCost / 1000
} else {
g.edges[u][v] = &Latency{
ping: w,
ping_old: Infinity,
validUntil: time.Now().Add(mtypes.S2TD(pong_msg.TimeToAlive)),
additionalCost: additionalCost / 1000,
if should_update && recalculate {
changed = g.RecalculateNhTable(checkchange)
func (g *IG) Vertices() map[mtypes.Vertex]bool {
vr := make(map[mtypes.Vertex]bool)
defer g.edgelock.RUnlock()
for k, v := range g.Vert { //copy a new list
vr[k] = v
return vr
func (g IG) Neighbors(v mtypes.Vertex) (vs []mtypes.Vertex) {
defer g.edgelock.RUnlock()
for k := range g.edges[v] { //copy a new list
vs = append(vs, k)
return vs
func (g *IG) Next(u, v mtypes.Vertex) *mtypes.Vertex {
if _, ok := g.nhTable[u]; !ok {
return nil
if _, ok := g.nhTable[u][v]; !ok {
return nil
return g.nhTable[u][v]
func (g *IG) Weight(u, v mtypes.Vertex, withAC bool) (ret float64) {
defer g.edgelock.RUnlock()
//defer func() { fmt.Println(u, v, ret) }()
if u == v {
return 0
if _, ok := g.edges[u]; !ok {
return Infinity
if _, ok := g.edges[u][v]; !ok {
return Infinity
if time.Now().After(g.edges[u][v].validUntil) {
return Infinity
ret = g.edges[u][v].ping
if withAC {
ret += g.edges[u][v].additionalCost
if ret >= Infinity {
return Infinity
func (g *IG) OldWeight(u, v mtypes.Vertex, withAC bool) (ret float64) {
defer g.edgelock.RUnlock()
if u == v {
return 0
if _, ok := g.edges[u]; !ok {
return Infinity
if _, ok := g.edges[u][v]; !ok {
return Infinity
ret = g.edges[u][v].ping_old
if withAC {
ret += g.edges[u][v].additionalCost
if ret >= Infinity {
return Infinity
func (g *IG) SetWeight(u, v mtypes.Vertex, weight float64) {
defer g.edgelock.Unlock()
if _, ok := g.edges[u]; !ok {
if _, ok := g.edges[u][v]; !ok {
g.edges[u][v].ping = weight
func (g *IG) SetOldWeight(u, v mtypes.Vertex, weight float64) {
defer g.edgelock.Unlock()
if _, ok := g.edges[u]; !ok {
if _, ok := g.edges[u][v]; !ok {
g.edges[u][v].ping_old = weight
func (g *IG) RemoveAllNegativeValue() {
vert := g.Vertices()
for u, _ := range vert {
for v, _ := range vert {
if g.Weight(u, v, true) < 0 {
if g.loglevel.LogInternal {
fmt.Printf("Internal: Remove negative value : edge[%v][%v] = 0\n", u, v)
g.SetWeight(u, v, 0)
func (g *IG) FloydWarshall(again bool) (dist mtypes.DistTable, next mtypes.NextHopTable, err error) {
if g.loglevel.LogInternal {
if !again {
fmt.Println("Internal: Start Floyd Warshall algorithm")
} else {
fmt.Println("Internal: Start Floyd Warshall algorithm again")
vert := g.Vertices()
dist = make(mtypes.DistTable)
next = make(mtypes.NextHopTable)
for u, _ := range vert {
dist[u] = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]float64)
next[u] = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]*mtypes.Vertex)
for v, _ := range vert {
dist[u][v] = Infinity
dist[u][u] = 0
for _, v := range g.Neighbors(u) {
w := g.Weight(u, v, true)
wo := g.Weight(u, v, false)
if w < Infinity {
v := v
dist[u][v] = w
next[u][v] = &v
g.SetOldWeight(u, v, wo)
for k, _ := range vert {
for i, _ := range vert {
for j, _ := range vert {
if dist[i][k] < Infinity && dist[k][j] < Infinity {
if dist[i][j] > dist[i][k]+dist[k][j] {
dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]
next[i][j] = next[i][k]
for i := range dist {
if dist[i][i] < 0 {
if !again {
if g.loglevel.LogInternal {
fmt.Println("Internal: Error: Negative cycle detected")
err = errors.New("negative cycle detected")
dist, next, _ = g.FloydWarshall(true)
} else {
dist = make(mtypes.DistTable)
next = make(mtypes.NextHopTable)
err = errors.New("negative cycle detected again!")
if g.loglevel.LogInternal {
fmt.Println("Internal: Error: Negative cycle detected again")
func Path(u, v mtypes.Vertex, next mtypes.NextHopTable) (path []mtypes.Vertex) {
if next[u][v] == nil {
return []mtypes.Vertex{}
path = []mtypes.Vertex{u}
for u != v {
u = *next[u][v]
path = append(path, u)
return path
func (g *IG) SetNHTable(nh mtypes.NextHopTable, table_hash [32]byte) { // set nhTable from supernode
g.nhTable = nh
g.NhTableHash = table_hash
g.NhTableExpire = time.Now().Add(g.SuperNodeInfoTimeout)
func (g *IG) GetNHTable(recalculate bool) mtypes.NextHopTable {
if recalculate && time.Now().After(g.NhTableExpire) {
return g.nhTable
func (g *IG) GetDtst() mtypes.DistTable {
return g.dlTable
func (g *IG) GetEdges(isOld bool, withAC bool) (edges map[mtypes.Vertex]map[mtypes.Vertex]float64) {
vert := g.Vertices()
edges = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]map[mtypes.Vertex]float64, len(vert))
for src, _ := range vert {
edges[src] = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]float64, len(vert))
for dst, _ := range vert {
if src != dst {
if isOld {
edges[src][dst] = g.OldWeight(src, dst, withAC)
} else {
edges[src][dst] = g.Weight(src, dst, withAC)
func (g *IG) GetBoardcastList(id mtypes.Vertex) (tosend map[mtypes.Vertex]bool) {
tosend = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]bool)
for _, element := range g.nhTable[id] {
tosend[*element] = true
func (g *IG) GetBoardcastThroughList(self_id mtypes.Vertex, in_id mtypes.Vertex, src_id mtypes.Vertex) (tosend map[mtypes.Vertex]bool) {
tosend = make(map[mtypes.Vertex]bool)
for check_id, _ := range g.GetBoardcastList(self_id) {
for _, path_node := range Path(src_id, check_id, g.nhTable) {
if path_node == self_id && check_id != in_id {
tosend[check_id] = true
func printExample() {
fmt.Println(`X 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0 0.5 Inf Inf Inf Inf
2 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 Inf Inf
3 Inf 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 Inf
4 Inf 0.5 0.5 0 Inf 0.5
5 Inf Inf 0.5 Inf 0 Inf
6 Inf Inf Inf 0.5 Inf 0`)
func a2n(s string) (ret float64) {
if s == "Inf" {
return Infinity
ret, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err != nil {
func a2v(s string) mtypes.Vertex {
ret, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return mtypes.Vertex(ret)
func Solve(filePath string, pe bool) error {
if pe {
return nil
g := NewGraph(3, false, mtypes.GraphRecalculateSetting{
NodeReportTimeout: 9999,
}, mtypes.NTPinfo{}, mtypes.LoggerInfo{LogInternal: true})
inputb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
input := string(inputb)
lines := strings.Split(input, "\n")
verts := strings.Fields(lines[0])
for _, line := range lines[1:] {
element := strings.Fields(line)
src := a2v(element[0])
for index, sval := range element[1:] {
val := a2n(sval)
dst := a2v(verts[index+1])
if src != dst && val != Infinity {
g.UpdateLatency(src, dst, val, 99999, 0, false, false)
dist, next, err := g.FloydWarshall(false)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
rr, _ := yaml.Marshal(Fullroute{
Dist: dist,
Next: next,
fmt.Println("\nHuman readable:")
for _, U := range verts[1:] {
u := a2v(U)
for _, V := range verts[1:] {
v := a2v(V)
if u != v {
fmt.Printf("%d -> %d\t%3f\t%s\n", u, v, dist[u][v], fmt.Sprint(Path(u, v, next)))
return nil