KasmVNC provides remote web-based access to a Desktop or application. While VNC is in the name, KasmVNC differs from other VNC variants such as TigerVNC, RealVNC, and TurboVNC. KasmVNC has broken from the RFB specification which defines VNC, in order to support modern technologies and increase security. KasmVNC is accessed by users from any modern browser and does not support legacy VNC viewer applications. KasmVNC uses a modern YAML based configuration at the server and user level, allowing for ease of management.
[Kasm Technologies](https://www.kasmweb.com) developed Kasm Workspaces, the Containerized Streaming Platform. Kasm has open-sourced the Workspace docker images, which include containerized [full desktops and apps](https://github.com/kasmtech/workspaces-images) and [base images](https://github.com/kasmtech/workspaces-core-images) intended for developers to create customized streaming containers. These containers can be used standalone or within the [Kasm Workspaces Platform](https://www.kasmweb.com) which provides a full Enterprise feature set.
**Do not use the README from the master branch**, unless you are compiling KasmVNC yourself from the tip of master. Use the documentation for your specific release.
The following examples provide basic usage of KasmVNC with the tools provided. For full documentation on all the utilities and the runtime environment, see our [KasmVNC Documentation](https://www.kasmweb.com/kasmvnc/docs/latest/index.html)
# Start a session and be guided to setup a user and select a default desktop environment
# Start a session with the mate desktop environment
vncserver -select-de mate
# Add a new user with read/write permissions
vncpasswd -u my_username -w -r
# Tail the logs
tail -f ~/.vnc/*.log
# Get a list of current sessions with display IDs
vncserver -list
# Kill the VNC session with display ID :2
vncserver -kill :2
## Configuration
KasmVNC is configured via YAML based configurations. The server level configuration is at `/etc/kasmvnc/kasmvnc.yaml`. Edits to this file apply to all users. Individual users can override server global configurations by specifying them in their configuration file at `~/.vnc/kasmvnc.yaml`.
The following configuration shows all default settings. Many of the encoding settings can be overridden by the client, unless the `runtime_configuration.allow_client_to_override_kasm_server_settings` setting is set tot false. By default the client is allowed to modify encoding settings.
- [Full screen video detection](https://github.com/kasmtech/KasmVNC/wiki/Video-Rendering-Options#video-mode), goes into configurable video mode for better full screen videoo playback performance.
- [Dynamic jpeg/webp image coompression](https://github.com/kasmtech/KasmVNC/wiki/Video-Rendering-Options#dynamic-image-quality) quality settings based on screen change rates
- Seemless clipboard support (on Chromium based browsers)
- RPM packages for Oracle, OpenSUSE, Fedora. RPM packages are currently not updatable and not released, though you can build and install them. See build documentation.
See the [builder/README.md](https://github.com/kasmtech/KasmVNC/blob/master/builder/README.md). We containerize our build systems to ensure highly repeatable builds.
See the [LICENSE.TXT](https://github.com/kasmtech/KasmVNC/blob/master/LICENSE.TXT) and [ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.md](https://github.com/kasmtech/KasmVNC/blob/master/ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.md)