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Test protocol for keyboard handling
Platform specific tests/issues are marked with [].
These tests are primarily about what is sent over the protocol and some
may be difficult or impossible to test using normal applications. In
these cases you can turn on debug logging in either the client or the
server by specifying "-Log *:stderr:100".
We currently have a limitation in Xvnc where it can run out of symbols,
resulting in nothing being sent to the applications. Just run setxkbmap
with any layout to reset the symbol table.
Client (classic, non-raw, mode)
- Normal symbols:
- ASCII characters
- Latin 1 character
- Unicode BMP characters
- Unicode non-BMP characters (does any layout actually have these?)
- Dead keys:
These are not available on a single layout, so you need to switch to
test everything. The useful layouts also differ per platform:
X11: US International for most, Greek for some specific diacretics
Win: US International, Czech, Greek Polytonic, Vietnamese
OS X: ABC Extended (FIXME: lots of broken keys),
Greek (FIXME: cannot be used with TigerVNC)
- Grave
- Acute
- Circumflex
- Tilde
- Macron (FIXME: broken on Win)
- Breve
- Dot above
- Dot below
- Diaeresis
- Ring above
- Double acute
- Caron
- Cedilla
- Ogonek
- Ypogegrammeni (iota below) (FIXME: broken on Win)
- Dialytika tonos [Win] (Diaresis on X11, and maybe OS X?)
- Comma above (FIXME: broken on Win)
- Reversed comma above (FIXME: broken on Win)
- Horn [X11?]
- Hook above [Win?]
- Hook below [X11?, Win?]
- Dakuten (Katakana voiced mark) (Only Input Methods layouts?)
- Handakuten (Katakana semi-voiced mark) (Only Input Methods layouts?)
- FIXME: Many more that we currently probably don't support
- No composition on client
- Modifiers:
X11: You can usually toggle Hyper/Super and Compose/Scroll_Lock using
XKB options.
- CapsLock, NumLock
- Shift, Ctrl
- Alt, AltGr, Super [Win, X11]
- Ctrl+AltGr [Win]
- Meta [X11]
- Left/right identification (FIXME: broken release for Shift on Win)
- CmdL => AltL, CmdR => SuperL, AltL => ModeSwitch, AltR => Level3Shift [OS X]
- Hyper sends Super [X11]
- CapsLock, Shift and AltGr affect symbol lookup
- Ctrl does not affect symbol lookup
- Ctrl+Alt+<ANY> sends the same symbol as <ANY>
- "Shift press, A press, Shift release, A release" should not send "a release"
- Numpad:
- NumLock affects symbol lookup [Win, X11]
- Numpad specific symbols are sent
- Decimal key should send Decimal for layouts with . as a symbol, and
Separator for layouts with , as a symbol
- Shift inverts NumLock behaviour [X11]
- Shift turns NumLock off, but not on [Win] (FIXME: fake Shifts also sent)
- Multimedia keys:
OS X: FIXME: all broken
- Back, Forward, Refresh, Stop
- HomePage, Search, Favourites (FIXME: broken on Win)
- Mail, Calculator
- Volume up, down, mute
- Media next, previous, stop, play
- Sleep (FIXME: broken on Win)
- FIXME: probably more keys exist
- Non-character keys:
- F1-F24 (FIXME: F14-F15 broken on OS X)
- Tab, Space, Backspace, Return, Esc
- LeftTab sends Tab [X11?]
- PrntScrn, ScrollLock, Pause [X11, Win]
- Help [X11?, OS X]
- Insert [X11, Win]
- Delete, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown
- Arrow keys
- Menu
- Alt+PrntScrn sends Sys_Req [Win]
- French layout (AZERTY and inverted shift behaviour for many keys)
- Local layout changes are respected
Client (raw mode)
- All physical keys (modifiers or type of symbol shouldn't matter)
- Normal keys
- Dead keys
- Numpad
- Multimedia keys
- Non-character keys
Client (both modes)
- Key repeat should not send repeated release events
- Keys are released on loss of focus
- Local input methods are disabled/enabled with focus
- System keys should be grabbed in full screen (FIXME: lots missing on Win)
The exact keys depends on the system and configuration, but it
is usually variants of these:
- Alt+Tab
- Super (and Super+other)
- Multimedia keys
- Ctrl+Alt+Delete
- Ctrl+Esc
- F8-F12
- Lock key states:
- Adjusted on server when connecting
- Adjusted on server when regaining focus
- Server changes are honored when focused
- Server changes are not honored when not focused
- CapsLock
- NumLock (hidden state on macOS)
- ScollLock [X11, Win]
- Virtual keyboard (as much of the above as is possible)