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synced 2025-03-19 09:49:19 +01:00
Update generated JS files for translations
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
"Connecting...": "Připojení...",
"Disconnecting...": "Odpojení...",
"Reconnecting...": "Obnova připojení...",
"Internal error": "Vnitřní chyba",
"Must set host": "Hostitel musí být nastavení",
"Connected (encrypted) to ": "Připojení (šifrované) k ",
"Connected (unencrypted) to ": "Připojení (nešifrované) k ",
"Something went wrong, connection is closed": "Něco se pokazilo, odpojeno",
"Failed to connect to server": "Chyba připojení k serveru",
"Disconnected": "Odpojeno",
"New connection has been rejected with reason: ": "Nové připojení bylo odmítnuto s odůvodněním: ",
"New connection has been rejected": "Nové připojení bylo odmítnuto",
"Password is required": "Je vyžadováno heslo",
"noVNC encountered an error:": "noVNC narazilo na chybu:",
"Hide/Show the control bar": "Skrýt/zobrazit ovládací panel",
"Move/Drag Viewport": "Přesunout/přetáhnout výřez",
"viewport drag": "přesun výřezu",
"Active Mouse Button": "Aktivní tlačítka myši",
"No mousebutton": "Žádné",
"Left mousebutton": "Levé tlačítko myši",
"Middle mousebutton": "Prostřední tlačítko myši",
"Right mousebutton": "Pravé tlačítko myši",
"Keyboard": "Klávesnice",
"Show Keyboard": "Zobrazit klávesnici",
"Extra keys": "Extra klávesy",
"Show Extra Keys": "Zobrazit extra klávesy",
"Ctrl": "Ctrl",
"Toggle Ctrl": "Přepnout Ctrl",
"Alt": "Alt",
"Toggle Alt": "Přepnout Alt",
"Send Tab": "Odeslat tabulátor",
"Tab": "Tab",
"Esc": "Esc",
"Send Escape": "Odeslat Esc",
"Ctrl+Alt+Del": "Ctrl+Alt+Del",
"Send Ctrl-Alt-Del": "Poslat Ctrl-Alt-Del",
"Shutdown/Reboot": "Vypnutí/Restart",
"Shutdown/Reboot...": "Vypnutí/Restart...",
"Power": "Napájení",
"Shutdown": "Vypnout",
"Reboot": "Restart",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Clipboard": "Schránka",
"Clear": "Vymazat",
"Fullscreen": "Celá obrazovka",
"Settings": "Nastavení",
"Shared Mode": "Sdílený režim",
"View Only": "Pouze prohlížení",
"Clip to Window": "Přizpůsobit oknu",
"Scaling Mode:": "Přizpůsobení velikosti",
"None": "Žádné",
"Local Scaling": "Místní",
"Remote Resizing": "Vzdálené",
"Advanced": "Pokročilé",
"Repeater ID:": "ID opakovače",
"WebSocket": "WebSocket",
"Encrypt": "Šifrování:",
"Host:": "Hostitel:",
"Port:": "Port:",
"Path:": "Cesta",
"Automatic Reconnect": "Automatická obnova připojení",
"Reconnect Delay (ms):": "Zpoždění připojení (ms)",
"Show Dot when No Cursor": "Tečka místo chybějícího kurzoru myši",
"Logging:": "Logování:",
"Disconnect": "Odpojit",
"Connect": "Připojit",
"Password:": "Heslo",
"Send Password": "Odeslat heslo",
"Cancel": "Zrušit"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
"Connecting...": "연결중...",
"Disconnecting...": "연결 해제중...",
"Reconnecting...": "재연결중...",
"Internal error": "내부 오류",
"Must set host": "호스트는 설정되어야 합니다.",
"Connected (encrypted) to ": "다음과 (암호화되어) 연결되었습니다:",
"Connected (unencrypted) to ": "다음과 (암호화 없이) 연결되었습니다:",
"Something went wrong, connection is closed": "무언가 잘못되었습니다, 연결이 닫혔습니다.",
"Failed to connect to server": "서버에 연결하지 못했습니다.",
"Disconnected": "연결이 해제되었습니다.",
"New connection has been rejected with reason: ": "새 연결이 다음 이유로 거부되었습니다:",
"New connection has been rejected": "새 연결이 거부되었습니다.",
"Password is required": "비밀번호가 필요합니다.",
"noVNC encountered an error:": "noVNC에 오류가 발생했습니다:",
"Hide/Show the control bar": "컨트롤 바 숨기기/보이기",
"Move/Drag Viewport": "움직이기/드래그 뷰포트",
"viewport drag": "뷰포트 드래그",
"Active Mouse Button": "마우스 버튼 활성화",
"No mousebutton": "마우스 버튼 없음",
"Left mousebutton": "왼쪽 마우스 버튼",
"Middle mousebutton": "중간 마우스 버튼",
"Right mousebutton": "오른쪽 마우스 버튼",
"Keyboard": "키보드",
"Show Keyboard": "키보드 보이기",
"Extra keys": "기타 키들",
"Show Extra Keys": "기타 키들 보이기",
"Ctrl": "Ctrl",
"Toggle Ctrl": "Ctrl 켜기/끄기",
"Alt": "Alt",
"Toggle Alt": "Alt 켜기/끄기",
"Send Tab": "Tab 보내기",
"Tab": "Tab",
"Esc": "Esc",
"Send Escape": "Esc 보내기",
"Ctrl+Alt+Del": "Ctrl+Alt+Del",
"Send Ctrl-Alt-Del": "Ctrl+Alt+Del 보내기",
"Shutdown/Reboot": "셧다운/리붓",
"Shutdown/Reboot...": "셧다운/리붓...",
"Power": "전원",
"Shutdown": "셧다운",
"Reboot": "리붓",
"Reset": "리셋",
"Clipboard": "클립보드",
"Clear": "지우기",
"Fullscreen": "전체화면",
"Settings": "설정",
"Shared Mode": "공유 모드",
"View Only": "보기 전용",
"Clip to Window": "창에 클립",
"Scaling Mode:": "스케일링 모드:",
"None": "없음",
"Local Scaling": "로컬 스케일링",
"Remote Resizing": "원격 크기 조절",
"Advanced": "고급",
"Repeater ID:": "중계 ID",
"WebSocket": "웹소켓",
"Encrypt": "암호화",
"Host:": "호스트:",
"Port:": "포트:",
"Path:": "위치:",
"Automatic Reconnect": "자동 재연결",
"Reconnect Delay (ms):": "재연결 지연 시간 (ms)",
"Logging:": "로깅",
"Disconnect": "연결 해제",
"Connect": "연결",
"Password:": "비밀번호:",
"Send Password": "비밀번호 전송",
"Cancel": "취소"
@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
"Connecting...": "Verbinden...",
"Disconnecting...": "Verbinding verbreken...",
"Reconnecting...": "Opnieuw verbinding maken...",
"Internal error": "Interne fout",
"Must set host": "Host moeten worden ingesteld",
"Connected (encrypted) to ": "Verbonden (versleuteld) met ",
"Connected (unencrypted) to ": "Verbonden (onversleuteld) met ",
"Disconnecting...": "Verbinding verbreken...",
"Something went wrong, connection is closed": "Er iets fout gelopen, verbinding werd verbroken",
"Failed to connect to server": "Verbinding maken met server is mislukt",
"Disconnected": "Verbinding verbroken",
"Must set host": "Host moeten worden ingesteld",
"Reconnecting...": "Opnieuw verbinding maken...",
"New connection has been rejected with reason: ": "Nieuwe verbinding is geweigerd omwille van de volgende reden: ",
"New connection has been rejected": "Nieuwe verbinding is geweigerd",
"Password is required": "Wachtwoord is vereist",
"Disconnect timeout": "Timeout tijdens verbreken van verbinding",
"noVNC encountered an error:": "noVNC heeft een fout bemerkt:",
"Hide/Show the control bar": "Verberg/Toon de bedieningsbalk",
"Move/Drag Viewport": "Verplaats/Versleep Kijkvenster",
@ -22,9 +26,11 @@
"Extra keys": "Extra toetsen",
"Show Extra Keys": "Toon Extra Toetsen",
"Ctrl": "Ctrl",
"Toggle Ctrl": "Ctrl aan/uitzetten",
"Toggle Ctrl": "Ctrl omschakelen",
"Alt": "Alt",
"Toggle Alt": "Alt aan/uitzetten",
"Toggle Alt": "Alt omschakelen",
"Toggle Windows": "Windows omschakelen",
"Windows": "Windows",
"Send Tab": "Tab Sturen",
"Tab": "Tab",
"Esc": "Esc",
@ -47,10 +53,8 @@
"Scaling Mode:": "Schaalmodus:",
"None": "Geen",
"Local Scaling": "Lokaal Schalen",
"Local Downscaling": "Lokaal Neerschalen",
"Remote Resizing": "Op Afstand Formaat Wijzigen",
"Advanced": "Geavanceerd",
"Local Cursor": "Lokale Cursor",
"Repeater ID:": "Repeater ID:",
"WebSocket": "WebSocket",
"Encrypt": "Versleutelen",
@ -59,10 +63,11 @@
"Path:": "Pad:",
"Automatic Reconnect": "Automatisch Opnieuw Verbinden",
"Reconnect Delay (ms):": "Vertraging voor Opnieuw Verbinden (ms):",
"Show Dot when No Cursor": "Geef stip weer indien geen cursor",
"Logging:": "Logmeldingen:",
"Disconnect": "Verbinding verbreken",
"Connect": "Verbinden",
"Password:": "Wachtwoord:",
"Cancel": "Annuleren",
"Canvas not supported.": "Canvas wordt niet ondersteund."
"Send Password": "Verzend Wachtwoord:",
"Cancel": "Annuleren"
@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
"Connecting...": "Ansluter...",
"Disconnecting...": "Kopplar ner...",
"Reconnecting...": "Återansluter...",
"Internal error": "Internt fel",
"Must set host": "Du måste specifiera en värd",
"Connected (encrypted) to ": "Ansluten (krypterat) till ",
"Connected (unencrypted) to ": "Ansluten (okrypterat) till ",
"Disconnecting...": "Kopplar ner...",
"Something went wrong, connection is closed": "Något gick fel, anslutningen avslutades",
"Failed to connect to server": "Misslyckades att ansluta till servern",
"Disconnected": "Frånkopplad",
"Must set host": "Du måste specifiera en värd",
"Reconnecting...": "Återansluter...",
"New connection has been rejected with reason: ": "Ny anslutning har blivit nekad med följande skäl: ",
"New connection has been rejected": "Ny anslutning har blivit nekad",
"Password is required": "Lösenord krävs",
"Disconnect timeout": "Det tog för lång tid att koppla ner",
"noVNC encountered an error:": "noVNC stötte på ett problem:",
"Hide/Show the control bar": "Göm/Visa kontrollbaren",
"Move/Drag Viewport": "Flytta/Dra Vyn",
@ -25,6 +29,8 @@
"Toggle Ctrl": "Växla Ctrl",
"Alt": "Alt",
"Toggle Alt": "Växla Alt",
"Toggle Windows": "Växla Windows",
"Windows": "Windows",
"Send Tab": "Skicka Tab",
"Tab": "Tab",
"Esc": "Esc",
@ -47,10 +53,8 @@
"Scaling Mode:": "Skalningsläge:",
"None": "Ingen",
"Local Scaling": "Lokal Skalning",
"Local Downscaling": "Lokal Nedskalning",
"Remote Resizing": "Ändra Storlek",
"Advanced": "Avancerat",
"Local Cursor": "Lokal Muspekare",
"Repeater ID:": "Repeater-ID:",
"WebSocket": "WebSocket",
"Encrypt": "Kryptera",
@ -59,10 +63,11 @@
"Path:": "Sökväg:",
"Automatic Reconnect": "Automatisk Återanslutning",
"Reconnect Delay (ms):": "Fördröjning (ms):",
"Show Dot when No Cursor": "Visa prick när ingen muspekare finns",
"Logging:": "Loggning:",
"Disconnect": "Koppla från",
"Connect": "Anslut",
"Password:": "Lösenord:",
"Cancel": "Avbryt",
"Canvas not supported.": "Canvas stöds ej"
"Send Password": "Skicka lösenord",
"Cancel": "Avbryt"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"Reconnect Delay (ms):": "重新链接间隔 (ms):",
"Logging:": "日志级别:",
"Disconnect": "终端链接",
"Connect": "连接",
"Connect": "链接",
"Password:": "密码:",
"Cancel": "取消"
Reference in New Issue
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