# noVNC API The interface of the noVNC client consists of a single RFB object that is instantiated once per connection. ## RFB The `RFB` object represents a single connection to a VNC server. It communicates using a WebSocket that must provide a standard RFB protocol stream. ### Constructor [`RFB()`](#rfb-1) - Creates and returns a new `RFB` object. ### Properties `viewOnly` - Is a `boolean` indicating if any events (e.g. key presses or mouse movement) should be prevented from being sent to the server. Disabled by default. `focusOnClick` - Is a `boolean` indicating if keyboard focus should automatically be moved to the remote session when a `mousedown` or `touchstart` event is received. `touchButton` - Is a `long` controlling the button mask that should be simulated when a touch event is recieved. Uses the same values as [`MouseEvent.button`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/button). Is set to `1` by default. `clipViewport` - Is a `boolean` indicating if the remote session should be clipped to its container. When disabled scrollbars will be shown to handle the resulting overflow. Disabled by default. `dragViewport` - Is a `boolean` indicating if mouse events should control the relative position of a clipped remote session. Only relevant if `clipViewport` is enabled. Disabled by default. `scaleViewport` - Is a `boolean` indicating if the remote session should be scaled locally so it fits its container. When disabled it will be centered if the remote session is smaller than its container, or handled according to `clipViewport` if it is larger. Disabled by default. `resizeSession` - Is a `boolean` indicating if a request to resize the remote session should be sent whenever the container changes dimensions. Disabled by default. `showDotCursor` - Is a `boolean` indicating whether a dot cursor should be shown instead of a zero-sized or fully-transparent cursor if the server sets such invisible cursor. Disabled by default. `background` - Is a valid CSS [background](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/background) style value indicating which background style should be applied to the element containing the remote session screen. The default value is `rgb(40, 40, 40)` (solid gray color). `capabilities` *Read only* - Is an `Object` indicating which optional extensions are available on the server. Some methods may only be called if the corresponding capability is set. The following capabilities are defined: | name | type | description | -------- | --------- | ----------- | `power` | `boolean` | Machine power control is available ### Events [`connect`](#connect) - The `connect` event is fired when the `RFB` object has completed the connection and handshaking with the server. [`disconnect`](#disconnected) - The `disconnect` event is fired when the `RFB` object disconnects. [`credentialsrequired`](#credentialsrequired) - The `credentialsrequired` event is fired when more credentials must be given to continue. [`securityfailure`](#securityfailure) - The `securityfailure` event is fired when the security negotiation with the server fails. [`clipboard`](#clipboard) - The `clipboard` event is fired when clipboard data is received from the server. [`bell`](#bell) - The `bell` event is fired when a audible bell request is received from the server. [`desktopname`](#desktopname) - The `desktopname` event is fired when the remote desktop name changes. [`capabilities`](#capabilities) - The `capabilities` event is fired when `RFB.capabilities` is updated. ### Methods [`RFB.disconnect()`](#rfbdisconnect) - Disconnect from the server. [`RFB.sendCredentials()`](#rfbsendcredentials) - Send credentials to server. Should be called after the [`credentialsrequired`](#credentialsrequired) event has fired. [`RFB.sendKey()`](#rfbsendKey) - Send a key event. [`RFB.sendCtrlAltDel()`](#rfbsendctrlaltdel) - Send Ctrl-Alt-Del key sequence. [`RFB.focus()`](#rfbfocus) - Move keyboard focus to the remote session. [`RFB.blur()`](#rfbblur) - Remove keyboard focus from the remote session. [`RFB.machineShutdown()`](#rfbmachineshutdown) - Request a shutdown of the remote machine. [`RFB.machineReboot()`](#rfbmachinereboot) - Request a reboot of the remote machine. [`RFB.machineReset()`](#rfbmachinereset) - Request a reset of the remote machine. [`RFB.clipboardPasteFrom()`](#rfbclipboardPasteFrom) - Send clipboard contents to server. ### Details #### RFB() The `RFB()` constructor returns a new `RFB` object and initiates a new connection to a specified VNC server. ##### Syntax let rfb = new RFB( target, url [, options] ); ###### Parameters **`target`** - A block [`HTMLElement`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement) that specifies where the `RFB` object should attach itself. The existing contents of the `HTMLElement` will be untouched, but new elements will be added during the lifetime of the `RFB` object. **`url`** - A `DOMString` specifying the VNC server to connect to. This must be a valid WebSocket URL. **`options`** *Optional* - An `Object` specifying extra details about how the connection should be made. Possible options: `shared` - A `boolean` indicating if the remote server should be shared or if any other connected clients should be disconnected. Enabled by default. `credentials` - An `Object` specifying the credentials to provide to the server when authenticating. The following credentials are possible: | name | type | description | ------------ | ----------- | ----------- | `"username"` | `DOMString` | The user that authenticates | `"password"` | `DOMString` | Password for the user | `"target"` | `DOMString` | Target machine or session `repeaterID` - A `DOMString` specifying the ID to provide to any VNC repeater encountered. `showDotCursor` - A `boolean` indicating whether a dot cursor should be shown instead of a zero-sized or fully-transparent cursor if the server sets such invisible cursor. Disabled by default. `wsProtocols` - An `Array` of `DOMString`s specifying the sub-protocols to use in the WebSocket connection. Empty by default. #### connect The `connect` event is fired after all the handshaking with the server is completed and the connection is fully established. After this event the `RFB` object is ready to recieve graphics updates and to send input. #### disconnect The `disconnect` event is fired when the connection has been terminated. The `detail` property is an `Object` that contains the property `clean`. `clean` is a `boolean` indicating if the termination was clean or not. In the event of an unexpected termination or an error `clean` will be set to false. #### credentialsrequired The `credentialsrequired` event is fired when the server requests more credentials than were specified to [`RFB()`](#rfb-1). The `detail` property is an `Object` containing the property `types` which is an `Array` of `DOMString` listing the credentials that are required. #### securityfailure The `securityfailure` event is fired when the handshaking process with the server fails during the security negotiation step. The `detail` property is an `Object` containing the following properties: | Property | Type | Description | -------- | ----------- | ----------- | `status` | `long` | The failure status code | `reason` | `DOMString` | The **optional** reason for the failure The property `status` corresponds to the [SecurityResult](https://github.com/rfbproto/rfbproto/blob/master/rfbproto.rst#securityresult) status code in cases of failure. A status of zero will not be sent in this event since that indicates a successful security handshaking process. The optional property `reason` is provided by the server and thus the language of the string is not known. However most servers will probably send English strings. The server can choose to not send a reason and in these cases the `reason` property will be omitted. #### clipboard The `clipboard` event is fired when the server has sent clipboard data. The `detail` property is an `Object` containing the property `text` which is a `DOMString` with the clipboard data. #### bell The `bell` event is fired when the server has requested an audible bell. #### desktopname The `desktopname` event is fired when the name of the remote desktop changes. The `detail` property is an `Object` with the property `name` which is a `DOMString` specifying the new name. #### capabilities The `capabilities` event is fired whenever an entry is added or removed from `RFB.capabilities`. The `detail` property is an `Object` with the property `capabilities` containing the new value of `RFB.capabilities`. #### RFB.disconnect() The `RFB.disconnect()` method is used to disconnect from the currently connected server. ##### Syntax RFB.disconnect( ); #### RFB.sendCredentials() The `RFB.sendCredentials()` method is used to provide the missing credentials after a `credentialsrequired` event has been fired. ##### Syntax RFB.sendCredentials( credentials ); ###### Parameters **`credentials`** - An `Object` specifying the credentials to provide to the server when authenticating. See [`RFB()`](#rfb-1) for details. #### RFB.sendKey() The `RFB.sendKey()` method is used to send a key event to the server. ##### Syntax RFB.sendKey( keysym, code [, down] ); ###### Parameters **`keysym`** - A `long` specifying the RFB keysym to send. Can be `0` if a valid **`code`** is specified. **`code`** - A `DOMString` specifying the physical key to send. Valid values are those that can be specified to [`KeyboardEvent.code`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/code). If the physical key cannot be determined then `null` shall be specified. **`down`** *Optional* - A `boolean` specifying if a press or a release event should be sent. If omitted then both a press and release event are sent. #### RFB.sendCtrlAltDel() The `RFB.sendCtrlAltDel()` method is used to send the key sequence *left Control*, *left Alt*, *Delete*. This is a convenience wrapper around [`RFB.sendKey()`](#rfbsendkey). ##### Syntax RFB.sendCtrlAltDel( ); #### RFB.focus() The `RFB.focus()` method sets the keyboard focus on the remote session. Keyboard events will be sent to the remote server after this point. ##### Syntax RFB.focus( ); #### RFB.blur() The `RFB.blur()` method remove keyboard focus on the remote session. Keyboard events will no longer be sent to the remote server after this point. ##### Syntax RFB.blur( ); #### RFB.machineShutdown() The `RFB.machineShutdown()` method is used to request to shut down the remote machine. The capability `power` must be set for this method to have any effect. ##### Syntax RFB.machineShutdown( ); #### RFB.machineReboot() The `RFB.machineReboot()` method is used to request a clean reboot of the remote machine. The capability `power` must be set for this method to have any effect. ##### Syntax RFB.machineReboot( ); #### RFB.machineReset() The `RFB.machineReset()` method is used to request a forced reset of the remote machine. The capability `power` must be set for this method to have any effect. ##### Syntax RFB.machineReset( ); #### RFB.clipboardPasteFrom() The `RFB.clipboardPasteFrom()` method is used to send clipboard data to the remote server. ##### Syntax RFB.clipboardPasteFrom( text ); ###### Parameters **`text`** - A `DOMString` specifying the clipboard data to send. Currently only characters from ISO 8859-1 are supported.