#!/usr/bin/env node const path = require('path'); const program = require('commander'); const fs = require('fs'); const fse = require('fs-extra'); const babel = require('babel-core'); const SUPPORTED_FORMATS = new Set(['amd', 'commonjs', 'systemjs', 'umd']); program .option('--as [format]', `output files using various import formats instead of ES6 import and export. Supports ${Array.from(SUPPORTED_FORMATS)}.`) .option('-m, --with-source-maps [type]', 'output source maps when not generating a bundled app (type may be empty for external source maps, inline for inline source maps, or both) ') .option('--with-app', 'process app files as well as core files') .option('--only-legacy', 'only output legacy files (no ES6 modules) for the app') .option('--clean', 'clear the lib folder before building') .parse(process.argv); // the various important paths const paths = { main: path.resolve(__dirname, '..'), core: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'core'), app: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'app'), vendor: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'vendor'), out_dir_base: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build'), lib_dir_base: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'lib'), }; const no_copy_files = new Set([ // skip these -- they don't belong in the processed application path.join(paths.vendor, 'sinon.js'), path.join(paths.vendor, 'browser-es-module-loader'), path.join(paths.vendor, 'promise.js'), path.join(paths.app, 'images', 'icons', 'Makefile'), ]); const no_transform_files = new Set([ // don't transform this -- we want it imported as-is to properly catch loading errors path.join(paths.app, 'error-handler.js'), ]); no_copy_files.forEach(file => no_transform_files.add(file)); // util.promisify requires Node.js 8.x, so we have our own function promisify(original) { return function promise_wrap() { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { original.apply(this, args.concat((err, value) => { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(value); })); }); }; } const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile); const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile); const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir); const lstat = promisify(fs.lstat); const copy = promisify(fse.copy); const unlink = promisify(fse.unlink); const ensureDir = promisify(fse.ensureDir); const rmdir = promisify(fse.rmdir); const babelTransformFile = promisify(babel.transformFile); // walkDir *recursively* walks directories trees, // calling the callback for all normal files found. function walkDir(base_path, cb, filter) { return readdir(base_path) .then((files) => { const paths = files.map(filename => path.join(base_path, filename)); return Promise.all(paths.map(filepath => lstat(filepath) .then((stats) => { if (filter !== undefined && !filter(filepath, stats)) return; if (stats.isSymbolicLink()) return; if (stats.isFile()) return cb(filepath); if (stats.isDirectory()) return walkDir(filepath, cb, filter); }))); }); } function transform_html(legacy_scripts, only_legacy) { // write out the modified vnc.html file that works with the bundle const src_html_path = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'vnc.html'); const out_html_path = path.resolve(paths.out_dir_base, 'vnc.html'); return readFile(src_html_path) .then((contents_raw) => { let contents = contents_raw.toString(); const start_marker = '\n'; const end_marker = ''; const start_ind = contents.indexOf(start_marker) + start_marker.length; const end_ind = contents.indexOf(end_marker, start_ind); let new_script = ''; if (only_legacy) { // Only legacy version, so include things directly for (let i = 0;i < legacy_scripts.length;i++) { new_script += ` \n`; } } else { // Otherwise detect if it's a modern browser and select // variant accordingly new_script += `\ \n\ \n`; // Original, ES6 modules new_script += ' \n'; } contents = contents.slice(0, start_ind) + `${new_script}\n` + contents.slice(end_ind); return contents; }) .then((contents) => { console.log(`Writing ${out_html_path}`); return writeFile(out_html_path, contents); }); } function make_lib_files(import_format, source_maps, with_app_dir, only_legacy) { if (!import_format) { throw new Error("you must specify an import format to generate compiled noVNC libraries"); } else if (!SUPPORTED_FORMATS.has(import_format)) { throw new Error(`unsupported output format "${import_format}" for import/export -- only ${Array.from(SUPPORTED_FORMATS)} are supported`); } // NB: we need to make a copy of babel_opts, since babel sets some defaults on it const babel_opts = () => ({ plugins: [`transform-es2015-modules-${import_format}`], presets: ['es2015'], ast: false, sourceMaps: source_maps, }); // No point in duplicate files without the app, so force only converted files if (!with_app_dir) { only_legacy = true; } let in_path; let out_path_base; if (with_app_dir) { out_path_base = paths.out_dir_base; in_path = paths.main; } else { out_path_base = paths.lib_dir_base; } const legacy_path_base = only_legacy ? out_path_base : path.join(out_path_base, 'legacy'); fse.ensureDirSync(out_path_base); const helpers = require('./use_require_helpers'); const helper = helpers[import_format]; const outFiles = []; const handleDir = (js_only, vendor_rewrite, in_path_base, filename) => Promise.resolve() .then(() => { const out_path = path.join(out_path_base, path.relative(in_path_base, filename)); const legacy_path = path.join(legacy_path_base, path.relative(in_path_base, filename)); if (path.extname(filename) !== '.js') { if (!js_only) { console.log(`Writing ${out_path}`); return copy(filename, out_path); } return; // skip non-javascript files } return Promise.resolve() .then(() => { if (only_legacy && !no_transform_files.has(filename)) { return; } return ensureDir(path.dirname(out_path)) .then(() => { console.log(`Writing ${out_path}`); return copy(filename, out_path); }); }) .then(() => ensureDir(path.dirname(legacy_path))) .then(() => { if (no_transform_files.has(filename)) { return; } const opts = babel_opts(); if (helper && helpers.optionsOverride) { helper.optionsOverride(opts); } // Adjust for the fact that we move the core files relative // to the vendor directory if (vendor_rewrite) { opts.plugins.push(["import-redirect", {"root": legacy_path_base, "redirect": { "vendor/(.+)": "./vendor/$1"}}]); } return babelTransformFile(filename, opts) .then((res) => { console.log(`Writing ${legacy_path}`); const {map} = res; let {code} = res; if (source_maps === true) { // append URL for external source map code += `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${path.basename(legacy_path)}.map\n`; } outFiles.push(`${legacy_path}`); return writeFile(legacy_path, code) .then(() => { if (source_maps === true || source_maps === 'both') { console.log(` and ${legacy_path}.map`); outFiles.push(`${legacy_path}.map`); return writeFile(`${legacy_path}.map`, JSON.stringify(map)); } }); }); }); }); if (with_app_dir && helper && helper.noCopyOverride) { helper.noCopyOverride(paths, no_copy_files); } Promise.resolve() .then(() => { const handler = handleDir.bind(null, true, false, in_path || paths.main); const filter = (filename, stats) => !no_copy_files.has(filename); return walkDir(paths.vendor, handler, filter); }) .then(() => { const handler = handleDir.bind(null, true, !in_path, in_path || paths.core); const filter = (filename, stats) => !no_copy_files.has(filename); return walkDir(paths.core, handler, filter); }) .then(() => { if (!with_app_dir) return; const handler = handleDir.bind(null, false, false, in_path); const filter = (filename, stats) => !no_copy_files.has(filename); return walkDir(paths.app, handler, filter); }) .then(() => { if (!with_app_dir) return; if (!helper || !helper.appWriter) { throw new Error(`Unable to generate app for the ${import_format} format!`); } const out_app_path = path.join(legacy_path_base, 'app.js'); console.log(`Writing ${out_app_path}`); return helper.appWriter(out_path_base, legacy_path_base, out_app_path) .then((extra_scripts) => { const rel_app_path = path.relative(out_path_base, out_app_path); const legacy_scripts = extra_scripts.concat([rel_app_path]); transform_html(legacy_scripts, only_legacy); }) .then(() => { if (!helper.removeModules) return; console.log(`Cleaning up temporary files...`); return Promise.all(outFiles.map((filepath) => { unlink(filepath) .then(() => { // Try to clean up any empty directories if this // was the last file in there const rmdir_r = dir => rmdir(dir) .then(() => rmdir_r(path.dirname(dir))) .catch(() => { // Assume the error was ENOTEMPTY and ignore it }); return rmdir_r(path.dirname(filepath)); }); })); }); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(`Failure converting modules: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }); } if (program.clean) { console.log(`Removing ${paths.lib_dir_base}`); fse.removeSync(paths.lib_dir_base); console.log(`Removing ${paths.out_dir_base}`); fse.removeSync(paths.out_dir_base); } make_lib_files(program.as, program.withSourceMaps, program.withApp, program.onlyLegacy);