/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2009-2018 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ // -=- Single-Threaded VNC Server implementation // Note about how sockets get closed: // // Closing sockets to clients is non-trivial because the code which calls // VNCServerST must explicitly know about all the sockets (so that it can block // on them appropriately). However, VNCServerST may want to close clients for // a number of reasons, and from a variety of entry points. The simplest is // when processSocketEvent() is called for a client, and the remote end has // closed its socket. A more complex reason is when processSocketEvent() is // called for a client which has just sent a ClientInit with the shared flag // set to false - in this case we want to close all other clients. Yet another // reason for disconnecting clients is when the desktop size has changed as a // result of a call to setPixelBuffer(). // // The responsibility for creating and deleting sockets is entirely with the // calling code. When VNCServerST wants to close a connection to a client it // calls the VNCSConnectionST's close() method which calls shutdown() on the // socket. Eventually the calling code will notice that the socket has been // shut down and call removeSocket() so that we can delete the // VNCSConnectionST. Note that the socket must not be deleted by the calling // code until after removeSocket() has been called. // // One minor complication is that we don't allocate a VNCSConnectionST object // for a blacklisted host (since we want to minimise the resources used for // dealing with such a connection). In order to properly implement the // getSockets function, we must maintain a separate closingSockets list, // otherwise blacklisted connections might be "forgotten". #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace rfb; static LogWriter slog("VNCServerST"); LogWriter VNCServerST::connectionsLog("Connections"); EncCache VNCServerST::encCache; void SelfBench(); // // -=- VNCServerST Implementation // static char kasmpasswdpath[4096]; // -=- Constructors/Destructor static void mixedPercentages() { slog.error("Mixing percentages and absolute values in DLP_Region is not allowed"); exit(1); } static void parseRegionPart(const bool percents, rdr::U16 &pcdest, int &dest, char **inptr) { char *nextptr, *ptr; ptr = *inptr; int val = strtol(ptr, &nextptr, 10); if (!*ptr || ptr == nextptr) { slog.error("Invalid value for DLP_Region"); exit(1); } ptr = nextptr; if (*ptr == '%') { if (!percents) mixedPercentages(); pcdest = val; if (val < 0 || val > 100) { slog.error("Percent must be 0-100"); exit(1); } ptr++; } else if (percents) { mixedPercentages(); } dest = val; for (; *ptr && *ptr == ','; ptr++); *inptr = ptr; } VNCServerST::VNCServerST(const char* name_, SDesktop* desktop_) : blHosts(&blacklist), desktop(desktop_), desktopStarted(false), blockCounter(0), pb(0), blackedpb(0), ledState(ledUnknown), name(strDup(name_)), pointerClient(0), clipboardClient(0), comparer(0), cursor(new Cursor(0, 0, Point(), NULL)), renderedCursorInvalid(false), queryConnectionHandler(0), keyRemapper(&KeyRemapper::defInstance), lastConnectionTime(0), disableclients(false), frameTimer(this), apimessager(NULL), trackingFrameStats(0), clipboardId(0) { lastUserInputTime = lastDisconnectTime = time(0); slog.debug("creating single-threaded server %s", name.buf); slog.info("CPU capability: SSE2 %s, AVX512f %s", supportsSSE2() ? "yes" : "no", supportsAVX512f() ? "yes" : "no"); DLPRegion.enabled = DLPRegion.percents = false; if (Server::DLP_Region[0]) { unsigned len = strlen(Server::DLP_Region); unsigned i; unsigned commas = 0; int val; char *ptr, *nextptr; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (Server::DLP_Region[i] == ',') commas++; } if (commas != 3) { slog.error("DLP_Region must contain four values"); exit(1); } ptr = (char *) (const char *) Server::DLP_Region; val = strtol(ptr, &nextptr, 10); if (!*ptr || ptr == nextptr) { slog.error("Invalid value for DLP_Region"); exit(1); } ptr = nextptr; if (*ptr == '%') { DLPRegion.percents = true; DLPRegion.pcx1 = val; ptr++; } DLPRegion.x1 = val; for (; *ptr && *ptr == ','; ptr++); parseRegionPart(DLPRegion.percents, DLPRegion.pcy1, DLPRegion.y1, &ptr); parseRegionPart(DLPRegion.percents, DLPRegion.pcx2, DLPRegion.x2, &ptr); parseRegionPart(DLPRegion.percents, DLPRegion.pcy2, DLPRegion.y2, &ptr); // Validity checks if (!DLPRegion.percents) { if (DLPRegion.x1 > 0 && DLPRegion.x2 > 0 && DLPRegion.x2 <= DLPRegion.x1) { slog.error("DLP_Region x2 must be > x1"); exit(1); } if (DLPRegion.y1 > 0 && DLPRegion.y2 > 0 && DLPRegion.y2 <= DLPRegion.y1) { slog.error("DLP_Region y2 must be > y1"); exit(1); } } DLPRegion.enabled = 1; } kasmpasswdpath[0] = '\0'; wordexp_t wexp; if (!wordexp(rfb::Server::kasmPasswordFile, &wexp, WRDE_NOCMD)) strncpy(kasmpasswdpath, wexp.we_wordv[0], 4096); kasmpasswdpath[4095] = '\0'; wordfree(&wexp); if (kasmpasswdpath[0] && access(kasmpasswdpath, R_OK) == 0) { // Set up a watch on the password file inotifyfd = inotify_init(); if (inotifyfd < 0) slog.error("Failed to init inotify"); int flags = fcntl(inotifyfd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(inotifyfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); if (inotify_add_watch(inotifyfd, kasmpasswdpath, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE_SELF) < 0) slog.error("Failed to set watch"); } trackingClient[0] = 0; if (Server::selfBench) SelfBench(); } VNCServerST::~VNCServerST() { slog.debug("shutting down server %s", name.buf); // Close any active clients, with appropriate logging & cleanup closeClients("Server shutdown"); // Stop trying to render things stopFrameClock(); // Delete all the clients, and their sockets, and any closing sockets // NB: Deleting a client implicitly removes it from the clients list while (!clients.empty()) { delete clients.front(); } // Stop the desktop object if active, *only* after deleting all clients! stopDesktop(); if (comparer) comparer->logStats(); delete comparer; delete cursor; } // SocketServer methods void VNCServerST::addSocket(network::Socket* sock, bool outgoing) { // - Check the connection isn't black-marked // *** do this in getSecurity instead? CharArray address(sock->getPeerAddress()); if (blHosts->isBlackmarked(address.buf)) { connectionsLog.error("blacklisted: %s", address.buf); try { SConnection::writeConnFailedFromScratch("Too many security failures", &sock->outStream()); } catch (rdr::Exception&) { } sock->shutdown(); closingSockets.push_back(sock); return; } if (clients.empty()) { lastConnectionTime = time(0); } VNCSConnectionST* client = new VNCSConnectionST(this, sock, outgoing); client->init(); } void VNCServerST::removeSocket(network::Socket* sock) { // - If the socket has resources allocated to it, delete them std::list::iterator ci; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci++) { if ((*ci)->getSock() == sock) { if (clipboardClient == *ci) handleClipboardAnnounce(*ci, false); clipboardRequestors.remove(*ci); // - Delete the per-Socket resources delete *ci; // - Check that the desktop object is still required if (authClientCount() == 0) stopDesktop(); if (comparer) comparer->logStats(); return; } } // - If the Socket has no resources, it may have been a closingSocket closingSockets.remove(sock); } void VNCServerST::processSocketReadEvent(network::Socket* sock) { // - Find the appropriate VNCSConnectionST and process the event std::list::iterator ci; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci++) { if ((*ci)->getSock() == sock) { (*ci)->processMessages(); return; } } throw rdr::Exception("invalid Socket in VNCServerST"); } void VNCServerST::processSocketWriteEvent(network::Socket* sock) { // - Find the appropriate VNCSConnectionST and process the event std::list::iterator ci; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci++) { if ((*ci)->getSock() == sock) { (*ci)->flushSocket(); return; } } throw rdr::Exception("invalid Socket in VNCServerST"); } int VNCServerST::checkTimeouts() { int timeout = 0; std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; soonestTimeout(&timeout, Timer::checkTimeouts()); for (ci=clients.begin();ci!=clients.end();ci=ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; soonestTimeout(&timeout, (*ci)->checkIdleTimeout()); } int timeLeft; time_t now = time(0); // Check MaxDisconnectionTime if (rfb::Server::maxDisconnectionTime && clients.empty()) { if (now < lastDisconnectTime) { // Someone must have set the time backwards. slog.info("Time has gone backwards - resetting lastDisconnectTime"); lastDisconnectTime = now; } timeLeft = lastDisconnectTime + rfb::Server::maxDisconnectionTime - now; if (timeLeft < -60) { // Someone must have set the time forwards. slog.info("Time has gone forwards - resetting lastDisconnectTime"); lastDisconnectTime = now; timeLeft = rfb::Server::maxDisconnectionTime; } if (timeLeft <= 0) { slog.info("MaxDisconnectionTime reached, exiting"); exit(0); } soonestTimeout(&timeout, timeLeft * 1000); } // Check MaxConnectionTime if (rfb::Server::maxConnectionTime && lastConnectionTime && !clients.empty()) { if (now < lastConnectionTime) { // Someone must have set the time backwards. slog.info("Time has gone backwards - resetting lastConnectionTime"); lastConnectionTime = now; } timeLeft = lastConnectionTime + rfb::Server::maxConnectionTime - now; if (timeLeft < -60) { // Someone must have set the time forwards. slog.info("Time has gone forwards - resetting lastConnectionTime"); lastConnectionTime = now; timeLeft = rfb::Server::maxConnectionTime; } if (timeLeft <= 0) { slog.info("MaxConnectionTime reached, exiting"); exit(0); } soonestTimeout(&timeout, timeLeft * 1000); } // Check MaxIdleTime if (rfb::Server::maxIdleTime) { if (now < lastUserInputTime) { // Someone must have set the time backwards. slog.info("Time has gone backwards - resetting lastUserInputTime"); lastUserInputTime = now; } timeLeft = lastUserInputTime + rfb::Server::maxIdleTime - now; if (timeLeft < -60) { // Someone must have set the time forwards. slog.info("Time has gone forwards - resetting lastUserInputTime"); lastUserInputTime = now; timeLeft = rfb::Server::maxIdleTime; } if (timeLeft <= 0) { slog.info("MaxIdleTime reached, exiting"); exit(0); } soonestTimeout(&timeout, timeLeft * 1000); } return timeout; } // VNCServer methods void VNCServerST::blockUpdates() { blockCounter++; stopFrameClock(); } void VNCServerST::unblockUpdates() { assert(blockCounter > 0); blockCounter--; // Restart the frame clock if we have updates if (blockCounter == 0) { if (!comparer->is_empty()) startFrameClock(); } } void VNCServerST::setPixelBuffer(PixelBuffer* pb_, const ScreenSet& layout) { if (comparer) comparer->logStats(); pb = pb_; delete comparer; comparer = 0; screenLayout = layout; if (!pb) { screenLayout = ScreenSet(); if (desktopStarted) throw Exception("setPixelBuffer: null PixelBuffer when desktopStarted?"); return; } // Assume the framebuffer contents wasn't saved and reset everything // that tracks its contents comparer = new ComparingUpdateTracker(pb); renderedCursorInvalid = true; add_changed(pb->getRect()); // Make sure that we have at least one screen if (screenLayout.num_screens() == 0) screenLayout.add_screen(Screen(0, 0, 0, pb->width(), pb->height(), 0)); std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci=clients.begin();ci!=clients.end();ci=ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; (*ci)->pixelBufferChange(); // Since the new pixel buffer means an ExtendedDesktopSize needs to // be sent anyway, we don't need to call screenLayoutChange. } } void VNCServerST::setPixelBuffer(PixelBuffer* pb_) { ScreenSet layout = screenLayout; // Check that the screen layout is still valid if (pb_ && !layout.validate(pb_->width(), pb_->height())) { Rect fbRect; ScreenSet::iterator iter, iter_next; fbRect.setXYWH(0, 0, pb_->width(), pb_->height()); for (iter = layout.begin();iter != layout.end();iter = iter_next) { iter_next = iter; ++iter_next; if (iter->dimensions.enclosed_by(fbRect)) continue; iter->dimensions = iter->dimensions.intersect(fbRect); if (iter->dimensions.is_empty()) { slog.info("Removing screen %d (%x) as it is completely outside the new framebuffer", (int)iter->id, (unsigned)iter->id); layout.remove_screen(iter->id); } } } setPixelBuffer(pb_, layout); } void VNCServerST::setScreenLayout(const ScreenSet& layout) { if (!pb) throw Exception("setScreenLayout: new screen layout without a PixelBuffer"); if (!layout.validate(pb->width(), pb->height())) throw Exception("setScreenLayout: invalid screen layout"); screenLayout = layout; std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci=clients.begin();ci!=clients.end();ci=ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; (*ci)->screenLayoutChangeOrClose(reasonServer); } } void VNCServerST::announceClipboard(bool available) { std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; if (available) clipboardClient = NULL; clipboardRequestors.clear(); for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci = ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; (*ci)->announceClipboard(available); } } void VNCServerST::sendBinaryClipboardData(const char* mime, const unsigned char *data, const unsigned len) { std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci = ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; (*ci)->sendBinaryClipboardDataOrClose(mime, data, len, clipboardId); } clipboardId++; } void VNCServerST::getBinaryClipboardData(const char* mime, const unsigned char **data, unsigned *len) { if (!clipboardClient) return; clipboardClient->getBinaryClipboardData(mime, data, len); } void VNCServerST::clearBinaryClipboardData() { std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci = ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; (*ci)->clearBinaryClipboardData(); } } void VNCServerST::bell() { std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci = ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; (*ci)->bellOrClose(); } } void VNCServerST::setName(const char* name_) { name.replaceBuf(strDup(name_)); std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci = ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; (*ci)->setDesktopNameOrClose(name_); } } void VNCServerST::add_changed(const Region& region) { if (comparer == NULL) return; comparer->add_changed(region); startFrameClock(); } void VNCServerST::add_copied(const Region& dest, const Point& delta) { if (comparer == NULL) return; comparer->add_copied(dest, delta); startFrameClock(); } void VNCServerST::setCursor(int width, int height, const Point& newHotspot, const rdr::U8* data, const bool resizing) { delete cursor; cursor = new Cursor(width, height, newHotspot, data); cursor->crop(); renderedCursorInvalid = true; // If an app has an animated cursor on the resized edge, X internals // will call for it to be rendered. Unlucky for us, the VNC screen // is currently pointing to freed memory, and a cursor change // would want to send a screen update. So, don't do that. if (resizing) return; std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci = ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; (*ci)->renderedCursorChange(); (*ci)->setCursorOrClose(); } } void VNCServerST::setCursorPos(const Point& pos, bool warped) { if (!cursorPos.equals(pos)) { cursorPos = pos; renderedCursorInvalid = true; std::list::iterator ci; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci++) { (*ci)->renderedCursorChange(); if (warped) (*ci)->cursorPositionChange(); } } } void VNCServerST::setLEDState(unsigned int state) { std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; if (state == ledState) return; ledState = state; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci = ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; (*ci)->setLEDStateOrClose(state); } } // Other public methods void VNCServerST::approveConnection(network::Socket* sock, bool accept, const char* reason) { std::list::iterator ci; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci++) { if ((*ci)->getSock() == sock) { (*ci)->approveConnectionOrClose(accept, reason); return; } } } void VNCServerST::closeClients(const char* reason, network::Socket* except) { std::list::iterator i, next_i; for (i=clients.begin(); i!=clients.end(); i=next_i) { next_i = i; next_i++; if ((*i)->getSock() != except) (*i)->close(reason); } } void VNCServerST::getSockets(std::list* sockets) { sockets->clear(); std::list::iterator ci; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci++) { sockets->push_back((*ci)->getSock()); } std::list::iterator si; for (si = closingSockets.begin(); si != closingSockets.end(); si++) { sockets->push_back(*si); } } SConnection* VNCServerST::getSConnection(network::Socket* sock) { std::list::iterator ci; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci++) { if ((*ci)->getSock() == sock) return *ci; } return 0; } bool VNCServerST::handleTimeout(Timer* t) { if (t == &frameTimer) { // We keep running until we go a full interval without any updates if (comparer->is_empty()) return false; writeUpdate(); // If this is the first iteration then we need to adjust the timeout if (frameTimer.getTimeoutMs() != 1000/rfb::Server::frameRate) { frameTimer.start(1000/rfb::Server::frameRate); return false; } return true; } return false; } // -=- Internal methods void VNCServerST::startDesktop() { if (!desktopStarted) { slog.debug("starting desktop"); desktop->start(this); if (!pb) throw Exception("SDesktop::start() did not set a valid PixelBuffer"); desktopStarted = true; // The tracker might have accumulated changes whilst we were // stopped, so flush those out if (!comparer->is_empty()) writeUpdate(); } } void VNCServerST::stopDesktop() { if (desktopStarted) { slog.debug("stopping desktop"); desktopStarted = false; desktop->stop(); stopFrameClock(); } } int VNCServerST::authClientCount() { int count = 0; std::list::iterator ci; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci++) { if ((*ci)->authenticated()) count++; } return count; } inline bool VNCServerST::needRenderedCursor() { std::list::iterator ci; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci++) if ((*ci)->needRenderedCursor()) return true; return false; } void VNCServerST::startFrameClock() { if (frameTimer.isStarted()) return; if (blockCounter > 0) return; if (!desktopStarted) return; // The first iteration will be just half a frame as we get a very // unstable update rate if we happen to be perfectly in sync with // the application's update rate frameTimer.start(1000/rfb::Server::frameRate/2); } void VNCServerST::stopFrameClock() { frameTimer.stop(); } int VNCServerST::msToNextUpdate() { // FIXME: If the application is updating slower than frameRate then // we could allow the clients more time here if (!frameTimer.isStarted()) return 1000/rfb::Server::frameRate/2; else return frameTimer.getRemainingMs(); } static void upgradeClientToUdp(const network::GetAPIMessager::action_data &act, std::list &clients) { std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci = ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; if (!(*ci)->upgradingToUdp) continue; char buf[32]; inet_ntop(AF_INET, &act.udp.ip, buf, 32); const char * const who = (*ci)->getPeerEndpoint(); const char *start = strrchr(who, '@'); if (!start) continue; start++; // Slightly inaccurate, if several clients on the same IP try to upgrade at the same time if (strncmp(start, buf, strlen(buf))) continue; (*ci)->upgradingToUdp = false; (*ci)->cp.useCopyRect = false; ((network::UdpStream *)(*ci)->getOutStream(true))->setClient((WuClient *) act.udp.client); (*ci)->cp.supportsUdp = true; slog.info("%s upgraded to UDP", who); return; } } void VNCServerST::checkAPIMessages(network::GetAPIMessager *apimessager, rdr::U8 &trackingFrameStats, char trackingClient[]) { if (pthread_mutex_lock(&apimessager->userMutex)) return; const unsigned num = apimessager->actionQueue.size(); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { slog.info("Main thread processing user API request %u/%u", i + 1, num); const network::GetAPIMessager::action_data &act = apimessager->actionQueue[i]; switch (act.action) { case network::GetAPIMessager::NONE: slog.info("Empty request (bug!)"); break; case network::GetAPIMessager::WANT_FRAME_STATS_SERVERONLY: trackingFrameStats = act.action; break; case network::GetAPIMessager::WANT_FRAME_STATS_ALL: trackingFrameStats = act.action; break; case network::GetAPIMessager::WANT_FRAME_STATS_OWNER: trackingFrameStats = act.action; break; case network::GetAPIMessager::WANT_FRAME_STATS_SPECIFIC: trackingFrameStats = act.action; memcpy(trackingClient, act.data.password, 128); break; case network::GetAPIMessager::UDP_UPGRADE: upgradeClientToUdp(act, clients); break; case network::GetAPIMessager::CLEAR_CLIPBOARD: clearBinaryClipboardData(); clipboardClient = NULL; desktop->handleClipboardAnnounceBinary(0, NULL); sendBinaryClipboardData("text/plain", NULL, 0); desktop->clearLocalClipboards(); break; } } apimessager->actionQueue.clear(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&apimessager->userMutex); } void VNCServerST::translateDLPRegion(rdr::U16 &x1, rdr::U16 &y1, rdr::U16 &x2, rdr::U16 &y2) const { if (DLPRegion.percents) { x1 = DLPRegion.pcx1 ? DLPRegion.pcx1 * pb->getRect().width() / 100 : 0; y1 = DLPRegion.pcy1 ? DLPRegion.pcy1 * pb->getRect().height() / 100 : 0; x2 = DLPRegion.pcx2 ? (100 - DLPRegion.pcx2) * pb->getRect().width() / 100 : pb->getRect().width(); y2 = DLPRegion.pcy2 ? (100 - DLPRegion.pcy2) * pb->getRect().height() / 100 : pb->getRect().height(); } else { x1 = abs(DLPRegion.x1); y1 = abs(DLPRegion.y1); x2 = pb->getRect().width(); y2 = pb->getRect().height(); if (DLPRegion.x2 < 0) x2 += DLPRegion.x2; else if (DLPRegion.x2 > 0) x2 = DLPRegion.x2; if (DLPRegion.y2 < 0) y2 += DLPRegion.y2; else if (DLPRegion.y2 > 0) y2 = DLPRegion.y2; } if (y2 > pb->getRect().height()) y2 = pb->getRect().height() - 1; if (x2 > pb->getRect().width()) x2 = pb->getRect().width() - 1; //slog.info("DLP_Region vals %u,%u %u,%u", x1, y1, x2, y2); } void VNCServerST::blackOut() { // Compute the region, since the resolution may have changed rdr::U16 x1, y1, x2, y2; translateDLPRegion(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (blackedpb) delete blackedpb; blackedpb = new ManagedPixelBuffer(pb->getPF(), pb->getRect().width(), pb->getRect().height()); int stride; const rdr::U8 *src = pb->getBuffer(pb->getRect(), &stride); rdr::U8 *data = blackedpb->getBufferRW(pb->getRect(), &stride); stride *= 4; memcpy(data, src, stride * pb->getRect().height()); rdr::U16 y; const rdr::U16 w = pb->getRect().width(); const rdr::U16 h = pb->getRect().height(); for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { if (y < y1 || y > y2) { memset(data, 0, stride); } else { if (x1) memset(data, 0, x1 * 4); if (x2) memset(&data[x2 * 4], 0, (w - x2) * 4); } data += stride; } } // writeUpdate() is called on a regular interval in order to see what // updates are pending and propagates them to the update tracker for // each client. It uses the ComparingUpdateTracker's compare() method // to filter out areas of the screen which haven't actually changed. It // also checks the state of the (server-side) rendered cursor, if // necessary rendering it again with the correct background. void VNCServerST::writeUpdate() { UpdateInfo ui; Region toCheck; std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; assert(blockCounter == 0); assert(desktopStarted); struct timeval start; gettimeofday(&start, NULL); if (DLPRegion.enabled) { comparer->enable_copyrect(false); blackOut(); } if (watermarkData && Server::DLP_WatermarkText[0] && watermarkTextNeedsUpdate(true)) { // If using a text watermark, we have to mark everything as changed... refreshClients(); } comparer->getUpdateInfo(&ui, pb->getRect()); toCheck = ui.changed.union_(ui.copied); Region cursorReg; if (needRenderedCursor()) { Rect clippedCursorRect = Rect(0, 0, cursor->width(), cursor->height()) .translate(cursorPos.subtract(cursor->hotspot())) .intersect(pb->getRect()); if (!toCheck.intersect(clippedCursorRect).is_empty()) renderedCursorInvalid = true; cursorReg = clippedCursorRect; } pb->grabRegion(toCheck); if (getComparerState()) comparer->enable(); else comparer->disable(); struct timeval beforeAnalysis; gettimeofday(&beforeAnalysis, NULL); // Skip scroll detection if the client is slow, and didn't get the previous one yet if (comparer->compare(clients.size() == 1 && (*clients.begin())->has_copypassed(), cursorReg)) comparer->getUpdateInfo(&ui, pb->getRect()); comparer->clear(); const unsigned analysisMs = msSince(&beforeAnalysis); encCache.clear(); encCache.enabled = clients.size() > 1; // Check if the password file was updated bool permcheck = false; if (inotifyfd >= 0) { char buf[256]; int ret = read(inotifyfd, buf, 256); int pos = 0; while (ret > 0) { const struct inotify_event * const ev = (struct inotify_event *) &buf[pos]; if (ev->mask & IN_IGNORED) { // file was deleted, set new watch if (inotify_add_watch(inotifyfd, kasmpasswdpath, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE_SELF) < 0) slog.error("Failed to set watch"); } permcheck = true; ret -= sizeof(struct inotify_event) - ev->len; pos += sizeof(struct inotify_event) - ev->len; } } unsigned shottime = 0; if (apimessager) { struct timeval shotstart; gettimeofday(&shotstart, NULL); apimessager->mainUpdateScreen(pb); shottime = msSince(&shotstart); trackingFrameStats = 0; checkAPIMessages(apimessager, trackingFrameStats, trackingClient); } const rdr::U8 origtrackingFrameStats = trackingFrameStats; EncodeManager::codecstats_t jpegstats, webpstats; unsigned enctime = 0, scaletime = 0; memset(&jpegstats, 0, sizeof(EncodeManager::codecstats_t)); memset(&webpstats, 0, sizeof(EncodeManager::codecstats_t)); if (watermarkData) updateWatermark(); for (ci = clients.begin(); ci != clients.end(); ci = ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; if (permcheck) (*ci)->recheckPerms(); if (trackingFrameStats == network::GetAPIMessager::WANT_FRAME_STATS_ALL || (trackingFrameStats == network::GetAPIMessager::WANT_FRAME_STATS_OWNER && (*ci)->is_owner()) || (trackingFrameStats == network::GetAPIMessager::WANT_FRAME_STATS_SPECIFIC && strstr((*ci)->getPeerEndpoint(), trackingClient))) { (*ci)->setFrameTracking(); // Only one owner if (trackingFrameStats == network::GetAPIMessager::WANT_FRAME_STATS_OWNER) trackingFrameStats = network::GetAPIMessager::WANT_FRAME_STATS_SERVERONLY; } (*ci)->add_copied(ui.copied, ui.copy_delta); (*ci)->add_copypassed(ui.copypassed); (*ci)->add_changed(ui.changed); (*ci)->writeFramebufferUpdateOrClose(); if (((network::UdpStream *)(*ci)->getOutStream(true))->isFailed()) { ((network::UdpStream *)(*ci)->getOutStream(true))->clearFailed(); (*ci)->udpDowngrade(true); } if (apimessager) { (*ci)->sendStats(false); const EncodeManager::codecstats_t subjpeg = (*ci)->getJpegStats(); const EncodeManager::codecstats_t subwebp = (*ci)->getWebpStats(); jpegstats.ms += subjpeg.ms; jpegstats.area += subjpeg.area; jpegstats.rects += subjpeg.rects; webpstats.ms += subwebp.ms; webpstats.area += subwebp.area; webpstats.rects += subwebp.rects; enctime += (*ci)->getEncodingTime(); scaletime += (*ci)->getScalingTime(); } } if (trackingFrameStats) { if (enctime) { const unsigned totalMs = msSince(&start); if (apimessager) apimessager->mainUpdateServerFrameStats(comparer->changedPerc, totalMs, jpegstats.ms, webpstats.ms, analysisMs, jpegstats.area, webpstats.area, jpegstats.rects, webpstats.rects, enctime, scaletime, shottime, pb->getRect().width(), pb->getRect().height()); } else { // Zero encoding time means this was a no-data frame; restore the stats request if (apimessager && pthread_mutex_lock(&apimessager->userMutex) == 0) { network::GetAPIMessager::action_data act; act.action = (network::GetAPIMessager::USER_ACTION) origtrackingFrameStats; memcpy(act.data.password, trackingClient, 128); apimessager->actionQueue.push_back(act); pthread_mutex_unlock(&apimessager->userMutex); } } } } // checkUpdate() is called by clients to see if it is safe to read from // the framebuffer at this time. Region VNCServerST::getPendingRegion() { UpdateInfo ui; // Block clients as the frame buffer cannot be safely accessed if (blockCounter > 0) return pb->getRect(); // Block client from updating if there are pending updates if (comparer->is_empty()) return Region(); comparer->getUpdateInfo(&ui, pb->getRect()); return ui.changed.union_(ui.copied); } const RenderedCursor* VNCServerST::getRenderedCursor() { if (renderedCursorInvalid) { renderedCursor.update(pb, cursor, cursorPos); renderedCursorInvalid = false; } return &renderedCursor; } void VNCServerST::getConnInfo(ListConnInfo * listConn) { listConn->Clear(); listConn->setDisable(getDisable()); if (clients.empty()) return; std::list::iterator i; for (i = clients.begin(); i != clients.end(); i++) listConn->addInfo((void*)(*i), (*i)->getSock()->getPeerAddress(), (*i)->getStartTime(), (*i)->getStatus()); } void VNCServerST::setConnStatus(ListConnInfo* listConn) { setDisable(listConn->getDisable()); if (listConn->Empty() || clients.empty()) return; for (listConn->iBegin(); !listConn->iEnd(); listConn->iNext()) { VNCSConnectionST* conn = (VNCSConnectionST*)listConn->iGetConn(); std::list::iterator i; for (i = clients.begin(); i != clients.end(); i++) { if ((*i) == conn) { int status = listConn->iGetStatus(); if (status == 3) { (*i)->close(0); } else { (*i)->setStatus(status); } break; } } } } void VNCServerST::notifyScreenLayoutChange(VNCSConnectionST* requester) { std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci=clients.begin();ci!=clients.end();ci=ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; if ((*ci) == requester) continue; (*ci)->screenLayoutChangeOrClose(reasonOtherClient); } } bool VNCServerST::getComparerState() { if (rfb::Server::compareFB == 0) return false; if (rfb::Server::compareFB != 2) return true; std::list::iterator ci, ci_next; for (ci=clients.begin();ci!=clients.end();ci=ci_next) { ci_next = ci; ci_next++; if ((*ci)->getComparerState()) return true; } return false; } void VNCServerST::handleClipboardAnnounce(VNCSConnectionST* client, bool available) { if (available) clipboardClient = client; else { if (client != clipboardClient) return; clipboardClient = NULL; } desktop->handleClipboardAnnounce(available); } void VNCServerST::handleClipboardAnnounceBinary(VNCSConnectionST* client, const unsigned num, const char mimes[][32]) { clipboardClient = client; desktop->handleClipboardAnnounceBinary(num, mimes); } void VNCServerST::refreshClients() { add_changed(pb->getRect()); std::list::iterator i; for (i = clients.begin(); i != clients.end(); i++) { (*i)->add_changed_all(); } } void VNCServerST::sendUnixRelayData(const char name[], const unsigned char *buf, const unsigned len) { // For each client subscribed to this channel, send the data to them std::list::iterator i; for (i = clients.begin(); i != clients.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->isSubscribedToUnixRelay(name)) { (*i)->sendUnixRelayData(name, buf, len); } } }