/* * noVNC: HTML5 VNC client * Copyright (C) 2018 The noVNC Authors * Licensed under MPL 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt) */ import RFB from '../core/rfb.js'; import * as Log from '../core/util/logging.js'; // Immediate polyfill if (window.setImmediate === undefined) { let _immediateIdCounter = 1; const _immediateFuncs = {}; window.setImmediate = (func) => { const index = _immediateIdCounter++; _immediateFuncs[index] = func; window.postMessage("noVNC immediate trigger:" + index, "*"); return index; }; window.clearImmediate = (id) => { _immediateFuncs[id]; }; window.addEventListener("message", (event) => { if ((typeof event.data !== "string") || (event.data.indexOf("noVNC immediate trigger:") !== 0)) { return; } const index = event.data.slice("noVNC immediate trigger:".length); const callback = _immediateFuncs[index]; if (callback === undefined) { return; } delete _immediateFuncs[index]; callback(); }); } export default class RecordingPlayer { constructor(frames, disconnected) { this._frames = frames; this._disconnected = disconnected; this._rfb = undefined; this._frameLength = this._frames.length; this._frameIndex = 0; this._startTime = undefined; this._realtime = true; this._trafficManagement = true; this._running = false; this.onfinish = () => {}; } run(realtime, trafficManagement) { // initialize a new RFB this._rfb = new RFB(document.getElementById('VNC_screen'), 'wss://test'); this._rfb.viewOnly = true; this._rfb.addEventListener("disconnect", this._handleDisconnect.bind(this)); this._rfb.addEventListener("credentialsrequired", this._handleCredentials.bind(this)); this._enablePlaybackMode(); // reset the frame index and timer this._frameIndex = 0; this._startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); this._realtime = realtime; this._trafficManagement = (trafficManagement === undefined) ? !realtime : trafficManagement; this._running = true; } // _enablePlaybackMode mocks out things not required for running playback _enablePlaybackMode() { const self = this; this._rfb._sock.send = () => {}; this._rfb._sock.close = () => {}; this._rfb._sock.flush = () => {}; this._rfb._sock.open = function () { this.init(); this._eventHandlers.open(); self._queueNextPacket(); }; } _queueNextPacket() { if (!this._running) { return; } let frame = this._frames[this._frameIndex]; // skip send frames while (this._frameIndex < this._frameLength && frame.fromClient) { this._frameIndex++; frame = this._frames[this._frameIndex]; } if (this._frameIndex >= this._frameLength) { Log.Debug('Finished, no more frames'); this._finish(); return; } if (this._realtime) { const toffset = (new Date()).getTime() - this._startTime; let delay = frame.timestamp - toffset; if (delay < 1) delay = 1; setTimeout(this._doPacket.bind(this), delay); } else { setImmediate(this._doPacket.bind(this)); } } _doPacket() { // Avoid having excessive queue buildup in non-realtime mode if (this._trafficManagement && this._rfb._flushing) { const orig = this._rfb._display.onflush; this._rfb._display.onflush = () => { this._rfb._display.onflush = orig; this._rfb._onFlush(); this._doPacket(); }; return; } const frame = this._frames[this._frameIndex]; this._rfb._sock._recv_message({'data': frame.data}); this._frameIndex++; this._queueNextPacket(); } _finish() { if (this._rfb._display.pending()) { this._rfb._display.onflush = () => { if (this._rfb._flushing) { this._rfb._onFlush(); } this._finish(); }; this._rfb._display.flush(); } else { this._running = false; this._rfb._sock._eventHandlers.close({code: 1000, reason: ""}); delete this._rfb; this.onfinish((new Date()).getTime() - this._startTime); } } _handleDisconnect(evt) { this._running = false; this._disconnected(evt.detail.clean, this._frameIndex); } _handleCredentials(evt) { this._rfb.sendCredentials({"username": "Foo", "password": "Bar", "target": "Baz"}); } }