/* * noVNC: HTML5 VNC client * Copyright (C) 2019 The noVNC Authors * Licensed under MPL 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt) * * See README.md for usage and integration instructions. */ window._noVNC_has_module_support = true; window.addEventListener("load", function() { if (window._noVNC_has_module_support) return; var loader = document.createElement("script"); loader.src = "vendor/browser-es-module-loader/dist/browser-es-module-loader.js"; document.head.appendChild(loader); }); window.addEventListener("load", function() { var connect_btn_el = document.getElementById("noVNC_connect_button"); if (typeof(connect_btn_el) != 'undefined' && connect_btn_el != null) { connect_btn_el.click(); } }); import * as Log from '../core/util/logging.js'; import _, { l10n } from './localization.js'; import { isTouchDevice, isSafari, isIOS, isAndroid, dragThreshold } from '../core/util/browser.js'; import { setCapture, getPointerEvent } from '../core/util/events.js'; import KeyTable from "../core/input/keysym.js"; import keysyms from "../core/input/keysymdef.js"; import Keyboard from "../core/input/keyboard.js"; import RFB from "../core/rfb.js"; import * as WebUtil from "./webutil.js"; var delta = 500; var lastKeypressTime = 0; var currentEventCount = -1; var idleCounter = 0; const UI = { connected: false, desktopName: "", statusTimeout: null, hideKeyboardTimeout: null, idleControlbarTimeout: null, closeControlbarTimeout: null, controlbarGrabbed: false, controlbarDrag: false, controlbarMouseDownClientY: 0, controlbarMouseDownOffsetY: 0, lastKeyboardinput: null, defaultKeyboardinputLen: 100, needToCheckClipboardChange: false, inhibit_reconnect: true, reconnect_callback: null, reconnect_password: null, prime(callback) { if (document.readyState === "interactive" || document.readyState === "complete") { UI.load(callback); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', UI.load.bind(UI, callback)); } }, // Setup rfb object, load settings from browser storage, then call // UI.init to setup the UI/menus load(callback) { WebUtil.initSettings(UI.start, callback); }, // Render default UI and initialize settings menu start(callback) { UI.initSettings(); // Translate the DOM l10n.translateDOM(); WebUtil.fetchJSON('../package.json') .then((packageInfo) => { Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('noVNC_version')).forEach(el => el.innerText = packageInfo.version); }) .catch((err) => { Log.Error("Couldn't fetch package.json: " + err); Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('noVNC_version_wrapper')) .concat(Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('noVNC_version_separator'))) .forEach(el => el.style.display = 'none'); }); // Adapt the interface for touch screen devices if (isTouchDevice) { document.documentElement.classList.add("noVNC_touch"); // Remove the address bar setTimeout(() => window.scrollTo(0, 1), 100); } // Restore control bar position if (WebUtil.readSetting('controlbar_pos') === 'right') { UI.toggleControlbarSide(); } UI.initFullscreen(); // Setup event handlers UI.addControlbarHandlers(); UI.addTouchSpecificHandlers(); UI.addExtraKeysHandlers(); UI.addMachineHandlers(); UI.addConnectionControlHandlers(); UI.addClipboardHandlers(); UI.addSettingsHandlers(); document.getElementById("noVNC_status") .addEventListener('click', UI.hideStatus); // Bootstrap fallback input handler UI.keyboardinputReset(); UI.openControlbar(); UI.updateVisualState('init'); document.documentElement.classList.remove("noVNC_loading"); let autoconnect = WebUtil.getConfigVar('autoconnect', false); if (autoconnect === 'true' || autoconnect == '1') { autoconnect = true; UI.connect(); } else { autoconnect = false; // Show the connect panel on first load unless autoconnecting UI.openConnectPanel(); } if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(UI.rfb); } }, initFullscreen() { // Only show the button if fullscreen is properly supported // * Safari doesn't support alphanumerical input while in fullscreen if (!isSafari() && (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen || document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen || document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen || document.body.msRequestFullscreen)) { document.getElementById('noVNC_fullscreen_button') .classList.remove("noVNC_hidden"); UI.addFullscreenHandlers(); } }, initSettings() { // Logging selection dropdown const llevels = ['error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug']; for (let i = 0; i < llevels.length; i += 1) { UI.addOption(document.getElementById('noVNC_setting_logging'), llevels[i], llevels[i]); } // Settings with immediate effects UI.initSetting('logging', 'warn'); UI.updateLogging(); // if port == 80 (or 443) then it won't be present and should be // set manually let port = window.location.port; if (!port) { if (window.location.protocol.substring(0, 5) == 'https') { port = 443; } else if (window.location.protocol.substring(0, 4) == 'http') { port = 80; } } /* Populate the controls if defaults are provided in the URL */ UI.initSetting('host', window.location.hostname); UI.initSetting('port', port); UI.initSetting('encrypt', (window.location.protocol === "https:")); UI.initSetting('view_clip', false); UI.initSetting('shared', true); UI.initSetting('view_only', false); UI.initSetting('show_dot', false); UI.initSetting('path', 'websockify'); UI.initSetting('repeaterID', ''); UI.initSetting('reconnect', false); UI.initSetting('reconnect_delay', 5000); UI.initSetting('idle_disconnect', 20); UI.initSetting('prefer_local_cursor', true); UI.initSetting('toggle_control_panel', false); UI.initSetting('enable_perf_stats', false); if (WebUtil.isInsideKasmVDI()) { UI.initSetting('video_quality', 1); UI.initSetting('clipboard_up', false); UI.initSetting('clipboard_down', false); UI.initSetting('clipboard_seamless', false); UI.initSetting('enable_webp', false); UI.initSetting('resize', 'off'); } else { UI.initSetting('video_quality', 3); UI.initSetting('clipboard_up', true); UI.initSetting('clipboard_down', true); UI.initSetting('clipboard_seamless', true); UI.initSetting('enable_webp', true); UI.initSetting('resize', 'remote'); } UI.setupSettingLabels(); }, // Adds a link to the label elements on the corresponding input elements setupSettingLabels() { const labels = document.getElementsByTagName('LABEL'); for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { const htmlFor = labels[i].htmlFor; if (htmlFor != '') { const elem = document.getElementById(htmlFor); if (elem) elem.label = labels[i]; } else { // If 'for' isn't set, use the first input element child const children = labels[i].children; for (let j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { if (children[j].form !== undefined) { children[j].label = labels[i]; break; } } } } }, /* ------^------- * /INIT * ============== * EVENT HANDLERS * ------v------*/ addControlbarHandlers() { document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('mousemove', UI.activateControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('mouseup', UI.activateControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('mousedown', UI.activateControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('keydown', UI.activateControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('mousedown', UI.keepControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('keydown', UI.keepControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_view_drag_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.toggleViewDrag); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar_handle") .addEventListener('mousedown', UI.controlbarHandleMouseDown); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar_handle") .addEventListener('mouseup', UI.controlbarHandleMouseUp); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar_handle") .addEventListener('mousemove', UI.dragControlbarHandle); // resize events aren't available for elements window.addEventListener('resize', UI.updateControlbarHandle); const exps = document.getElementsByClassName("noVNC_expander"); for (let i = 0;i < exps.length;i++) { exps[i].addEventListener('click', UI.toggleExpander); } }, addTouchSpecificHandlers() { document.getElementById("noVNC_mouse_button0") .addEventListener('click', () => UI.setMouseButton(1)); document.getElementById("noVNC_mouse_button1") .addEventListener('click', () => UI.setMouseButton(2)); document.getElementById("noVNC_mouse_button2") .addEventListener('click', () => UI.setMouseButton(4)); document.getElementById("noVNC_mouse_button4") .addEventListener('click', () => UI.setMouseButton(0)); document.getElementById("noVNC_keyboard_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.toggleVirtualKeyboard); UI.touchKeyboard = new Keyboard(document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboardinput')); UI.touchKeyboard.onkeyevent = UI.keyEvent; UI.touchKeyboard.grab(); document.getElementById("noVNC_keyboardinput") .addEventListener('input', UI.keyInput); document.getElementById("noVNC_keyboardinput") .addEventListener('focus', UI.onfocusVirtualKeyboard); document.getElementById("noVNC_keyboardinput") .addEventListener('blur', UI.onblurVirtualKeyboard); document.getElementById("noVNC_keyboardinput") .addEventListener('submit', () => false); document.documentElement .addEventListener('mousedown', UI.keepVirtualKeyboard, true); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('touchstart', UI.activateControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('touchmove', UI.activateControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('touchend', UI.activateControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('input', UI.activateControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('touchstart', UI.keepControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .addEventListener('input', UI.keepControlbar); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar_handle") .addEventListener('touchstart', UI.controlbarHandleMouseDown); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar_handle") .addEventListener('touchend', UI.controlbarHandleMouseUp); document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar_handle") .addEventListener('touchmove', UI.dragControlbarHandle); }, addExtraKeysHandlers() { document.getElementById("noVNC_toggle_extra_keys_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.toggleExtraKeys); document.getElementById("noVNC_toggle_ctrl_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.toggleCtrl); document.getElementById("noVNC_toggle_windows_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.toggleWindows); document.getElementById("noVNC_toggle_alt_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.toggleAlt); document.getElementById("noVNC_send_tab_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.sendTab); document.getElementById("noVNC_send_esc_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.sendEsc); document.getElementById("noVNC_send_ctrl_alt_del_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.sendCtrlAltDel); }, addMachineHandlers() { document.getElementById("noVNC_shutdown_button") .addEventListener('click', () => UI.rfb.machineShutdown()); document.getElementById("noVNC_reboot_button") .addEventListener('click', () => UI.rfb.machineReboot()); document.getElementById("noVNC_reset_button") .addEventListener('click', () => UI.rfb.machineReset()); document.getElementById("noVNC_power_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.togglePowerPanel); }, addConnectionControlHandlers() { document.getElementById("noVNC_disconnect_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.disconnect); document.getElementById("noVNC_connect_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.connect); document.getElementById("noVNC_cancel_reconnect_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.cancelReconnect); document.getElementById("noVNC_password_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.setPassword); }, addClipboardHandlers() { document.getElementById("noVNC_clipboard_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.toggleClipboardPanel); document.getElementById("noVNC_clipboard_text") .addEventListener('change', UI.clipboardSend); document.getElementById("noVNC_clipboard_clear_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.clipboardClear); }, // Add a call to save settings when the element changes, // unless the optional parameter changeFunc is used instead. addSettingChangeHandler(name, changeFunc) { const settingElem = document.getElementById("noVNC_setting_" + name); if (changeFunc === undefined) { changeFunc = () => UI.saveSetting(name); } settingElem.addEventListener('change', changeFunc); }, addSettingsHandlers() { document.getElementById("noVNC_settings_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.toggleSettingsPanel); document.getElementById("noVNC_setting_enable_perf_stats").addEventListener('click', UI.showStats); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('encrypt'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('resize'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('resize', UI.applyResizeMode); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('resize', UI.updateViewClip); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('view_clip'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('view_clip', UI.updateViewClip); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('shared'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('view_only'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('view_only', UI.updateViewOnly); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('show_dot'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('show_dot', UI.updateShowDotCursor); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('host'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('port'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('path'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('repeaterID'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('logging'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('logging', UI.updateLogging); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('reconnect'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('reconnect_delay'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('enable_webp'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('clipboard_seamless'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('clipboard_up'); UI.addSettingChangeHandler('clipboard_down'); }, addFullscreenHandlers() { document.getElementById("noVNC_fullscreen_button") .addEventListener('click', UI.toggleFullscreen); window.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', UI.updateFullscreenButton); window.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', UI.updateFullscreenButton); window.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', UI.updateFullscreenButton); window.addEventListener('msfullscreenchange', UI.updateFullscreenButton); }, /* ------^------- * /EVENT HANDLERS * ============== * VISUAL * ------v------*/ // Disable/enable controls depending on connection state updateVisualState(state) { document.documentElement.classList.remove("noVNC_connecting"); document.documentElement.classList.remove("noVNC_connected"); document.documentElement.classList.remove("noVNC_disconnecting"); document.documentElement.classList.remove("noVNC_reconnecting"); const transition_elem = document.getElementById("noVNC_transition_text"); if (WebUtil.isInsideKasmVDI()) { parent.postMessage({ action: 'connection_state', value: state}, '*' ); } switch (state) { case 'init': break; case 'connecting': transition_elem.textContent = _("Connecting..."); document.documentElement.classList.add("noVNC_connecting"); break; case 'connected': document.documentElement.classList.add("noVNC_connected"); break; case 'disconnecting': transition_elem.textContent = _("Disconnecting..."); document.documentElement.classList.add("noVNC_disconnecting"); break; case 'disconnected': break; case 'reconnecting': transition_elem.textContent = _("Reconnecting..."); document.documentElement.classList.add("noVNC_reconnecting"); break; default: Log.Error("Invalid visual state: " + state); UI.showStatus(_("Internal error"), 'error'); return; } if (UI.connected) { UI.updateViewClip(); UI.disableSetting('encrypt'); UI.disableSetting('shared'); UI.disableSetting('host'); UI.disableSetting('port'); UI.disableSetting('path'); UI.disableSetting('repeaterID'); UI.setMouseButton(1); // Hide the controlbar after 2 seconds UI.closeControlbarTimeout = setTimeout(UI.closeControlbar, 2000); } else { UI.enableSetting('encrypt'); UI.enableSetting('shared'); UI.enableSetting('host'); UI.enableSetting('port'); UI.enableSetting('path'); UI.enableSetting('repeaterID'); UI.updatePowerButton(); UI.keepControlbar(); } // State change closes the password dialog document.getElementById('noVNC_password_dlg') .classList.remove('noVNC_open'); }, showStats() { UI.saveSetting('enable_perf_stats'); let enable_stats = UI.getSetting('enable_perf_stats'); if (enable_stats === true && UI.statsInterval == undefined) { document.getElementById("noVNC_connection_stats").style.visibility = "visible"; UI.statsInterval = setInterval(function() { if (UI.rfb !== undefined) { UI.rfb.requestBottleneckStats(); } } , 5000); } else { document.getElementById("noVNC_connection_stats").style.visibility = "hidden"; UI.statsInterval = null; } }, showStatus(text, status_type, time) { const statusElem = document.getElementById('noVNC_status'); clearTimeout(UI.statusTimeout); if (typeof status_type === 'undefined') { status_type = 'normal'; } // Don't overwrite more severe visible statuses and never // errors. Only shows the first error. let visible_status_type = 'none'; if (statusElem.classList.contains("noVNC_open")) { if (statusElem.classList.contains("noVNC_status_error")) { visible_status_type = 'error'; } else if (statusElem.classList.contains("noVNC_status_warn")) { visible_status_type = 'warn'; } else { visible_status_type = 'normal'; } } if (visible_status_type === 'error' || (visible_status_type === 'warn' && status_type === 'normal')) { return; } switch (status_type) { case 'error': statusElem.classList.remove("noVNC_status_warn"); statusElem.classList.remove("noVNC_status_normal"); statusElem.classList.add("noVNC_status_error"); break; case 'warning': case 'warn': statusElem.classList.remove("noVNC_status_error"); statusElem.classList.remove("noVNC_status_normal"); statusElem.classList.add("noVNC_status_warn"); break; case 'normal': case 'info': default: statusElem.classList.remove("noVNC_status_error"); statusElem.classList.remove("noVNC_status_warn"); statusElem.classList.add("noVNC_status_normal"); break; } statusElem.textContent = text; statusElem.classList.add("noVNC_open"); // If no time was specified, show the status for 1.5 seconds if (typeof time === 'undefined') { time = 1500; } // Error messages do not timeout if (status_type !== 'error') { UI.statusTimeout = window.setTimeout(UI.hideStatus, time); } }, hideStatus() { clearTimeout(UI.statusTimeout); document.getElementById('noVNC_status').classList.remove("noVNC_open"); }, activateControlbar(event) { clearTimeout(UI.idleControlbarTimeout); // We manipulate the anchor instead of the actual control // bar in order to avoid creating new a stacking group document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar_anchor') .classList.remove("noVNC_idle"); UI.idleControlbarTimeout = window.setTimeout(UI.idleControlbar, 2000); }, idleControlbar() { document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar_anchor') .classList.add("noVNC_idle"); }, keepControlbar() { clearTimeout(UI.closeControlbarTimeout); }, openControlbar() { document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar') .classList.add("noVNC_open"); }, closeControlbar() { UI.closeAllPanels(); document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar') .classList.remove("noVNC_open"); }, toggleControlbar() { if (document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar') .classList.contains("noVNC_open")) { UI.closeControlbar(); } else { UI.openControlbar(); } }, toggleControlbarSide() { // Temporarily disable animation, if bar is displayed, to avoid weird // movement. The transitionend-event will not fire when display=none. const bar = document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar'); const barDisplayStyle = window.getComputedStyle(bar).display; if (barDisplayStyle !== 'none') { bar.style.transitionDuration = '0s'; bar.addEventListener('transitionend', () => bar.style.transitionDuration = ''); } const anchor = document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar_anchor'); if (anchor.classList.contains("noVNC_right")) { WebUtil.writeSetting('controlbar_pos', 'left'); anchor.classList.remove("noVNC_right"); } else { WebUtil.writeSetting('controlbar_pos', 'right'); anchor.classList.add("noVNC_right"); } // Consider this a movement of the handle UI.controlbarDrag = true; }, showControlbarHint(show) { const hint = document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar_hint'); if (show) { hint.classList.add("noVNC_active"); } else { hint.classList.remove("noVNC_active"); } }, dragControlbarHandle(e) { if (!UI.controlbarGrabbed) return; const ptr = getPointerEvent(e); const anchor = document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar_anchor'); if (ptr.clientX < (window.innerWidth * 0.1)) { if (anchor.classList.contains("noVNC_right")) { UI.toggleControlbarSide(); } } else if (ptr.clientX > (window.innerWidth * 0.9)) { if (!anchor.classList.contains("noVNC_right")) { UI.toggleControlbarSide(); } } if (!UI.controlbarDrag) { const dragDistance = Math.abs(ptr.clientY - UI.controlbarMouseDownClientY); if (dragDistance < dragThreshold) return; UI.controlbarDrag = true; } const eventY = ptr.clientY - UI.controlbarMouseDownOffsetY; UI.moveControlbarHandle(eventY); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); UI.keepControlbar(); UI.activateControlbar(); }, // Move the handle but don't allow any position outside the bounds moveControlbarHandle(viewportRelativeY) { const handle = document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar_handle"); const handleHeight = handle.getBoundingClientRect().height; const controlbarBounds = document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar") .getBoundingClientRect(); const margin = 10; // These heights need to be non-zero for the below logic to work if (handleHeight === 0 || controlbarBounds.height === 0) { return; } let newY = viewportRelativeY; // Check if the coordinates are outside the control bar if (newY < controlbarBounds.top + margin) { // Force coordinates to be below the top of the control bar newY = controlbarBounds.top + margin; } else if (newY > controlbarBounds.top + controlbarBounds.height - handleHeight - margin) { // Force coordinates to be above the bottom of the control bar newY = controlbarBounds.top + controlbarBounds.height - handleHeight - margin; } // Corner case: control bar too small for stable position if (controlbarBounds.height < (handleHeight + margin * 2)) { newY = controlbarBounds.top + (controlbarBounds.height - handleHeight) / 2; } // The transform needs coordinates that are relative to the parent const parentRelativeY = newY - controlbarBounds.top; handle.style.transform = "translateY(" + parentRelativeY + "px)"; }, updateControlbarHandle() { // Since the control bar is fixed on the viewport and not the page, // the move function expects coordinates relative the the viewport. const handle = document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar_handle"); const handleBounds = handle.getBoundingClientRect(); UI.moveControlbarHandle(handleBounds.top); }, controlbarHandleMouseUp(e) { if ((e.type == "mouseup") && (e.button != 0)) return; // mouseup and mousedown on the same place toggles the controlbar if (UI.controlbarGrabbed && !UI.controlbarDrag) { UI.toggleControlbar(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); UI.keepControlbar(); UI.activateControlbar(); } UI.controlbarGrabbed = false; UI.showControlbarHint(false); }, controlbarHandleMouseDown(e) { if ((e.type == "mousedown") && (e.button != 0)) return; const ptr = getPointerEvent(e); const handle = document.getElementById("noVNC_control_bar_handle"); const bounds = handle.getBoundingClientRect(); // Touch events have implicit capture if (e.type === "mousedown") { setCapture(handle); } UI.controlbarGrabbed = true; UI.controlbarDrag = false; UI.showControlbarHint(true); UI.controlbarMouseDownClientY = ptr.clientY; UI.controlbarMouseDownOffsetY = ptr.clientY - bounds.top; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); UI.keepControlbar(); UI.activateControlbar(); }, toggleExpander(e) { if (this.classList.contains("noVNC_open")) { this.classList.remove("noVNC_open"); } else { this.classList.add("noVNC_open"); } }, /* ------^------- * /VISUAL * ============== * SETTINGS * ------v------*/ // Initial page load read/initialization of settings initSetting(name, defVal) { // Check Query string followed by cookie let val = WebUtil.getConfigVar(name); if (val === null) { val = WebUtil.readSetting(name, defVal); } WebUtil.setSetting(name, val); UI.updateSetting(name); return val; }, // Set the new value, update and disable form control setting forceSetting(name, val) { WebUtil.setSetting(name, val); UI.updateSetting(name); UI.disableSetting(name); }, // Update cookie and form control setting. If value is not set, then // updates from control to current cookie setting. updateSetting(name) { // Update the settings control let value = UI.getSetting(name); const ctrl = document.getElementById('noVNC_setting_' + name); if (ctrl.type === 'checkbox') { ctrl.checked = value; } else if (typeof ctrl.options !== 'undefined') { for (let i = 0; i < ctrl.options.length; i += 1) { if (ctrl.options[i].value === value) { ctrl.selectedIndex = i; break; } } } else { /*Weird IE9 error leads to 'null' appearring in textboxes instead of ''.*/ if (value === null) { value = ""; } ctrl.value = value; } }, // Save control setting to cookie saveSetting(name) { const ctrl = document.getElementById('noVNC_setting_' + name); let val; if (ctrl.type === 'checkbox') { val = ctrl.checked; } else if (typeof ctrl.options !== 'undefined') { val = ctrl.options[ctrl.selectedIndex].value; } else { val = ctrl.value; } WebUtil.writeSetting(name, val); //Log.Debug("Setting saved '" + name + "=" + val + "'"); return val; }, // Read form control compatible setting from cookie getSetting(name) { const ctrl = document.getElementById('noVNC_setting_' + name); let val = WebUtil.readSetting(name); if (typeof val !== 'undefined' && val !== null && ctrl.type === 'checkbox') { if (val.toString().toLowerCase() in {'0': 1, 'no': 1, 'false': 1}) { val = false; } else { val = true; } } return val; }, // These helpers compensate for the lack of parent-selectors and // previous-sibling-selectors in CSS which are needed when we want to // disable the labels that belong to disabled input elements. disableSetting(name) { const ctrl = document.getElementById('noVNC_setting_' + name); ctrl.disabled = true; ctrl.label.classList.add('noVNC_disabled'); }, enableSetting(name) { const ctrl = document.getElementById('noVNC_setting_' + name); ctrl.disabled = false; ctrl.label.classList.remove('noVNC_disabled'); }, /* ------^------- * /SETTINGS * ============== * PANELS * ------v------*/ closeAllPanels() { UI.closeSettingsPanel(); UI.closePowerPanel(); UI.closeClipboardPanel(); UI.closeExtraKeys(); }, /* ------^------- * /PANELS * ============== * SETTINGS (panel) * ------v------*/ openSettingsPanel() { UI.closeAllPanels(); UI.openControlbar(); // Refresh UI elements from saved cookies UI.updateSetting('encrypt'); UI.updateSetting('view_clip'); UI.updateSetting('resize'); UI.updateSetting('shared'); UI.updateSetting('view_only'); UI.updateSetting('path'); UI.updateSetting('repeaterID'); UI.updateSetting('logging'); UI.updateSetting('reconnect'); UI.updateSetting('reconnect_delay'); document.getElementById('noVNC_settings') .classList.add("noVNC_open"); document.getElementById('noVNC_settings_button') .classList.add("noVNC_selected"); }, closeSettingsPanel() { document.getElementById('noVNC_settings') .classList.remove("noVNC_open"); document.getElementById('noVNC_settings_button') .classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); }, toggleSettingsPanel() { if (document.getElementById('noVNC_settings') .classList.contains("noVNC_open")) { UI.closeSettingsPanel(); } else { UI.openSettingsPanel(); } }, /* ------^------- * /SETTINGS * ============== * POWER * ------v------*/ openPowerPanel() { UI.closeAllPanels(); UI.openControlbar(); document.getElementById('noVNC_power') .classList.add("noVNC_open"); document.getElementById('noVNC_power_button') .classList.add("noVNC_selected"); }, closePowerPanel() { document.getElementById('noVNC_power') .classList.remove("noVNC_open"); document.getElementById('noVNC_power_button') .classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); }, togglePowerPanel() { if (document.getElementById('noVNC_power') .classList.contains("noVNC_open")) { UI.closePowerPanel(); } else { UI.openPowerPanel(); } }, // Disable/enable power button updatePowerButton() { if (UI.connected && UI.rfb.capabilities.power && !UI.rfb.viewOnly) { document.getElementById('noVNC_power_button') .classList.remove("noVNC_hidden"); } else { document.getElementById('noVNC_power_button') .classList.add("noVNC_hidden"); // Close power panel if open UI.closePowerPanel(); } }, /* ------^------- * /POWER * ============== * CLIPBOARD * ------v------*/ openClipboardPanel() { UI.closeAllPanels(); UI.openControlbar(); document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard') .classList.add("noVNC_open"); document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard_button') .classList.add("noVNC_selected"); }, closeClipboardPanel() { document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard') .classList.remove("noVNC_open"); document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard_button') .classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); }, toggleClipboardPanel() { if (document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard') .classList.contains("noVNC_open")) { UI.closeClipboardPanel(); } else { UI.openClipboardPanel(); } }, readClipboard: function readClipboard(callback) { if (navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.readText) { navigator.clipboard.readText().then(function (text) { return callback(text); }).catch(function () { return Log.Debug("Failed to read system clipboard"); }); } }, // Copy text from NoVNC desktop to local computer clipboardReceive(e) { if (UI.rfb.clipboardDown && UI.rfb.clipboardSeamless ) { var curvalue = document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard_text').value; if (curvalue != e.detail.text) { Log.Debug(">> UI.clipboardReceive: " + e.detail.text.substr(0, 40) + "..."); document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard_text').value = e.detail.text; Log.Debug("<< UI.clipboardReceive"); if (navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.writeText){ navigator.clipboard.writeText(e.detail.text) .then(function () { //UI.popupMessage("Selection Copied"); }, function () { console.error("Failed to write system clipboard (trying to copy from NoVNC clipboard)") }); } } } }, //recieved bottleneck stats bottleneckStatsRecieve(e) { var obj = JSON.parse(e.detail.text); document.getElementById("noVNC_connection_stats").innerHTML = "CPU: " + obj[0] + "/" + obj[1] + " | Network: " + obj[2] + "/" + obj[3]; console.log(e.detail.text); }, popupMessage: function(msg, secs) { if (!secs){ secs = 500; } // Quick popup to give feedback that selection was copied setTimeout(UI.showOverlay.bind(this, msg, secs), 200); }, // Enter and focus events come when we return to NoVNC. // In both cases, check the local clipboard to see if it changed. focusVNC: function() { UI.copyFromLocalClipboard(); }, enterVNC: function() { UI.copyFromLocalClipboard(); }, copyFromLocalClipboard: function copyFromLocalClipboard() { if (UI.rfb && UI.rfb.clipboardUp && UI.rfb.clipboardSeamless) { UI.readClipboard(function (text) { var maximumBufferSize = 10000; var clipVal = document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard_text').value; if (clipVal != text) { document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard_text').value = text; // The websocket has a maximum buffer array size if (text.length > maximumBufferSize) { UI.popupMessage("Clipboard contents too large. Data truncated", 2000); UI.rfb.clipboardPasteFrom(text.slice(0, maximumBufferSize)); } else { //UI.popupMessage("Copied from Local Clipboard"); UI.rfb.clipboardPasteFrom(text); } } // Reset flag to prevent checking too often UI.needToCheckClipboardChange = false; }); } }, // These 3 events indicate the focus has gone outside the NoVNC. // When outside the NoVNC, the system clipboard could change. leaveVNC: function() { UI.needToCheckClipboardChange = true; }, blurVNC: function() { UI.needToCheckClipboardChange = true; }, focusoutVNC: function() { UI.needToCheckClipboardChange = true; }, // On these 2 events, check if we need to look at clipboard. mouseMoveVNC: function() { if ( UI.needToCheckClipboardChange ) { UI.copyFromLocalClipboard(); } }, mouseDownVNC: function() { if ( UI.needToCheckClipboardChange ) { UI.copyFromLocalClipboard(); } }, clipboardClear() { document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard_text').value = ""; UI.rfb.clipboardPasteFrom(""); }, clipboardSend() { const text = document.getElementById('noVNC_clipboard_text').value; Log.Debug(">> UI.clipboardSend: " + text.substr(0, 40) + "..."); UI.rfb.clipboardPasteFrom(text); Log.Debug("<< UI.clipboardSend"); }, /** * Show the terminal overlay for a given amount of time. * * The terminal overlay appears in inverse video in a large font, centered * over the terminal. You should probably keep the overlay message brief, * since it's in a large font and you probably aren't going to check the size * of the terminal first. * * @param {string} msg The text (not HTML) message to display in the overlay. * @param {number} opt_timeout The amount of time to wait before fading out * the overlay. Defaults to 1.5 seconds. Pass null to have the overlay * stay up forever (or until the next overlay). */ showOverlay: function(msg, opt_timeout) { if (!UI.overlayNode) { UI.overlayNode = document.createElement('div'); UI.overlayNode.style.cssText = ( 'border-radius: 15px;' + 'font-size: xx-large;' + 'opacity: 0.90;' + 'padding: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;' + 'position: absolute;' + '-webkit-user-select: none;' + '-webkit-transition: opacity 180ms ease-in;' + '-moz-user-select: none;' + '-moz-transition: opacity 180ms ease-in;'); UI.overlayNode.style.color = 'rgb(16,16,16)'; UI.overlayNode.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(240,240,240)'; UI.overlayNode.style.fontFamily = '"DejaVu Sans Mono", "Noto Sans Mono", "Everson Mono", FreeMono, Menlo, Terminal, monospace"'; UI.overlayNode.style.opacity = '0.90'; //UI.overlayNode.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); // e.stopPropagation(); // }, true); } UI.overlayNode.textContent = msg; if (!UI.overlayNode.parentNode_) { UI.overlayNode.parentNode_ = document.getElementById('noVNC_container'); } UI.overlayNode.parentNode_.appendChild(UI.overlayNode); var divWidth = UI.overlayNode.parentNode_.offsetWidth; var divHeight = UI.overlayNode.parentNode_.offsetHeight; var overlayWidth = UI.overlayNode.offsetWidth; var overlayHeight = UI.overlayNode.offsetHeight; UI.overlayNode.style.top = (divHeight - overlayHeight) / 2 + 'px'; UI.overlayNode.style.left = (divWidth - overlayWidth) / 2 + 'px'; if (UI.overlayTimeout) clearTimeout(UI.overlayTimeout); if (opt_timeout === null) opt_timeout = 500; UI.overlayTimeout = setTimeout(function () { UI.overlayNode.style.opacity = '0'; UI.overlayTimeout = setTimeout(function () { return UI.hideOverlay(); }, 200); }, opt_timeout || 1500); }, /** * Hide the terminal overlay immediately. * * Useful when we show an overlay for an event with an unknown end time. */ hideOverlay: function() { if (UI.overlayTimeout) clearTimeout(UI.overlayTimeout); UI.overlayTimeout = null; if (UI.overlayNode.parentNode_) UI.overlayNode.parentNode_.removeChild(UI.overlayNode); UI.overlayNode.style.opacity = '0.90'; }, /* ------^------- * /CLIPBOARD * ============== * CONNECTION * ------v------*/ openConnectPanel() { document.getElementById('noVNC_connect_dlg') .classList.add("noVNC_open"); }, closeConnectPanel() { document.getElementById('noVNC_connect_dlg') .classList.remove("noVNC_open"); }, connect(event, password) { // Ignore when rfb already exists if (typeof UI.rfb !== 'undefined') { return; } const host = UI.getSetting('host'); const port = UI.getSetting('port'); const path = UI.getSetting('path'); if (typeof password === 'undefined') { password = WebUtil.getConfigVar('password'); UI.reconnect_password = password; } if (password === null) { password = undefined; } UI.hideStatus(); if (!host) { Log.Error("Can't connect when host is: " + host); UI.showStatus(_("Must set host"), 'error'); return; } UI.closeAllPanels(); UI.closeConnectPanel(); UI.updateVisualState('connecting'); let url; url = UI.getSetting('encrypt') ? 'wss' : 'ws'; url += '://' + host; if (port) { url += ':' + port; } url += '/' + path; UI.rfb = new RFB(document.getElementById('noVNC_container'), url, { shared: UI.getSetting('shared'), repeaterID: UI.getSetting('repeaterID'), credentials: { password: password } }); UI.rfb.addEventListener("connect", UI.connectFinished); UI.rfb.addEventListener("disconnect", UI.disconnectFinished); UI.rfb.addEventListener("credentialsrequired", UI.credentials); UI.rfb.addEventListener("securityfailure", UI.securityFailed); UI.rfb.addEventListener("capabilities", UI.updatePowerButton); UI.rfb.addEventListener("clipboard", UI.clipboardReceive); UI.rfb.addEventListener("bottleneck_stats", UI.bottleneckStatsRecieve); document.addEventListener('mouseenter', UI.enterVNC); document.addEventListener('mouseleave', UI.leaveVNC); document.addEventListener('blur', UI.blurVNC); document.addEventListener('focus', UI.focusVNC); document.addEventListener('focusout', UI.focusoutVNC); document.addEventListener('mousemove', UI.mouseMoveVNC); document.addEventListener('mousedown', UI.mouseDownVNC); UI.rfb.addEventListener("bell", UI.bell); UI.rfb.addEventListener("desktopname", UI.updateDesktopName); UI.rfb.clipViewport = UI.getSetting('view_clip'); UI.rfb.scaleViewport = UI.getSetting('resize') === 'scale'; UI.rfb.resizeSession = UI.getSetting('resize') === 'remote'; UI.rfb.showDotCursor = UI.getSetting('show_dot'); UI.rfb.idleDisconnect = UI.getSetting('idle_disconnect'); UI.rfb.videoQuality = UI.getSetting('video_quality'); UI.rfb.clipboardUp = UI.getSetting('clipboard_up'); UI.rfb.clipboardDown = UI.getSetting('clipboard_down'); UI.rfb.clipboardSeamless = UI.getSetting('clipboard_seamless'); // KASM-960 workaround, disable seamless on Safari if (/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { UI.rfb.clipboardSeamless = false; } UI.rfb.preferLocalCursor = UI.getSetting('prefer_local_cursor'); UI.rfb.enableWebP = UI.getSetting('enable_webp'); UI.updateViewOnly(); // requires UI.rfb /**** * Kasm VDI specific *****/ if (WebUtil.isInsideKasmVDI()) { if (window.addEventListener) { // Mozilla, Netscape, Firefox //window.addEventListener('load', WindowLoad, false); window.addEventListener('message', UI.receiveMessage, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { //IE window.attachEvent('onload', WindowLoad); window.attachEvent('message', UI.receiveMessage); } if (UI.rfb.clipboardDown){ UI.rfb.addEventListener("clipboard", UI.clipboardRx); } UI.rfb.addEventListener("disconnect", UI.disconnectedRx); document.getElementById('noVNC_control_bar_anchor').setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); document.getElementById('noVNC_connect_dlg').innerHTML = ''; //keep alive for websocket connection to stay open, since we may not control reverse proxies //send a keep alive within a window that we control setInterval(function() { if (currentEventCount!=UI.rfb.sentEventsCounter) { idleCounter=0; currentEventCount=UI.rfb.sentEventsCounter; } else { idleCounter+=1; var idleDisconnect = parseFloat(UI.rfb.idleDisconnect); if ((idleCounter / 2) >= idleDisconnect) { //idle for longer than the limit, disconnect currentEventCount = -1; idleCounter = 0; parent.postMessage({ action: 'idle_session_timeout', value: 'Idle session timeout exceeded'}, '*' ); //UI.rfb.disconnect(); } else { //send a keep alive UI.rfb.sendKey(1, null, false); currentEventCount=UI.rfb.sentEventsCounter; } } }, 30000); } // Send an event to the parent document (kasm app) to toggle the control panel when ctl is double clicked if (UI.getSetting('toggle_control_panel', false)) { document.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) { // CTRL and the various implementations of the mac command key if ([17, 224, 91, 93].indexOf(event.keyCode) > -1) { var thisKeypressTime = new Date(); if (thisKeypressTime - lastKeypressTime <= delta) { UI.toggleNav(); thisKeypressTime = 0; } lastKeypressTime = thisKeypressTime; } }, true); } }, disconnect() { UI.closeAllPanels(); UI.rfb.disconnect(); UI.connected = false; // Disable automatic reconnecting UI.inhibit_reconnect = true; UI.updateVisualState('disconnecting'); // Don't display the connection settings until we're actually disconnected }, reconnect() { UI.reconnect_callback = null; // if reconnect has been disabled in the meantime, do nothing. if (UI.inhibit_reconnect) { return; } UI.connect(null, UI.reconnect_password); }, cancelReconnect() { if (UI.reconnect_callback !== null) { clearTimeout(UI.reconnect_callback); UI.reconnect_callback = null; } UI.updateVisualState('disconnected'); UI.openControlbar(); UI.openConnectPanel(); }, connectFinished(e) { UI.connected = true; UI.inhibit_reconnect = false; let msg; if (UI.getSetting('encrypt')) { msg = _("Connected (encrypted) to ") + UI.desktopName; } else { msg = _("Connected (unencrypted) to ") + UI.desktopName; } UI.showStatus(msg); UI.showStats(); UI.updateVisualState('connected'); // Do this last because it can only be used on rendered elements UI.rfb.focus(); }, disconnectFinished(e) { const wasConnected = UI.connected; // This variable is ideally set when disconnection starts, but // when the disconnection isn't clean or if it is initiated by // the server, we need to do it here as well since // UI.disconnect() won't be used in those cases. UI.connected = false; UI.rfb = undefined; if (!e.detail.clean) { UI.updateVisualState('disconnected'); if (wasConnected) { UI.showStatus(_("Something went wrong, connection is closed"), 'error'); } else { UI.showStatus(_("Failed to connect to server"), 'error'); } } else if (UI.getSetting('reconnect', false) === true && !UI.inhibit_reconnect) { UI.updateVisualState('reconnecting'); const delay = parseInt(UI.getSetting('reconnect_delay')); UI.reconnect_callback = setTimeout(UI.reconnect, delay); return; } else { UI.updateVisualState('disconnected'); UI.showStatus(_("Disconnected"), 'normal'); } UI.openControlbar(); UI.openConnectPanel(); }, securityFailed(e) { let msg = ""; // On security failures we might get a string with a reason // directly from the server. Note that we can't control if // this string is translated or not. if ('reason' in e.detail) { msg = _("New connection has been rejected with reason: ") + e.detail.reason; } else { msg = _("New connection has been rejected"); } UI.showStatus(msg, 'error'); }, /* Menu.js Additions */ receiveMessage(event) { //TODO: UNCOMMENT FOR PRODUCTION //if (event.origin !== "https://kasmweb.com") // return; if (event.data && event.data.action) { switch (event.data.action) { case 'clipboardsnd': if (UI.rfb.clipboardUp) { UI.rfb.clipboardPasteFrom(event.data.value); } break; case 'setvideoquality': UI.rfb.videoQuality = event.data.value; break; } } }, disconnectedRx(event) { parent.postMessage({ action: 'disconnectrx', value: event.detail.reason}, '*' ); }, toggleNav(){ parent.postMessage({ action: 'togglenav', value: null}, '*' ); }, clipboardRx(event) { parent.postMessage({ action: 'clipboardrx', value: event.detail.text}, '*' ); //TODO fix star }, /* ------^------- * /CONNECTION * ============== * PASSWORD * ------v------*/ credentials(e) { // FIXME: handle more types document.getElementById('noVNC_password_dlg') .classList.add('noVNC_open'); setTimeout(() => document .getElementById('noVNC_password_input').focus(), 100); Log.Warn("Server asked for a password"); UI.showStatus(_("Password is required"), "warning"); }, setPassword(e) { // Prevent actually submitting the form e.preventDefault(); const inputElem = document.getElementById('noVNC_password_input'); const password = inputElem.value; // Clear the input after reading the password inputElem.value = ""; UI.rfb.sendCredentials({ password: password }); UI.reconnect_password = password; document.getElementById('noVNC_password_dlg') .classList.remove('noVNC_open'); }, /* ------^------- * /PASSWORD * ============== * FULLSCREEN * ------v------*/ toggleFullscreen() { if (document.fullscreenElement || // alternative standard method document.mozFullScreenElement || // currently working methods document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement) { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } } else { if (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen) { document.documentElement.requestFullscreen(); } else if (document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen) { document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) { document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); } else if (document.body.msRequestFullscreen) { document.body.msRequestFullscreen(); } } UI.updateFullscreenButton(); }, updateFullscreenButton() { if (document.fullscreenElement || // alternative standard method document.mozFullScreenElement || // currently working methods document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement ) { document.getElementById('noVNC_fullscreen_button') .classList.add("noVNC_selected"); } else { document.getElementById('noVNC_fullscreen_button') .classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); } }, /* ------^------- * /FULLSCREEN * ============== * RESIZE * ------v------*/ // Apply remote resizing or local scaling applyResizeMode() { if (!UI.rfb) return; UI.rfb.scaleViewport = UI.getSetting('resize') === 'scale'; UI.rfb.resizeSession = UI.getSetting('resize') === 'remote'; UI.rfb.idleDisconnect = UI.getSetting('idle_disconnect'); UI.rfb.videoQuality = UI.getSetting('video_quality'); UI.rfb.enableWebP = UI.getSetting('enable_webp'); }, /* ------^------- * /RESIZE * ============== * VIEW CLIPPING * ------v------*/ // Update viewport clipping property for the connection. The normal // case is to get the value from the setting. There are special cases // for when the viewport is scaled or when a touch device is used. updateViewClip() { if (!UI.rfb) return; const scaling = UI.getSetting('resize') === 'scale'; if (scaling) { // Can't be clipping if viewport is scaled to fit UI.forceSetting('view_clip', false); UI.rfb.clipViewport = false; } else if (isIOS() || isAndroid()) { // iOS and Android usually have shit scrollbars UI.forceSetting('view_clip', true); UI.rfb.clipViewport = true; } else { UI.enableSetting('view_clip'); UI.rfb.clipViewport = UI.getSetting('view_clip'); } // Changing the viewport may change the state of // the dragging button UI.updateViewDrag(); }, /* ------^------- * /VIEW CLIPPING * ============== * VIEWDRAG * ------v------*/ toggleViewDrag() { if (!UI.rfb) return; UI.rfb.dragViewport = !UI.rfb.dragViewport; UI.updateViewDrag(); }, updateViewDrag() { if (!UI.connected) return; const viewDragButton = document.getElementById('noVNC_view_drag_button'); if (!UI.rfb.clipViewport && UI.rfb.dragViewport) { // We are no longer clipping the viewport. Make sure // viewport drag isn't active when it can't be used. UI.rfb.dragViewport = false; } if (UI.rfb.dragViewport) { viewDragButton.classList.add("noVNC_selected"); } else { viewDragButton.classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); } if (UI.rfb.clipViewport) { viewDragButton.classList.remove("noVNC_hidden"); } else { viewDragButton.classList.add("noVNC_hidden"); } }, /* ------^------- * /VIEWDRAG * ============== * KEYBOARD * ------v------*/ showVirtualKeyboard() { if (!isTouchDevice) return; const input = document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboardinput'); if (document.activeElement == input) return; input.focus(); try { const l = input.value.length; // Move the caret to the end input.setSelectionRange(l, l); } catch (err) { // setSelectionRange is undefined in Google Chrome } }, hideVirtualKeyboard() { if (!isTouchDevice) return; const input = document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboardinput'); if (document.activeElement != input) return; input.blur(); }, toggleVirtualKeyboard() { if (document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboard_button') .classList.contains("noVNC_selected")) { UI.hideVirtualKeyboard(); } else { UI.showVirtualKeyboard(); } }, onfocusVirtualKeyboard(event) { document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboard_button') .classList.add("noVNC_selected"); if (UI.rfb) { UI.rfb.focusOnClick = false; } }, onblurVirtualKeyboard(event) { document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboard_button') .classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); if (UI.rfb) { UI.rfb.focusOnClick = true; } }, keepVirtualKeyboard(event) { const input = document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboardinput'); if ( UI.needToCheckClipboardChange ) { UI.copyFromLocalClipboard(); } // Only prevent focus change if the virtual keyboard is active if (document.activeElement != input) { return; } // Only allow focus to move to other elements that need // focus to function properly if (event.target.form !== undefined) { switch (event.target.type) { case 'text': case 'email': case 'search': case 'password': case 'tel': case 'url': case 'textarea': case 'select-one': case 'select-multiple': return; } } event.preventDefault(); }, keyboardinputReset() { const kbi = document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboardinput'); kbi.value = new Array(UI.defaultKeyboardinputLen).join("_"); UI.lastKeyboardinput = kbi.value; }, keyEvent(keysym, code, down) { if (!UI.rfb) return; UI.rfb.sendKey(keysym, code, down); }, // When normal keyboard events are left uncought, use the input events from // the keyboardinput element instead and generate the corresponding key events. // This code is required since some browsers on Android are inconsistent in // sending keyCodes in the normal keyboard events when using on screen keyboards. keyInput(event) { if (!UI.rfb) return; const newValue = event.target.value; if (!UI.lastKeyboardinput) { UI.keyboardinputReset(); } const oldValue = UI.lastKeyboardinput; let newLen; try { // Try to check caret position since whitespace at the end // will not be considered by value.length in some browsers newLen = Math.max(event.target.selectionStart, newValue.length); } catch (err) { // selectionStart is undefined in Google Chrome newLen = newValue.length; } const oldLen = oldValue.length; let inputs = newLen - oldLen; let backspaces = inputs < 0 ? -inputs : 0; // Compare the old string with the new to account for // text-corrections or other input that modify existing text for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(oldLen, newLen); i++) { if (newValue.charAt(i) != oldValue.charAt(i)) { inputs = newLen - i; backspaces = oldLen - i; break; } } // Send the key events for (let i = 0; i < backspaces; i++) { UI.rfb.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_BackSpace, "Backspace"); } for (let i = newLen - inputs; i < newLen; i++) { UI.rfb.sendKey(keysyms.lookup(newValue.charCodeAt(i))); } // Control the text content length in the keyboardinput element if (newLen > 2 * UI.defaultKeyboardinputLen) { UI.keyboardinputReset(); } else if (newLen < 1) { // There always have to be some text in the keyboardinput // element with which backspace can interact. UI.keyboardinputReset(); // This sometimes causes the keyboard to disappear for a second // but it is required for the android keyboard to recognize that // text has been added to the field event.target.blur(); // This has to be ran outside of the input handler in order to work setTimeout(event.target.focus.bind(event.target), 0); } else { UI.lastKeyboardinput = newValue; } }, /* ------^------- * /KEYBOARD * ============== * EXTRA KEYS * ------v------*/ openExtraKeys() { UI.closeAllPanels(); UI.openControlbar(); document.getElementById('noVNC_modifiers') .classList.add("noVNC_open"); document.getElementById('noVNC_toggle_extra_keys_button') .classList.add("noVNC_selected"); }, closeExtraKeys() { document.getElementById('noVNC_modifiers') .classList.remove("noVNC_open"); document.getElementById('noVNC_toggle_extra_keys_button') .classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); }, toggleExtraKeys() { if (document.getElementById('noVNC_modifiers') .classList.contains("noVNC_open")) { UI.closeExtraKeys(); } else { UI.openExtraKeys(); } }, sendEsc() { UI.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Escape, "Escape"); }, sendTab() { UI.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Tab, "Tab"); }, toggleCtrl() { const btn = document.getElementById('noVNC_toggle_ctrl_button'); if (btn.classList.contains("noVNC_selected")) { UI.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Control_L, "ControlLeft", false); btn.classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); } else { UI.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Control_L, "ControlLeft", true); btn.classList.add("noVNC_selected"); } }, toggleWindows() { const btn = document.getElementById('noVNC_toggle_windows_button'); if (btn.classList.contains("noVNC_selected")) { UI.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Super_L, "MetaLeft", false); btn.classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); } else { UI.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Super_L, "MetaLeft", true); btn.classList.add("noVNC_selected"); } }, toggleAlt() { const btn = document.getElementById('noVNC_toggle_alt_button'); if (btn.classList.contains("noVNC_selected")) { UI.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Alt_L, "AltLeft", false); btn.classList.remove("noVNC_selected"); } else { UI.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Alt_L, "AltLeft", true); btn.classList.add("noVNC_selected"); } }, sendCtrlAltDel() { UI.rfb.sendCtrlAltDel(); // See below UI.rfb.focus(); UI.idleControlbar(); }, sendKey(keysym, code, down) { UI.rfb.sendKey(keysym, code, down); // Move focus to the screen in order to be able to use the // keyboard right after these extra keys. // The exception is when a virtual keyboard is used, because // if we focus the screen the virtual keyboard would be closed. // In this case we focus our special virtual keyboard input // element instead. if (document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboard_button') .classList.contains("noVNC_selected")) { document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboardinput').focus(); } else { UI.rfb.focus(); } // fade out the controlbar to highlight that // the focus has been moved to the screen UI.idleControlbar(); }, /* ------^------- * /EXTRA KEYS * ============== * MISC * ------v------*/ setMouseButton(num) { const view_only = UI.rfb.viewOnly; if (UI.rfb && !view_only) { UI.rfb.touchButton = num; } const blist = [0, 1, 2, 4]; for (let b = 0; b < blist.length; b++) { const button = document.getElementById('noVNC_mouse_button' + blist[b]); if (blist[b] === num && !view_only) { button.classList.remove("noVNC_hidden"); } else { button.classList.add("noVNC_hidden"); } } }, updateViewOnly() { if (!UI.rfb) return; UI.rfb.viewOnly = UI.getSetting('view_only'); // Hide input related buttons in view only mode if (UI.rfb.viewOnly) { document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboard_button') .classList.add('noVNC_hidden'); document.getElementById('noVNC_toggle_extra_keys_button') .classList.add('noVNC_hidden'); document.getElementById('noVNC_mouse_button' + UI.rfb.touchButton) .classList.add('noVNC_hidden'); } else { document.getElementById('noVNC_keyboard_button') .classList.remove('noVNC_hidden'); document.getElementById('noVNC_toggle_extra_keys_button') .classList.remove('noVNC_hidden'); document.getElementById('noVNC_mouse_button' + UI.rfb.touchButton) .classList.remove('noVNC_hidden'); } }, updateShowDotCursor() { if (!UI.rfb) return; UI.rfb.showDotCursor = UI.getSetting('show_dot'); }, updateLogging() { WebUtil.init_logging(UI.getSetting('logging')); }, updateDesktopName(e) { UI.desktopName = e.detail.name; // Display the desktop name in the document title document.title = e.detail.name + " - noVNC"; }, bell(e) { if (WebUtil.getConfigVar('bell', 'on') === 'on') { const promise = document.getElementById('noVNC_bell').play(); // The standards disagree on the return value here if (promise) { promise.catch((e) => { if (e.name === "NotAllowedError") { // Ignore when the browser doesn't let us play audio. // It is common that the browsers require audio to be // initiated from a user action. } else { Log.Error("Unable to play bell: " + e); } }); } } }, //Helper to add options to dropdown. addOption(selectbox, text, value) { const optn = document.createElement("OPTION"); optn.text = text; optn.value = value; selectbox.options.add(optn); }, /* ------^------- * /MISC * ============== */ }; // Set up translations const LINGUAS = ["cs", "de", "el", "es", "ko", "nl", "pl", "ru", "sv", "tr", "zh_CN", "zh_TW"]; l10n.setup(LINGUAS); if (l10n.language !== "en" && l10n.dictionary === undefined) { WebUtil.fetchJSON('app/locale/' + l10n.language + '.json', (translations) => { l10n.dictionary = translations; // wait for translations to load before loading the UI UI.prime(); }, (err) => { Log.Error("Failed to load translations: " + err); UI.prime(); }); } else { UI.prime(); } export default UI;