mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 01:01:22 +01:00
It is now used by our general code and not just by the conversion routines, so we need to make sure it is always included for the old browsers.
333 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
333 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env node
const path = require('path');
const program = require('commander');
const fs = require('fs');
const fse = require('fs-extra');
const babel = require('babel-core');
const SUPPORTED_FORMATS = new Set(['amd', 'commonjs', 'systemjs', 'umd']);
.option('--as [format]', `output files using various import formats instead of ES6 import and export. Supports ${Array.from(SUPPORTED_FORMATS)}.`)
.option('-m, --with-source-maps [type]', 'output source maps when not generating a bundled app (type may be empty for external source maps, inline for inline source maps, or both) ')
.option('--with-app', 'process app files as well as core files')
.option('--only-legacy', 'only output legacy files (no ES6 modules) for the app')
.option('--clean', 'clear the lib folder before building')
// the various important paths
const paths = {
main: path.resolve(__dirname, '..'),
core: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'core'),
app: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'app'),
vendor: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'vendor'),
out_dir_base: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build'),
lib_dir_base: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'lib'),
const no_copy_files = new Set([
// skip these -- they don't belong in the processed application
path.join(paths.vendor, 'sinon.js'),
path.join(paths.vendor, 'browser-es-module-loader'),
path.join(paths.app, 'images', 'icons', 'Makefile'),
const only_legacy_scripts = new Set([
path.join(paths.vendor, 'promise.js'),
const no_transform_files = new Set([
// don't transform this -- we want it imported as-is to properly catch loading errors
path.join(paths.app, 'error-handler.js'),
no_copy_files.forEach(file => no_transform_files.add(file));
// util.promisify requires Node.js 8.x, so we have our own
function promisify(original) {
return function promise_wrap() {
const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
original.apply(this, args.concat((err, value) => {
if (err) return reject(err);
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile);
const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile);
const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir);
const lstat = promisify(fs.lstat);
const copy = promisify(fse.copy);
const unlink = promisify(fse.unlink);
const ensureDir = promisify(fse.ensureDir);
const rmdir = promisify(fse.rmdir);
const babelTransformFile = promisify(babel.transformFile);
// walkDir *recursively* walks directories trees,
// calling the callback for all normal files found.
function walkDir(base_path, cb, filter) {
return readdir(base_path)
.then((files) => {
const paths = files.map(filename => path.join(base_path, filename));
return Promise.all(paths.map(filepath => lstat(filepath)
.then((stats) => {
if (filter !== undefined && !filter(filepath, stats)) return;
if (stats.isSymbolicLink()) return;
if (stats.isFile()) return cb(filepath);
if (stats.isDirectory()) return walkDir(filepath, cb, filter);
function transform_html(legacy_scripts, only_legacy) {
// write out the modified vnc.html file that works with the bundle
const src_html_path = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'vnc.html');
const out_html_path = path.resolve(paths.out_dir_base, 'vnc.html');
return readFile(src_html_path)
.then((contents_raw) => {
let contents = contents_raw.toString();
const start_marker = '<!-- begin scripts -->\n';
const end_marker = '<!-- end scripts -->';
const start_ind = contents.indexOf(start_marker) + start_marker.length;
const end_ind = contents.indexOf(end_marker, start_ind);
let new_script = '';
if (only_legacy) {
// Only legacy version, so include things directly
for (let i = 0;i < legacy_scripts.length;i++) {
new_script += ` <script src="${legacy_scripts[i]}"></script>\n`;
} else {
// Otherwise detect if it's a modern browser and select
// variant accordingly
new_script += `\
<script type="module">\n\
window._noVNC_has_module_support = true;\n\
window.addEventListener("load", function() {\n\
if (window._noVNC_has_module_support) return;\n\
let legacy_scripts = ${JSON.stringify(legacy_scripts)};\n\
for (let i = 0;i < legacy_scripts.length;i++) {\n\
let script = document.createElement("script");\n\
script.src = legacy_scripts[i];\n\
script.async = false;\n\
// Original, ES6 modules
new_script += ' <script type="module" crossorigin="anonymous" src="app/ui.js"></script>\n';
contents = contents.slice(0, start_ind) + `${new_script}\n` + contents.slice(end_ind);
return contents;
.then((contents) => {
console.log(`Writing ${out_html_path}`);
return writeFile(out_html_path, contents);
function make_lib_files(import_format, source_maps, with_app_dir, only_legacy) {
if (!import_format) {
throw new Error("you must specify an import format to generate compiled noVNC libraries");
} else if (!SUPPORTED_FORMATS.has(import_format)) {
throw new Error(`unsupported output format "${import_format}" for import/export -- only ${Array.from(SUPPORTED_FORMATS)} are supported`);
// NB: we need to make a copy of babel_opts, since babel sets some defaults on it
const babel_opts = () => ({
plugins: [`transform-es2015-modules-${import_format}`],
presets: ['es2015'],
ast: false,
sourceMaps: source_maps,
// No point in duplicate files without the app, so force only converted files
if (!with_app_dir) {
only_legacy = true;
let in_path;
let out_path_base;
if (with_app_dir) {
out_path_base = paths.out_dir_base;
in_path = paths.main;
} else {
out_path_base = paths.lib_dir_base;
const legacy_path_base = only_legacy ? out_path_base : path.join(out_path_base, 'legacy');
const helpers = require('./use_require_helpers');
const helper = helpers[import_format];
const outFiles = [];
const legacyFiles = [];
const handleDir = (js_only, vendor_rewrite, in_path_base, filename) => Promise.resolve()
.then(() => {
const out_path = path.join(out_path_base, path.relative(in_path_base, filename));
const legacy_path = path.join(legacy_path_base, path.relative(in_path_base, filename));
if (path.extname(filename) !== '.js') {
if (!js_only) {
console.log(`Writing ${out_path}`);
return copy(filename, out_path);
return; // skip non-javascript files
if (no_transform_files.has(filename)) {
return ensureDir(path.dirname(out_path))
.then(() => {
console.log(`Writing ${out_path}`);
return copy(filename, out_path);
if (only_legacy_scripts.has(filename)) {
return ensureDir(path.dirname(legacy_path))
.then(() => {
console.log(`Writing ${legacy_path}`);
return copy(filename, legacy_path);
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => {
if (only_legacy) {
return ensureDir(path.dirname(out_path))
.then(() => {
console.log(`Writing ${out_path}`);
return copy(filename, out_path);
.then(() => ensureDir(path.dirname(legacy_path)))
.then(() => {
const opts = babel_opts();
if (helper && helpers.optionsOverride) {
// Adjust for the fact that we move the core files relative
// to the vendor directory
if (vendor_rewrite) {
{"root": legacy_path_base,
"redirect": { "vendor/(.+)": "./vendor/$1"}}]);
return babelTransformFile(filename, opts)
.then((res) => {
console.log(`Writing ${legacy_path}`);
const {map} = res;
let {code} = res;
if (source_maps === true) {
// append URL for external source map
code += `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${path.basename(legacy_path)}.map\n`;
return writeFile(legacy_path, code)
.then(() => {
if (source_maps === true || source_maps === 'both') {
console.log(` and ${legacy_path}.map`);
return writeFile(`${legacy_path}.map`, JSON.stringify(map));
.then(() => {
const handler = handleDir.bind(null, true, false, in_path || paths.main);
const filter = (filename, stats) => !no_copy_files.has(filename);
return walkDir(paths.vendor, handler, filter);
.then(() => {
const handler = handleDir.bind(null, true, !in_path, in_path || paths.core);
const filter = (filename, stats) => !no_copy_files.has(filename);
return walkDir(paths.core, handler, filter);
.then(() => {
if (!with_app_dir) return;
const handler = handleDir.bind(null, false, false, in_path);
const filter = (filename, stats) => !no_copy_files.has(filename);
return walkDir(paths.app, handler, filter);
.then(() => {
if (!with_app_dir) return;
if (!helper || !helper.appWriter) {
throw new Error(`Unable to generate app for the ${import_format} format!`);
const out_app_path = path.join(legacy_path_base, 'app.js');
console.log(`Writing ${out_app_path}`);
return helper.appWriter(out_path_base, legacy_path_base, out_app_path)
.then((extra_scripts) => {
let legacy_scripts = extra_scripts;
legacyFiles.forEach((file) => {
let rel_file_path = path.relative(out_path_base, file);
let rel_app_path = path.relative(out_path_base, out_app_path);
transform_html(legacy_scripts, only_legacy);
.then(() => {
if (!helper.removeModules) return;
console.log(`Cleaning up temporary files...`);
return Promise.all(outFiles.map((filepath) => {
.then(() => {
// Try to clean up any empty directories if this
// was the last file in there
const rmdir_r = dir =>
.then(() => rmdir_r(path.dirname(dir)))
.catch(() => {
// Assume the error was ENOTEMPTY and ignore it
return rmdir_r(path.dirname(filepath));
.catch((err) => {
console.error(`Failure converting modules: ${err}`);
if (program.clean) {
console.log(`Removing ${paths.lib_dir_base}`);
console.log(`Removing ${paths.out_dir_base}`);
make_lib_files(program.as, program.withSourceMaps, program.withApp, program.onlyLegacy);