mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 16:51:10 +01:00
These are harmless and really only for debugging. So remove them as they tend to trick people in to thinking something is wrong. We already print the entire server pixel format earlier anyway in case we need the details.
2270 lines
75 KiB
2270 lines
75 KiB
* noVNC: HTML5 VNC client
* Copyright (C) 2018 The noVNC Authors
* Licensed under MPL 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt)
* See README.md for usage and integration instructions.
import * as Log from './util/logging.js';
import { decodeUTF8 } from './util/strings.js';
import { supportsCursorURIs, isTouchDevice } from './util/browser.js';
import { dragThreshold } from './util/browser.js';
import EventTargetMixin from './util/eventtarget.js';
import Display from "./display.js";
import Keyboard from "./input/keyboard.js";
import Mouse from "./input/mouse.js";
import Cursor from "./util/cursor.js";
import Websock from "./websock.js";
import DES from "./des.js";
import KeyTable from "./input/keysym.js";
import XtScancode from "./input/xtscancodes.js";
import { encodings } from "./encodings.js";
import "./util/polyfill.js";
import RawDecoder from "./decoders/raw.js";
import CopyRectDecoder from "./decoders/copyrect.js";
import RREDecoder from "./decoders/rre.js";
import HextileDecoder from "./decoders/hextile.js";
import TightDecoder from "./decoders/tight.js";
import TightPNGDecoder from "./decoders/tightpng.js";
// How many seconds to wait for a disconnect to finish
const DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = 'rgb(40, 40, 40)';
var _videoQuality = 2;
var _enableWebP = false;
export default class RFB extends EventTargetMixin {
constructor(target, url, options) {
if (!target) {
throw new Error("Must specify target");
if (!url) {
throw new Error("Must specify URL");
this._target = target;
this._url = url;
// Connection details
options = options || {};
this._rfb_credentials = options.credentials || {};
this._shared = 'shared' in options ? !!options.shared : true;
this._repeaterID = options.repeaterID || '';
this._showDotCursor = options.showDotCursor || false;
// Internal state
this._rfb_connection_state = '';
this._rfb_init_state = '';
this._rfb_auth_scheme = -1;
this._rfb_clean_disconnect = true;
// Server capabilities
this._rfb_version = 0;
this._rfb_max_version = 3.8;
this._rfb_tightvnc = false;
this._rfb_xvp_ver = 0;
this._fb_width = 0;
this._fb_height = 0;
this._fb_name = "";
this._capabilities = { power: false };
this._supportsFence = false;
this._supportsContinuousUpdates = false;
this._enabledContinuousUpdates = false;
this._supportsSetDesktopSize = false;
this._screen_id = 0;
this._screen_flags = 0;
this._qemuExtKeyEventSupported = false;
// kasm defaults
this._jpegVideoQuality = 5;
this._webpVideoQuality = 5;
this._treatLossless = 7;
this._preferBandwidth = true;
this._dynamicQualityMin = 3;
this._dynamicQualityMax = 9;
this._videoArea = 65;
this._videoTime = 5;
this._videoOutTime = 3;
this._videoScaling = 2;
this._frameRate = 30;
this._maxVideoResolutionX = 960;
this._maxVideoResolutionY = 540;
// Internal objects
this._sock = null; // Websock object
this._display = null; // Display object
this._flushing = false; // Display flushing state
this._keyboard = null; // Keyboard input handler object
this._mouse = null; // Mouse input handler object
// Timers
this._disconnTimer = null; // disconnection timer
this._resizeTimeout = null; // resize rate limiting
// Decoder states
this._decoders = {};
this._FBU = {
rects: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
encoding: null,
// Mouse state
this._mouse_buttonMask = 0;
this._mouse_arr = [];
this._viewportDragging = false;
this._viewportDragPos = {};
this._viewportHasMoved = false;
// Bound event handlers
this._eventHandlers = {
focusCanvas: this._focusCanvas.bind(this),
windowResize: this._windowResize.bind(this),
firstClick: this._firstClick.bind(this),
firstTouch: this._firstTouch.bind(this)
// main setup
Log.Debug(">> RFB.constructor");
// Create DOM elements
this._screen = document.createElement('div');
this._screen.style.display = 'flex';
this._screen.style.width = '100%';
this._screen.style.height = '100%';
this._screen.style.overflow = 'auto';
this._screen.style.background = DEFAULT_BACKGROUND;
this._canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this._canvas.style.margin = 'auto';
// Some browsers add an outline on focus
this._canvas.style.outline = 'none';
// IE miscalculates width without this :(
this._canvas.style.flexShrink = '0';
this._canvas.width = 0;
this._canvas.height = 0;
this._canvas.tabIndex = -1;
// Cursor
this._cursor = new Cursor();
// XXX: TightVNC 2.8.11 sends no cursor at all until Windows changes
// it. Result: no cursor at all until a window border or an edit field
// is hit blindly. But there are also VNC servers that draw the cursor
// in the framebuffer and don't send the empty local cursor. There is
// no way to satisfy both sides.
// The spec is unclear on this "initial cursor" issue. Many other
// viewers (TigerVNC, RealVNC, Remmina) display an arrow as the
// initial cursor instead.
this._cursorImage = RFB.cursors.none;
// populate decoder array with objects
this._decoders[encodings.encodingRaw] = new RawDecoder();
this._decoders[encodings.encodingCopyRect] = new CopyRectDecoder();
this._decoders[encodings.encodingRRE] = new RREDecoder();
this._decoders[encodings.encodingHextile] = new HextileDecoder();
this._decoders[encodings.encodingTight] = new TightDecoder();
this._decoders[encodings.encodingTightPNG] = new TightPNGDecoder();
// NB: nothing that needs explicit teardown should be done
// before this point, since this can throw an exception
try {
this._display = new Display(this._canvas);
} catch (exc) {
Log.Error("Display exception: " + exc);
throw exc;
this._display.onflush = this._onFlush.bind(this);
this._keyboard = new Keyboard(this._canvas);
this._keyboard.onkeyevent = this._handleKeyEvent.bind(this);
this._mouse = new Mouse(this._canvas);
this._mouse.onmousebutton = this._handleMouseButton.bind(this);
this._mouse.onmousemove = this._handleMouseMove.bind(this);
this._sock = new Websock();
this._sock.on('message', () => {
this._sock.on('open', () => {
if ((this._rfb_connection_state === 'connecting') &&
(this._rfb_init_state === '')) {
this._rfb_init_state = 'ProtocolVersion';
Log.Debug("Starting VNC handshake");
} else {
this._fail("Unexpected server connection while " +
this._sock.on('close', (e) => {
Log.Debug("WebSocket on-close event");
let msg = "";
if (e.code) {
msg = "(code: " + e.code;
if (e.reason) {
msg += ", reason: " + e.reason;
msg += ")";
switch (this._rfb_connection_state) {
case 'connecting':
this._fail("Connection closed " + msg);
case 'connected':
// Handle disconnects that were initiated server-side
case 'disconnecting':
// Normal disconnection path
case 'disconnected':
this._fail("Unexpected server disconnect " +
"when already disconnected " + msg);
this._fail("Unexpected server disconnect before connecting " +
this._sock.on('error', e => Log.Warn("WebSocket on-error event"));
// Slight delay of the actual connection so that the caller has
// time to set up callbacks
setTimeout(this._updateConnectionState.bind(this, 'connecting'));
Log.Debug("<< RFB.constructor");
// ===== PROPERTIES =====
this.dragViewport = false;
this.focusOnClick = true;
this.sentEventsCounter = 0; //tracks the number of events sent to the server
this._viewOnly = false;
this._clipViewport = false;
this._scaleViewport = false;
this._resizeSession = false;
// ===== PROPERTIES =====
get videoQuality() { return this._videoQuality; }
set videoQuality(quality) { this._videoQuality = quality; }
get enableWebP() { return this._enableWebP; }
set enableWebP(enabled) { this._enableWebP = enabled; }
get jpegVideoQuality() { return this._jpegVideoQuality; }
set jpegVideoQuality(val) { this._jpegVideoQuality = val; }
get webpVideoQuality() { return this._webpVideoQuality; }
set webpVideoQuality(val) { this._webpVideoQuality = val; }
get treatLossless() { return this._treatLossless; }
set treatLossless(val) { this._treatLossless = val; }
get preferBandwidth() { return this._preferBandwidth; }
set preferBandwidth(val) { this._preferBandwidth = val; }
get dynamicQualityMin() { return this._dynamicQualityMin; }
set dynamicQualityMin(val) { this._dynamicQualityMin = val; }
get dynamicQualityMax() { return this._dynamicQualityMax; }
set dynamicQualityMax(val) { this._dynamicQualityMax = val; }
get videoArea() { return this._videoArea; }
set videoArea(val) { this._videoArea = val; }
get videoTime() { return this._videoTime; }
set videoTime(val) { this._videoTime = val; }
get videoOutTime() { return this._videoOutTime; }
set videoOutTime(val) { this._videoOutTime = val; }
get videoScaling() { return this._videoScaling; }
set videoScaling(val) { this._videoScaling = val; }
get frameRate() { return this._frameRate; }
set frameRate(val) { this._frameRate = val; }
get maxVideoResolutionX() { return this._maxVideoResolutionX; }
set maxVideoResolutionX(val) { this._maxVideoResolutionX = val; }
get maxVideoResolutionY() { return this._maxVideoResolutionY; }
set maxVideoResolutionY(val) { this._maxVideoResolutionY = val; }
get viewOnly() { return this._viewOnly; }
set viewOnly(viewOnly) {
this._viewOnly = viewOnly;
if (this._rfb_connection_state === "connecting" ||
this._rfb_connection_state === "connected") {
if (viewOnly) {
} else {
get capabilities() { return this._capabilities; }
get touchButton() { return this._mouse.touchButton; }
set touchButton(button) { this._mouse.touchButton = button; }
get clipViewport() { return this._clipViewport; }
set clipViewport(viewport) {
this._clipViewport = viewport;
get scaleViewport() { return this._scaleViewport; }
set scaleViewport(scale) {
this._scaleViewport = scale;
// Scaling trumps clipping, so we may need to adjust
// clipping when enabling or disabling scaling
if (scale && this._clipViewport) {
if (!scale && this._clipViewport) {
get resizeSession() { return this._resizeSession; }
set resizeSession(resize) {
this._resizeSession = resize;
if (resize) {
this.scaleViewport = true;
get showDotCursor() { return this._showDotCursor; }
set showDotCursor(show) {
this._showDotCursor = show;
get background() { return this._screen.style.background; }
set background(cssValue) { this._screen.style.background = cssValue; }
// ===== PUBLIC METHODS =====
disconnect() {
sendCredentials(creds) {
this._rfb_credentials = creds;
setTimeout(this._init_msg.bind(this), 0);
sendCtrlAltDel() {
if (this._rfb_connection_state !== 'connected' || this._viewOnly) { return; }
Log.Info("Sending Ctrl-Alt-Del");
this.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Control_L, "ControlLeft", true);
this.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Alt_L, "AltLeft", true);
this.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Delete, "Delete", true);
this.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Delete, "Delete", false);
this.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Alt_L, "AltLeft", false);
this.sendKey(KeyTable.XK_Control_L, "ControlLeft", false);
machineShutdown() {
this._xvpOp(1, 2);
machineReboot() {
this._xvpOp(1, 3);
machineReset() {
this._xvpOp(1, 4);
// Send a key press. If 'down' is not specified then send a down key
// followed by an up key.
sendKey(keysym, code, down) {
if (this._rfb_connection_state !== 'connected' || this._viewOnly) { return; }
if (down === undefined) {
this.sendKey(keysym, code, true);
this.sendKey(keysym, code, false);
const scancode = XtScancode[code];
if (this._qemuExtKeyEventSupported && scancode) {
// 0 is NoSymbol
keysym = keysym || 0;
Log.Info("Sending key (" + (down ? "down" : "up") + "): keysym " + keysym + ", scancode " + scancode);
RFB.messages.QEMUExtendedKeyEvent(this._sock, keysym, down, scancode);
} else {
if (!keysym) {
Log.Info("Sending keysym (" + (down ? "down" : "up") + "): " + keysym);
RFB.messages.keyEvent(this._sock, keysym, down ? 1 : 0);
focus() {
blur() {
clipboardPasteFrom(text) {
if (this._rfb_connection_state !== 'connected' || this._viewOnly) { return; }
RFB.messages.clientCutText(this._sock, text);
requestBottleneckStats() {
// ===== PRIVATE METHODS =====
_connect() {
Log.Debug(">> RFB.connect");
Log.Info("connecting to " + this._url);
try {
// WebSocket.onopen transitions to the RFB init states
this._sock.open(this._url, ['binary']);
} catch (e) {
if (e.name === 'SyntaxError') {
this._fail("Invalid host or port (" + e + ")");
} else {
this._fail("Error when opening socket (" + e + ")");
// Make our elements part of the page
// Monitor size changes of the screen
// FIXME: Use ResizeObserver, or hidden overflow
window.addEventListener('resize', this._eventHandlers.windowResize);
// Always grab focus on some kind of click event
this._canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this._eventHandlers.focusCanvas);
this._canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this._eventHandlers.focusCanvas);
this._canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this._eventHandlers.firstClick);
this._canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this._eventHandlers.firstTouch);
Log.Debug("<< RFB.connect");
_disconnect() {
Log.Debug(">> RFB.disconnect");
this._canvas.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._eventHandlers.focusCanvas);
this._canvas.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._eventHandlers.focusCanvas);
window.removeEventListener('resize', this._eventHandlers.windowResize);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.name === 'NotFoundError') {
// Some cases where the initial connection fails
// can disconnect before the _screen is created
} else {
throw e;
Log.Debug("<< RFB.disconnect");
_focusCanvas(event) {
// Respect earlier handlers' request to not do side-effects
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
if (!this.focusOnClick) {
_windowResize(event) {
// If the window resized then our screen element might have
// as well. Update the viewport dimensions.
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (this._resizeSession) {
// Request changing the resolution of the remote display to
// the size of the local browser viewport.
// In order to not send multiple requests before the browser-resize
// is finished we wait 0.5 seconds before sending the request.
this._resizeTimeout = setTimeout(this._requestRemoteResize.bind(this), 500);
_firstClick(event) {
parent.postMessage({ action: 'firstClick', value: null}, '*' );
this._canvas.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._eventHandlers.firstClick);
_firstTouch(event) {
parent.postMessage({ action: 'firstTouch', value: null}, '*' );
this._canvas.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._eventHandlers.firstTouch);
// Update state of clipping in Display object, and make sure the
// configured viewport matches the current screen size
_updateClip() {
const cur_clip = this._display.clipViewport;
let new_clip = this._clipViewport;
if (this._scaleViewport) {
// Disable viewport clipping if we are scaling
new_clip = false;
if (cur_clip !== new_clip) {
this._display.clipViewport = new_clip;
if (new_clip) {
// When clipping is enabled, the screen is limited to
// the size of the container.
const size = this._screenSize();
this._display.viewportChangeSize(size.w, size.h);
_updateScale() {
if (!this._scaleViewport) {
this._display.scale = 1.0;
} else {
const size = this._screenSize(false);
this._display.autoscale(size.w, size.h);
// Requests a change of remote desktop size. This message is an extension
// and may only be sent if we have received an ExtendedDesktopSize message
_requestRemoteResize() {
this._resizeTimeout = null;
if (!this._resizeSession || this._viewOnly ||
!this._supportsSetDesktopSize) {
const size = this._screenSize();
Math.floor(size.w), Math.floor(size.h),
this._screen_id, this._screen_flags);
Log.Debug('Requested new desktop size: ' +
size.w + 'x' + size.h);
// Gets the the size of the available screen
_screenSize (limited) {
if (limited === undefined) {
limited = true;
var x = this._screen.offsetWidth;
var y = this._screen.offsetHeight;
try {
if (x > 1280 && limited && this.videoQuality == 1) {
var ratio = y / x;
x = 1280;
y = x * ratio;
else if (limited && this.videoQuality == 0){
x = 1280;
y = 720;
} catch (err) {
return { w: x,
h: y };
_fixScrollbars() {
// This is a hack because Chrome screws up the calculation
// for when scrollbars are needed. So to fix it we temporarily
// toggle them off and on.
const orig = this._screen.style.overflow;
this._screen.style.overflow = 'hidden';
// Force Chrome to recalculate the layout by asking for
// an element's dimensions
this._screen.style.overflow = orig;
* Connection states:
* connecting
* connected
* disconnecting
* disconnected - permanent state
_updateConnectionState(state) {
const oldstate = this._rfb_connection_state;
if (state === oldstate) {
Log.Debug("Already in state '" + state + "', ignoring");
// The 'disconnected' state is permanent for each RFB object
if (oldstate === 'disconnected') {
Log.Error("Tried changing state of a disconnected RFB object");
// Ensure proper transitions before doing anything
switch (state) {
case 'connected':
if (oldstate !== 'connecting') {
Log.Error("Bad transition to connected state, " +
"previous connection state: " + oldstate);
case 'disconnected':
if (oldstate !== 'disconnecting') {
Log.Error("Bad transition to disconnected state, " +
"previous connection state: " + oldstate);
case 'connecting':
if (oldstate !== '') {
Log.Error("Bad transition to connecting state, " +
"previous connection state: " + oldstate);
case 'disconnecting':
if (oldstate !== 'connected' && oldstate !== 'connecting') {
Log.Error("Bad transition to disconnecting state, " +
"previous connection state: " + oldstate);
Log.Error("Unknown connection state: " + state);
// State change actions
this._rfb_connection_state = state;
Log.Debug("New state '" + state + "', was '" + oldstate + "'.");
if (this._disconnTimer && state !== 'disconnecting') {
Log.Debug("Clearing disconnect timer");
this._disconnTimer = null;
// make sure we don't get a double event
switch (state) {
case 'connecting':
case 'connected':
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("connect", { detail: {} }));
case 'disconnecting':
this._disconnTimer = setTimeout(() => {
Log.Error("Disconnection timed out.");
case 'disconnected':
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
"disconnect", { detail:
{ clean: this._rfb_clean_disconnect } }));
/* Print errors and disconnect
* The parameter 'details' is used for information that
* should be logged but not sent to the user interface.
_fail(details) {
switch (this._rfb_connection_state) {
case 'disconnecting':
Log.Error("Failed when disconnecting: " + details);
case 'connected':
Log.Error("Failed while connected: " + details);
case 'connecting':
Log.Error("Failed when connecting: " + details);
Log.Error("RFB failure: " + details);
this._rfb_clean_disconnect = false; //This is sent to the UI
// Transition to disconnected without waiting for socket to close
return false;
_setCapability(cap, val) {
this._capabilities[cap] = val;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("capabilities",
{ detail: { capabilities: this._capabilities } }));
_handle_message() {
if (this._sock.rQlen === 0) {
Log.Warn("handle_message called on an empty receive queue");
switch (this._rfb_connection_state) {
case 'disconnected':
Log.Error("Got data while disconnected");
case 'connected':
while (true) {
if (this._flushing) {
if (!this._normal_msg()) {
if (this._sock.rQlen === 0) {
_handleKeyEvent(keysym, code, down) {
this.sendKey(keysym, code, down);
_handleMouseButton(x, y, down, bmask) {
if (down) {
this._mouse_buttonMask |= bmask;
} else {
this._mouse_buttonMask &= ~bmask;
if (this.dragViewport) {
if (down && !this._viewportDragging) {
this._viewportDragging = true;
this._viewportDragPos = {'x': x, 'y': y};
this._viewportHasMoved = false;
// Skip sending mouse events
} else {
this._viewportDragging = false;
// If we actually performed a drag then we are done
// here and should not send any mouse events
if (this._viewportHasMoved) {
// Otherwise we treat this as a mouse click event.
// Send the button down event here, as the button up
// event is sent at the end of this function.
if (this._viewOnly) { return; } // View only, skip mouse events
if (this._rfb_connection_state !== 'connected') { return; }
RFB.messages.pointerEvent(this._sock, this._display.absX(x), this._display.absY(y), this._mouse_buttonMask);
_handleMouseMove(x, y) {
if (this._viewportDragging) {
const deltaX = this._viewportDragPos.x - x;
const deltaY = this._viewportDragPos.y - y;
if (this._viewportHasMoved || (Math.abs(deltaX) > dragThreshold ||
Math.abs(deltaY) > dragThreshold)) {
this._viewportHasMoved = true;
this._viewportDragPos = {'x': x, 'y': y};
this._display.viewportChangePos(deltaX, deltaY);
// Skip sending mouse events
if (this._viewOnly) { return; } // View only, skip mouse events
if (this._rfb_connection_state !== 'connected') { return; }
RFB.messages.pointerEvent(this._sock, this._display.absX(x), this._display.absY(y), this._mouse_buttonMask);
// Message Handlers
_negotiate_protocol_version() {
if (this._sock.rQwait("version", 12)) {
return false;
const sversion = this._sock.rQshiftStr(12).substr(4, 7);
Log.Info("Server ProtocolVersion: " + sversion);
let is_repeater = 0;
switch (sversion) {
case "000.000": // UltraVNC repeater
is_repeater = 1;
case "003.003":
case "003.006": // UltraVNC
case "003.889": // Apple Remote Desktop
this._rfb_version = 3.3;
case "003.007":
this._rfb_version = 3.7;
case "003.008":
case "004.000": // Intel AMT KVM
case "004.001": // RealVNC 4.6
case "005.000": // RealVNC 5.3
this._rfb_version = 3.8;
return this._fail("Invalid server version " + sversion);
if (is_repeater) {
let repeaterID = "ID:" + this._repeaterID;
while (repeaterID.length < 250) {
repeaterID += "\0";
return true;
if (this._rfb_version > this._rfb_max_version) {
this._rfb_version = this._rfb_max_version;
const cversion = "00" + parseInt(this._rfb_version, 10) +
".00" + ((this._rfb_version * 10) % 10);
this._sock.send_string("RFB " + cversion + "\n");
Log.Debug('Sent ProtocolVersion: ' + cversion);
this._rfb_init_state = 'Security';
_negotiate_security() {
// Polyfill since IE and PhantomJS doesn't have
// TypedArray.includes()
function includes(item, array) {
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] === item) {
return true;
return false;
if (this._rfb_version >= 3.7) {
// Server sends supported list, client decides
const num_types = this._sock.rQshift8();
if (this._sock.rQwait("security type", num_types, 1)) { return false; }
if (num_types === 0) {
this._rfb_init_state = "SecurityReason";
this._security_context = "no security types";
this._security_status = 1;
return this._init_msg();
const types = this._sock.rQshiftBytes(num_types);
Log.Debug("Server security types: " + types);
// Look for each auth in preferred order
if (includes(1, types)) {
this._rfb_auth_scheme = 1; // None
} else if (includes(22, types)) {
this._rfb_auth_scheme = 22; // XVP
} else if (includes(16, types)) {
this._rfb_auth_scheme = 16; // Tight
} else if (includes(2, types)) {
this._rfb_auth_scheme = 2; // VNC Auth
} else {
return this._fail("Unsupported security types (types: " + types + ")");
} else {
// Server decides
if (this._sock.rQwait("security scheme", 4)) { return false; }
this._rfb_auth_scheme = this._sock.rQshift32();
if (this._rfb_auth_scheme == 0) {
this._rfb_init_state = "SecurityReason";
this._security_context = "authentication scheme";
this._security_status = 1;
return this._init_msg();
this._rfb_init_state = 'Authentication';
Log.Debug('Authenticating using scheme: ' + this._rfb_auth_scheme);
return this._init_msg(); // jump to authentication
_handle_security_reason() {
if (this._sock.rQwait("reason length", 4)) {
return false;
const strlen = this._sock.rQshift32();
let reason = "";
if (strlen > 0) {
if (this._sock.rQwait("reason", strlen, 4)) { return false; }
reason = this._sock.rQshiftStr(strlen);
if (reason !== "") {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { status: this._security_status,
reason: reason } }));
return this._fail("Security negotiation failed on " +
this._security_context +
" (reason: " + reason + ")");
} else {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { status: this._security_status } }));
return this._fail("Security negotiation failed on " +
// authentication
_negotiate_xvp_auth() {
if (!this._rfb_credentials.username ||
!this._rfb_credentials.password ||
!this._rfb_credentials.target) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { types: ["username", "password", "target"] } }));
return false;
const xvp_auth_str = String.fromCharCode(this._rfb_credentials.username.length) +
String.fromCharCode(this._rfb_credentials.target.length) +
this._rfb_credentials.username +
this._rfb_auth_scheme = 2;
return this._negotiate_authentication();
_negotiate_std_vnc_auth() {
if (this._sock.rQwait("auth challenge", 16)) { return false; }
// KasmVNC uses basic Auth, clear the VNC password, which is not used
this._rfb_credentials.password = "";
// TODO(directxman12): make genDES not require an Array
const challenge = Array.prototype.slice.call(this._sock.rQshiftBytes(16));
const response = RFB.genDES(this._rfb_credentials.password, challenge);
this._rfb_init_state = "SecurityResult";
return true;
_negotiate_tight_tunnels(numTunnels) {
const clientSupportedTunnelTypes = {
0: { vendor: 'TGHT', signature: 'NOTUNNEL' }
const serverSupportedTunnelTypes = {};
// receive tunnel capabilities
for (let i = 0; i < numTunnels; i++) {
const cap_code = this._sock.rQshift32();
const cap_vendor = this._sock.rQshiftStr(4);
const cap_signature = this._sock.rQshiftStr(8);
serverSupportedTunnelTypes[cap_code] = { vendor: cap_vendor, signature: cap_signature };
Log.Debug("Server Tight tunnel types: " + serverSupportedTunnelTypes);
// Siemens touch panels have a VNC server that supports NOTUNNEL,
// but forgets to advertise it. Try to detect such servers by
// looking for their custom tunnel type.
if (serverSupportedTunnelTypes[1] &&
(serverSupportedTunnelTypes[1].vendor === "SICR") &&
(serverSupportedTunnelTypes[1].signature === "SCHANNEL")) {
Log.Debug("Detected Siemens server. Assuming NOTUNNEL support.");
serverSupportedTunnelTypes[0] = { vendor: 'TGHT', signature: 'NOTUNNEL' };
// choose the notunnel type
if (serverSupportedTunnelTypes[0]) {
if (serverSupportedTunnelTypes[0].vendor != clientSupportedTunnelTypes[0].vendor ||
serverSupportedTunnelTypes[0].signature != clientSupportedTunnelTypes[0].signature) {
return this._fail("Client's tunnel type had the incorrect " +
"vendor or signature");
Log.Debug("Selected tunnel type: " + clientSupportedTunnelTypes[0]);
this._sock.send([0, 0, 0, 0]); // use NOTUNNEL
return false; // wait until we receive the sub auth count to continue
} else {
return this._fail("Server wanted tunnels, but doesn't support " +
"the notunnel type");
_negotiate_tight_auth() {
if (!this._rfb_tightvnc) { // first pass, do the tunnel negotiation
if (this._sock.rQwait("num tunnels", 4)) { return false; }
const numTunnels = this._sock.rQshift32();
if (numTunnels > 0 && this._sock.rQwait("tunnel capabilities", 16 * numTunnels, 4)) { return false; }
this._rfb_tightvnc = true;
if (numTunnels > 0) {
return false; // wait until we receive the sub auth to continue
// second pass, do the sub-auth negotiation
if (this._sock.rQwait("sub auth count", 4)) { return false; }
const subAuthCount = this._sock.rQshift32();
if (subAuthCount === 0) { // empty sub-auth list received means 'no auth' subtype selected
this._rfb_init_state = 'SecurityResult';
return true;
if (this._sock.rQwait("sub auth capabilities", 16 * subAuthCount, 4)) { return false; }
const clientSupportedTypes = {
const serverSupportedTypes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < subAuthCount; i++) {
this._sock.rQshift32(); // capNum
const capabilities = this._sock.rQshiftStr(12);
Log.Debug("Server Tight authentication types: " + serverSupportedTypes);
for (let authType in clientSupportedTypes) {
if (serverSupportedTypes.indexOf(authType) != -1) {
this._sock.send([0, 0, 0, clientSupportedTypes[authType]]);
Log.Debug("Selected authentication type: " + authType);
switch (authType) {
case 'STDVNOAUTH__': // no auth
this._rfb_init_state = 'SecurityResult';
return true;
case 'STDVVNCAUTH_': // VNC auth
this._rfb_auth_scheme = 2;
return this._init_msg();
return this._fail("Unsupported tiny auth scheme " +
"(scheme: " + authType + ")");
return this._fail("No supported sub-auth types!");
_negotiate_authentication() {
switch (this._rfb_auth_scheme) {
case 1: // no auth
if (this._rfb_version >= 3.8) {
this._rfb_init_state = 'SecurityResult';
return true;
this._rfb_init_state = 'ClientInitialisation';
return this._init_msg();
case 22: // XVP auth
return this._negotiate_xvp_auth();
case 2: // VNC authentication
return this._negotiate_std_vnc_auth();
case 16: // TightVNC Security Type
return this._negotiate_tight_auth();
return this._fail("Unsupported auth scheme (scheme: " +
this._rfb_auth_scheme + ")");
_handle_security_result() {
if (this._sock.rQwait('VNC auth response ', 4)) { return false; }
const status = this._sock.rQshift32();
if (status === 0) { // OK
this._rfb_init_state = 'ClientInitialisation';
Log.Debug('Authentication OK');
return this._init_msg();
} else {
if (this._rfb_version >= 3.8) {
this._rfb_init_state = "SecurityReason";
this._security_context = "security result";
this._security_status = status;
return this._init_msg();
} else {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { status: status } }));
return this._fail("Security handshake failed");
_negotiate_server_init() {
if (this._sock.rQwait("server initialization", 24)) { return false; }
/* Screen size */
const width = this._sock.rQshift16();
const height = this._sock.rQshift16();
const bpp = this._sock.rQshift8();
const depth = this._sock.rQshift8();
const big_endian = this._sock.rQshift8();
const true_color = this._sock.rQshift8();
const red_max = this._sock.rQshift16();
const green_max = this._sock.rQshift16();
const blue_max = this._sock.rQshift16();
const red_shift = this._sock.rQshift8();
const green_shift = this._sock.rQshift8();
const blue_shift = this._sock.rQshift8();
this._sock.rQskipBytes(3); // padding
// NB(directxman12): we don't want to call any callbacks or print messages until
// *after* we're past the point where we could backtrack
/* Connection name/title */
const name_length = this._sock.rQshift32();
if (this._sock.rQwait('server init name', name_length, 24)) { return false; }
this._fb_name = decodeUTF8(this._sock.rQshiftStr(name_length));
if (this._rfb_tightvnc) {
if (this._sock.rQwait('TightVNC extended server init header', 8, 24 + name_length)) { return false; }
// In TightVNC mode, ServerInit message is extended
const numServerMessages = this._sock.rQshift16();
const numClientMessages = this._sock.rQshift16();
const numEncodings = this._sock.rQshift16();
this._sock.rQskipBytes(2); // padding
const totalMessagesLength = (numServerMessages + numClientMessages + numEncodings) * 16;
if (this._sock.rQwait('TightVNC extended server init header', totalMessagesLength, 32 + name_length)) { return false; }
// we don't actually do anything with the capability information that TIGHT sends,
// so we just skip the all of this.
// TIGHT server message capabilities
this._sock.rQskipBytes(16 * numServerMessages);
// TIGHT client message capabilities
this._sock.rQskipBytes(16 * numClientMessages);
// TIGHT encoding capabilities
this._sock.rQskipBytes(16 * numEncodings);
// NB(directxman12): these are down here so that we don't run them multiple times
// if we backtrack
Log.Info("Screen: " + width + "x" + height +
", bpp: " + bpp + ", depth: " + depth +
", big_endian: " + big_endian +
", true_color: " + true_color +
", red_max: " + red_max +
", green_max: " + green_max +
", blue_max: " + blue_max +
", red_shift: " + red_shift +
", green_shift: " + green_shift +
", blue_shift: " + blue_shift);
// we're past the point where we could backtrack, so it's safe to call this
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { name: this._fb_name } }));
this._resize(width, height);
if (!this._viewOnly) { this._keyboard.grab(); }
if (!this._viewOnly) { this._mouse.grab(); }
this._fb_depth = 24;
if (this._fb_name === "Intel(r) AMT KVM") {
Log.Warn("Intel AMT KVM only supports 8/16 bit depths. Using low color mode.");
this._fb_depth = 8;
RFB.messages.pixelFormat(this._sock, this._fb_depth, true);
RFB.messages.fbUpdateRequest(this._sock, false, 0, 0, this._fb_width, this._fb_height);
return true;
_hasWebp() {
return new Promise(res => {
const webP = new Image();
webP.src = '';
webP.onload = webP.onerror = function () {
res(webP.height === 2);
if (!this.enableWebP)
return false;
// It's not possible to check for webp synchronously, and hacking promises
// into everything would be too time-consuming. So test for FF and Chrome.
var uagent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var match = uagent.match(/firefox\/([0-9]+)\./);
if (match && parseInt(match[1]) >= 65)
return true;
match = uagent.match(/chrome\/([0-9]+)\./);
if (match && parseInt(match[1]) >= 23)
return true;
return false;
_sendEncodings() {
const encs = [];
var hasWebp;
// In preference order
// Only supported with full depth support
if (this._fb_depth == 24) {
// Psuedo-encoding settings
var quality = 6;
var compression = 2;
var screensize = this._screenSize(false);
if (this.videoQuality == 1) {
if (screensize.w > 1280) {
quality = 8; //higher quality needed because scaling enlarges artifacts
} else {
quality = 3; //twice the compression ratio as default, but not horrible quality
compression = 6;
} else if (this.videoQuality == 3) {
quality = 8
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingQualityLevel0 + quality);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingCompressLevel0 + compression);
if (this._hasWebp())
// kasm settings; the server may be configured to ignore these
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingJpegVideoQualityLevel0 + this.jpegVideoQuality);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingWebpVideoQualityLevel0 + this.webpVideoQuality);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingTreatLosslessLevel0 + this.treatLossless);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingDynamicQualityMinLevel0 + this.dynamicQualityMin);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingDynamicQualityMaxLevel0 + this.dynamicQualityMax);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingVideoAreaLevel1 + this.videoArea - 1);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingVideoTimeLevel0 + this.videoTime);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingVideoOutTimeLevel1 + this.videoOutTime - 1);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingVideoScalingLevel0 + this.videoScaling);
encs.push(encodings.pseudoEncodingFrameRateLevel10 + this.frameRate - 10);
if (this.preferBandwidth) // must be last - server processes in reverse order
if (this._fb_depth == 24) {
if (supportsCursorURIs() && this._fb_depth == 24){
// Allow the user to attempt using a local cursor even if they are using a touch device. KASM-395
if (this.preferLocalCursor || !isTouchDevice){
RFB.messages.clientEncodings(this._sock, encs);
/* RFB protocol initialization states:
* ProtocolVersion
* Security
* Authentication
* SecurityResult
* ClientInitialization - not triggered by server message
* ServerInitialization
_init_msg() {
switch (this._rfb_init_state) {
case 'ProtocolVersion':
return this._negotiate_protocol_version();
case 'Security':
return this._negotiate_security();
case 'Authentication':
return this._negotiate_authentication();
case 'SecurityResult':
return this._handle_security_result();
case 'SecurityReason':
return this._handle_security_reason();
case 'ClientInitialisation':
this._sock.send([this._shared ? 1 : 0]); // ClientInitialisation
this._rfb_init_state = 'ServerInitialisation';
return true;
case 'ServerInitialisation':
return this._negotiate_server_init();
return this._fail("Unknown init state (state: " +
this._rfb_init_state + ")");
_handle_set_colour_map_msg() {
return this._fail("Unexpected SetColorMapEntries message");
_handle_server_cut_text() {
if (this._sock.rQwait("ServerCutText header", 7, 1)) { return false; }
this._sock.rQskipBytes(3); // Padding
const length = this._sock.rQshift32();
if (this._sock.rQwait("ServerCutText", length, 8)) { return false; }
const text = this._sock.rQshiftStr(length);
if (this._viewOnly) { return true; }
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { text: text } }));
return true;
_handle_server_stats_msg() {
this._sock.rQskipBytes(3); // Padding
const length = this._sock.rQshift32();
if (this._sock.rQwait("KASM bottleneck stats", length, 8)) { return false; }
const text = this._sock.rQshiftStr(length);
console.log("Received KASM bottleneck stats:");
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { text: text } }));
return true;
_handle_server_fence_msg() {
if (this._sock.rQwait("ServerFence header", 8, 1)) { return false; }
this._sock.rQskipBytes(3); // Padding
let flags = this._sock.rQshift32();
let length = this._sock.rQshift8();
if (this._sock.rQwait("ServerFence payload", length, 9)) { return false; }
if (length > 64) {
Log.Warn("Bad payload length (" + length + ") in fence response");
length = 64;
const payload = this._sock.rQshiftStr(length);
this._supportsFence = true;
* Fence flags
* (1<<0) - BlockBefore
* (1<<1) - BlockAfter
* (1<<2) - SyncNext
* (1<<31) - Request
if (!(flags & (1<<31))) {
return this._fail("Unexpected fence response");
// Filter out unsupported flags
// FIXME: support syncNext
flags &= (1<<0) | (1<<1);
// BlockBefore and BlockAfter are automatically handled by
// the fact that we process each incoming message
// synchronuosly.
RFB.messages.clientFence(this._sock, flags, payload);
return true;
_handle_xvp_msg() {
if (this._sock.rQwait("XVP version and message", 3, 1)) { return false; }
this._sock.rQskipBytes(1); // Padding
const xvp_ver = this._sock.rQshift8();
const xvp_msg = this._sock.rQshift8();
switch (xvp_msg) {
case 0: // XVP_FAIL
Log.Error("XVP Operation Failed");
case 1: // XVP_INIT
this._rfb_xvp_ver = xvp_ver;
Log.Info("XVP extensions enabled (version " + this._rfb_xvp_ver + ")");
this._setCapability("power", true);
this._fail("Illegal server XVP message (msg: " + xvp_msg + ")");
return true;
_normal_msg() {
let msg_type;
if (this._FBU.rects > 0) {
msg_type = 0;
} else {
msg_type = this._sock.rQshift8();
let first, ret;
switch (msg_type) {
case 0: // FramebufferUpdate
ret = this._framebufferUpdate();
if (ret && !this._enabledContinuousUpdates) {
RFB.messages.fbUpdateRequest(this._sock, true, 0, 0,
this._fb_width, this._fb_height);
return ret;
case 1: // SetColorMapEntries
return this._handle_set_colour_map_msg();
case 2: // Bell
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: {} }));
return true;
case 3: // ServerCutText
return this._handle_server_cut_text();
case 150: // EndOfContinuousUpdates
first = !this._supportsContinuousUpdates;
this._supportsContinuousUpdates = true;
this._enabledContinuousUpdates = false;
if (first) {
this._enabledContinuousUpdates = true;
Log.Info("Enabling continuous updates.");
} else {
// FIXME: We need to send a framebufferupdaterequest here
// if we add support for turning off continuous updates
return true;
case 178: // KASM bottleneck stats
return this._handle_server_stats_msg();
case 248: // ServerFence
return this._handle_server_fence_msg();
case 250: // XVP
return this._handle_xvp_msg();
this._fail("Unexpected server message (type " + msg_type + ")");
Log.Debug("sock.rQslice(0, 30): " + this._sock.rQslice(0, 30));
return true;
_onFlush() {
this._flushing = false;
// Resume processing
if (this._sock.rQlen > 0) {
_framebufferUpdate() {
if (this._FBU.rects === 0) {
if (this._sock.rQwait("FBU header", 3, 1)) { return false; }
this._sock.rQskipBytes(1); // Padding
this._FBU.rects = this._sock.rQshift16();
// Make sure the previous frame is fully rendered first
// to avoid building up an excessive queue
if (this._display.pending()) {
this._flushing = true;
return false;
while (this._FBU.rects > 0) {
if (this._FBU.encoding === null) {
if (this._sock.rQwait("rect header", 12)) { return false; }
/* New FramebufferUpdate */
const hdr = this._sock.rQshiftBytes(12);
this._FBU.x = (hdr[0] << 8) + hdr[1];
this._FBU.y = (hdr[2] << 8) + hdr[3];
this._FBU.width = (hdr[4] << 8) + hdr[5];
this._FBU.height = (hdr[6] << 8) + hdr[7];
this._FBU.encoding = parseInt((hdr[8] << 24) + (hdr[9] << 16) +
(hdr[10] << 8) + hdr[11], 10);
if (!this._handleRect()) {
return false;
this._FBU.encoding = null;
if (document.visibilityState !== "hidden") {
return true; // We finished this FBU
_handleRect() {
switch (this._FBU.encoding) {
case encodings.pseudoEncodingLastRect:
this._FBU.rects = 1; // Will be decreased when we return
return true;
case encodings.pseudoEncodingCursor:
return this._handleCursor();
case encodings.pseudoEncodingQEMUExtendedKeyEvent:
// Old Safari doesn't support creating keyboard events
try {
const keyboardEvent = document.createEvent("keyboardEvent");
if (keyboardEvent.code !== undefined) {
this._qemuExtKeyEventSupported = true;
} catch (err) {
// Do nothing
return true;
case encodings.pseudoEncodingDesktopSize:
this._resize(this._FBU.width, this._FBU.height);
return true;
case encodings.pseudoEncodingExtendedDesktopSize:
return this._handleExtendedDesktopSize();
return this._handleDataRect();
_handleCursor() {
const hotx = this._FBU.x; // hotspot-x
const hoty = this._FBU.y; // hotspot-y
const w = this._FBU.width;
const h = this._FBU.height;
const pixelslength = w * h * 4;
const masklength = Math.ceil(w / 8) * h;
let bytes = pixelslength + masklength;
if (this._sock.rQwait("cursor encoding", bytes)) {
return false;
// Decode from BGRX pixels + bit mask to RGBA
const pixels = this._sock.rQshiftBytes(pixelslength);
const mask = this._sock.rQshiftBytes(masklength);
let rgba = new Uint8Array(w * h * 4);
let pix_idx = 0;
for (let y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < w; x++) {
let mask_idx = y * Math.ceil(w / 8) + Math.floor(x / 8);
let alpha = (mask[mask_idx] << (x % 8)) & 0x80 ? 255 : 0;
rgba[pix_idx ] = pixels[pix_idx + 2];
rgba[pix_idx + 1] = pixels[pix_idx + 1];
rgba[pix_idx + 2] = pixels[pix_idx];
rgba[pix_idx + 3] = alpha;
pix_idx += 4;
this._updateCursor(rgba, hotx, hoty, w, h);
return true;
_handleExtendedDesktopSize() {
if (this._sock.rQwait("ExtendedDesktopSize", 4)) {
return false;
const number_of_screens = this._sock.rQpeek8();
let bytes = 4 + (number_of_screens * 16);
if (this._sock.rQwait("ExtendedDesktopSize", bytes)) {
return false;
const firstUpdate = !this._supportsSetDesktopSize;
this._supportsSetDesktopSize = true;
// Normally we only apply the current resize mode after a
// window resize event. However there is no such trigger on the
// initial connect. And we don't know if the server supports
// resizing until we've gotten here.
if (firstUpdate) {
this._sock.rQskipBytes(1); // number-of-screens
this._sock.rQskipBytes(3); // padding
for (let i = 0; i < number_of_screens; i += 1) {
// Save the id and flags of the first screen
if (i === 0) {
this._screen_id = this._sock.rQshiftBytes(4); // id
this._sock.rQskipBytes(2); // x-position
this._sock.rQskipBytes(2); // y-position
this._sock.rQskipBytes(2); // width
this._sock.rQskipBytes(2); // height
this._screen_flags = this._sock.rQshiftBytes(4); // flags
} else {
* The x-position indicates the reason for the change:
* 0 - server resized on its own
* 1 - this client requested the resize
* 2 - another client requested the resize
// We need to handle errors when we requested the resize.
if (this._FBU.x === 1 && this._FBU.y !== 0) {
let msg = "";
// The y-position indicates the status code from the server
switch (this._FBU.y) {
case 1:
msg = "Resize is administratively prohibited";
case 2:
msg = "Out of resources";
case 3:
msg = "Invalid screen layout";
msg = "Unknown reason";
Log.Warn("Server did not accept the resize request: "
+ msg);
} else {
this._resize(this._FBU.width, this._FBU.height);
return true;
_handleDataRect() {
let decoder = this._decoders[this._FBU.encoding];
if (!decoder) {
this._fail("Unsupported encoding (encoding: " +
this._FBU.encoding + ")");
return false;
try {
return decoder.decodeRect(this._FBU.x, this._FBU.y,
this._FBU.width, this._FBU.height,
this._sock, this._display,
} catch (err) {
this._fail("Error decoding rect: " + err);
return false;
_updateContinuousUpdates() {
if (!this._enabledContinuousUpdates) { return; }
RFB.messages.enableContinuousUpdates(this._sock, true, 0, 0,
this._fb_width, this._fb_height);
_resize(width, height) {
this._fb_width = width;
this._fb_height = height;
this._display.resize(this._fb_width, this._fb_height);
// Adjust the visible viewport based on the new dimensions
_xvpOp(ver, op) {
if (this._rfb_xvp_ver < ver) { return; }
Log.Info("Sending XVP operation " + op + " (version " + ver + ")");
RFB.messages.xvpOp(this._sock, ver, op);
_updateCursor(rgba, hotx, hoty, w, h) {
this._cursorImage = {
rgbaPixels: rgba,
hotx: hotx, hoty: hoty, w: w, h: h,
_shouldShowDotCursor() {
// Called when this._cursorImage is updated
if (!this._showDotCursor) {
// User does not want to see the dot, so...
return false;
// The dot should not be shown if the cursor is already visible,
// i.e. contains at least one not-fully-transparent pixel.
// So iterate through all alpha bytes in rgba and stop at the
// first non-zero.
for (let i = 3; i < this._cursorImage.rgbaPixels.length; i += 4) {
if (this._cursorImage.rgbaPixels[i]) {
return false;
// At this point, we know that the cursor is fully transparent, and
// the user wants to see the dot instead of this.
return true;
_refreshCursor() {
const image = this._shouldShowDotCursor() ? RFB.cursors.dot : this._cursorImage;
image.hotx, image.hoty,
image.w, image.h
static genDES(password, challenge) {
const passwordChars = password.split('').map(c => c.charCodeAt(0));
return (new DES(passwordChars)).encrypt(challenge);
// Class Methods
RFB.messages = {
keyEvent(sock, keysym, down) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 4; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = down;
buff[offset + 2] = 0;
buff[offset + 3] = 0;
buff[offset + 4] = (keysym >> 24);
buff[offset + 5] = (keysym >> 16);
buff[offset + 6] = (keysym >> 8);
buff[offset + 7] = keysym;
sock._sQlen += 8;
QEMUExtendedKeyEvent(sock, keysym, down, keycode) {
function getRFBkeycode(xt_scancode) {
const upperByte = (keycode >> 8);
const lowerByte = (keycode & 0x00ff);
if (upperByte === 0xe0 && lowerByte < 0x7f) {
return lowerByte | 0x80;
return xt_scancode;
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 255; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = 0; // sub msg-type
buff[offset + 2] = (down >> 8);
buff[offset + 3] = down;
buff[offset + 4] = (keysym >> 24);
buff[offset + 5] = (keysym >> 16);
buff[offset + 6] = (keysym >> 8);
buff[offset + 7] = keysym;
const RFBkeycode = getRFBkeycode(keycode);
buff[offset + 8] = (RFBkeycode >> 24);
buff[offset + 9] = (RFBkeycode >> 16);
buff[offset + 10] = (RFBkeycode >> 8);
buff[offset + 11] = RFBkeycode;
sock._sQlen += 12;
pointerEvent(sock, x, y, mask) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 5; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = mask;
buff[offset + 2] = x >> 8;
buff[offset + 3] = x;
buff[offset + 4] = y >> 8;
buff[offset + 5] = y;
sock._sQlen += 6;
// TODO(directxman12): make this unicode compatible?
clientCutText(sock, text) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 6; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 2] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 3] = 0; // padding
let length = text.length;
buff[offset + 4] = length >> 24;
buff[offset + 5] = length >> 16;
buff[offset + 6] = length >> 8;
buff[offset + 7] = length;
sock._sQlen += 8;
// We have to keep track of from where in the text we begin creating the
// buffer for the flush in the next iteration.
let textOffset = 0;
let remaining = length;
while (remaining > 0) {
let flushSize = Math.min(remaining, (sock._sQbufferSize - sock._sQlen));
for (let i = 0; i < flushSize; i++) {
buff[sock._sQlen + i] = text.charCodeAt(textOffset + i);
sock._sQlen += flushSize;
remaining -= flushSize;
textOffset += flushSize;
setDesktopSize(sock, width, height, id, flags) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 251; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 2] = width >> 8; // width
buff[offset + 3] = width;
buff[offset + 4] = height >> 8; // height
buff[offset + 5] = height;
buff[offset + 6] = 1; // number-of-screens
buff[offset + 7] = 0; // padding
// screen array
buff[offset + 8] = id >> 24; // id
buff[offset + 9] = id >> 16;
buff[offset + 10] = id >> 8;
buff[offset + 11] = id;
buff[offset + 12] = 0; // x-position
buff[offset + 13] = 0;
buff[offset + 14] = 0; // y-position
buff[offset + 15] = 0;
buff[offset + 16] = width >> 8; // width
buff[offset + 17] = width;
buff[offset + 18] = height >> 8; // height
buff[offset + 19] = height;
buff[offset + 20] = flags >> 24; // flags
buff[offset + 21] = flags >> 16;
buff[offset + 22] = flags >> 8;
buff[offset + 23] = flags;
sock._sQlen += 24;
setMaxVideoResolution(sock, width, height) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 252; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = width >> 8; // width
buff[offset + 2] = width;
buff[offset + 3] = height >> 8; // height
buff[offset + 4] = height;
sock._sQlen += 5;
clientFence(sock, flags, payload) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 248; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 2] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 3] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 4] = flags >> 24; // flags
buff[offset + 5] = flags >> 16;
buff[offset + 6] = flags >> 8;
buff[offset + 7] = flags;
const n = payload.length;
buff[offset + 8] = n; // length
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
buff[offset + 9 + i] = payload.charCodeAt(i);
sock._sQlen += 9 + n;
requestStats(sock) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
if (buff == null) { return; }
buff[offset] = 178; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 2] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 3] = 0; // padding
sock._sQlen += 4;
enableContinuousUpdates(sock, enable, x, y, width, height) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 150; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = enable; // enable-flag
buff[offset + 2] = x >> 8; // x
buff[offset + 3] = x;
buff[offset + 4] = y >> 8; // y
buff[offset + 5] = y;
buff[offset + 6] = width >> 8; // width
buff[offset + 7] = width;
buff[offset + 8] = height >> 8; // height
buff[offset + 9] = height;
sock._sQlen += 10;
pixelFormat(sock, depth, true_color) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
let bpp;
if (depth > 16) {
bpp = 32;
} else if (depth > 8) {
bpp = 16;
} else {
bpp = 8;
const bits = Math.floor(depth/3);
buff[offset] = 0; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 2] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 3] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 4] = bpp; // bits-per-pixel
buff[offset + 5] = depth; // depth
buff[offset + 6] = 0; // little-endian
buff[offset + 7] = true_color ? 1 : 0; // true-color
buff[offset + 8] = 0; // red-max
buff[offset + 9] = (1 << bits) - 1; // red-max
buff[offset + 10] = 0; // green-max
buff[offset + 11] = (1 << bits) - 1; // green-max
buff[offset + 12] = 0; // blue-max
buff[offset + 13] = (1 << bits) - 1; // blue-max
buff[offset + 14] = bits * 2; // red-shift
buff[offset + 15] = bits * 1; // green-shift
buff[offset + 16] = bits * 0; // blue-shift
buff[offset + 17] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 18] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 19] = 0; // padding
sock._sQlen += 20;
clientEncodings(sock, encodings) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 2; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 2] = encodings.length >> 8;
buff[offset + 3] = encodings.length;
let j = offset + 4;
for (let i = 0; i < encodings.length; i++) {
const enc = encodings[i];
buff[j] = enc >> 24;
buff[j + 1] = enc >> 16;
buff[j + 2] = enc >> 8;
buff[j + 3] = enc;
j += 4;
sock._sQlen += j - offset;
fbUpdateRequest(sock, incremental, x, y, w, h) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
if (typeof(x) === "undefined") { x = 0; }
if (typeof(y) === "undefined") { y = 0; }
buff[offset] = 3; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = incremental ? 1 : 0;
buff[offset + 2] = (x >> 8) & 0xFF;
buff[offset + 3] = x & 0xFF;
buff[offset + 4] = (y >> 8) & 0xFF;
buff[offset + 5] = y & 0xFF;
buff[offset + 6] = (w >> 8) & 0xFF;
buff[offset + 7] = w & 0xFF;
buff[offset + 8] = (h >> 8) & 0xFF;
buff[offset + 9] = h & 0xFF;
sock._sQlen += 10;
xvpOp(sock, ver, op) {
const buff = sock._sQ;
const offset = sock._sQlen;
buff[offset] = 250; // msg-type
buff[offset + 1] = 0; // padding
buff[offset + 2] = ver;
buff[offset + 3] = op;
sock._sQlen += 4;
RFB.cursors = {
none: {
rgbaPixels: new Uint8Array(),
w: 0, h: 0,
hotx: 0, hoty: 0,
dot: {
/* eslint-disable indent */
rgbaPixels: new Uint8Array([
255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
/* eslint-enable indent */
w: 3, h: 3,
hotx: 1, hoty: 1,