mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 00:08:53 +01:00
1656 lines
47 KiB
1656 lines
47 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Constantin Kaplinsky. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2011 D. R. Commander. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright 2014-2018 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB
* Copyright (C) 2018 Lauri Kasanen
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
* USA.
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rfb/EncCache.h>
#include <rfb/EncodeManager.h>
#include <rfb/Encoder.h>
#include <rfb/Palette.h>
#include <rfb/SConnection.h>
#include <rfb/ServerCore.h>
#include <rfb/SMsgWriter.h>
#include <rfb/UpdateTracker.h>
#include <rfb/LogWriter.h>
#include <rfb/Exception.h>
#include <rfb/RawEncoder.h>
#include <rfb/RREEncoder.h>
#include <rfb/HextileEncoder.h>
#include <rfb/ZRLEEncoder.h>
#include <rfb/TightEncoder.h>
#include <rfb/TightJPEGEncoder.h>
#include <rfb/TightWEBPEncoder.h>
using namespace rfb;
static LogWriter vlog("EncodeManager");
// If this rect was touched this update, add this to its quality score
// Split each rectangle into smaller ones no larger than this area,
// and no wider than this width.
static const int SubRectMaxArea = 65536;
static const int SubRectMaxWidth = 2048;
// The size in pixels of either side of each block tested when looking
// for solid blocks.
static const int SolidSearchBlock = 16;
// Don't bother with blocks smaller than this
static const int SolidBlockMinArea = 2048;
namespace rfb {
enum EncoderClass {
enum EncoderType {
struct RectInfo {
int rleRuns;
Palette *palette;
struct QualityInfo {
struct timeval lastUpdate;
Rect rect;
unsigned score;
static const char *encoderClassName(EncoderClass klass)
switch (klass) {
case encoderRaw:
return "Raw";
case encoderRRE:
return "RRE";
case encoderHextile:
return "Hextile";
case encoderTight:
return "Tight";
case encoderTightJPEG:
return "Tight (JPEG)";
case encoderTightWEBP:
return "Tight (WEBP)";
case encoderZRLE:
return "ZRLE";
case encoderClassMax:
return "Unknown Encoder Class";
static const char *encoderTypeName(EncoderType type)
switch (type) {
case encoderSolid:
return "Solid";
case encoderBitmap:
return "Bitmap";
case encoderBitmapRLE:
return "Bitmap RLE";
case encoderIndexed:
return "Indexed";
case encoderIndexedRLE:
return "Indexed RLE";
case encoderFullColour:
return "Full Colour";
case encoderTypeMax:
return "Unknown Encoder Type";
static void updateMaxVideoRes(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y) {
sscanf(Server::maxVideoResolution, "%hux%hu", x, y);
*x &= ~1;
*y &= ~1;
if (*x < 16 || *x > 2048 ||
*y < 16 || *y > 2048) {
*x = 1920;
*y = 1080;
EncodeManager::EncodeManager(SConnection* conn_, EncCache *encCache_) : conn(conn_),
dynamicQualityMin(-1), dynamicQualityOff(-1),
areaCur(0), videoDetected(false), videoTimer(this),
maxEncodingTime(0), framesSinceEncPrint(0),
StatsVector::iterator iter;
encoders.resize(encoderClassMax, NULL);
activeEncoders.resize(encoderTypeMax, encoderRaw);
encoders[encoderRaw] = new RawEncoder(conn);
encoders[encoderRRE] = new RREEncoder(conn);
encoders[encoderHextile] = new HextileEncoder(conn);
encoders[encoderTight] = new TightEncoder(conn);
encoders[encoderTightJPEG] = new TightJPEGEncoder(conn);
encoders[encoderTightWEBP] = new TightWEBPEncoder(conn);
encoders[encoderZRLE] = new ZRLEEncoder(conn);
webpBenchResult = ((TightWEBPEncoder *) encoders[encoderTightWEBP])->benchmark();
vlog.info("WEBP benchmark result: %u ms", webpBenchResult);
unsigned videoTime = rfb::Server::videoTime;
if (videoTime < 1) videoTime = 1;
//areaPercentages = new unsigned char[videoTime * rfb::Server::frameRate]();
// maximum possible values, as they may change later at runtime
areaPercentages = new unsigned char[2000 * 60]();
if (!rfb::Server::videoTime)
videoDetected = true;
updateMaxVideoRes(&maxVideoX, &maxVideoY);
updates = 0;
memset(©Stats, 0, sizeof(copyStats));
for (iter = stats.begin();iter != stats.end();++iter) {
StatsVector::value_type::iterator iter2;
for (iter2 = iter->begin();iter2 != iter->end();++iter2)
memset(&*iter2, 0, sizeof(EncoderStats));
if (Server::dynamicQualityMax && Server::dynamicQualityMax <= 9 &&
Server::dynamicQualityMax > Server::dynamicQualityMin) {
dynamicQualityMin = Server::dynamicQualityMin;
dynamicQualityOff = Server::dynamicQualityMax - Server::dynamicQualityMin;
std::vector<Encoder*>::iterator iter;
delete [] areaPercentages;
for (iter = encoders.begin();iter != encoders.end();iter++)
delete *iter;
for (std::list<QualityInfo*>::iterator it = qualityList.begin(); it != qualityList.end(); it++)
delete *it;
void EncodeManager::logStats()
size_t i, j;
unsigned rects;
unsigned long long pixels, bytes, equivalent;
double ratio;
char a[1024], b[1024];
rects = 0;
pixels = bytes = equivalent = 0;
vlog.info("Framebuffer updates: %u", updates);
if (copyStats.rects != 0) {
vlog.info(" %s:", "CopyRect");
rects += copyStats.rects;
pixels += copyStats.pixels;
bytes += copyStats.bytes;
equivalent += copyStats.equivalent;
ratio = (double)copyStats.equivalent / copyStats.bytes;
siPrefix(copyStats.rects, "rects", a, sizeof(a));
siPrefix(copyStats.pixels, "pixels", b, sizeof(b));
vlog.info(" %s: %s, %s", "Copies", a, b);
iecPrefix(copyStats.bytes, "B", a, sizeof(a));
vlog.info(" %*s %s (1:%g ratio)",
(int)strlen("Copies"), "",
a, ratio);
for (i = 0;i < stats.size();i++) {
// Did this class do anything at all?
for (j = 0;j < stats[i].size();j++) {
if (stats[i][j].rects != 0)
if (j == stats[i].size())
vlog.info(" %s:", encoderClassName((EncoderClass)i));
for (j = 0;j < stats[i].size();j++) {
if (stats[i][j].rects == 0)
rects += stats[i][j].rects;
pixels += stats[i][j].pixels;
bytes += stats[i][j].bytes;
equivalent += stats[i][j].equivalent;
ratio = (double)stats[i][j].equivalent / stats[i][j].bytes;
siPrefix(stats[i][j].rects, "rects", a, sizeof(a));
siPrefix(stats[i][j].pixels, "pixels", b, sizeof(b));
vlog.info(" %s: %s, %s", encoderTypeName((EncoderType)j), a, b);
iecPrefix(stats[i][j].bytes, "B", a, sizeof(a));
vlog.info(" %*s %s (1:%g ratio)",
(int)strlen(encoderTypeName((EncoderType)j)), "",
a, ratio);
ratio = (double)equivalent / bytes;
siPrefix(rects, "rects", a, sizeof(a));
siPrefix(pixels, "pixels", b, sizeof(b));
vlog.info(" Total: %s, %s", a, b);
iecPrefix(bytes, "B", a, sizeof(a));
vlog.info(" %s (1:%g ratio)", a, ratio);
bool EncodeManager::supported(int encoding)
switch (encoding) {
case encodingRaw:
case encodingRRE:
case encodingHextile:
case encodingZRLE:
case encodingTight:
return true;
return false;
bool EncodeManager::needsLosslessRefresh(const Region& req)
return !lossyRegion.intersect(req).is_empty();
void EncodeManager::pruneLosslessRefresh(const Region& limits)
void EncodeManager::writeUpdate(const UpdateInfo& ui, const PixelBuffer* pb,
const RenderedCursor* renderedCursor,
size_t maxUpdateSize)
curMaxUpdateSize = maxUpdateSize;
doUpdate(true, ui.changed, ui.copied, ui.copy_delta, ui.copypassed, pb, renderedCursor);
void EncodeManager::writeLosslessRefresh(const Region& req, const PixelBuffer* pb,
const RenderedCursor* renderedCursor,
size_t maxUpdateSize)
if (videoDetected)
doUpdate(false, getLosslessRefresh(req, maxUpdateSize),
Region(), Point(), std::vector<CopyPassRect>(), pb, renderedCursor);
void EncodeManager::doUpdate(bool allowLossy, const Region& changed_,
const Region& copied, const Point& copyDelta,
const std::vector<CopyPassRect>& copypassed,
const PixelBuffer* pb,
const RenderedCursor* renderedCursor)
int nRects;
Region changed, cursorRegion;
struct timeval start;
unsigned screenArea;
// The video resolution may have changed, check it
if (conn->cp.kasmPassed[ConnParams::KASM_MAX_VIDEO_RESOLUTION])
updateMaxVideoRes(&maxVideoX, &maxVideoY);
changed = changed_;
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
if (allowLossy && activeEncoders[encoderFullColour] == encoderTightWEBP) {
const unsigned rate = 1024 * 1000 / rfb::Server::frameRate;
screenArea = pb->getRect().width() * pb->getRect().height();
screenArea *= 1024;
screenArea /= 256 * 256;
screenArea *= webpBenchResult;
// Encoding the entire screen would take this many 1024*msecs, worst case
// Calculate how many us we can send webp for, before switching to jpeg
webpFallbackUs = rate * rate / screenArea;
* We need to render the cursor seperately as it has its own
* magical pixel buffer, so split it out from the changed region.
if (renderedCursor != NULL) {
cursorRegion = changed.intersect(renderedCursor->getEffectiveRect());
if (conn->cp.supportsLastRect)
nRects = 0xFFFF;
else {
nRects = copied.numRects();
nRects += copypassed.size();
nRects += computeNumRects(changed);
nRects += computeNumRects(cursorRegion);
writeCopyRects(copied, copyDelta);
* We start by searching for solid rects, which are then removed
* from the changed region.
if (conn->cp.supportsLastRect)
writeSolidRects(&changed, pb);
writeRects(changed, pb,
&start, true);
if (!videoDetected) // In case detection happened between the calls
writeRects(cursorRegion, renderedCursor);
void EncodeManager::prepareEncoders(bool allowLossy)
enum EncoderClass solid, bitmap, bitmapRLE;
enum EncoderClass indexed, indexedRLE, fullColour;
rdr::S32 preferred;
std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
solid = bitmap = bitmapRLE = encoderRaw;
indexed = indexedRLE = fullColour = encoderRaw;
// Try to respect the client's wishes
preferred = conn->getPreferredEncoding();
switch (preferred) {
case encodingRRE:
// Horrible for anything high frequency and/or lots of colours
bitmapRLE = indexedRLE = encoderRRE;
case encodingHextile:
// Slightly less horrible
bitmapRLE = indexedRLE = fullColour = encoderHextile;
case encodingTight:
if (encoders[encoderTightWEBP]->isSupported() &&
(conn->cp.pf().bpp >= 16) && allowLossy)
fullColour = encoderTightWEBP;
else if (encoders[encoderTightJPEG]->isSupported() &&
(conn->cp.pf().bpp >= 16) && allowLossy)
fullColour = encoderTightJPEG;
fullColour = encoderTight;
indexed = indexedRLE = encoderTight;
bitmap = bitmapRLE = encoderTight;
case encodingZRLE:
fullColour = encoderZRLE;
bitmapRLE = indexedRLE = encoderZRLE;
bitmap = indexed = encoderZRLE;
// Any encoders still unassigned?
if (fullColour == encoderRaw) {
if (encoders[encoderTightWEBP]->isSupported() &&
(conn->cp.pf().bpp >= 16) && allowLossy)
fullColour = encoderTightWEBP;
else if (encoders[encoderTightJPEG]->isSupported() &&
(conn->cp.pf().bpp >= 16) && allowLossy)
fullColour = encoderTightJPEG;
else if (encoders[encoderZRLE]->isSupported())
fullColour = encoderZRLE;
else if (encoders[encoderTight]->isSupported())
fullColour = encoderTight;
else if (encoders[encoderHextile]->isSupported())
fullColour = encoderHextile;
if (indexed == encoderRaw) {
if (encoders[encoderZRLE]->isSupported())
indexed = encoderZRLE;
else if (encoders[encoderTight]->isSupported())
indexed = encoderTight;
else if (encoders[encoderHextile]->isSupported())
indexed = encoderHextile;
if (indexedRLE == encoderRaw)
indexedRLE = indexed;
if (bitmap == encoderRaw)
bitmap = indexed;
if (bitmapRLE == encoderRaw)
bitmapRLE = bitmap;
if (solid == encoderRaw) {
if (encoders[encoderTight]->isSupported())
solid = encoderTight;
else if (encoders[encoderRRE]->isSupported())
solid = encoderRRE;
else if (encoders[encoderZRLE]->isSupported())
solid = encoderZRLE;
else if (encoders[encoderHextile]->isSupported())
solid = encoderHextile;
// JPEG is the only encoder that can reduce things to grayscale
if ((conn->cp.subsampling == subsampleGray) &&
encoders[encoderTightJPEG]->isSupported() && allowLossy) {
solid = bitmap = bitmapRLE = encoderTightJPEG;
indexed = indexedRLE = fullColour = encoderTightJPEG;
activeEncoders[encoderSolid] = solid;
activeEncoders[encoderBitmap] = bitmap;
activeEncoders[encoderBitmapRLE] = bitmapRLE;
activeEncoders[encoderIndexed] = indexed;
activeEncoders[encoderIndexedRLE] = indexedRLE;
activeEncoders[encoderFullColour] = fullColour;
for (iter = activeEncoders.begin(); iter != activeEncoders.end(); ++iter) {
Encoder *encoder;
encoder = encoders[*iter];
Region EncodeManager::getLosslessRefresh(const Region& req,
size_t maxUpdateSize)
std::vector<Rect> rects;
Region refresh;
size_t area;
// We make a conservative guess at the compression ratio at 2:1
maxUpdateSize *= 2;
area = 0;
while (!rects.empty()) {
size_t idx;
Rect rect;
// Grab a random rect so we don't keep damaging and restoring the
// same rect over and over
idx = rand() % rects.size();
rect = rects[idx];
// Add rects until we exceed the threshold, then include as much as
// possible of the final rect
if ((area + rect.area()) > maxUpdateSize) {
// Use the narrowest axis to avoid getting to thin rects
if (rect.width() > rect.height()) {
int width = (maxUpdateSize - area) / rect.height();
rect.br.x = rect.tl.x + __rfbmax(1, width);
} else {
int height = (maxUpdateSize - area) / rect.width();
rect.br.y = rect.tl.y + __rfbmax(1, height);
area += rect.area();
rects.erase(rects.begin() + idx);
return refresh;
int EncodeManager::computeNumRects(const Region& changed)
int numRects;
std::vector<Rect> rects;
std::vector<Rect>::const_iterator rect;
numRects = 0;
for (rect = rects.begin(); rect != rects.end(); ++rect) {
int w, h, sw, sh;
w = rect->width();
h = rect->height();
// No split necessary?
if ((((w*h) < SubRectMaxArea) && (w < SubRectMaxWidth)) ||
(videoDetected && !encoders[encoderTightWEBP]->isSupported())) {
numRects += 1;
if (w <= SubRectMaxWidth)
sw = w;
sw = SubRectMaxWidth;
sh = SubRectMaxArea / sw;
// ceil(w/sw) * ceil(h/sh)
numRects += (((w - 1)/sw) + 1) * (((h - 1)/sh) + 1);
return numRects;
Encoder *EncodeManager::startRect(const Rect& rect, int type, const bool trackQuality,
const uint8_t isWebp)
Encoder *encoder;
int klass, equiv;
activeType = type;
klass = activeEncoders[activeType];
if (isWebp)
klass = encoderTightWEBP;
beforeLength = conn->getOutStream()->length();
stats[klass][activeType].pixels += rect.area();
equiv = 12 + rect.area() * (conn->cp.pf().bpp/8);
stats[klass][activeType].equivalent += equiv;
encoder = encoders[klass];
conn->writer()->startRect(rect, encoder->encoding);
if (type == encoderFullColour && dynamicQualityMin > -1 && trackQuality) {
// Set the dynamic quality here. Unset fine quality, as it would overrule us
encoder->setFineQualityLevel(-1, subsampleUndefined);
if (encoder->flags & EncoderLossy && (!encoder->treatLossless() || videoDetected))
return encoder;
void EncodeManager::endRect(const uint8_t isWebp)
int klass;
int length;
length = conn->getOutStream()->length() - beforeLength;
klass = activeEncoders[activeType];
if (isWebp)
klass = encoderTightWEBP;
stats[klass][activeType].bytes += length;
void EncodeManager::writeCopyPassRects(const std::vector<CopyPassRect>& copypassed)
std::vector<CopyPassRect>::const_iterator rect;
Region lossyCopy;
beforeLength = conn->getOutStream()->length();
for (rect = copypassed.begin(); rect != copypassed.end(); ++rect) {
int equiv;
const Region tmp(rect->rect);
copyStats.pixels += rect->rect.area();
equiv = 12 + rect->rect.area() * (conn->cp.pf().bpp/8);
copyStats.equivalent += equiv;
conn->writer()->writeCopyRect(rect->rect, rect->src_x,
lossyCopy = lossyRegion;
lossyCopy.translate(Point(rect->rect.tl.x - rect->src_x, rect->rect.tl.y - rect->src_y));
copyStats.bytes += conn->getOutStream()->length() - beforeLength;
void EncodeManager::writeCopyRects(const Region& copied, const Point& delta)
std::vector<Rect> rects;
std::vector<Rect>::const_iterator rect;
Region lossyCopy;
beforeLength = conn->getOutStream()->length();
copied.get_rects(&rects, delta.x <= 0, delta.y <= 0);
for (rect = rects.begin(); rect != rects.end(); ++rect) {
int equiv;
copyStats.pixels += rect->area();
equiv = 12 + rect->area() * (conn->cp.pf().bpp/8);
copyStats.equivalent += equiv;
conn->writer()->writeCopyRect(*rect, rect->tl.x - delta.x,
rect->tl.y - delta.y);
copyStats.bytes += conn->getOutStream()->length() - beforeLength;
lossyCopy = lossyRegion;
void EncodeManager::writeSolidRects(Region *changed, const PixelBuffer* pb)
std::vector<Rect> rects;
std::vector<Rect>::const_iterator rect;
for (rect = rects.begin(); rect != rects.end(); ++rect)
findSolidRect(*rect, changed, pb);
void EncodeManager::findSolidRect(const Rect& rect, Region *changed,
const PixelBuffer* pb)
Rect sr;
int dx, dy, dw, dh;
// We start by finding a solid 16x16 block
for (dy = rect.tl.y; dy < rect.br.y; dy += SolidSearchBlock) {
dh = SolidSearchBlock;
if (dy + dh > rect.br.y)
dh = rect.br.y - dy;
for (dx = rect.tl.x; dx < rect.br.x; dx += SolidSearchBlock) {
// We define it like this to guarantee alignment
rdr::U32 _buffer;
rdr::U8* colourValue = (rdr::U8*)&_buffer;
dw = SolidSearchBlock;
if (dx + dw > rect.br.x)
dw = rect.br.x - dx;
pb->getImage(colourValue, Rect(dx, dy, dx+1, dy+1));
sr.setXYWH(dx, dy, dw, dh);
if (checkSolidTile(sr, colourValue, pb)) {
Rect erb, erp;
Encoder *encoder;
// We then try extending the area by adding more blocks
// in both directions and pick the combination that gives
// the largest area.
sr.setXYWH(dx, dy, rect.br.x - dx, rect.br.y - dy);
extendSolidAreaByBlock(sr, colourValue, pb, &erb);
// Did we end up getting the entire rectangle?
if (erb.equals(rect))
erp = erb;
else {
// Don't bother with sending tiny rectangles
if (erb.area() < SolidBlockMinArea)
// Extend the area again, but this time one pixel
// row/column at a time.
extendSolidAreaByPixel(rect, erb, colourValue, pb, &erp);
// Send solid-color rectangle.
encoder = startRect(erp, encoderSolid);
if (encoder->flags & EncoderUseNativePF) {
encoder->writeSolidRect(erp.width(), erp.height(),
pb->getPF(), colourValue);
} else {
rdr::U32 _buffer2;
rdr::U8* converted = (rdr::U8*)&_buffer2;
conn->cp.pf().bufferFromBuffer(converted, pb->getPF(),
colourValue, 1);
encoder->writeSolidRect(erp.width(), erp.height(),
conn->cp.pf(), converted);
// Search remaining areas by recursion
// FIXME: Is this the best way to divide things up?
// Left? (Note that we've already searched a SolidSearchBlock
// pixels high strip here)
if ((erp.tl.x != rect.tl.x) && (erp.height() > SolidSearchBlock)) {
sr.setXYWH(rect.tl.x, erp.tl.y + SolidSearchBlock,
erp.tl.x - rect.tl.x, erp.height() - SolidSearchBlock);
findSolidRect(sr, changed, pb);
// Right?
if (erp.br.x != rect.br.x) {
sr.setXYWH(erp.br.x, erp.tl.y, rect.br.x - erp.br.x, erp.height());
findSolidRect(sr, changed, pb);
// Below?
if (erp.br.y != rect.br.y) {
sr.setXYWH(rect.tl.x, erp.br.y, rect.width(), rect.br.y - erp.br.y);
findSolidRect(sr, changed, pb);
void EncodeManager::checkWebpFallback(const struct timeval *start) {
// Have we taken too long for the frame? If so, drop from WEBP to JPEG
if (start && activeEncoders[encoderFullColour] == encoderTightWEBP && !webpTookTooLong) {
unsigned us;
us = msSince(start) * 1024;
if (us > webpFallbackUs)
#pragma omp atomic
webpTookTooLong |= true;
bool EncodeManager::handleTimeout(Timer* t)
if (t == &videoTimer) {
videoDetected = false;
unsigned videoTime = rfb::Server::videoTime;
if (videoTime < 1) videoTime = 1;
memset(areaPercentages, 0, videoTime * rfb::Server::frameRate);
// Mark the entire screen as changed, so that scaled parts get refreshed
// Note: different from the lossless area. That already queues an update,
// but it happens only after an idle period. This queues a lossy update
// immediately, which is important if an animated element keeps the screen
// active, preventing the lossless update.
return false; // stop the timer
void EncodeManager::updateVideoStats(const std::vector<Rect> &rects, const PixelBuffer* pb)
std::vector<Rect>::const_iterator rect;
uint32_t i;
if (!rfb::Server::videoTime) {
videoDetected = true;
unsigned area = 0;
const unsigned samples = rfb::Server::videoTime * rfb::Server::frameRate;
for (rect = rects.begin(); rect != rects.end(); ++rect) {
area += rect->area();
area *= 100;
area /= pb->getRect().width() * pb->getRect().height();
areaPercentages[areaCur] = area;
areaCur %= samples;
area = 0;
for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
area += areaPercentages[i];
area /= samples;
if (rfb::Server::printVideoArea)
vlog.info("Video area %u%%, current threshold for video mode %u%%",
area, (unsigned) rfb::Server::videoArea);
if (area > (unsigned) rfb::Server::videoArea) {
// Initiate low-quality video mode
videoDetected = true;
videoTimer.start(1000 * rfb::Server::videoOutTime);
static PixelBuffer *nearestScale(const PixelBuffer *pb, const uint16_t w, const uint16_t h,
const float diff)
ManagedPixelBuffer *newpb = new ManagedPixelBuffer(pb->getPF(), w, h);
uint16_t x, y;
int oldstride, newstride;
const rdr::U8 *oldpxorig = pb->getBuffer(pb->getRect(), &oldstride);
const rdr::U8 *oldpx;
rdr::U8 *newpx = newpb->getBufferRW(newpb->getRect(), &newstride);
const uint16_t bpp = pb->getPF().bpp / 8;
const float rowstep = 1 / diff;
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
const uint16_t ny = rowstep * y;
oldpx = oldpxorig + oldstride * bpp * ny;
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
const uint16_t newx = x / diff;
memcpy(&newpx[x * bpp], &oldpx[newx * bpp], bpp);
newpx += newstride * bpp;
return newpb;
static PixelBuffer *bilinearScale(const PixelBuffer *pb, const uint16_t w, const uint16_t h,
const float diff)
ManagedPixelBuffer *newpb = new ManagedPixelBuffer(pb->getPF(), w, h);
uint16_t x, y;
int oldstride, newstride;
const rdr::U8 *oldpx = pb->getBuffer(pb->getRect(), &oldstride);
rdr::U8 *newpx = newpb->getBufferRW(newpb->getRect(), &newstride);
const uint16_t bpp = pb->getPF().bpp / 8;
const float invdiff = 1 / diff;
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
const float ny = y * invdiff;
const uint16_t lowy = ny;
const uint16_t highy = lowy + 1;
const uint16_t bot = (ny - lowy) * 256;
const uint16_t top = 256 - bot;
const rdr::U8 *lowyptr = oldpx + oldstride * bpp * lowy;
const rdr::U8 *highyptr = oldpx + oldstride * bpp * highy;
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
const float nx = x * invdiff;
const uint16_t lowx = nx;
const uint16_t highx = lowx + 1;
const uint16_t right = (nx - lowx) * 256;
const uint16_t left = 256 - right;
unsigned i;
uint32_t val, val2;
for (i = 0; i < bpp; i++) {
val = lowyptr[lowx * bpp + i] * left;
val += lowyptr[highx * bpp + i] * right;
val >>= 8;
val2 = highyptr[lowx * bpp + i] * left;
val2 += highyptr[highx * bpp + i] * right;
val2 >>= 8;
newpx[x * bpp + i] = (val * top + val2 * bot) >> 8;
newpx += newstride * bpp;
return newpb;
static PixelBuffer *progressiveBilinearScale(const PixelBuffer *pb,
const uint16_t tgtw, const uint16_t tgth,
const float tgtdiff)
if (tgtdiff >= 0.5f)
return bilinearScale(pb, tgtw, tgth, tgtdiff);
PixelBuffer *newpb;
uint16_t neww, newh, oldw, oldh;
bool del = false;
do {
oldw = pb->getRect().width();
oldh = pb->getRect().height();
neww = oldw / 2;
newh = oldh / 2;
newpb = bilinearScale(pb, neww, newh, 0.5f);
if (del)
delete pb;
del = true;
pb = newpb;
} while (tgtw * 2 < neww);
// Final, non-halving step
if (tgtw != neww || tgth != newh) {
oldw = pb->getRect().width();
oldh = pb->getRect().height();
newpb = bilinearScale(pb, tgtw, tgth, tgtw / (float) oldw);
if (del)
delete pb;
return newpb;
void EncodeManager::writeRects(const Region& changed, const PixelBuffer* pb,
const struct timeval *start,
const bool mainScreen)
std::vector<Rect> rects, subrects, scaledrects;
std::vector<Rect>::const_iterator rect;
std::vector<uint8_t> encoderTypes;
std::vector<uint8_t> isWebp, fromCache;
std::vector<Palette> palettes;
std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t> > compresseds;
uint32_t i;
if (rfb::Server::rectThreads > 0)
webpTookTooLong = false;
// Update stats
if (mainScreen) {
updateVideoStats(rects, pb);
if (videoDetected) {
subrects.reserve(rects.size() * 1.5f);
for (rect = rects.begin(); rect != rects.end(); ++rect) {
int w, h, sw, sh;
Rect sr;
w = rect->width();
h = rect->height();
// No split necessary?
if ((((w*h) < SubRectMaxArea) && (w < SubRectMaxWidth)) ||
(videoDetected && !encoders[encoderTightWEBP]->isSupported())) {
if (w <= SubRectMaxWidth)
sw = w;
sw = SubRectMaxWidth;
sh = SubRectMaxArea / sw;
for (sr.tl.y = rect->tl.y; sr.tl.y < rect->br.y; sr.tl.y += sh) {
sr.br.y = sr.tl.y + sh;
if (sr.br.y > rect->br.y)
sr.br.y = rect->br.y;
for (sr.tl.x = rect->tl.x; sr.tl.x < rect->br.x; sr.tl.x += sw) {
sr.br.x = sr.tl.x + sw;
if (sr.br.x > rect->br.x)
sr.br.x = rect->br.x;
// In case the current resolution is above the max video res, and video was detected,
// scale to that res, keeping aspect ratio
const PixelBuffer *scaledpb = NULL;
if (videoDetected &&
(maxVideoX < pb->getRect().width() || maxVideoY < pb->getRect().height())) {
const float xdiff = maxVideoX / (float) pb->getRect().width();
const float ydiff = maxVideoY / (float) pb->getRect().height();
const float diff = xdiff < ydiff ? xdiff : ydiff;
const uint16_t neww = pb->getRect().width() * diff;
const uint16_t newh = pb->getRect().height() * diff;
switch (Server::videoScaling) {
case 0:
scaledpb = nearestScale(pb, neww, newh,
case 1:
scaledpb = bilinearScale(pb, neww, newh,
case 2:
scaledpb = progressiveBilinearScale(pb, neww, newh,
for (i = 0; i < subrects.size(); ++i) {
const Rect old = scaledrects[i] = subrects[i];
scaledrects[i].br.x *= diff;
scaledrects[i].br.y *= diff;
scaledrects[i].tl.x *= diff;
scaledrects[i].tl.y *= diff;
// Make sure everything is at least one pixel still
if (old.br.x != old.tl.x && scaledrects[i].br.x == scaledrects[i].tl.x) {
if (scaledrects[i].br.x < neww - 1)
if (old.br.y != old.tl.y && scaledrects[i].br.y == scaledrects[i].tl.y) {
if (scaledrects[i].br.y < newh - 1)
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1)
for (i = 0; i < subrects.size(); ++i) {
encoderTypes[i] = getEncoderType(subrects[i], pb, &palettes[i], compresseds[i],
&isWebp[i], &fromCache[i],
scaledpb, scaledrects[i]);
if (start) {
encodingTime = msSince(start);
if (vlog.getLevel() >= vlog.LEVEL_DEBUG) {
if (maxEncodingTime < encodingTime)
maxEncodingTime = encodingTime;
if (framesSinceEncPrint >= rfb::Server::frameRate) {
vlog.info("Max encoding time during the last %u frames: %u ms (limit %u, near limit %.0f)",
framesSinceEncPrint, maxEncodingTime, 1000/rfb::Server::frameRate,
1000/rfb::Server::frameRate * 0.8f);
maxEncodingTime = 0;
framesSinceEncPrint = 0;
if (webpTookTooLong)
activeEncoders[encoderFullColour] = encoderTightJPEG;
for (i = 0; i < subrects.size(); ++i) {
if (encCache->enabled && compresseds[i].size() && !fromCache[i]) {
void *tmp = malloc(compresseds[i].size());
memcpy(tmp, &compresseds[i][0], compresseds[i].size());
encCache->add(isWebp[i] ? encoderTightWEBP : encoderTightJPEG,
subrects[i].tl.x, subrects[i].tl.y, subrects[i].width(), subrects[i].height(),
compresseds[i].size(), tmp);
writeSubRect(subrects[i], pb, encoderTypes[i], palettes[i], compresseds[i], isWebp[i]);
if (scaledpb)
delete scaledpb;
uint8_t EncodeManager::getEncoderType(const Rect& rect, const PixelBuffer *pb,
Palette *pal, std::vector<uint8_t> &compressed,
uint8_t *isWebp, uint8_t *fromCache,
const PixelBuffer *scaledpb, const Rect& scaledrect) const
struct RectInfo info;
unsigned int divisor, maxColours;
PixelBuffer *ppb;
Encoder *encoder;
bool useRLE;
EncoderType type;
// FIXME: This is roughly the algorithm previously used by the Tight
// encoder. It seems a bit backwards though, that higher
// compression setting means spending less effort in building
// a palette. It might be that they figured the increase in
// zlib setting compensated for the loss.
if (conn->cp.compressLevel == -1)
divisor = 2 * 8;
divisor = conn->cp.compressLevel * 8;
if (divisor < 4)
divisor = 4;
maxColours = rect.area()/divisor;
// Special exception inherited from the Tight encoder
if (activeEncoders[encoderFullColour] == encoderTightJPEG) {
if ((conn->cp.compressLevel != -1) && (conn->cp.compressLevel < 2))
maxColours = 24;
maxColours = 96;
if (maxColours < 2)
maxColours = 2;
encoder = encoders[activeEncoders[encoderIndexedRLE]];
if (maxColours > encoder->maxPaletteSize)
maxColours = encoder->maxPaletteSize;
encoder = encoders[activeEncoders[encoderIndexed]];
if (maxColours > encoder->maxPaletteSize)
maxColours = encoder->maxPaletteSize;
ppb = preparePixelBuffer(rect, pb, true);
info.palette = pal;
if (!analyseRect(ppb, &info, maxColours))
// Different encoders might have different RLE overhead, but
// here we do a guess at RLE being the better choice if reduces
// the pixel count by 50%.
useRLE = info.rleRuns <= (rect.area() * 2);
switch (info.palette->size()) {
case 0:
type = encoderFullColour;
case 1:
type = encoderSolid;
case 2:
if (useRLE)
type = encoderBitmapRLE;
type = encoderBitmap;
if (useRLE)
type = encoderIndexedRLE;
type = encoderIndexed;
if (scaledpb)
type = encoderFullColour;
*isWebp = 0;
*fromCache = 0;
if (type == encoderFullColour) {
uint32_t len;
const void *data;
if (encCache->enabled &&
(data = encCache->get(activeEncoders[encoderFullColour],
rect.tl.x, rect.tl.y, rect.width(), rect.height(),
len))) {
memcpy(&compressed[0], data, len);
*fromCache = 1;
} else if (activeEncoders[encoderFullColour] == encoderTightWEBP && !webpTookTooLong) {
if (scaledpb) {
delete ppb;
ppb = preparePixelBuffer(scaledrect, scaledpb,
encoders[encoderTightWEBP]->flags & EncoderUseNativePF ?
false : true);
} else if (encoders[encoderTightWEBP]->flags & EncoderUseNativePF) {
delete ppb;
ppb = preparePixelBuffer(rect, pb, false);
((TightWEBPEncoder *) encoders[encoderTightWEBP])->compressOnly(ppb,
*isWebp = 1;
} else if (activeEncoders[encoderFullColour] == encoderTightJPEG || webpTookTooLong) {
if (scaledpb) {
delete ppb;
ppb = preparePixelBuffer(scaledrect, scaledpb,
encoders[encoderTightJPEG]->flags & EncoderUseNativePF ?
false : true);
} else if (encoders[encoderTightJPEG]->flags & EncoderUseNativePF) {
delete ppb;
ppb = preparePixelBuffer(rect, pb, false);
((TightJPEGEncoder *) encoders[encoderTightJPEG])->compressOnly(ppb,
delete ppb;
return type;
void EncodeManager::writeSubRect(const Rect& rect, const PixelBuffer *pb,
const uint8_t type, const Palette &pal,
const std::vector<uint8_t> &compressed,
const uint8_t isWebp)
PixelBuffer *ppb;
Encoder *encoder;
encoder = startRect(rect, type, compressed.size() == 0, isWebp);
if (compressed.size()) {
if (isWebp)
((TightWEBPEncoder *) encoder)->writeOnly(compressed);
((TightJPEGEncoder *) encoder)->writeOnly(compressed);
} else {
if (encoder->flags & EncoderUseNativePF) {
ppb = preparePixelBuffer(rect, pb, false);
} else {
ppb = preparePixelBuffer(rect, pb, true);
encoder->writeRect(ppb, pal);
delete ppb;
bool EncodeManager::checkSolidTile(const Rect& r, const rdr::U8* colourValue,
const PixelBuffer *pb)
switch (pb->getPF().bpp) {
case 32:
return checkSolidTile(r, *(const rdr::U32*)colourValue, pb);
case 16:
return checkSolidTile(r, *(const rdr::U16*)colourValue, pb);
return checkSolidTile(r, *(const rdr::U8*)colourValue, pb);
void EncodeManager::extendSolidAreaByBlock(const Rect& r,
const rdr::U8* colourValue,
const PixelBuffer *pb, Rect* er)
int dx, dy, dw, dh;
int w_prev;
Rect sr;
int w_best = 0, h_best = 0;
w_prev = r.width();
// We search width first, back off when we hit a different colour,
// and restart with a larger height. We keep track of the
// width/height combination that gives us the largest area.
for (dy = r.tl.y; dy < r.br.y; dy += SolidSearchBlock) {
dh = SolidSearchBlock;
if (dy + dh > r.br.y)
dh = r.br.y - dy;
// We test one block here outside the x loop in order to break
// the y loop right away.
dw = SolidSearchBlock;
if (dw > w_prev)
dw = w_prev;
sr.setXYWH(r.tl.x, dy, dw, dh);
if (!checkSolidTile(sr, colourValue, pb))
for (dx = r.tl.x + dw; dx < r.tl.x + w_prev;) {
dw = SolidSearchBlock;
if (dx + dw > r.tl.x + w_prev)
dw = r.tl.x + w_prev - dx;
sr.setXYWH(dx, dy, dw, dh);
if (!checkSolidTile(sr, colourValue, pb))
dx += dw;
w_prev = dx - r.tl.x;
if (w_prev * (dy + dh - r.tl.y) > w_best * h_best) {
w_best = w_prev;
h_best = dy + dh - r.tl.y;
er->tl.x = r.tl.x;
er->tl.y = r.tl.y;
er->br.x = er->tl.x + w_best;
er->br.y = er->tl.y + h_best;
void EncodeManager::extendSolidAreaByPixel(const Rect& r, const Rect& sr,
const rdr::U8* colourValue,
const PixelBuffer *pb, Rect* er)
int cx, cy;
Rect tr;
// Try to extend the area upwards.
for (cy = sr.tl.y - 1; cy >= r.tl.y; cy--) {
tr.setXYWH(sr.tl.x, cy, sr.width(), 1);
if (!checkSolidTile(tr, colourValue, pb))
er->tl.y = cy + 1;
// ... downwards.
for (cy = sr.br.y; cy < r.br.y; cy++) {
tr.setXYWH(sr.tl.x, cy, sr.width(), 1);
if (!checkSolidTile(tr, colourValue, pb))
er->br.y = cy;
// ... to the left.
for (cx = sr.tl.x - 1; cx >= r.tl.x; cx--) {
tr.setXYWH(cx, er->tl.y, 1, er->height());
if (!checkSolidTile(tr, colourValue, pb))
er->tl.x = cx + 1;
// ... to the right.
for (cx = sr.br.x; cx < r.br.x; cx++) {
tr.setXYWH(cx, er->tl.y, 1, er->height());
if (!checkSolidTile(tr, colourValue, pb))
er->br.x = cx;
PixelBuffer* EncodeManager::preparePixelBuffer(const Rect& rect,
const PixelBuffer *pb,
bool convert) const
const rdr::U8* buffer;
int stride;
// Do wo need to convert the data?
if (convert && !conn->cp.pf().equal(pb->getPF())) {
ManagedPixelBuffer *convertedPixelBuffer = new ManagedPixelBuffer;
convertedPixelBuffer->setSize(rect.width(), rect.height());
buffer = pb->getBuffer(rect, &stride);
buffer, stride);
return convertedPixelBuffer;
// Otherwise we still need to shift the coordinates. We have our own
// abusive subclass of FullFramePixelBuffer for this.
buffer = pb->getBuffer(rect, &stride);
OffsetPixelBuffer *offsetPixelBuffer = new OffsetPixelBuffer;
offsetPixelBuffer->update(pb->getPF(), rect.width(), rect.height(),
buffer, stride);
return offsetPixelBuffer;
bool EncodeManager::analyseRect(const PixelBuffer *pb,
struct RectInfo *info, int maxColours) const
const rdr::U8* buffer;
int stride;
buffer = pb->getBuffer(pb->getRect(), &stride);
switch (pb->getPF().bpp) {
case 32:
return analyseRect(pb->width(), pb->height(),
(const rdr::U32*)buffer, stride,
info, maxColours);
case 16:
return analyseRect(pb->width(), pb->height(),
(const rdr::U16*)buffer, stride,
info, maxColours);
return analyseRect(pb->width(), pb->height(),
(const rdr::U8*)buffer, stride,
info, maxColours);
void EncodeManager::OffsetPixelBuffer::update(const PixelFormat& pf,
int width, int height,
const rdr::U8* data_,
int stride_)
format = pf;
width_ = width;
height_ = height;
// Forced cast. We never write anything though, so it should be safe.
data = (rdr::U8*)data_;
stride = stride_;
rdr::U8* EncodeManager::OffsetPixelBuffer::getBufferRW(const Rect& r, int* stride)
throw rfb::Exception("Invalid write attempt to OffsetPixelBuffer");
// Preprocessor generated, optimised methods
#define BPP 8
#include "EncodeManagerBPP.cxx"
#undef BPP
#define BPP 16
#include "EncodeManagerBPP.cxx"
#undef BPP
#define BPP 32
#include "EncodeManagerBPP.cxx"
#undef BPP
// Dynamic quality tracking
void EncodeManager::updateQualities() {
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
// Remove elements that haven't been touched in 5s. Update the scores.
for (std::list<QualityInfo*>::iterator it = qualityList.begin(); it != qualityList.end(); ) {
QualityInfo * const cur = *it;
const unsigned since = msBetween(&cur->lastUpdate, &now);
if (since > 5000) {
delete cur;
it = qualityList.erase(it);
} else {
cur->score -= cur->score / 16;
static bool closeEnough(const Rect& unioned, const int& unionArea,
const Rect& check, const int& checkArea) {
const Point p = unioned.tl.subtract(check.tl);
if (abs(p.x) > 32 ||
abs(p.y) > 32)
return false;
if (abs(unionArea - checkArea) > 4096)
return false;
return true;
void EncodeManager::trackRectQuality(const Rect& rect) {
const int searchArea = rect.area();
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
for (std::list<QualityInfo*>::iterator it = qualityList.begin(); it != qualityList.end(); it++) {
QualityInfo * const cur = *it;
const int curArea = cur->rect.area();
const Rect unioned = cur->rect.union_boundary(rect);
const int unionArea = unioned.area();
// Is this close enough to match?
// e.g. ads that change parts in one frame and more in others
if (rect.enclosed_by(cur->rect) ||
cur->rect.enclosed_by(rect) ||
closeEnough(unioned, unionArea, cur->rect, curArea) ||
closeEnough(unioned, unionArea, rect, searchArea)) {
// This existing rect matched. Set it to the larger of the two,
// and add to its score.
if (searchArea > curArea)
cur->rect = rect;
cur->score += SCORE_INCREMENT;
cur->lastUpdate = now;
// It wasn't found, add it
QualityInfo *info = new QualityInfo;
info->rect = rect;
info->score = 0;
info->lastUpdate = now;
// Returns the change-tracked quality, 0-128, where 128 is max quality
unsigned EncodeManager::getQuality(const Rect& rect) const {
const int searchArea = rect.area();
for (std::list<QualityInfo*>::const_iterator it = qualityList.begin(); it != qualityList.end(); it++) {
const QualityInfo * const cur = *it;
const int curArea = cur->rect.area();
const Rect unioned = cur->rect.union_boundary(rect);
const int unionArea = unioned.area();
// Is this close enough to match?
// e.g. ads that change parts in one frame and more in others
if (rect.enclosed_by(cur->rect) ||
cur->rect.enclosed_by(rect) ||
closeEnough(unioned, unionArea, cur->rect, curArea) ||
closeEnough(unioned, unionArea, rect, searchArea)) {
unsigned score = cur->score;
if (score > 128)
score = 128;
score = 128 - score;
return score;
return 128; // Not found, this shouldn't happen - return max quality then
// Returns the scaled quality, 0-9, where 9 is max
// Optionally takes bandwidth into account
unsigned EncodeManager::scaledQuality(const Rect& rect) const {
unsigned dynamic;
dynamic = getQuality(rect);
// The tracker gives quality as 0-128. Convert to our desired range
dynamic *= dynamicQualityOff;
dynamic += 64; // Rounding
dynamic /= 128;
dynamic += dynamicQualityMin;
// Bandwidth adjustment
if (!Server::preferBandwidth) {
// Prefer quality, if there's bandwidth available, don't go below 7
if (curMaxUpdateSize > 2000 && dynamic < 7)
dynamic = 7;
return dynamic;