mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 11:51:19 +01:00
772 lines
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772 lines
22 KiB
#include "Wu.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "WuArena.h"
#include "WuClock.h"
#include "WuCrypto.h"
#include "WuMath.h"
#include "WuPool.h"
#include "WuQueue.h"
#include "WuRng.h"
#include "WuSctp.h"
#include "WuSdp.h"
#include "WuStun.h"
struct Wu {
WuArena* arena;
double time;
double dt;
char host[256];
uint16_t port;
WuQueue* pendingEvents;
int32_t maxClients;
int32_t numClients;
WuPool* clientPool;
WuClient** clients;
ssl_ctx_st* sslCtx;
char certFingerprint[96];
char errBuf[512];
void* userData;
WuErrorFn errorCallback;
WuErrorFn debugCallback;
WuWriteFn writeUdpData;
const double kMaxClientTtl = 9.0;
const double heartbeatInterval = 4.0;
const int kDefaultMTU = 1400;
static void DefaultErrorCallback(const char*, void*) {}
static void WriteNothing(const uint8_t*, size_t, const WuClient*, void*) {}
enum DataChannelMessageType { DCMessage_Ack = 0x02, DCMessage_Open = 0x03 };
enum DataChanProtoIdentifier {
DCProto_Control = 50,
DCProto_String = 51,
DCProto_Binary = 53,
DCProto_EmptyString = 56,
DCProto_EmptyBinary = 57
struct DataChannelPacket {
uint8_t messageType;
union {
struct {
uint8_t channelType;
uint16_t priority;
uint32_t reliability;
} open;
} as;
enum WuClientState {
static int32_t ParseDataChannelControlPacket(const uint8_t* buf, size_t len,
DataChannelPacket* packet) {
ReadScalarSwapped(buf, &packet->messageType);
return 0;
void WuReportError(Wu* wu, const char* description) {
wu->errorCallback(description, wu->userData);
void WuReportDebug(Wu* wu, const char* description) {
wu->debugCallback(description, wu->userData);
struct WuClient {
StunUserIdentifier serverUser;
StunUserIdentifier serverPassword;
StunUserIdentifier remoteUser;
StunUserIdentifier remoteUserPassword;
WuAddress address;
WuClientState state;
uint16_t localSctpPort;
uint16_t remoteSctpPort;
uint32_t sctpVerificationTag;
uint32_t remoteTsn;
uint32_t tsn;
double ttl;
double nextHeartbeat;
SSL* ssl;
BIO* inBio;
BIO* outBio;
void* user;
void WuClientSetUserData(WuClient* client, void* user) { client->user = user; }
void* WuClientGetUserData(const WuClient* client) { return client->user; }
static void WuClientFinish(WuClient* client) {
client->ssl = NULL;
client->inBio = NULL;
client->outBio = NULL;
client->state = WuClient_Dead;
static void WuClientStart(const Wu* wu, WuClient* client) {
client->state = WuClient_DTLSHandshake;
client->remoteSctpPort = 0;
client->sctpVerificationTag = 0;
client->remoteTsn = 0;
client->tsn = 1;
client->ttl = kMaxClientTtl;
client->nextHeartbeat = heartbeatInterval;
client->user = NULL;
client->ssl = SSL_new(wu->sslCtx);
client->inBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
BIO_set_mem_eof_return(client->inBio, -1);
client->outBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
BIO_set_mem_eof_return(client->outBio, -1);
SSL_set_bio(client->ssl, client->inBio, client->outBio);
SSL_set_options(client->ssl, SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE);
SSL_set_tmp_ecdh(client->ssl, EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1));
SSL_set_mtu(client->ssl, kDefaultMTU);
static void WuSendSctp(const Wu* wu, WuClient* client, const SctpPacket* packet,
const SctpChunk* chunks, int32_t numChunks);
static WuClient* WuNewClient(Wu* wu) {
WuClient* client = (WuClient*)WuPoolAcquire(wu->clientPool);
if (client) {
memset(client, 0, sizeof(WuClient));
WuClientStart(wu, client);
wu->clients[wu->numClients++] = client;
return client;
return NULL;
static void WuPushEvent(Wu* wu, WuEvent evt) {
WuQueuePush(wu->pendingEvents, &evt);
static void WuSendSctpShutdown(Wu* wu, WuClient* client) {
SctpPacket response;
response.sourcePort = client->localSctpPort;
response.destionationPort = client->remoteSctpPort;
response.verificationTag = client->sctpVerificationTag;
SctpChunk rc;
rc.type = Sctp_Shutdown;
rc.flags = 0;
rc.length = SctpChunkLength(sizeof(rc.as.shutdown.cumulativeTsnAck));
rc.as.shutdown.cumulativeTsnAck = client->remoteTsn;
WuSendSctp(wu, client, &response, &rc, 1);
void WuRemoveClient(Wu* wu, WuClient* client) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < wu->numClients; i++) {
if (wu->clients[i] == client) {
WuSendSctpShutdown(wu, client);
WuPoolRelease(wu->clientPool, client);
wu->clients[i] = wu->clients[wu->numClients - 1];
static WuClient* WuFindClient(Wu* wu, const WuAddress* address) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < wu->numClients; i++) {
WuClient* client = wu->clients[i];
if (client->address.host == address->host &&
client->address.port == address->port) {
return client;
return NULL;
static WuClient* WuFindClientByCreds(Wu* wu, const StunUserIdentifier* svUser,
const StunUserIdentifier* clUser) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < wu->numClients; i++) {
WuClient* client = wu->clients[i];
if (StunUserIdentifierEqual(&client->serverUser, svUser) &&
StunUserIdentifierEqual(&client->remoteUser, clUser)) {
return client;
return NULL;
static void WuClientSendPendingDTLS(const Wu* wu, WuClient* client) {
uint8_t sendBuffer[4096];
while (BIO_ctrl_pending(client->outBio) > 0) {
int bytes = BIO_read(client->outBio, sendBuffer, sizeof(sendBuffer));
if (bytes > 0) {
wu->writeUdpData(sendBuffer, bytes, client, wu->userData);
static void TLSSend(const Wu* wu, WuClient* client, const void* data,
int32_t length) {
if (client->state < WuClient_DTLSHandshake ||
!SSL_is_init_finished(client->ssl)) {
SSL_write(client->ssl, data, length);
WuClientSendPendingDTLS(wu, client);
static void WuSendSctp(const Wu* wu, WuClient* client, const SctpPacket* packet,
const SctpChunk* chunks, int32_t numChunks) {
uint8_t outBuffer[4096];
memset(outBuffer, 0, sizeof(outBuffer));
size_t bytesWritten = SerializeSctpPacket(packet, chunks, numChunks,
outBuffer, sizeof(outBuffer));
TLSSend(wu, client, outBuffer, bytesWritten);
static void WuHandleSctp(Wu* wu, WuClient* client, const uint8_t* buf,
int32_t len) {
const size_t maxChunks = 8;
SctpChunk chunks[maxChunks];
SctpPacket sctpPacket;
size_t nChunk = 0;
if (!ParseSctpPacket(buf, len, &sctpPacket, chunks, maxChunks, &nChunk)) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < nChunk; n++) {
SctpChunk* chunk = &chunks[n];
if (chunk->type == Sctp_Data) {
auto* dataChunk = &chunk->as.data;
const uint8_t* userDataBegin = dataChunk->userData;
const int32_t userDataLength = dataChunk->userDataLength;
client->remoteTsn = Max(chunk->as.data.tsn, client->remoteTsn);
client->ttl = kMaxClientTtl;
if (dataChunk->protoId == DCProto_Control) {
DataChannelPacket packet;
ParseDataChannelControlPacket(userDataBegin, userDataLength, &packet);
if (packet.messageType == DCMessage_Open) {
client->remoteSctpPort = sctpPacket.sourcePort;
uint8_t outType = DCMessage_Ack;
SctpPacket response;
response.sourcePort = sctpPacket.destionationPort;
response.destionationPort = sctpPacket.sourcePort;
response.verificationTag = client->sctpVerificationTag;
SctpChunk rc;
rc.type = Sctp_Data;
rc.flags = kSctpFlagCompleteUnreliable;
rc.length = SctpDataChunkLength(1);
auto* dc = &rc.as.data;
dc->tsn = client->tsn++;
dc->streamId = chunk->as.data.streamId;
dc->streamSeq = 0;
dc->protoId = DCProto_Control;
dc->userData = &outType;
dc->userDataLength = 1;
if (client->state != WuClient_DataChannelOpen) {
client->state = WuClient_DataChannelOpen;
WuEvent event;
event.type = WuEvent_ClientJoin;
event.client = client;
WuPushEvent(wu, event);
WuSendSctp(wu, client, &response, &rc, 1);
} else if (dataChunk->protoId == DCProto_String) {
WuEvent evt;
evt.type = WuEvent_TextData;
evt.client = client;
evt.data = dataChunk->userData;
evt.length = dataChunk->userDataLength;
WuPushEvent(wu, evt);
} else if (dataChunk->protoId == DCProto_Binary) {
WuEvent evt;
evt.type = WuEvent_BinaryData;
evt.client = client;
evt.data = dataChunk->userData;
evt.length = dataChunk->userDataLength;
WuPushEvent(wu, evt);
SctpPacket sack;
sack.sourcePort = sctpPacket.destionationPort;
sack.destionationPort = sctpPacket.sourcePort;
sack.verificationTag = client->sctpVerificationTag;
SctpChunk rc;
rc.type = Sctp_Sack;
rc.flags = 0;
rc.length = SctpChunkLength(12);
rc.as.sack.cumulativeTsnAck = client->remoteTsn;
rc.as.sack.advRecvWindow = kSctpDefaultBufferSpace;
rc.as.sack.numGapAckBlocks = 0;
rc.as.sack.numDupTsn = 0;
WuSendSctp(wu, client, &sack, &rc, 1);
} else if (chunk->type == Sctp_Init) {
SctpPacket response;
response.sourcePort = sctpPacket.destionationPort;
response.destionationPort = sctpPacket.sourcePort;
response.verificationTag = chunk->as.init.initiateTag;
client->sctpVerificationTag = response.verificationTag;
client->remoteTsn = chunk->as.init.initialTsn - 1;
SctpChunk rc;
rc.type = Sctp_InitAck;
rc.flags = 0;
rc.length = kSctpMinInitAckLength;
rc.as.init.initiateTag = WuRandomU32();
rc.as.init.windowCredit = kSctpDefaultBufferSpace;
rc.as.init.numOutboundStreams = chunk->as.init.numInboundStreams;
rc.as.init.numInboundStreams = chunk->as.init.numOutboundStreams;
rc.as.init.initialTsn = client->tsn;
WuSendSctp(wu, client, &response, &rc, 1);
} else if (chunk->type == Sctp_CookieEcho) {
if (client->state < WuClient_SCTPEstablished) {
client->state = WuClient_SCTPEstablished;
SctpPacket response;
response.sourcePort = sctpPacket.destionationPort;
response.destionationPort = sctpPacket.sourcePort;
response.verificationTag = client->sctpVerificationTag;
SctpChunk rc;
rc.type = Sctp_CookieAck;
rc.flags = 0;
rc.length = SctpChunkLength(0);
WuSendSctp(wu, client, &response, &rc, 1);
} else if (chunk->type == Sctp_Heartbeat) {
SctpPacket response;
response.sourcePort = sctpPacket.destionationPort;
response.destionationPort = sctpPacket.sourcePort;
response.verificationTag = client->sctpVerificationTag;
SctpChunk rc;
rc.type = Sctp_HeartbeatAck;
rc.flags = 0;
rc.length = chunk->length;
rc.as.heartbeat.heartbeatInfoLen = chunk->as.heartbeat.heartbeatInfoLen;
rc.as.heartbeat.heartbeatInfo = chunk->as.heartbeat.heartbeatInfo;
client->ttl = kMaxClientTtl;
WuSendSctp(wu, client, &response, &rc, 1);
} else if (chunk->type == Sctp_HeartbeatAck) {
client->ttl = kMaxClientTtl;
} else if (chunk->type == Sctp_Abort) {
client->state = WuClient_WaitingRemoval;
} else if (chunk->type == Sctp_Sack) {
client->ttl = kMaxClientTtl;
auto* sack = &chunk->as.sack;
if (sack->numGapAckBlocks > 0) {
SctpPacket fwdResponse;
fwdResponse.sourcePort = sctpPacket.destionationPort;
fwdResponse.destionationPort = sctpPacket.sourcePort;
fwdResponse.verificationTag = client->sctpVerificationTag;
SctpChunk fwdTsnChunk;
fwdTsnChunk.type = SctpChunk_ForwardTsn;
fwdTsnChunk.flags = 0;
fwdTsnChunk.length = SctpChunkLength(4);
fwdTsnChunk.as.forwardTsn.newCumulativeTsn = client->tsn;
WuSendSctp(wu, client, &fwdResponse, &fwdTsnChunk, 1);
static void WuReceiveDTLSPacket(Wu* wu, const uint8_t* data, size_t length,
const WuAddress* address) {
WuClient* client = WuFindClient(wu, address);
if (!client) {
WuReportDebug(wu, "DTLS: No client found");
BIO_write(client->inBio, data, length);
if (!SSL_is_init_finished(client->ssl)) {
int r = SSL_do_handshake(client->ssl);
if (r <= 0) {
r = SSL_get_error(client->ssl, r);
WuClientSendPendingDTLS(wu, client);
} else if (SSL_ERROR_NONE != r) {
char* error = ERR_error_string(r, NULL);
if (error) {
WuReportError(wu, error);
} else {
WuClientSendPendingDTLS(wu, client);
while (BIO_ctrl_pending(client->inBio) > 0) {
uint8_t receiveBuffer[8092];
int bytes = SSL_read(client->ssl, receiveBuffer, sizeof(receiveBuffer));
if (bytes > 0) {
uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*)WuArenaAcquire(wu->arena, bytes);
memcpy(buf, receiveBuffer, bytes);
WuHandleSctp(wu, client, buf, bytes);
static void WuHandleStun(Wu* wu, const StunPacket* packet,
const WuAddress* remote) {
WuClient* client =
WuFindClientByCreds(wu, &packet->serverUser, &packet->remoteUser);
if (!client) {
WuReportDebug(wu, "Stun: No client found");
// TODO: Send unauthorized
StunPacket outPacket;
outPacket.type = Stun_SuccessResponse;
memcpy(outPacket.transactionId, packet->transactionId,
outPacket.xorMappedAddress.family = Stun_IPV4;
outPacket.xorMappedAddress.port = ByteSwap(remote->port ^ kStunXorMagic);
outPacket.xorMappedAddress.address.ipv4 =
ByteSwap(remote->host ^ kStunCookie);
uint8_t stunResponse[512];
size_t serializedSize =
SerializeStunPacket(&outPacket, client->serverPassword.identifier,
client->serverPassword.length, stunResponse, 512);
client->localSctpPort = remote->port;
client->address = *remote;
wu->writeUdpData(stunResponse, serializedSize, client, wu->userData);
static void WuPurgeDeadClients(Wu* wu) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < wu->numClients; i++) {
WuClient* client = wu->clients[i];
if (client->ttl <= 0.0 || client->state == WuClient_WaitingRemoval) {
if (client->ttl <= 0.0)
WuReportDebug(wu, "Removing dead client due to no messages in 9s");
WuReportDebug(wu, "Removing client due to its own request");
WuEvent evt;
evt.type = WuEvent_ClientLeave;
evt.client = client;
WuPushEvent(wu, evt);
static int32_t WuCryptoInit(Wu* wu) {
wu->sslCtx = SSL_CTX_new(DTLS_server_method());
if (!wu->sslCtx) {
return 0;
int sslStatus =
SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(wu->sslCtx, "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH");
if (sslStatus != 1) {
return 0;
SSL_CTX_set_verify(wu->sslCtx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
WuCert cert;
sslStatus = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(wu->sslCtx, cert.key);
if (sslStatus != 1) {
return 0;
sslStatus = SSL_CTX_use_certificate(wu->sslCtx, cert.x509);
if (sslStatus != 1) {
return 0;
sslStatus = SSL_CTX_check_private_key(wu->sslCtx);
if (sslStatus != 1) {
return 0;
SSL_CTX_set_options(wu->sslCtx, SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU);
memcpy(wu->certFingerprint, cert.fingerprint, sizeof(cert.fingerprint));
return 1;
int32_t WuCreate(const char* host, uint16_t port, int maxClients, Wu** wu) {
*wu = NULL;
Wu* ctx = (Wu*)calloc(1, sizeof(Wu));
if (!ctx) {
ctx->arena = (WuArena*)calloc(1, sizeof(WuArena));
if (!ctx->arena) {
WuArenaInit(ctx->arena, 1 << 20);
ctx->time = MsNow() * 0.001;
ctx->port = port;
ctx->pendingEvents = WuQueueCreate(sizeof(WuEvent), 1024);
ctx->errorCallback = DefaultErrorCallback;
ctx->debugCallback = DefaultErrorCallback;
ctx->writeUdpData = WriteNothing;
strncpy(ctx->host, host, sizeof(ctx->host));
if (!WuCryptoInit(ctx)) {
return WU_ERROR;
ctx->maxClients = maxClients <= 0 ? 256 : maxClients;
ctx->clientPool = WuPoolCreate(sizeof(WuClient), ctx->maxClients);
ctx->clients = (WuClient**)calloc(ctx->maxClients, sizeof(WuClient*));
*wu = ctx;
return WU_OK;
static void WuSendHeartbeat(Wu* wu, WuClient* client) {
SctpPacket packet;
packet.sourcePort = wu->port;
packet.destionationPort = client->remoteSctpPort;
packet.verificationTag = client->sctpVerificationTag;
SctpChunk rc;
rc.type = Sctp_Heartbeat;
rc.flags = kSctpFlagCompleteUnreliable;
rc.length = SctpChunkLength(4 + 8);
rc.as.heartbeat.heartbeatInfo = (const uint8_t*)&wu->time;
rc.as.heartbeat.heartbeatInfoLen = sizeof(wu->time);
WuSendSctp(wu, client, &packet, &rc, 1);
static void WuUpdateClients(Wu* wu) {
double t = MsNow() * 0.001;
wu->dt = t - wu->time;
wu->time = t;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < wu->numClients; i++) {
WuClient* client = wu->clients[i];
client->ttl -= wu->dt;
client->nextHeartbeat -= wu->dt;
if (client->nextHeartbeat <= 0.0) {
client->nextHeartbeat = heartbeatInterval;
WuSendHeartbeat(wu, client);
WuClientSendPendingDTLS(wu, client);
int32_t WuUpdate(Wu* wu, WuEvent* evt) {
if (WuQueuePop(wu->pendingEvents, evt)) {
return 1;
return 0;
static int32_t WuSendData(Wu* wu, WuClient* client, const uint8_t* data,
int32_t length, DataChanProtoIdentifier proto) {
if (client->state < WuClient_DataChannelOpen) {
return -1;
SctpPacket packet;
packet.sourcePort = wu->port;
packet.destionationPort = client->remoteSctpPort;
packet.verificationTag = client->sctpVerificationTag;
SctpChunk rc;
rc.type = Sctp_Data;
rc.flags = kSctpFlagCompleteUnreliable;
rc.length = SctpDataChunkLength(length);
auto* dc = &rc.as.data;
dc->tsn = client->tsn++;
dc->streamId = 0; // TODO: Does it matter?
dc->streamSeq = 0;
dc->protoId = proto;
dc->userData = data;
dc->userDataLength = length;
WuSendSctp(wu, client, &packet, &rc, 1);
return 0;
int32_t WuSendText(Wu* wu, WuClient* client, const char* text, int32_t length) {
return WuSendData(wu, client, (const uint8_t*)text, length, DCProto_String);
int32_t WuSendBinary(Wu* wu, WuClient* client, const uint8_t* data,
int32_t length) {
return WuSendData(wu, client, data, length, DCProto_Binary);
SDPResult WuExchangeSDP(Wu* wu, const char* sdp, int32_t length) {
ICESdpFields iceFields;
if (!ParseSdp(sdp, length, &iceFields)) {
return {WuSDPStatus_InvalidSDP, NULL, NULL, 0};
WuClient* client = WuNewClient(wu);
if (!client) {
return {WuSDPStatus_MaxClients, NULL, NULL, 0};
client->serverUser.length = 4;
client->serverPassword.length = 24;
memcpy(client->remoteUser.identifier, iceFields.ufrag.value,
Min(iceFields.ufrag.length, kMaxStunIdentifierLength));
client->remoteUser.length = iceFields.ufrag.length;
memcpy(client->remoteUserPassword.identifier, iceFields.password.value,
Min(iceFields.password.length, kMaxStunIdentifierLength));
int sdpLength = 0;
const char* responseSdp = GenerateSDP(
wu->arena, wu->certFingerprint, wu->host, wu->port,
(char*)client->serverUser.identifier, client->serverUser.length,
(char*)client->serverPassword.identifier, client->serverPassword.length,
&iceFields, &sdpLength);
if (!responseSdp) {
return {WuSDPStatus_Error, NULL, NULL, 0};
return {WuSDPStatus_Success, client, responseSdp, sdpLength};
void WuSetUserData(Wu* wu, void* userData) { wu->userData = userData; }
void WuHandleUDP(Wu* wu, const WuAddress* remote, const uint8_t* data,
int32_t length) {
StunPacket stunPacket;
if (ParseStun(data, length, &stunPacket)) {
//WuReportDebug(wu, "Received stun packet");
WuHandleStun(wu, &stunPacket, remote);
} else {
//WuReportDebug(wu, "Received DTLS packet");
WuReceiveDTLSPacket(wu, data, length, remote);
void WuSetUDPWriteFunction(Wu* wu, WuWriteFn write) {
wu->writeUdpData = write;
WuAddress WuClientGetAddress(const WuClient* client) { return client->address; }
void WuSetErrorCallback(Wu* wu, WuErrorFn callback) {
if (callback) {
wu->errorCallback = callback;
} else {
wu->errorCallback = DefaultErrorCallback;
void WuSetDebugCallback(Wu* wu, WuErrorFn callback) {
if (callback) {
wu->debugCallback = callback;
} else {
wu->debugCallback = DefaultErrorCallback;
void WuDestroy(Wu* wu) {
if (!wu) {
WuClient* WuFindClient(const Wu* wu, WuAddress address) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < wu->numClients; i++) {
WuClient* c = wu->clients[i];
if (c->address.host == address.host && c->address.port == address.port) {
return c;
return NULL;