#version 410 core uniform float fGlobalTime; // in seconds uniform vec2 v2Resolution; // viewport resolution (in pixels) uniform sampler1D texFFT; // towards 0.0 is bass / lower freq, towards 1.0 is higher / treble freq uniform sampler1D texFFTSmoothed; // this one has longer falloff and less harsh transients uniform sampler1D texFFTIntegrated; // this is continually increasing uniform sampler2D texChecker; uniform sampler2D texKC; uniform sampler2D texNoise; uniform sampler2D texPegasus; uniform sampler2D texTex1; uniform sampler2D texTex2; uniform sampler2D texTex3; uniform sampler2D texTex4; layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; // out_color must be written in order to see anything vec2 rotate(vec2 p, float a) { float c = cos(a); float s = sin(a); return mat2(c, s, -s, c) * p; } float vmax(vec3 p) { return max(max(p.x, p.y), p.z); } float cube(vec3 p, vec3 s) { vec3 d = abs(p) - s; return length(max(d, 0.0)) + vmax(min(d, 0.0)); } float tube(vec2 p, float s) { return length(p) - s; } float room(vec3 p) { p.xy = rotate(p.xy, fGlobalTime); p.xz = rotate(p.xz, fGlobalTime * 0.7); return -cube(p, vec3(10.0)); } float tubes(vec3 p) { p.xy = rotate(p.xy, p.z * sin(fract(fGlobalTime)) * 0.1); p.xz = rotate(p.xz, p.z * sin(fract(fGlobalTime * 1.3)) * 0.5); p.xy = rotate(p.xy, fGlobalTime * 0.04 + 2.5); p.xz = rotate(p.xz, fGlobalTime * 0.2 + 1.3); float d = tube(p.xz, 0.1); d = min(d, tube(p.xy, 0.1)); d = min(d, tube(p.yz, 0.1)); return d; } float map(vec3 p) { float d = room(p); d = min(d, tubes(p)); p.xy = rotate(p.xy, p.z); p.xy = rotate(p.xy, fGlobalTime * 2.0); p.xz = rotate(p.xz, fGlobalTime * 2.8); d = min(d, cube(p, vec3(1.0))); return d; } vec3 normal(vec3 p) { vec2 e = vec2(0.001, 0.0); return normalize(vec3( map(p + e.xyy) - map(p - e.xyy), map(p + e.yxy) - map(p - e.yxy), map(p + e.yyx) - map(p - e.yyx) )); } float light(float d) { return 3.0 / (d * d + 1.0); } vec3 tonemap(vec3 c) { c = c / (c + 1.0); return pow(c, vec3(1.0 / 2.2)); } void main(void) { vec2 uv = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x / v2Resolution.x, gl_FragCoord.y / v2Resolution.y); uv -= 0.5; uv /= vec2(v2Resolution.y / v2Resolution.x, 1); float beat = exp(-fract(fGlobalTime) * 20.0); uv.x += sin(uv.y * 500.0) * beat; vec3 pos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -4.0); vec3 dir = normalize(vec3(uv, 1.0 - length(uv) * 0.8)); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { float d = map(pos); if (d < 0.001) break; pos += dir * d; } vec3 n = normal(pos); float diffuse = dot(n, normalize(vec3(1.0))) * 0.5 + 0.5; vec3 tubeLight = light(tubes(pos)) * vec3(30.0 * exp(-fract(fGlobalTime) * 10.0), 0.0, 40.0); vec3 radiance = vec3(diffuse) * vec3(0.2, 0.0, 20.0) * 4.0 + tubeLight; out_color = vec4(tonemap(radiance) * (1.0 / length(uv * 10.0)), 1.0); }