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430 lines
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# Script name: BackupAndUpdate
#----------SCRIPT INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------
# Script: Mikrotik RouterOS automatic backup & update
# Version: 22.11.12
# Created: 07/08/2018
# Updated: 12/11/2022
# Author: Alexander Tebiev
# Website: https://github.com/beeyev
# You can contact me by e-mail at tebiev@mail.com
# Minimum supported RouterOS version is v6.43.7
#----------MODIFY THIS SECTION AS NEEDED----------------------------------------
## Notification e-mail
## (Make sure you have configurated Email settings in Tools -> Email)
:local emailAddress "yourmail@example.com";
## Script mode, possible values: backup, osupdate, osnotify.
# backup - Only backup will be performed. (default value, if none provided)
# osupdate - The Script will install a new RouterOS if it is available.
# It will also create backups before and after update process (does not matter what value is set to `forceBackup`)
# Email will be sent only if a new RouterOS version is available.
# Change parameter `forceBackup` if you need the script to create backups every time when it runs (even when no updates were found).
# osnotify - The script will send email notification only (without backups) if a new RouterOS is available.
# Change parameter `forceBackup` if you need the script to create backups every time when it runs.
:local scriptMode "osupdate";
## Additional parameter if you set `scriptMode` to `osupdate` or `osnotify`
# Set `true` if you want the script to perform backup every time it's fired, whatever script mode is set.
:local forceBackup false;
## Backup encryption password, no encryption if no password.
:local backupPassword ""
## If true, passwords will be included in exported config.
:local sensetiveDataInConfig true;
## Update channel. Possible values: stable, long-term, testing, development
:local updateChannel "stable";
## Install only patch versions of RouterOS updates.
## Works only if you set scriptMode to "osupdate"
## Means that new update will be installed only if MAJOR and MINOR version numbers remained the same as currently installed RouterOS.
## Example: v6.43.6 => major.minor.PATCH
## Script will send information if new version is greater than just patch.
:local installOnlyPatchUpdates false;
#Script messages prefix
:local SMP "Bkp&Upd:"
:log info "\r\n$SMP script \"Mikrotik RouterOS automatic backup & update\" started.";
:log info "$SMP Script Mode: $scriptMode, forceBackup: $forceBackup";
#Check proper email config
:if ([:len $emailAddress] = 0 or [:len [/tool e-mail get address]] = 0 or [:len [/tool e-mail get from]] = 0) do={
:log error ("$SMP Email configuration is not correct, please check Tools -> Email. Script stopped.");
:error "$SMP bye!";
#Check if proper identity name is set
if ([:len [/system identity get name]] = 0 or [/system identity get name] = "MikroTik") do={
:log warning ("$SMP Please set identity name of your device (System -> Identity), keep it short and informative.");
############### vvvvvvvvv GLOBALS vvvvvvvvv ###############
# Function converts standard mikrotik build versions to the number.
# Possible arguments: paramOsVer
# Example:
# :put [$buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum paramOsVer=[/system routerboard get current-RouterOS]];
# result will be: 64301, because current RouterOS version is: 6.43.1
:global buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum do={
:local osVer $paramOsVer;
:local osVerNum;
:local osVerMicroPart;
:local zro 0;
:local tmp;
# Replace word `beta` with dot
:local isBetaPos [:tonum [:find $osVer "beta" 0]];
:if ($isBetaPos > 1) do={
:set osVer ([:pick $osVer 0 $isBetaPos] . "." . [:pick $osVer ($isBetaPos + 4) [:len $osVer]]);
# Replace word `rc` with dot
:local isRcPos [:tonum [:find $osVer "rc" 0]];
:if ($isRcPos > 1) do={
:set osVer ([:pick $osVer 0 $isRcPos] . "." . [:pick $osVer ($isRcPos + 2) [:len $osVer]]);
:local dotPos1 [:find $osVer "." 0];
:if ($dotPos1 > 0) do={
# AA
:set osVerNum [:pick $osVer 0 $dotPos1];
:local dotPos2 [:find $osVer "." $dotPos1];
#Taking minor version, everything after first dot
:if ([:len $dotPos2] = 0) do={:set tmp [:pick $osVer ($dotPos1+1) [:len $osVer]];}
#Taking minor version, everything between first and second dots
:if ($dotPos2 > 0) do={:set tmp [:pick $osVer ($dotPos1+1) $dotPos2];}
# AA 0B
:if ([:len $tmp] = 1) do={:set osVerNum "$osVerNum$zro$tmp";}
:if ([:len $tmp] = 2) do={:set osVerNum "$osVerNum$tmp";}
:if ($dotPos2 > 0) do={
:set tmp [:pick $osVer ($dotPos2+1) [:len $osVer]];
# AA BB 0C
:if ([:len $tmp] = 1) do={:set osVerNum "$osVerNum$zro$tmp";}
:if ([:len $tmp] = 2) do={:set osVerNum "$osVerNum$tmp";}
} else={
# AA BB 00
:set osVerNum "$osVerNum$zro$zro";
} else={
# AA 00 00
:set osVerNum "$osVer$zro$zro$zro$zro";
:return $osVerNum;
# Function creates backups (system and config) and returns array with names
# Possible arguments:
# `backupName` | string | backup file name, without extension!
# `backupPassword` | string |
# `sensetiveDataInConfig` | boolean |
# Example:
# :put [$buGlobalFuncCreateBackups name="daily-backup"];
:global buGlobalFuncCreateBackups do={
:log info ("$SMP Global function \"buGlobalFuncCreateBackups\" was fired.");
:local backupFileSys "$backupName.backup";
:local backupFileConfig "$backupName.rsc";
:local backupNames {$backupFileSys;$backupFileConfig};
## Make system backup
:if ([:len $backupPassword] = 0) do={
/system backup save dont-encrypt=yes name=$backupName;
} else={
/system backup save password=$backupPassword name=$backupName;
:log info ("$SMP System backup created. $backupFileSys");
## Export config file
:if ($sensetiveDataInConfig = true) do={
# since RouterOS v7 it needs to be set precise that we want to export sensitive data
:if ([:pick [/system package update get installed-version] 0 1] < 7) do={
:execute "/export compact terse file=$backupName";
} else={
:execute "/export compact show-sensitive terse file=$backupName";
} else={
/export compact hide-sensitive terse file=$backupName;
:log info ("$SMP Config file was exported. $backupFileConfig, the script execution will be paused for a moment.");
#Delay after creating backups
:delay 20s;
:return $backupNames;
:global buGlobalVarUpdateStep;
############### ^^^^^^^^^ GLOBALS ^^^^^^^^^ ###############
:local scriptVersion "22.11.12";
#Current date time in format: 2020jan15-221324
:local dateTime ([:pick [/system clock get date] 7 11] . [:pick [/system clock get date] 0 3] . [:pick [/system clock get date] 4 6] . "-" . [:pick [/system clock get time] 0 2] . [:pick [/system clock get time] 3 5] . [:pick [/system clock get time] 6 8]);
:local isSoftBased false;
:if ([/system resource get board-name] = "CHR" or [/system resource get board-name] = "x86") do={
:set isSoftBased true;
:local deviceOsVerInst [/system package update get installed-version];
:local deviceOsVerInstNum [$buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum paramOsVer=$deviceOsVerInst];
:local deviceOsVerAvail "";
:local deviceOsVerAvailNum 0;
:local deviceIdentityName [/system identity get name];
:local deviceIdentityNameShort [:pick $deviceIdentityName 0 18]
:local deviceUpdateChannel [/system package update get channel];
:local deviceRbModel "CloudHostedRouter";
:local deviceRbSerialNumber "--";
:local deviceRbCurrentFw "--";
:local deviceRbUpgradeFw "--";
:if ($isSoftBased = false) do={
:set deviceRbModel [/system routerboard get model];
:set deviceRbSerialNumber [/system routerboard get serial-number];
:set deviceRbCurrentFw [/system routerboard get current-firmware];
:set deviceRbUpgradeFw [/system routerboard get upgrade-firmware];
:local isOsUpdateAvailable false;
:local isOsNeedsToBeUpdated false;
:local isSendEmailRequired true;
:local mailSubject "$SMP Device - $deviceIdentityNameShort.";
:local mailBody "";
:local mailBodyDeviceInfo "\r\n\r\nDevice information: \r\nIdentity: $deviceIdentityName \r\nModel: $deviceRbModel \r\nSerial number: $deviceRbSerialNumber \r\nCurrent RouterOS: $deviceOsVerInst ($[/system package update get channel]) $[/system resource get build-time] \r\nCurrent routerboard FW: $deviceRbCurrentFw \r\nDevice uptime: $[/system resource get uptime]";
:local mailBodyCopyright "\r\n\r\nMikrotik RouterOS automatic backup & update (ver. $scriptVersion) \r\nhttps://github.com/beeyev/Mikrotik-RouterOS-automatic-backup-and-update";
:local changelogUrl ("Check RouterOS changelog: https://mikrotik.com/download/changelogs/" . $updateChannel . "-release-tree");
:local backupName "v$deviceOsVerInst_$deviceUpdateChannel_$dateTime";
:local backupNameBeforeUpd "backup_before_update_$backupName";
:local backupNameAfterUpd "backup_after_update_$backupName";
:local backupNameFinal $backupName;
:local mailAttachments [:toarray ""];
:local updateStep $buGlobalVarUpdateStep;
:do {/system script environment remove buGlobalVarUpdateStep;} on-error={}
:if ([:len $updateStep] = 0) do={
:set updateStep 1;
## STEP ONE: Creating backups, checking for new RouterOs version and sending email with backups,
## steps 2 and 3 are fired only if script is set to automatically update device and if new RouterOs is available.
:if ($updateStep = 1) do={
:log info ("$SMP Performing the first step.");
# Checking for new RouterOS version
if ($scriptMode = "osupdate" or $scriptMode = "osnotify") do={
log info ("$SMP Checking for new RouterOS version. Current version is: $deviceOsVerInst");
/system package update set channel=$updateChannel;
/system package update check-for-updates;
:delay 5s;
:set deviceOsVerAvail [/system package update get latest-version];
# If there is a problem getting information about available RouterOS from server
:if ([:len $deviceOsVerAvail] = 0) do={
:log warning ("$SMP There is a problem getting information about new RouterOS from server.");
:set mailSubject ($mailSubject . " Error: No data about new RouterOS!")
:set mailBody ($mailBody . "Error occured! \r\nMikrotik couldn't get any information about new RouterOS from server! \r\nWatch additional information in device logs.")
} else={
#Get numeric version of OS
:set deviceOsVerAvailNum [$buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum paramOsVer=$deviceOsVerAvail];
# Checking if OS on server is greater than installed one.
:if ($deviceOsVerAvailNum > $deviceOsVerInstNum) do={
:set isOsUpdateAvailable true;
:log info ("$SMP New RouterOS is available! $deviceOsVerAvail");
} else={
:set isSendEmailRequired false;
:log info ("$SMP System is already up to date.");
:set mailSubject ($mailSubject . " No new OS updates.");
:set mailBody ($mailBody . "Your system is up to date.");
} else={
:set scriptMode "backup";
if ($forceBackup = true) do={
# In this case the script will always send email, because it has to create backups
:set isSendEmailRequired true;
# if new OS version is available to install
if ($isOsUpdateAvailable = true and $isSendEmailRequired = true) do={
# If we only need to notify about new available version
if ($scriptMode = "osnotify") do={
:set mailSubject ($mailSubject . " New RouterOS is available! v.$deviceOsVerAvail.")
:set mailBody ($mailBody . "New RouterOS version is available to install: v.$deviceOsVerAvail ($updateChannel) \r\n$changelogUrl")
# if we need to initiate RouterOs update process
if ($scriptMode = "osupdate") do={
:set isOsNeedsToBeUpdated true;
# if we need to install only patch updates
:if ($installOnlyPatchUpdates = true) do={
#Check if Major and Minor builds are the same.
:if ([:pick $deviceOsVerInstNum 0 ([:len $deviceOsVerInstNum]-2)] = [:pick $deviceOsVerAvailNum 0 ([:len $deviceOsVerAvailNum]-2)]) do={
:log info ("$SMP New patch version of RouterOS firmware is available.");
} else={
:log info ("$SMP New major or minor version of RouterOS firmware is available. You need to update it manually.");
:set mailSubject ($mailSubject . " New RouterOS: v.$deviceOsVerAvail needs to be installed manually.");
:set mailBody ($mailBody . "New major or minor RouterOS version is available to install: v.$deviceOsVerAvail ($updateChannel). \r\nYou chose to automatically install only patch updates, so this major update you need to install manually. \r\n$changelogUrl");
:set isOsNeedsToBeUpdated false;
#Check again, because this variable could be changed during checking for installing only patch updats
if ($isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={
:log info ("$SMP New RouterOS is going to be installed! v.$deviceOsVerInst -> v.$deviceOsVerAvail");
:set mailSubject ($mailSubject . " New RouterOS is going to be installed! v.$deviceOsVerInst -> v.$deviceOsVerAvail.");
:set mailBody ($mailBody . "Your Mikrotik will be updated to the new RouterOS version from v.$deviceOsVerInst to v.$deviceOsVerAvail (Update channel: $updateChannel) \r\nFinal report with the detailed information will be sent when update process is completed. \r\nIf you have not received second email in the next 10 minutes, then probably something went wrong. (Check your device logs)");
#!! There is more code connected to this part and first step at the end of the script.
## Checking If the script needs to create a backup
:log info ("$SMP Checking If the script needs to create a backup.");
if ($forceBackup = true or $scriptMode = "backup" or $isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={
:log info ("$SMP Creating system backups.");
if ($isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={
:set backupNameFinal $backupNameBeforeUpd;
if ($scriptMode != "backup") do={
:set mailBody ($mailBody . "\r\n\r\n");
:set mailSubject ($mailSubject . " Backup was created.");
:set mailBody ($mailBody . "System backups were created and attached to this email.");
:set mailAttachments [$buGlobalFuncCreateBackups backupName=$backupNameFinal backupPassword=$backupPassword sensetiveDataInConfig=$sensetiveDataInConfig];
} else={
:log info ("$SMP There is no need to create a backup.");
# Combine fisrst step email
:set mailBody ($mailBody . $mailBodyDeviceInfo . $mailBodyCopyright);
## STEP TWO: (after first reboot) routerboard firmware upgrade
## steps 2 and 3 are fired only if script is set to automatically update device and if new RouterOs is available.
:if ($updateStep = 2) do={
:log info ("$SMP Performing the second step.");
## RouterOS is the latest, let's check for upgraded routerboard firmware
if ($deviceRbCurrentFw != $deviceRbUpgradeFw) do={
:set isSendEmailRequired false;
:delay 10s;
:log info "$SMP Upgrading routerboard firmware from v.$deviceRbCurrentFw to v.$deviceRbUpgradeFw";
## Start the upgrading process
/system routerboard upgrade;
## Wait until the upgrade is completed
:delay 5s;
:log info "$SMP routerboard upgrade process was completed, going to reboot in a moment!";
## Set scheduled task to send final report on the next boot, task will be deleted when is is done. (That is why you should keep original script name)
/system scheduler add name=BKPUPD-FINAL-REPORT-ON-NEXT-BOOT on-event=":delay 5s; /system scheduler remove BKPUPD-FINAL-REPORT-ON-NEXT-BOOT; :global buGlobalVarUpdateStep 3; :delay 10s; /system script run BackupAndUpdate;" start-time=startup interval=0;
## Reboot system to boot with new firmware
/system reboot;
} else={
:log info "$SMP It appers that your routerboard is already up to date, skipping this step.";
:set updateStep 3;
## STEP THREE: Last step (after second reboot) sending final report
## steps 2 and 3 are fired only if script is set to automatically update device and if new RouterOs is available.
:if ($updateStep = 3) do={
:log info ("$SMP Performing the third step.");
:log info "Bkp&Upd: RouterOS and routerboard upgrade process was completed. New RouterOS version: v.$deviceOsVerInst, routerboard firmware: v.$deviceRbCurrentFw.";
## Small delay in case mikrotik needs some time to initialize connections
:log info "$SMP The final email with report and backups of upgraded system will be sent in a minute.";
:delay 1m;
:set mailSubject ($mailSubject . " RouterOS Upgrade is completed, new version: v.$deviceOsVerInst!");
:set mailBody "RouterOS and routerboard upgrade process was completed. \r\nNew RouterOS version: v.$deviceOsVerInst, routerboard firmware: v.$deviceRbCurrentFw. \r\n$changelogUrl \r\n\r\nBackups of the upgraded system are in the attachment of this email. $mailBodyDeviceInfo $mailBodyCopyright";
:set mailAttachments [$buGlobalFuncCreateBackups backupName=$backupNameAfterUpd backupPassword=$backupPassword sensetiveDataInConfig=$sensetiveDataInConfig];
# Remove functions from global environment to keep it fresh and clean.
:do {/system script environment remove buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum;} on-error={}
:do {/system script environment remove buGlobalFuncCreateBackups;} on-error={}
# Trying to send email with backups in attachment.
:if ($isSendEmailRequired = true) do={
:log info "$SMP Sending email message, it will take around half a minute...";
:do {/tool e-mail send to=$emailAddress subject=$mailSubject body=$mailBody file=$mailAttachments;} on-error={
:delay 5s;
:log error "$SMP could not send email message ($[/tool e-mail get last-status]). Going to try it again in a while."
:delay 5m;
:do {/tool e-mail send to=$emailAddress subject=$mailSubject body=$mailBody file=$mailAttachments;} on-error={
:delay 5s;
:log error "$SMP could not send email message ($[/tool e-mail get last-status]) for the second time."
if ($isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={
:set isOsNeedsToBeUpdated false;
:log warning "$SMP script is not going to initialise update process due to inability to send backups to email."
:delay 30s;
:if ([:len $mailAttachments] > 0 and [/tool e-mail get last-status] = "succeeded") do={
:log info "$SMP File system cleanup."
/file remove $mailAttachments;
:delay 2s;
# Fire RouterOs update process
if ($isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={
:if ($isSoftBased = false) do={
## Set scheduled task to upgrade routerboard firmware on the next boot, task will be deleted when upgrade is done. (That is why you should keep original script name)
/system scheduler add name=BKPUPD-UPGRADE-ON-NEXT-BOOT on-event=":delay 5s; /system scheduler remove BKPUPD-UPGRADE-ON-NEXT-BOOT; :global buGlobalVarUpdateStep 2; :delay 10s; /system script run BackupAndUpdate;" start-time=startup interval=0;
} else= {
## If the scrip is executed on CHR, step 2 will be skipped
/system scheduler add name=BKPUPD-UPGRADE-ON-NEXT-BOOT on-event=":delay 5s; /system scheduler remove BKPUPD-UPGRADE-ON-NEXT-BOOT; :global buGlobalVarUpdateStep 3; :delay 10s; /system script run BackupAndUpdate;" start-time=startup interval=0;
:log info "$SMP everything is ready to install new RouterOS, going to reboot in a moment!"
## command is reincarnation of the "upgrade" command - doing exactly the same but under a different name
/system package update install;
:log info "$SMP script \"Mikrotik RouterOS automatic backup & update\" completed it's job.\r\n";