
43 lines
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2021-02-17 20:09:44 +01:00
2021-03-22 20:10:18 +01:00
.SYNTAX ./play-m3u.ps1 [<playlist-file>]
.DESCRIPTION plays the given playlist (M3U file format)
.LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell
.NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz / License: CC0
2021-02-17 20:09:44 +01:00
param($Filename = "")
2021-02-18 20:17:55 +01:00
if ($Filename -eq "" ) {
$Filename = read-host "Enter the M3U playlist filename"
2021-02-17 20:09:44 +01:00
try {
2021-02-20 12:08:05 +01:00
write-progress "Reading playlist '$Filename' ..."
2021-02-17 20:09:44 +01:00
$Lines = get-content $Filename
add-type -assemblyName presentationCore
$MediaPlayer = new-object system.windows.media.mediaplayer
for ([int]$i=0; $i -lt $Lines.Count; $i++) {
$Line = $Lines[$i]
if ($Line[0] -ne "#") {
2021-02-20 12:08:05 +01:00
write-output "Playing '$Line' ..."
$FullPath = (get-childItem "$Line").fullname
do {
2021-02-22 18:43:18 +01:00
2021-02-20 12:08:05 +01:00
$Duration = $MediaPlayer.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds
} until ($Duration)
$MediaPlayer.Volume = 1
2021-02-17 20:09:44 +01:00
2021-02-20 12:08:05 +01:00
start-sleep -milliseconds $Duration
2021-02-17 20:09:44 +01:00
exit 0
} catch {
write-error "ERROR: line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
exit 1