**Contains 500+ free and stand-alone PowerShell scripts for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Useful on the command-line (CLI), for remote control via SSH, for automation (on startup/login/logoff/daily/hourly/shutdown or via AutoHotkey/Jenkins/etc.), for context menus, for voice commands (see [talk2windows](https://github.com/fleschutz/talk2windows)), or simply to learn PowerShell. All scripts are located in the 📂[scripts](scripts/) subfolder and support Unicode - a modern console like *Windows Terminal* is recommended.**
| [check-cpu.ps1](scripts/check-cpu.ps1)| Checks the CPU temperature. [More »](docs/check-cpu.md) |
| [check-dns.ps1](scripts/check-dns.ps1) | Checks the DNS resolution. [More »](docs/check-dns.md) |
| [check-drive-space.ps1](scripts/check-drive-space.ps1) | Checks a drive for free space left. [More »](docs/check-drive-space.md) |
| [check-file-system.ps1](scripts/check-file-system.ps1) | Checks the file system of a drive (needs admin rights). [More »](docs/check-file-system.md)|
| [check-health.ps1](scripts/check-health.ps1) | Checks the system health. [More »](docs/check-health.md) |
| [check-ping.ps1](scripts/check-ping.ps1) | Checks the ping latency to the internet. [More »](docs/check-ping.md) |
| [check-swap-space.ps1](scripts/check-swap-space.ps1) | Checks the swap space for free space left. [More »](docs/check-swap-space.md) |
| [check-windows-system-files.ps1](scripts/check-windows-system-files.ps1) | Checks Windows system files (needs admin rights). [More »](docs/check-windows-system-files.md) |
| [enable-crash-dumps.ps1](scripts/enable-crash-dumps.ps1) | Enables the writing of crash dumps. [More »](docs/enable-crash-dumps.md) |
| [hibernate.ps1](scripts/hibernate.ps1) | Hibernates the local computer immediately. [More »](docs/hibernate.md) |
| [poweroff.ps1](scripts/poweroff.ps1) | Halts the local computer (needs admin rights). [More »](docs/poweroff.md) |
| [query-smart-data.ps1](scripts/query-smart-data.ps1) | Queries the S.M.A.R.T. data of your HDD/SSD's. [More »](docs/query-smart-data.md) |
| [reboot.ps1](scripts/reboot.ps1) | Reboots the local computer (needs admin rights). [More »](docs/reboot.md) |
| [remove-print-jobs.ps1](scripts/remove-print-jobs.ps1) | Removes all jobs from all printers. [More »](docs/remove-print-jobs.md) |
| [restart-network-adapters.ps1](scripts/restart-network-adapters.ps1) | Restarts all local network adapters. [More »](docs/restart-network-adapters.md)|
| [upgrade-ubuntu.ps1](scripts/upgrade-ubuntu.ps1) | Upgrades Ubuntu Linux to the latest (LTS) release. [More »](docs/upgrade-ubuntu.md) |
| [wake-up-host.ps1](scripts/wake-up-host.ps1) | Wakes up a computer using Wake-on-LAN. [More »](docs/wake-up-host.md) |
| [windefender.ps1](scripts/windefender.ps1) | Turn Windows Defender on/off/check real time monitoring. [More »](docs/windefender.md) |
| [cd-music.ps1](scripts/cd-music.ps1) | Set the working directory to the user's music folder. [Read more...](docs/cd-music.md) |
| [cd-onedrive.ps1](scripts/cd-onedrive.ps1) | Set the working directory to the user's OneDrive folder. [Read more...](docs/cd-onedrive.md) |
| [cd-pics.ps1](scripts/cd-pics.ps1) | Set the working directory to the user's pictures folder. [Read more...](docs/cd-pics.md) |
| [cd-recycle-bin.ps1](scripts/cd-recycle-bin.ps1) | Set the working directory to the user's recycle bin folder. [Read more...](docs/cd-recycle-bin.md) |
| [cd-repos.ps1](scripts/cd-repos.ps1) | Change the working directory to the user's Git repositories folder. [Read more...](docs/cd-repos.md)|
| [cd-up4.ps1](scripts/cd-up4.ps1) | Set the working directory to four directory levels up. [Read more...](docs/cd-up4.md) |
| [cd-videos.ps1](scripts/cd-videos.ps1) | Set the working directory to the user's videos folder. [Read more...](docs/cd-videos.md) |
| [check-symlinks.ps1](scripts/check-symlinks.ps1) | Checks every symlink in a directory tree. [Read more...](docs/check-symlinks.md) |
| [check-xml-file.ps1](scripts/check-xml-file.ps1) | Checks the given XML file for validity. [Read more...](docs/check-xml-file.md) |
| [clear-recycle-bin.ps1](scripts/clear-recycle-bin.ps1) | Removes the content of the recycle bin folder (can not be undo!). [Read more...](docs/clear-recycle-bin.md)|
| [copy-photos-sorted.ps1](scripts/copy-photos-sorted.ps1) | Copy image files sorted by year and month. [Read more...](docs/copy-photos-sorted.md) |
| [decrypt-file.ps1](scripts/decrypt-file.ps1) | Decrypts the given file. [Read more...](docs/decrypt-file.md) |
| [download-dir.ps1](scripts/download-dir.ps1) | Downloads a directory tree from the given URL. [Read more...](docs/download-dir.md) |
| [download-file.ps1](scripts/download-file.ps1) | Downloads a file from the given URL. [Read more...](docs/download-file.md) |
| [edit.ps1](scripts/edit.ps1) | Edits the given file with the built-in text editor. [Read more...](docs/edit.md) |
| [encrypt-file.ps1](scripts/encrypt-file.ps1) | Encrypts the given file. [Read more...](docs/encrypt-file.md) |
| [get-md5.ps1](scripts/get-md5.ps1) | Prints the MD5 checksum of the given file. [Read more...](docs/get-md5.md) |
| [get-sha1.ps1](scripts/get-sha1.ps1) | Prints the SHA1 checksum of the given file. [Read more...](docs/get-sha1.md) |
| [get-sha256.ps1](scripts/get-sha256.ps1) | Prints the SHA256 checksum of the given file. [Read more...](docs/get-sha256.md) |
| [inspect-exe.ps1](scripts/inspect-exe.ps1) | Prints basic information of the given executable file. [Read more...](docs/inspect-exe.md) |
| [list-dir-tree.ps1](scripts/list-dir-tree.ps1) | Lists the directory tree content. [Read more...](docs/list-dir-treep.md) |
| [list-empty-dirs.ps1](scripts/list-empty-dirs.ps1) | Lists empty subfolders within the given directory tree. [Read more...](docs/list-empty-dirs.md) |
| [list-empty-files.ps1](scripts/list-empty-files.ps1) | Lists empty files within the given directory tree. [Read more...](docs/list-empty-files.md) |
| [list-files.ps1](scripts/list-files.ps1) | Lists all files in the given folder and also in every subfolder. [Read more...](docs/list-files.md) |
| [list-folder.ps1](scripts/list-folder.ps1) | Lists the folder content. [Read more...](docs/list-folder.md) |
| [list-hidden-files.ps1](scripts/list-hidden-files.ps1) | Lists hidden files within the given directory tree. [Read more...](docs/list-hidden-files.md) |
| [list-recycle-bin.ps1](scripts/list-recycle-bin.ps1) | Lists the content of the recycle bin folder. [Read more...](docs/list-recycle-bin.md) |
| [list-unused-files.ps1](scripts/list-unused-files.ps1) | Lists unused files in a directory tree. [Read more...](docs/list-unused-files.md) |
| [list-workdir.ps1](scripts/list-workdir.ps1) | Lists the current working directory. [Read more...](docs/list-workdir.md) |
| [make-install.ps1](scripts/make-install.ps1) | Installs built executables and libs to the installation directory. [Read more...](docs/make-install.md)|
| [new-shortcut.ps1](scripts/new-shortcut.ps1) | Creates a new shortcut file. [Read more...](docs/new-shortcut.md) |
| [new-symlink.ps1](scripts/new-symlink.ps1) | Creates a new symbolic link file. [Read more...](docs/new-symlink.md) |
| [new-zipfile.ps1](scripts/new-zipfile.ps1) | Creates a new .zip file from a directory. [Read more...](docs/new-zipfile.md) |
| [publish-to-ipfs.ps1](scripts/publish-to-ipfs.ps1) | Publishes the given files or directory to IPFS. [Read more...](docs/publish-to-ipfs.md) |
| [remove-empty-dirs.ps1](scripts/remove-empty-dirs.ps1) | Removes empty subfolders within the given directory tree. [Read more...](docs/remove-empty-dirs.md)|
| [replace-in-files.ps1](scripts/replace-in-files.ps1) | Search and replace a pattern in the given files by the replacement. [Read more...](docs/replace-in-files.md)|
| [search-filename.ps1](scripts/search-filename.ps1) | Searches the directory tree for filenames by given pattern. [Read more...](docs/search-filename.md) |
| [search-files.ps1](scripts/search-files.ps1) | Searches the given pattern in the given files. [Read more...](docs/search-files.md) |
| [upload-file.ps1](scripts/upload-file.ps1) | Uploads the local file to the given FTP server. [Read more...](docs/upload-file.md) |
| [convert-mysql2csv.ps1](scripts/convert-mysql2csv.ps1) | Converts a MySQL database table to a .CSV file. [More »](docs/convert-mysql2csv.md) |
| [convert-ps2bat.ps1](scripts/convert-ps2bat.ps1) | Converts a PowerShell script to a Batch script. [More »](docs/convert-ps2bat.md) |
| [convert-ps2md.ps1](scripts/convert-ps2md.ps1) | Converts the comment-based help of a PowerShell script to Markdown. [More »](docs/convert-ps2md.md) |
| [convert-sql2csv.ps1](scripts/convert-sql2csv.ps1) | Converts a SQL database table to a .CSV file. [More »](docs/convert-sql2csv.md) |
| [convert-txt2wav.ps1](scripts/convert-txt2wav.ps1) | Converts text to a .WAV audio file. [More »](docs/convert-txt2wav.md) |
| [export-to-manuals.ps1](scripts/export-to-manuals.ps1) | Exports all scripts as manuals. [More »](docs/export-to-manuals.md) |
| [list-commits.ps1](scripts/list-commits.ps1) | Lists all commits in a Git repository. [More »](docs/list-commits.md) |
| [list-latest-tag.ps1](scripts/list-latest-tag.ps1) | Lists the latest tag on the current branch in a Git repository. [More »](docs/list-latest-tag.md) |
| [list-latest-tags.ps1](scripts/list-latest-tags.ps1) | Lists the latests tags in all Git repositories under a directory. [More »](docs/list-latest-tags.md) |
| [list-repos.ps1](scripts/list-repos.ps1) | Lists all Git repositories in a folder. [More »](docs/list-repos.md) |
| [list-submodules.ps1](scripts/list-submodules.ps1) | Lists all submodules in a Git repository. [More »](docs/list-submodules.md) |
| [list-tags.ps1](scripts/list-tags.ps1) | Lists all tags in a Git repository. [More »](docs/list-tags.md) |
| [new-branch.ps1](scripts/new-branch.ps1) | Creates a new branch in a Git repository. [More »](docs/new-branch.md) |
| [new-tag.ps1](scripts/new-tag.ps1) | Creates a new tag in a Git repository. [More »](docs/new-tag.md) |
| [pick-commit.ps1](scripts/pick-commit.ps1) | Cherry-picks a Git commit into multiple branches. [More »](docs/pick-commit.md) |
| [pull-repo.ps1](scripts/pull-repo.ps1) | Pulls updates into a Git repository. [More »](docs/pull-repo.md) |
| [pull-repos.ps1](scripts/pull-repos.ps1) | Pulls updates into all Git repositories in a folder. [More »](docs/pull-repos.md) |
| [remove-tag.ps1](scripts/remove-tag.ps1) | Removes a tag in a Git repository. [More »](docs/remove-tag.md) |
| [switch-branch.ps1](scripts/switch-branch.ps1) | Switches the branch in a Git repository. [More »](docs/switch-branch.md) |
| [sync-repo.ps1](scripts/sync-repo.ps1) | Synchronizes a Git repository by pull & push. [More »](docs/sync-repo.md) |
| [write-changelog.ps1](scripts/write-changelog.ps1) | Writes a changelog from Git commits. [More »](docs/write-changelog.md) |
| [display-time.ps1](scripts/display-time.ps1) | Displays the current time for 10 seconds by default. [Read more...](docs/display-time.md) |
| [list-anagrams.ps1](scripts/list-anagrams.ps1) | Lists all anagrams of the given word. [Read more...](docs/list-anagrams.md) |
| [list-city-weather.ps1](scripts/list-city-weather.ps1) | Lists the current weather of cities worldwide (west to east). [Read more...](docs/list-city-weather.md) |
| [list-countries.ps1](scripts/list-countries.ps1) | Lists details of all countries. [Read more...](docs/list-countries.md) |
| [list-credits.ps1](scripts/list-credits.ps1) | Shows the credits. [Read more...](docs/list-credits.md) |
| [list-crypto-rates.ps1](scripts/list-crypto-rates.ps1) | Lists the current crypto exchange rates. [Read more...](docs/list-crypto-rates.md) |
| [list-environment-variables.ps1](scripts/list-environment-variables.ps1) | Lists all environment variables. [Read more...](docs/list-environment-variables.md) |
| [list-emojis.ps1](scripts/list-emojis.ps1) | Lists the emojis of Unicode 13.0. [Read more...](docs/list-emojis.md) |
| [list-fritzbox-calls.ps1](scripts/list-fritzbox-calls.ps1) | Lists the FRITZ!Box calls. [Read more...](docs/list-fritzbox-calls.md) |
| [list-fritzbox-devices.ps1](scripts/list-fritzbox-devices.ps1) | Lists FRITZ!Box's known devices. [Read more...](docs/list-fritzbox-devices.md) |
| [list-earthquakes.ps1](scripts/list-earthquakes.ps1) | Lists earthquakes with magnitude >= 6.0 for the last 30 days. [Read more...](docs/list-earthquakes.md) |
| [list-exchange-rates.ps1](scripts/list-exchange-rates.ps1) | Lists the current exchange rates for the given currency. [Read more...](docs/list-exchange-rates.md) |
| [list-memos.ps1](scripts/list-memos.ps1) | Lists the memos at $HOME/Memos.csv. [Read more...](docs/list-memos.md) |
| [list-mysql-tables.ps1](scripts/list-mysql-tables.ps1) | Lists the MySQL server tables. [Read more...](docs/list-mysql-tables.md) |
| [list-news.ps1](scripts/list-news.ps1) | Lists the latest news. [Read more...](docs/list-news.md) |
| [list-os-releases.ps1](scripts/list-os-releases.ps1) | Lists operating system releases and download URL. [Read more...](docs/list-os-releases.md) |
| [list-os-updates.ps1](scripts/list-os-updates.ps1) | Lists operating system updates. [Read more...](docs/list-os-updates.md) |
| [list-passwords.ps1](scripts/list-passwords.ps1) | Prints a list of random passwords. [Read more...](docs/list-passwords.md) |
| [list-pins.ps1](scripts/list-pins.ps1) | Prints a list of random PIN's. [Read more...](docs/list-pins.md) |
| [list-sql-tables.ps1](scripts/list-sql-tables.ps1) | Lists the SQL server tables. [Read more...](docs/list-sql-tables.md) |
| [list-tiobe-index.ps1](scripts/list-tiobe-index.ps1) | Lists the TIOBE index of top programming languages. [Read more...](docs/list-tiobe-index.md) |
| [list-weather.ps1](scripts/list-weather.ps1) | Lists the hourly weather. [Read more...](docs/list-weather.md) |
| [locate-city.ps1](scripts/locate-city.ps1) | Prints the geographic location of the given city. [Read more...](docs/locate-city.md) |
| [locate-ipaddress.ps1](scripts/locate-ipaddress.ps1) | Prints the geographic location of the given IP address. [Read more...](docs/locate-ipaddress.md) |
| [locate-zip-code.ps1](scripts/locate-zip-code.ps1) | Prints the geographic location of the given zip-code. [Read more...](docs/locate-zip-code.md) |
| [moon.ps1](scripts/moon.ps1) | Prints the current moon phase. [Read more...](docs/moon.md) |
| [new-qrcode.ps1](scripts/new-qrcode.ps1) | Generates a new QR code image file. [Read more...](docs/new-qrcode.md) |
| [reboot-fritzbox.ps1](scripts/reboot-fritzbox.ps1) | Reboots the FRITZ!box device. [Read more...](docs/reboot-fritzbox.md) |
| [scan-ports.ps1](scripts/scan-ports.ps1) | Scans the network for open/closed ports. [Read more...](docs/scan-ports.md) |
| [send-email.ps1](scripts/send-email.ps1) | Sends an email message. [Read more...](docs/send-email.md) |
| [send-tcp.ps1](scripts/send-udp.ps1) | Sends a TCP message to the given IP address and port. [Read more...](docs/send-tcp.md) |
| [send-udp.ps1](scripts/send-udp.ps1) | Sends a UDP datagram message to the given IP address and port. [Read more...](docs/send-udp.md) |
| [set-timer.ps1](scripts/set-timer.ps1) | Sets a timer for a countdown. [Read more...](docs/set-timer.md) |
| [simulate-presence.ps1](scripts/simulate-presence.ps1) | Simulates the human presence against burglars. [Read more...](docs/simulate-presence.md) |
| [start-calibre-server.ps1](scripts/start-calibre-server.ps1) | Starts a local Calibre server. [Read more...](docs/start-calibre-server.md) |
| [start-ipfs-server.ps1](scripts/start-ipfs-server.ps1) | Starts a local IPFS server. [Read more...](docs/start-ipfs-server.md) |
| [switch-shelly1.ps1](scripts/switch-shelly1.ps1) | Switches a Shelly1 device in the local network. [Read more...](docs/switch-shelly1.md) |
| [translate-file.ps1](scripts/translate-file.ps1) | Translates the given text file into other languages. [Read more...](docs/translate-file.md) |
| [translate-files.ps1](scripts/translate-files.ps1) | Translates the given text files into any supported language. [Read more...](docs/translate-files.md) |
| [translate-text.ps1](scripts/translate-text.ps1) | Translates the given text in English into other languages. [Read more...](docs/translate-text.md) |
| [weather.ps1](scripts/weather.ps1) | Prints the current weather forecast. [Read more...](docs/weather.md) |
| [weather-report.ps1](scripts/weather-report.ps1) | Prints the local weather report. [Read more...](docs/weather-report.md) |
| [what-is.ps1](scripts/what-is.ps1) | Prints a description of the given abbreviation. [Read more...](docs/what-is.md) |
| [write-typewriter.ps1](scripts/write-typewriter.ps1) | Writes the given text with the typewriter effect. [More »](docs/write-typewriter.md) |
| [write-uppercase.ps1](scripts/write-uppercase.ps1) | Writes the given text in uppercase letters. [More »](docs/write-uppercase.md) |
| [write-vertical.ps1](scripts/write-vertical.ps1) | Writes the given text in vertical direction. [More »](docs/write-vertical.md) |
| [show-notification-motivation-quote.ps1](scripts/show-notification-motivation-quote.ps1) | Show notification with random cat picture and motivation quote. [More »](docs/show-notification-motivation-quote.md) |