diff --git a/Scripts/cd-repos.ps1 b/Scripts/cd-repos.ps1
index db03b149..ec47ce02 100755
--- a/Scripts/cd-repos.ps1
+++ b/Scripts/cd-repos.ps1
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-	Sets the working directory to the user's Git repositories folder
+	Sets the working directory to the user's repos folder
 	This PowerShell script changes the working directory to the user's Git repositories folder.
 	PS> ./cd-repos
-	📂/home/Markus/Repos
+	📂C:\Users\Markus\Repos
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@
 try {
 	$Path = Resolve-Path "$HOME/Repos"
 	if (-not(Test-Path "$Path" -pathType container)) {
-		throw "Git repositories folder at 📂$Path doesn't exist (yet)"
+		$Path = Resolve-Path "$HOME/source/repos"
+		if (-not(Test-Path "$Path" -pathType container)) {
+			$Path = Resolve-Path "$HOME/Repos"
+			throw "Folder for Git repositories at 📂$Path doesn't exist (yet)"
+		}
 	Set-Location "$Path"
@@ -23,4 +27,4 @@ try {
 } catch {
 	"⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
 	exit 1
\ No newline at end of file